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Legendary Armory: The Elite are controlling you

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Everyone now posting about their excitement for the Legendary Armory has about 1 legendary trinket and that's it... But suddenly the hardcore elite players resurfaced to generate hype for something only they can fully utilize. And people are falling for it.


This is like middle-class Republicans supporting the rich, because they think it's also in their own interests, and that they too can one day become rich.


Why should we be excited for something only a small percentage of the population can take advantage of?



Edited by Mortifera.6138
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1 minute ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Everyone now posting about their excitement has about 1 legendary tinket and that's it... But suddenly the hardcore elite players resurfaced to generate hype for something only they can fully utilize. And people are falling for it.


This is like middle-class Republicans supporting the rich, because they think it's also in their own interests, and that they too can one day become rich.


Why should we be excited for something only a small percentage of the population can take advantage of?


Fight the power! Even if it requires posting nonsense.

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6 minutes ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Show me your full set of Legendary armor...

At least for one char? Call me in game.

When was the armory announced...2 years ago?
Enough time to get the "missing parts" - don't forget, we had 8+ years to craft legendary.

And now we all have a nice long time goal to get _all_ legendary weapons, not for the looks as in the past.

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2 minutes ago, wolfsblut.9435 said:

At least for one char? Call me in game.

When was the armory announced...2 years ago?
Enough time to get the "missing parts" - don't forget, we had 8+ years to craft legendary.

And now we all have a nice long time goal to get _all_ legendary weapons, not for the looks as in the past.

Lol 45 posts, you're one of the Elites who magically reappeared in order to get everyone excited about the Legendary Armory!

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2 minutes ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Lol 45 posts, you're one of the Elites who magically reappeared in order to get everyone excited about the Legendary Armory!

I just play more than I write?

Don't get me wrong. I do not like this feature in general.
I stated more than once that "My endgame in GW2 is where GW once started - instant stat swapping" - that goal is a joke for a game.

But yes, I was and I am excited - now, after 8+ years I'm finally ready to start playing the game.

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50 minutes ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Everyone now posting about their excitement for the Legendary Armory has about 1 legendary trinket and that's it... But suddenly the hardcore elite players resurfaced to generate hype for something only they can fully utilize. And people are falling for it.


This is like middle-class Republicans supporting the rich, because they think it's also in their own interests, and that they too can one day become rich.


Why should we be excited for something only a small percentage of the population can take advantage of?



Getting legendaries is in no way as restrictive as getting rich in real life. There are game modes that literally throw cash at you (fractals). If you follow the community metas on discretize.eu people won't give you trouble and earning that cash is easy. Think of it this way: a single ascended chest I think runs around 30-60g depending on the stat set and acquistion method. If you're an altoholic, the gold cost of the legendary armor more than pays for itself (9 characters, all that have 2 gear slots each). Armor may be a bad example as it's the hardest type to get (rings are probably on paar, might be harder), but the same scaling happens for just about any slot. I'm actually curious what will happen to the economy in the long run because of it.


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15 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

Armor may be a bad example as it's the hardest type to get (rings are probably on paar, might be harder), but the same scaling happens for just about any slot. I'm actually curious what will happen to the economy in the long run because of it.


Armor is the easiest to get... 0 mystic coins involved.... I was in the process of crafting vision and looking at the hiked price for coins, I delayed vision until I get coins but in the meantime started raid legy Armor and completed 2 full sets (different weight) of legy Armor... You'll know when u start crafting armors, it's the easiest and cheapest and more useful legendary

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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I question what someone has been doing in the game if they've been playing it regularly and haven't built up resources to make legendary gear. Even WvW players I know who play regularly but not much in PvE have been able to make legendary gear.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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1 hour ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Everyone now posting about their excitement for the Legendary Armory has about 1 legendary trinket and that's it... But suddenly the hardcore elite players resurfaced to generate hype for something only they can fully utilize. And people are falling for it.


This is like middle-class Republicans supporting the rich, because they think it's also in their own interests, and that they too can one day become rich.


Why should we be excited for something only a small percentage of the population can take advantage of?

I think you vastly underestimate how many active players have legendaries. Relatively new players in my guild (1-2 years) have at least a weapon or two, and either have an armor set or are nearing completion of one.

Everyone who has been playing for years (since 2012-14ish) has at least several legendary weapons and one complete armor set/most of the trinkets.

