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Block List.

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Why can blocked people keep following us,  see where we are, if we are online, join our LFGs and see our Achievement Points?
Lately there have been a lot QoL updates and I'd love a rework for block list to really block the ones we choose to block( Prevent them from seeing our LFGs, our activity and AP)
Also an option to remove follower would be welcome.

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I saw a lot of other topics complaining about the same issue. Will this be addressed at all sometime?
Also want to add that there are people being trolled or harashed and can't really avoid others when they want because the block list is a joke and needs rework for sure.

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It was such a strange decision to both allow blocked people to see where the person who blocked them is and to not have a way to remove followers in the first place. Especially as the followers part wasn't in GW1 so it was designed specifically for GW2 as it currently is.

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Blocking someone isn't like creating an alternate universe where they don't exist.. it's more like hitting mute on a TV remote lol

If someone keeps following you around harassing you then just pretend they're some unwanted pet.
Make it fun for you at their expense 🙂

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Isn't this like a double edged sword? This is a MMORPG. You LFG for purpose of finding fillers right? A weak player may eventually improve. A player who f the mechanics may eventually improve. A player who f up their build also could eventually improve. Why don't instead of block them guide them toward improving. 

Edited by medivh.4725
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8 minutes ago, medivh.4725 said:

Isn't this like a double edged sword? This is a MMORPG. You LFG for purpose of finding fillers right? A weak player may eventually improve. A player who f the mechanics may eventually improve. A player who f up their build also could eventually improve. Why don't instead of block them guide them toward improving. 

Personally I‘ve never blocked anyone for being a weak player or for playing a suboptimal build.


I‘ve blocked players for having an absolute kitten personality or behaving in ways decent human beings wouldn‘t. I‘d rather not play with them or try to improve their attitude, that‘s something they can do on their own if they ever realize how ridiculous they are. Blocking those doesn‘t seem like a double edged sword to me.

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yeah I've posted about this before, even submitted tickets cause I was being stalked in game, persecuted and there was nothing I could do to prevent it and nothing support could do about it, they just told me to take screenshots and report, and you know that ended up nowhere. guess privacy is on the bottom list of priorities. the only thing I could do at the time was to play offline for 6 months, and being the leader of a guild and not being able to talk in guild chat, pretty much made me disband the guild. there are so many things regarding blocked list that could be improved. as a tag posting in LFG, people shouldn't be able to join if you block them. many times while running raids i've had to deal with people that i had previously blocked and kicked that keep rejoining and making us waste time. also it would be a nice thing to have some indicator in the party/squad window that someone there is blocked, a simple red border or something like that.

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8 hours ago, Teratus.2859 said:

Blocking someone isn't like creating an alternate universe where they don't exist.. it's more like hitting mute on a TV remote lol

If someone keeps following you around harassing you then just pretend they're some unwanted pet.
Make it fun for you at their expense 🙂


Having an actual stalker follow you around is a horrible experience that i never want anyone else to experience. It is what made me quit the game for a length of time.


7 hours ago, medivh.4725 said:

Isn't this like a double edged sword? This is a MMORPG. You LFG for purpose of finding fillers right? A weak player may eventually improve. A player who f the mechanics may eventually improve. A player who f up their build also could eventually improve. Why don't instead of block them guide them toward improving. 


I dont block folks for being bad. I blocks for the following: Stalking(Happened once, and i quit because of it.), Insulting players/being racist/trolling, and Guild recruiters who spam messages in map ever 5 minutes.

I really dont want to be in a party or in the same map with any of those folks above.


