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Legendary Armoury questions

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I read the blog post. Twice. I also watched a bunch of streamers and Youtube videos to try to understand my situation. I have the following legendaries bound to my account. I also have 1 of each class (9 characters total). I want to understand if I have full legendary armour, weapons and runes for all 9 characters, given what I detail below on my account:

  1. Back items: Ad Infinitum, The Ascension, Warbringer
    • Does this make me part of the 0.008% you will be contacting soon?
  2. Trinkets: Aurora, Coalescence, Slumbering Conflux, Slumbering Transcendence and Vision
    • Will I be able to toggle off the Aurora, Coalescence and Vision or will all my characters have the vfx? If I understand the blog post correctly, no. This makes me sad.
  3. Armour sets: WvW (Triumphant Hero's / Triumphant Mistforged Hero's) light, medium and heavy plus PvE (Perfected Envoy) heavy
    • I have been thinking about making a fifth set ... PvE light but I decided to wait for Armoury implementation.
    • Does this make sense in the future (seems only for the skins maybe).
    • Does it make problems?
  4. Weapons: 1 of each type without duplicates (i.e. 1 dagger, 1 hammer, 1 spear, etc.).
    • I have Eternity but not Sunrise or Twilight (I consumed them long ago to make Eternity). I presume I won't be getting Sunrise or Twilight with the Armoury. That is okay, but am I right in my assumption?
  5. Runes: 7 Legendary runes (6 armour pieces plus UW breather)
    • The blog post does not cover runes or sigils. Is it correct that we will need 7 runes and 8 sigils to make full use of the Armoury on our accounts? Or do we need 3 sets, for example, of 7 runes, one set for light, one set for heavy and one set for medium?
  6. Sigils: none yet, ran out of clovers, sadface.
    • Do we need 8 legendary sigils to make full use of the Armoury on our accounts, or do we need a sigil for every legendary weapon (please no!)


Other questions:

  1. I note from the photos that none of the armour pieces have runes or even empty rune slots. Please explain. Are you changing runes, or is it a "bad example".
  2. (Bonus question) Who the hell has enough gold to make 18 +30 Agony Infusions. Didn't someone do the math a few years back and determine that a single +30 infusion represents more RL money than currently exists on planet earth? Maybe you should have used a better example. (just saying).
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As I understand it you would not be part of the 0.008%. It specifically states more than the usable copies of a "unique legendary item".

I think it is only if you made:

* more than one PvE armor sets of the same weight
* more than the maximum equippable copies of a weapon , such as over 4 Shining Blade (you can only equip 4 swords), 2 Bifrost or 2 Sunrise for example
* more than 2 Conflux (you can only equip 2 rings at a time)
* more than 1 Transcendence (as you can only equip one at a time)
or something of that nature.

All legendary armor in the future will be put into the armory immediately. There hasn't been any statement on refunding WvW players that have PvE legendary armor and I wouldn't hold out hope for it either. That said, each piece of armor is around 400g right now so if you like the skin it isn't too bad.

If you have Sunrise and Twilight unlocked then it means you have the skin but not the weapon. I would think that you only get the legendary functionality of the one GS you own, which is Eternity.

Runes and sigils function similar to the armor/weapons as far as I can tell. There's no reason to believe you would need 3 sets of legendary runes , but it is probable you need one sigil per weapon you intend to use it in.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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1 minute ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

What does the 0.008% thing mean? 

We’ve identified a small number of players (approximately 0.008%) who own more account-bound copies of a unique legendary item than their Legendary Armory can hold.

from Arenanet post

Edited by Infusion.7149
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Just now, Infusion.7149 said:

We’ve identified a small number of players (approximately 0.008%) who own more account-bound copies of a unique legendary item than their Legendary Armory can hold.

from Arenanet post

As they described, I believe it's like if you have... say 3 of the same twohanders (like 3 bifrost) then you are technically over the 2 you will ever need since no template on any character can have more than 2 twohanders equipped.