So basically we're all pretty hyped about this not because of hypothetical legendaries we'll have in the future but because of the ones we have right now. And we're not a hardcore guild, not even close.

Also, it's statistically unlikely that most people commenting only have a trinket; weapons and backpack are more common for people to have, and complete armor sets are roughly comparable in frequency.

Among players with 2000-4000 hours on gw2efficiency (seems like a lot but it's really not if you've been playing regularly for more than a few years):

11% have at least one complete legendary armor set
68% have at least one legendary weapon
26% have a legendary backpack
12% have one or more trinkets (much less common than weapon and backpack)

For players with 4000+ hours:
38% have at least one complete legendary armor set
87.5% have at least one legendary weapon
55% have a legendary backpack
36% have one or more trinkets (again, much less common than weapon and backpack)

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1 hour ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Lol 45 posts, you're one of the Elites who magically reappeared in order to get everyone excited about the Legendary Armory!

Well... I spend my time playing, not posting here... So sorry for not meeting your criteria.

I mostly play WvW. It takes around 6 months to earn everything needed to craft a WvW Legendary armor. So why not craft it? In order to be able to say "I could do it but I chose not to"? That's BS.

This game needs content for players who play a lot, or simply have been there from the beginning. So yes, that's a huge QoL improvement when you are into collecting legs.

But it's also huge QoL for every player.

When I crafted my first leg weapon it was an unusual resources drain and I would have been really glad to be able to share it on other characters. The impact is ten times more important with a set of armor...

Now, any new player starting the path for a leg crafting can at least see it as a cosmetic, but also game changer.

I won't list every leg I have in storage, that's not the place, but I never felt that made me "elite" of any kind. I play for fun, and I take pleasure in seeing beautiful characters with shiny legs... Is that a crime?

Maybe you should try enjoying this wonderful game instead of whining about something that is a FREE improvement...


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Is it weird that I'm not sure if I'm one of the "hardcore elite" generating hype, one of the ones falling for it, or one of the ones who hasn't participated in these discussions enough to count either way?


I only have 3 legendaries myself (Dreamer, Bifrost and Claw of the Khan-Ur), I'm planning to make more but it will be a long time before I do. So the armoury has minimal benefit for me. The biggest change will be when I get a backpack and can stop holding onto so many spares in the bank on the basis that exotic/ascended back items can be hard to come by.


But I think the legendary armoury is an interesting concept, even if the main benefit is only for the tiny minority of players with both a lot of legendary items and a lot of characters they play regularly in content which needs full ascended. I'm not sure it's really worth the time it seems to have taken and I don't remember anyone asking for this, but it's still an interesting idea and adds an obvious benefit to legendaries over ascended items, which might make them more popular. (Literally the only reason I'm making a legendary backpack is because of the armoury, without that it wouldn't be worth doing.)


So I've spent a lot of time talking about it over the past couple of days, not intentionally hyping it up but I suppose just talking about it a lot could be seen as generating hype. But since it won't be much use to me maybe that just means I'm falling for other people's hype?


(I think it's more likely it's the same reason I post a lot on any topic, I like talking about GW2 when I can't play it, and I'll talk about whatever is currently being discussed.)

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The OP's trolling (or possibly SJW) is getting worse and worse it seems.

After claiming they enjoy speedrunning dungeons they now point to others being "the controlling elite".


Personally, I'm looking forward to the armory, even though I only have very few legendaries. It seems to make my life easier and might entice me to make a couple more legendaries. Kudos Anet.

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10 minutes ago, Zohane.7208 said:

The OP's trolling (or possibly SJW) is getting worse and worse it seems.

After claiming they enjoy speedrunning dungeons they now point to others being "the controlling elite".


Personally, I'm looking forward to the armory, even though I only have very few legendaries. It seems to make my life easier and might entice me to make a couple more legendaries. Kudos Anet.

we should have an sjw report button, Anet get on it.

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2 minutes ago, Zohane.7208 said:

Personally, I'm looking forward to the armory, even though I only have very few legendaries. It seems to make my life easier and might entice me to make a couple more legendaries. Kudos Anet.

Yep, which is the reason why ArenaNet are doing this. The way that the Legendary Armory will work definitely makes getting Legendaries appealing to me. I have 5 Legendaries (Incinerator, Chuka and Champawat, Astralaria, HOPE, and Sunrise) and had no drive to get anymore but from now on getting more will be my long term goal.

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