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Marginalization of Left-handed People

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This has got to be the funniest thing i read all day lol!

A 20 year old engine that chugs barely on modern systems, constant lag issues, QoL and feature updates that players have been asking for at least 5 years now that still haven't made it in the game because "sphagetti code and it's impossible", but no, let's all nevermind that, let's make all new models and animations for left handed people. 🤣

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I hope this isn't a serious thread. Because if it is, please, for the love of God, keep the Twitter SJW crap on Twitter. If you want to feed your own narcissism, stay on Twitter. Or Tumblr. Or TikTok. You have plenty of options.

Edited by Keitaro Dragonheart.9047
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10 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Why are all the playable characters right-handed? This does not comport with reality.

Are you going to be consistent with this approach? Because then you have to ask for the removal of all non-human player characters as well.

10 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

This way, left-handed people do not feel they are not the "superior" hand.

You are mixing up quality and quantity. "Superior" is that which is better, not that which is more numerous.

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16 minutes ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

Characters also run around on legs, what about all the people bound to wheelchairs? Ramps for all stairs and mounts too pls.


Being left-handed <> being physically restricted


It's a simple thing to implement the choice of your main hand. It is a lot more complicated to add options that let you choose disabilities. You are comparing apples to oranges.

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10 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Change "main hand" and "off-hand" to "right hand" and "left hand."

main hand = main weapon

off hand = secondary weapon


If you are holding the scepter in the right hand and the focus in the left hand, the view gets weighted. The moment you add the words 'left' and 'right', you get the trouble started. A lot of people will see 'hidden meanings' and argue that the game favors/demotes certain groups/movements/minorities. That is why they use innocuous terms. I think they have discussed that topic with the compliance-team before the launch of the Open Beta.


While these requests and concerns appear to be different to the regular discussions, I do not consider them annoying. In this epoch, people seem to be dedicated to detect inaccuracies in the smallest details. Several years in the future, our community may prioritizes other things again. 


Those discussions also have a positive side-effect. We change our point of view. When we create something new, we will always keep an eye on how not to offend anyone. In the long term, this will save us plenty of arguments and lawsuits (companies) = time and money. 

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4 hours ago, Flasterko.4087 said:

But we enjoy the game in the same way. This thread and some of you just making victims where there are none. All this just making that when someone will want to in the future make some change for some real problem people will be angry and not want to listen just because they constantly read complaints everywhere. This is just example why people starting to react like "oh just another snowflake".

I’m not sure why you’re accusing the group of victimising ourselves. You and part of other left-handed people enjoy the game the same way not ‘we all’ All I did was expressing, that the issue is indeed present for some people and it would be nice to have it fixed sometime in the future. That’s it. You’re accusing us of over-inflating the issue and yet you’re response is out of scale.

Edited by Mik.3401
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31 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


Being left-handed <> being physically restricted


It's a simple thing to implement the choice of your main hand. It is a lot more complicated to add options that let you choose disabilities. You are comparing apples to oranges.


How do you know how simple it actually is?


I'm quite sure that making characters slide/levitate around instead of running and making slopes around the maps wouldn't be that hard when compared to mirroring every ability animation for all races, sexes and classes.


My character also has a tail. I don't have one irl, so should the devs make us able to remove it?

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3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


That's a bit harsh of a reaction there. Perhaps you need to get over yourself?


I don't see any harm in offering an option to assign your main hand. I'm not left-handed, but I know many people in RL who are. So yes, basically, their left-handedness (is this even a word?) is being marginalized.


What's the harm in providing an option to select a character's main hand? I know games that do offer the option, some of which are very prominent. So it's not a "We don't care, get over yourself!" thing.

You're not left-handed, but I am. This doesn't matter. This isn't "harsh", this is the truth.

So yeah, I totally need to get over myself, I guess. Or maybe I already did, but good effort  "because you know left-handed people" 🙄 

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Oh my god. I really hope this was a joke. Too many people these days want everything adjusted just for them. I have Arthritis and Parkinson's disease. Most jumping puzzles are undoable by me. Complex spell rotations likewise. I do NOT want this game changed to suit my disabilities though. That would make the game worse for everyone else. This game is not about me. It's about the general player base. If there are parts of the game that I can not do or have trouble doing, I will simply do what I need to do to adapt or else go without.

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Assuming this is a troll topic to see people enrage, but regardless lefties are ten percent of the population.  We love you lefties, we respect you, and the ambis as well, and are compassionate to the inconveniences of a right handed world and often the dangers presented to you since some things are genuinely not safe.  What hand your collection of pixels is swinging a sword with or scratching Rytlock with is an odd concern.  Perhaps put it in the suggestions though for a left handed feature character in the future.

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