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55 minutes ago, Adzekul.3104 said:
  1. Back items: Ad Infinitum, The Ascension, Warbringer
    • Does this make me part of the 0.008% you will be contacting soon?
  2. Trinkets: Aurora, Coalescence, Slumbering Conflux, Slumbering Transcendence and Vision
    • Will I be able to toggle off the Aurora, Coalescence and Vision or will all my characters have the vfx? If I understand the blog post correctly, no. This makes me sad.
  3. Armour sets: WvW (Triumphant Hero's / Triumphant Mistforged Hero's) light, medium and heavy plus PvE (Perfected Envoy) heavy
    • I have been thinking about making a fifth set ... PvE light but I decided to wait for Armoury implementation.
    • Does this make sense in the future (seems only for the skins maybe).
    • Does it make problems?
  4. Weapons: 1 of each type without duplicates (i.e. 1 dagger, 1 hammer, 1 spear, etc.).
    • I have Eternity but not Sunrise or Twilight (I consumed them long ago to make Eternity). I presume I won't be getting Sunrise or Twilight with the Armoury. That is okay, but am I right in my assumption?
  5. Runes: 7 Legendary runes (6 armour pieces plus UW breather)
    • The blog post does not cover runes or sigils. Is it correct that we will need 7 runes and 8 sigils to make full use of the Armoury on our accounts? Or do we need 3 sets, for example, of 7 runes, one set for light, one set for heavy and one set for medium?
  6. Sigils: none yet, ran out of clovers, sadface.
    • Do we need 8 legendary sigils to make full use of the Armoury on our accounts, or do we need a sigil for every legendary weapon (please no!)


Other questions:

  1. I note from the photos that none of the armour pieces have runes or even empty rune slots. Please explain. Are you changing runes, or is it a "bad example".
  2. (Bonus question) Who the hell has enough gold to make 18 +30 Agony Infusions. Didn't someone do the math a few years back and determine that a single +30 infusion represents more RL money than currently exists on planet earth? Maybe you should have used a better example. (just saying).

1. No idea.

2. No, you won't be able to toggle off the ones that don't have a slumbering version.

3. One set of each weight will be enough. Everything in addition to it will be a waste, unless you are dying to unlock the skins.

4. Of course you won't get another copy of Sunrise and Twilight.

5. The blog post does mention legendary upgrades.

6. We'll see soon enough. I'm afraid I will have tons of leftover sigils and runes with the arrival of the armory. I hope ANet will think of something to do with those leftovers, be it just introducing means to salvage them for materials.


Bonus Q1. Interesting observation. Hmmm....

Bonus Q2. No one needs 18 +30 infusions. I have no idea why they would display those in their screenshot.  Crazy much, ANet?


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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50 minutes ago, Adzekul.3104 said:

I read the blog post. Twice. I also watched a bunch of streamers and Youtube videos to try to understand my situation. I have the following legendaries bound to my account. I also have 1 of each class (9 characters total). I want to understand if I have full legendary armour, weapons and runes for all 9 characters, given what I detail below on my account:

  1. Back items: Ad Infinitum, The Ascension, Warbringer
    • Does this make me part of the 0.008% you will be contacting soon?
  2. Trinkets: Aurora, Coalescence, Slumbering Conflux, Slumbering Transcendence and Vision
    • Will I be able to toggle off the Aurora, Coalescence and Vision or will all my characters have the vfx? If I understand the blog post correctly, no. This makes me sad.
  3. Armour sets: WvW (Triumphant Hero's / Triumphant Mistforged Hero's) light, medium and heavy plus PvE (Perfected Envoy) heavy
    • I have been thinking about making a fifth set ... PvE light but I decided to wait for Armoury implementation.
    • Does this make sense in the future (seems only for the skins maybe).
    • Does it make problems?
  4. Weapons: 1 of each type without duplicates (i.e. 1 dagger, 1 hammer, 1 spear, etc.).
    • I have Eternity but not Sunrise or Twilight (I consumed them long ago to make Eternity). I presume I won't be getting Sunrise or Twilight with the Armoury. That is okay, but am I right in my assumption?
  5. Runes: 7 Legendary runes (6 armour pieces plus UW breather)
    • The blog post does not cover runes or sigils. Is it correct that we will need 7 runes and 8 sigils to make full use of the Armoury on our accounts? Or do we need 3 sets, for example, of 7 runes, one set for light, one set for heavy and one set for medium?
  6. Sigils: none yet, ran out of clovers, sadface.
    • Do we need 8 legendary sigils to make full use of the Armoury on our accounts, or do we need a sigil for every legendary weapon (please no!)