5 hours ago, YtseJam.9784 said:

yeah I've posted about this before, even submitted tickets cause I was being stalked in game, persecuted and there was nothing I could do to prevent it and nothing support could do about it, they just told me to take screenshots and report, and you know that ended up nowhere. guess privacy is on the bottom list of priorities. the only thing I could do at the time was to play offline for 6 months, and being the leader of a guild and not being able to talk in guild chat, pretty much made me disband the guild. there are so many things regarding blocked list that could be improved. as a tag posting in LFG, people shouldn't be able to join if you block them. many times while running raids i've had to deal with people that i had previously blocked and kicked that keep rejoining and making us waste time. also it would be a nice thing to have some indicator in the party/squad window that someone there is blocked, a simple red border or something like that.


I know the pain, anet should have set it up so that if you block someone, they can no longer follow you as a "Friend" and they cant see your location.

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20 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Having an actual stalker follow you around is a horrible experience that i never want anyone else to experience. It is what made me quit the game for a length of time.

Sorry to hear that.

Though my point was a counter attack, if someone is being a donkey to you then you should use it against them.
Turn their abuse into your amusement.

Not everyone can do that, but it's one of the best ways to defend against trolls.
Remember they want you to feel bad, get upset and quit out of the game, that's their goal.

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1 hour ago, Teratus.2859 said:

Sorry to hear that.

Though my point was a counter attack, if someone is being a donkey to you then you should use it against them.
Turn their abuse into your amusement.

Not everyone can do that, but it's one of the best ways to defend against trolls.
Remember they want you to feel bad, get upset and quit out of the game, that's their goal.

There is a world of difference between a stalker and a troll though, which..is why i want the blocklist to work as an actual blocklist and not let them know my location. Obviously they cant force people into two separate maps, but, them not knowing would be hugeee. Trolls are easy to ignore after they are blocked. What are they gonna do? Pull mobs to me? Oh nurrr!~!!

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15 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

There is a world of difference between a stalker and a troll though, which..is why i want the blocklist to work as an actual blocklist and not let them know my location. Obviously they cant force people into two separate maps, but, them not knowing would be hugeee. Trolls are easy to ignore after they are blocked. What are they gonna do? Pull mobs to me? Oh nurrr!~!!

I hate people that stalk. And i am not against noobs or new players following me and asking stuff. 
 I want to completely block those toxic ones that just stalk and stuff.
and Yea I felt that with the recent change on anet communication and QoL updates we get, this could be finally adressed and reworked properly.

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On 7/15/2021 at 1:30 PM, medivh.4725 said:

Isn't this like a double edged sword? This is a MMORPG. You LFG for purpose of finding fillers right? A weak player may eventually improve. A player who f the mechanics may eventually improve. A player who f up their build also could eventually improve. Why don't instead of block them guide them toward improving. 


I don't think this is the case here. I for example play atm so much PVP and even if here in the forum the opinion prevails that PVP is super toxic, I had in 1 of 50 matches a super unpleasant case.
Blocking brings nothing in itself. Because what good is it to me if he continues to AFK in my or the opponent's team  if we don't have 500point after 1min. I would prefer that if I block someone he disappears from my personal bubble completely. Means no more pvp games with him, he can no longer join my group in lfg for fractals or raids and so on.

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On 7/15/2021 at 6:34 AM, Owatatsumi.5038 said:

Also an option to remove follower would be welcome.

This would be altering someone else's friend list, and I don't think that'd be the route anet would take.

If anything it should be like back in gw1 where you submit a request and the other person accepts it, putting you both on each other's friend list, but at almost 9 years in I think we're past that option. However I do concur that the friends list needs an overhaul.

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2 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:


I don't think this is the case here. I for example play atm so much PVP and even if here in the forum the opinion prevails that PVP is super toxic, I had in 1 of 50 matches a super unpleasant case.
Blocking brings nothing in itself. Because what good is it to me if he continues to AFK in my or the opponent's team  if we don't have 500point after 1min. I would prefer that if I block someone he disappears from my personal bubble completely. Means no more pvp games with him, he can no longer join my group in lfg for fractals or raids and so on.

This won't work well for PvP, as it would make manipulation much easier, because players can then just block their competitors to get easier matches. Putting more ressources into support / moderation would help more.