Other questions:

  1. I note from the photos that none of the armour pieces have runes or even empty rune slots. Please explain. Are you changing runes, or is it a "bad example".
  2. (Bonus question) Who the hell has enough gold to make 18 +30 Agony Infusions. Didn't someone do the math a few years back and determine that a single +30 infusion represents more RL money than currently exists on planet earth? Maybe you should have used a better example. (just saying).

I don't work for Anet so I can't say for sure, but here's how I'd answer your questions, based on my understanding of the armoury:


1) No, you have 3 different back items, not 3 the same so you will be able to use all of them and Anet won't be able to contact you. I suspect that's mainly aimed at people who made multiple armour sets to avoid having to pass them through the bank - so for example if someone has a thief and an engineer and made each of them a Perfected Envoy Jerkin (raid legendary chest piece), they'll only need 1 now so the second one is useless and Anet will contact them to decide what to do with it.


2) Annoyingly it sounds like it's only the legendary trinkets which can already hide their effects (by using the slumbering versions) that get check boxes. I have no idea why.


3) I don't think making another armour set would cause you any problems, but it would be only for the skins because you'll be able to use the ones you already have on all your characters.


4) I don't think anything will change here. You'll still be able to use the skins from Sunrise and Twilight (assuming you unlocked them before making Eternity) but you won't have 3 legendary greatswords in your armoury, only the 1 you've got now.


5) No idea, like you said it didn't cover it. But if you've already got 1 full set I certainly wouldn't start making any more now.


6) No idea.


7) I'm not sure why it doesn't show in the screenshot but since they didn't say anything about changing runes I'll be very surprised if they do change.


8 ) Since the legendary armoury isn't out yet that screenshot obviously comes from an internal development version of the game, or possibly even one of the programmes used to create stuff to be put into the game. Whoever created the screenshot probably just spawned the highest tier items for each slot in order to take the screenshot and that includes the infusions. I doubt they actually expect players to be using +30 infusions even if they have full legendary equipment.

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57 minutes ago, Adzekul.3104 said:

I read the blog post. Twice. I also watched a bunch of streamers and Youtube videos to try to understand my situation. I have the following legendaries bound to my account. I also have 1 of each class (9 characters total). I want to understand if I have full legendary armour, weapons and runes for all 9 characters, given what I detail below on my account:

  1. Back items: Ad Infinitum, The Ascension, Warbringer
    • Does this make me part of the 0.008% you will be contacting soon?
  2. Trinkets: Aurora, Coalescence, Slumbering Conflux, Slumbering Transcendence and Vision
    • Will I be able to toggle off the Aurora, Coalescence and Vision or will all my characters have the vfx? If I understand the blog post correctly, no. This makes me sad.
  3. Armour sets: WvW (Triumphant Hero's / Triumphant Mistforged Hero's) light, medium and heavy plus PvE (Perfected Envoy) heavy
    • I have been thinking about making a fifth set ... PvE light but I decided to wait for Armoury implementation.
    • Does this make sense in the future (seems only for the skins maybe).
    • Does it make problems?
  4. Weapons: 1 of each type without duplicates (i.e. 1 dagger, 1 hammer, 1 spear, etc.).
    • I have Eternity but not Sunrise or Twilight (I consumed them long ago to make Eternity). I presume I won't be getting Sunrise or Twilight with the Armoury. That is okay, but am I right in my assumption?
  5. Runes: 7 Legendary runes (6 armour pieces plus UW breather)
    • The blog post does not cover runes or sigils. Is it correct that we will need 7 runes and 8 sigils to make full use of the Armoury on our accounts? Or do we need 3 sets, for example, of 7 runes, one set for light, one set for heavy and one set for medium?
  6. Sigils: none yet, ran out of clovers, sadface.
    • Do we need 8 legendary sigils to make full use of the Armoury on our accounts, or do we need a sigil for every legendary weapon (please no!)


Other questions:

  1. I note from the photos that none of the armour pieces have runes or even empty rune slots. Please explain. Are you changing runes, or is it a "bad example".
  2. (Bonus question) Who the hell has enough gold to make 18 +30 Agony Infusions. Didn't someone do the math a few years back and determine that a single +30 infusion represents more RL money than currently exists on planet earth? Maybe you should have used a better example. (just saying).

1. No, from what they said, additional legendaries don't count for any type of refund if they're not the same. If you had 2 Ad Infi for just 1 backpack slot, then you'd be "part of 0,008%". But these are counted as 3 different ones, because they are 3 different ones. Otherwise it would be a "free" (or partially free, depending on what they'll do with it) skin unlock.

2. Nope, doesn't look like it will be an option for now.

3. If nothing's bugged, it sounds like there should be no problem with that 😄

Yup, it would be for skins only.

Is it worth it? Subjective, your choice.

4. Yup, you don't have the items, so you won't have them in armory, BUT you'll still have them in wardrobe. So unless you want to hold greatsword "in each weapon swap", it makes no real difference.

5. I don't see why you'd need different sets for different armor weights. That's not how upgrades work 😉

6. Why 8 and not 6?



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7 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Sigils, not Runes. 2 sigils for first weapon set, 2 sigils for second weapon set, and 4 more for underwater weapons

Oh, right -tbh I forgot about the underwater weapon swap


Edited by Sobx.1758
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So what happens to the Infusions that are already on a set of Legendary items?  Will they be pulled off and put into your inventory when the system takes effect?  Since you are turning the legendary into "tokens" what happens to the infusions. 


And I have multiple suits of armor that are the same that  I made in WvW. What happens to those extra sets? 

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I really want more clearer description of how armor\weapon skins will be handled. I get it, free to change skin in legendary item. But how same armor\weapon will be handled on different character? How skin will be applied? Can it even be different skin on different character but with same weapon\armor. Blog not really clear about that.

Legendary Aqua Breather?

When Armory will come and this 'automatically added into Armory' will happen, does it means character who wear Legendary armor will be naked? In this case we will have to make notes of our builds and stat combos.

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3 hours ago, Aeon.4583 said:

I really want more clearer description of how armor\weapon skins will be handled. I get it, free to change skin in legendary item. But how same armor\weapon will be handled on different character? How skin will be applied? Can it even be different skin on different character but with same weapon\armor. Blog not really clear about that.

Legendary Aqua Breather?

When Armory will come and this 'automatically added into Armory' will happen, does it means character who wear Legendary armor will be naked? In this case we will have to make notes of our builds and stat combos.

Just look at the image.


The legendary on each character is unique compared to the "basic" legendary you see in the armory. Its perfectly clear how its handled. You select say the dagger legendary on character A, template 1, primary main hand. You now have a no stat legendary with default skin there. You change the skin to something ugly, you set it to zerker. You log on to character B and see you have a legendary dagger with no stat and default skin available and can do the same as you did on character A except with an even uglier skin and minstrel stats. And there you go. Two different characters, two different skins, two different stats. Still the same basic legendary with no stats and default skin available on any other character.


The shift to the armory will probably be just like skin unlocks, no need to reequip.

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49 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Just look at the image.


The legendary on each character is unique compared to the "basic" legendary you see in the armory. Its perfectly clear how its handled. You select say the dagger legendary on character A, template 1, primary main hand. You now have a no stat legendary with default skin there. You change the skin to something ugly, you set it to zerker. You log on to character B and see you have a legendary dagger with no stat and default skin available and can do the same as you did on character A except with an even uglier skin and minstrel stats. And there you go. Two different characters, two different skins, two different stats. Still the same basic legendary with no stats and default skin available on any other character.


The shift to the armory will probably be just like skin unlocks, no need to reequip.

Wardrobe Templates would have been much much better option.

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I'll try to answer based on how I understood all the information thus far.


11 hours ago, Adzekul.3104 said:

Back items: Ad Infinitum, The Ascension, Warbringer

Does this make me part of the 0.008% you will be contacting soon?