For groups and squads without a com, there is a problem too, because whose block-list will decide, if someone can join your group or not.

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I personally dont think they should be excluded from the content we play.
I jus twant the bloack feature to prevent them from seeing your lfgs, sqjoin at you and prevent them from seeing you on their own friend list ( or if they even can, they should only see the name and nothing else, no activity no AP no location) 
When we block someone we do not want them from having any information about us available. 
Hope it really gets reworked. id be really grateful

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On 7/15/2021 at 1:30 PM, medivh.4725 said:

Isn't this like a double edged sword? This is a MMORPG. You LFG for purpose of finding fillers right? A weak player may eventually improve. A player who f the mechanics may eventually improve. A player who f up their build also could eventually improve. Why don't instead of block them guide them toward improving. 

because its a waste of time and not my problem.

Edited by MarkoGold.7126
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2 hours ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

because its a waste of time and not my problem.

I am not in need of the block rework for the bad players. I need it reworked mostly for the toxic, stalkers and trollers.
and I can agree that there are people that are not made to help or teach others and want to spend their time efficiently.

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How would a follower or a friend know in which part of the map youre in? A map might be as big as mount maelstrom... How would a friend find you if you both are not in the same guild? And actively representing the guild....


And one more thing I experienced from gw2... seems noone experienced it before. Someone out of the blue whispered me some bad words and it seemed they blocked me as soon as they completed their whisper... I tried asking who they are and what have I done to them to deserve such praise from them😒, but the chat system responded me that the person is offline... Then I tried mail, then the system informed that they blocked me. Then I asked in map chat mentioning that person's name but it seems they were never on that map to begin with... Is it even possible? Maybe I joined a squad and said something in squad chat and left the map after the event completion... They got the name from chat for the whisper or it could be the stalking you guys are talking about... Idk so weird... 


So is it possible to block and follow a person? 🤣😂

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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13 hours ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

I block people that I don't want whispering me. Works great. Who cares if they know where I am?!! They can't do anything to me in game. Seriously, ignore and move on. Report the ones you feel are violating some rule and then... move on. This is really a non issue.

Having been stalked, it absolutely is an issue. Not a common one, buts its an issue bad enough that it made me quit the game in the end for a few years. Reporting does nothing by the way.


5 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

How would a follower or a friend know in which part of the map youre in? A map might be as big as mount maelstrom... How would a friend find you if you both are not in the same guild? And actively representing the guild....


And one more thing I experienced from gw2... seems noone experienced it before. Someone out of the blue whispered me some bad words and it seemed they blocked me as soon as they completed their whisper... I tried asking who they are and what have I done to them to deserve such praise from them😒, but the chat system responded me that the person is offline... Then I tried mail, then the system informed that they blocked me. Then I asked in map chat mentioning that person's name but it seems they were never on that map to begin with... Is it even possible? Maybe I joined a squad and said something in squad chat and left the map after the event completion... They got the name from chat for the whisper or it could be the stalking you guys are talking about... Idk so weird... 


So is it possible to block and follow a person? 🤣😂

Surprisingly easy given a few things: most maps only have one instance up, with very few players in them and two, mounts make trying to find someone whos doing content very easy.


That block messaging you talk about is a problem too that alot of pvp/wvw players have experienced.


Yes, it is is. Ive been stalked in game by someone i knew IRL, it was a horrible thing to have happen, and yall who just say "block and ignore" really dont understand how bad it can get knowing that they are following you everywhere, including online.

Edited by Dante.1763
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If you were being stalked IRL and it spilled over into the game that is a much larger issue that should involve the appropriate authorities. I do not believe it is possible for an in game stalker to become a real life stalker with the in game system's limited capabilities unless I am not fully understanding the friend's list capabilities?What you are refering to is a different issue that the in game stalking was a symptom of. And yes, your situation sounds terrifying. I hope it has been resolved!!!

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