No, They are 3 separate items with unique skins
I expect they will be bound in the same way that legendary armour would be on the same character, giving you a choice of which one you prefer based on appearance.

11 hours ago, Adzekul.3104 said:

Trinkets: Aurora, Coalescence, Slumbering Conflux, Slumbering Transcendence and Vision

Will I be able to toggle off the Aurora, Coalescence and Vision or will all my characters have the vfx? If I understand the blog post correctly, no. This makes me sad.

So far it doesn't appear they will have the toggle function.. that may change in the future though and personally I really hope it does.
Or at the very least I hope that replacement legendary accessories are introduce that have the toggle function.. or perhaps the ability to change the skin of the accessory to disable the effects.

11 hours ago, Adzekul.3104 said:

Armour sets: WvW (Triumphant Hero's / Triumphant Mistforged Hero's) light, medium and heavy plus PvE (Perfected Envoy) heavy

I have been thinking about making a fifth set ... PvE light but I decided to wait for Armoury implementation.

Does this make sense in the future (seems only for the skins maybe).

Does it make problems?

Problems? no.. I can't see how it could make any problems for you.
I expect this falls into the same category as your first question.
These are different items with different skins so they should all bind in the armoury as such.

11 hours ago, Adzekul.3104 said:

Weapons: 1 of each type without duplicates (i.e. 1 dagger, 1 hammer, 1 spear, etc.).

I have Eternity but not Sunrise or Twilight (I consumed them long ago to make Eternity). I presume I won't be getting Sunrise or Twilight with the Armoury. That is okay, but am I right in my assumption?

Hmm.. I am unsure on this one.
I would think that binding Eternity would only count as 1 Legendary greatsword in the armoury.. however if you have Eternity you should also have the skins for Sunrise and Twilight unlocked anyway.
If you do not (if that's even possible) then perhaps that is something Eternity should provide when bound.

But I don't think Eternity should count as 3 greatswords when it's added to the armoury, after all you had to sacrifice 2 legendary greatswords to make it in the first place leaving you with only 1 usable legendary weapon.
So it should only count as 1 when bound.

11 hours ago, Adzekul.3104 said:

Runes: 7 Legendary runes (6 armour pieces plus UW breather)

The blog post does not cover runes or sigils. Is it correct that we will need 7 runes and 8 sigils to make full use of the Armoury on our accounts? Or do we need 3 sets, for example, of 7 runes, one set for light, one set for heavy and one set for medium?

I expect it's 7 Runes total if you want to include the Aquabreather.
You should not need 7 runes per armour type since runes are not bound to any specific armour by their type.
Runes salvaged off heavy armour can be equipped to light and medium etc so at most you should only need 7 legendary runes.

11 hours ago, Adzekul.3104 said:

Sigils: none yet, ran out of clovers, sadface.

Do we need 8 legendary sigils to make full use of the Armoury on our accounts, or do we need a sigil for every legendary weapon (please no!)

Yes I expect you need 8 legendary sigils to cover all your weapon sets similarly to how you need 7 Runes to cover all your armour.

We know the armoury will count how many of a certain item you have.. if you want to use Duel legendary swords for example then you will need to have either 2 Bolt's or Shining Blades bound to the armoury or 1 of each bound to the armoury so that you can equip 2 legendary swords at once.

And if for some reason you want to run duel swords in both weapon sets then you will need a total of 4 legendary swords in order to pull that off.
The same rule applies if you are say running a warrior with Sword/Axe and Axe/Dagger weapon sets.
You would need 1 Legendary Sword, 1 Legendary Dagger and 2 Legendary Axe's to pull this off.

So it makes sense that you would also need 4 legendary sigils to equip onto those weapons as well, 8 if you also wish to equip your underwater weapons with legendary gear too.

Edited by Teratus.2859
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11 minutes ago, Teratus.2859 said:

I'll try to answer based on how I understood all the information thus far.


11 hours ago, Adzekul.3104 said:

Back items: Ad Infinitum, The Ascension, Warbringer

Does this make me part of the 0.008% you will be contacting soon?


No, They are 3 separate items with unique skins
I expect they will be bound in the same way that legendary armour would be on the same character, giving you a choice of which one you prefer based on appearance.


If this is true, and I guess it is as I'm pretty sure that more than 0.008% of the player population own more than one legendary back item with different skins, I think this is a bummer.  They've specified that legendary gear will be transmutable for free and that appearances will be storable within gear templates.  So, if that's true, it's like they are saying...


"Paul made 2 Ad Infinitums?  ok we'll store one of them in the armory for him and reach out to him in the days following the release with information about how to resolve the issue"


"Hannah made 1 Ad Infinitum and 1 Warbringer?  ok we'll store both in the armory for her and she can swap between back item skins for free."  But she will be able to swap skins for free with just one legendary back item anyway ... so the acquisition of her second legendary back item was actually effectively just a skin unlock when she probably intended it to be so that she could (pre-legendary armory) use a legendary back item on 2 characters at the same time (without transferring one back and forth).

Yes, those with multiple legendary back items will still get to use those skins with the legendary amory but, given that most people probably acquired more than one so that they didn't have to swap the one back item between multiple characters, I think they should give some kind of credit/bonus.

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8 hours ago, Heibi.4251 said:

So what happens to the Infusions that are already on a set of Legendary items?  Will they be pulled off and put into your inventory when the system takes effect?  Since you are turning the legendary into "tokens" what happens to the infusions. 


And I have multiple suits of armor that are the same that  I made in WvW. What happens to those extra sets? 

They haven't actually said what happens to infusions, but I think they'll either stay on the weapons where you have them equipped now (but won't appear on copies of those weapons made for other characters) or they'll go into your inventory. I know at least one person is planning to remove all the infusions from their legendary items before the update, just in case something goes wrong, but I'm sure Anet have considered the fact that lots of people have infusions (and other expensive upgrades) in legendaries and don't want to lose them.


As for the armour sets it sounds like you're one of those 0.008% of players Anet will need to contact directly. Assuming your multiple WvW legendaries are identical - like you've got 2+ heavy sets, not 1 heavy, 1 medium and 1 light.


5 hours ago, Aeon.4583 said:

I really want more clearer description of how armor\weapon skins will be handled. I get it, free to change skin in legendary item. But how same armor\weapon will be handled on different character? How skin will be applied? Can it even be different skin on different character but with same weapon\armor. Blog not really clear about that.

Legendary Aqua Breather?

When Armory will come and this 'automatically added into Armory' will happen, does it means character who wear Legendary armor will be naked? In this case we will have to make notes of our builds and stat combos.

They've already explained: "Once you’ve equipped a legendary item to multiple equipment templates, you can set different attributes, upgrade selections, and skins for each one."


It sounds like it's pretty much the system some players on here speculated we would get - the armoury stores a 'template' of each legendary and then you can withdraw and equip as many copies of it as you want. Each of those acts as a separate item and can have different skins, stats, upgrades etc.


I don't know if it will unequip legendaries which are currently equipped, but if you're worried it probably is a good idea to make a note of your build ahead of the update so you can put it back quickly.

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5 minutes ago, Combatter.5123 said:


If this is true, and I guess it is as I'm pretty sure that more than 0.008% of the player population own more than one legendary back item with different skins, I think this is a bummer.  They've specified that legendary gear will be transmutable for free and that appearances will be storable within gear templates.  So, if that's true, it's like they are saying...


"Paul made 2 Ad Infinitums?  ok we'll store one of them in the armory for him and reach out to him in the days following the release with information about how to resolve the issue"


"Hannah made 1 Ad Infinitum and 1 Warbringer?  ok we'll store both in the armory for her and she can swap between back item skins for free."  But she will be able to swap skins for free with just one legendary back item anyway ... so the acquisition of her second legendary back item was actually effectively just a skin unlock when she probably intended it to be so that she could (pre-legendary armory) use a legendary back item on 2 characters at the same time (without transferring one back and forth).

Yes, those with multiple legendary back items will still get to use those skins with the legendary amory but, given that most people probably acquired more than one so that they didn't have to swap the one back item between multiple characters, I think they should give some kind of credit/bonus.

They're pretty prestigious skins though, same goes for any legendary really.
Even after the armoury you would still be expected to make both Ad Infinitum and Warbringer to unlock both skins on your account.

It may suck for some people who just wanted the second back item but I dunno if I agree with giving them some kind of bonus etc.

If binding Ad Infinitum also unlocked the other legendary back skins then yeah ok I would be 100% with you.
But each having their own skins and path's to obtain them does make them individually valuable as unique skins.
Twilight and Sunrise share a similar thing here although they will be bound as 2 Greatswords.

Perhaps down the road Anet can introduce another super prestigious legendary backpack skin that can only be obtained by binding all 3 of the current legendary back items to the armoury.
That would be something worth doing I think.

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I have another question about sunrise and twilight. I have made twilight right now and am almost done with sunrise.


Will I still get a  sunrise token if I complete sunrise after this patch comes - or should I finish it before then so I get both tokens and 3 legendary greatswords to use in the armory?

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17 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

"Once you’ve equipped a legendary item to multiple equipment templates, you can set different attributes, upgrade selections, and skins for each one."


'For each one' could very well mean each armor slot or each armor\weapon type, each template, each character, each item. Which one of that exactly means 'for each'.
And i all hear: It's seems, i assume, looks like this looks like that. No clear example neither in gif nor in video of how it will be handled.

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13 minutes ago, Aeon.4583 said:

'For each one' could very well mean each armor slot or each armor\weapon type, each template, each character, each item. Which one of that exactly means 'for each'.
And i all hear: It's seems, i assume, looks like this looks like that. No clear example neither in gif nor in video of how it will be handled.

No, if you understand how sentences work, there is nothing unclear about what they said there.

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6 hours ago, Aeon.4583 said:

'For each one' could very well mean each armor slot or each armor\weapon type, each template, each character, each item. Which one of that exactly means 'for each'.
And i all hear: It's seems, i assume, looks like this looks like that. No clear example neither in gif nor in video of how it will be handled.

No one on this forum can make gifs or videos of how it works because we don't work for Anet and don't have access to unreleased systems.


"For each one" out of context could be ambiguous, but we're not reading it out of context. We've got a full paragraph to set the context:


"You can equip items from your Legendary Armory by double-clicking them or clicking and dragging them onto a slot. Right-clicking an equipment slot will bring up a convenient dropdown menu, which you can use to equip your available legendary items, equip a non-legendary item from your inventory or regular armory, customize your equipped legendary item, or copy an equipped item and its customizations to your other equipment templates. Once you’ve equipped a legendary item to multiple equipment templates, you can set different attributes, upgrade selections, and skins for each one."


Maybe if English isn't your first language that could be seen as ambiguous because I know sentence structure can be very different in different languages, but if that's the case perhaps you'll be willing to trust me and other native English speakers saying it's not ambiguous in English. The only things mentioned in that sentence are legendary items and multiple equipment templates, therefore 'each one' must refer to one of those, and either way it comes to the same thing: you can use different skins for the same legendary. If it meant each character or weapon type or whatever it would have to have mentioned those in the sentence.

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13 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

No one on this forum can make gifs or videos of how it works because we don't work for Anet and don't have access to unreleased systems.


"For each one" out of context could be ambiguous, but we're not reading it out of context. We've got a full paragraph to set the context:


"You can equip items from your Legendary Armory by double-clicking them or clicking and dragging them onto a slot. Right-clicking an equipment slot will bring up a convenient dropdown menu, which you can use to equip your available legendary items, equip a non-legendary item from your inventory or regular armory, customize your equipped legendary item, or copy an equipped item and its customizations to your other equipment templates. Once you’ve equipped a legendary item to multiple equipment templates, you can set different attributes, upgrade selections, and skins for each one."


Maybe if English isn't your first language that could be seen as ambiguous because I know sentence structure can be very different in different languages, but if that's the case perhaps you'll be willing to trust me and other native English speakers saying it's not ambiguous in English. The only things mentioned in that sentence are legendary items and multiple equipment templates, therefore 'each one' must refer to one of those, and either way it comes to the same thing: you can use different skins for the same legendary. If it meant each character or weapon type or whatever it would have to have mentioned those in the sentence.

Indeed its perfectly clear.


The only interesting part of that is... "inventory or regular armoury"?!

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