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On 7/17/2021 at 3:13 AM, Super Hayes.6890 said:

I block people that I don't want whispering me. Works great. Who cares if they know where I am?!! They can't do anything to me in game. Seriously, ignore and move on. Report the ones you feel are violating some rule and then... move on. This is really a non issue.

Block means block.
When I have blocked someone and they can join my squad, see what im farming etc and the map I am currently is the opposite of having them blocked. They only cant whisper me and send me mail but everything else remains the same.
It is an issue because block should be meant for blocking totally someone

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Yea it's pretty silly how a block list has features for harassment, but we don't have more ways to contact people legitimately lol.


I'm curious on how people can defend something that basically can have only negative effects, beyond "it doesn't affect me, personally"


Also btw folks there's a difference between trolling and stalking. If someone posts "this class sucks" in map chat, then that would be trolling. But while provocative, leads to no real long term effects and is a danger to no one.  On the other hand, stalking and harassment, may involve targeted and persistent harassment of an individual. Sometimes this can actually get very dangerous, as stalking is in general.


So if your only negative experience is being called a nub, this is not  the same thing. Now I have never been the victim of stalking but I have seen people been the targets of it both online and irl. Some stalkers really have too many time on their hands, and they can be very deranged.  Now obviously, the ability to hurt you in this game is much less, but like I said, too much time! A lot of people aren't good at protecting their personal details online either. So when I hear people like Dante in this thread talk about this crap, I believe it 100%. If you don't understand this, consider yourself fortunate.


I'm guessing this is because the term trolling has pretty much pretty much overused and sensationalized. Some news report will say "trolls" sent death threats, and doxxed people. This is not trolling anymore; that's just criminal behavior.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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13 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Yea it's pretty silly how a block list has features for harassment, but we don't have more ways to contact people legitimately lol.


I'm curious on how people can defend something that basically can have only negative effects, beyond "it doesn't affect me, personally"


Also btw folks there's a difference between trolling and stalking. If someone posts "this class sucks" in map chat, then that would be trolling. But while provocative, leads to no real long term effects and is a danger to no one.  On the other hand, stalking and harassment, may involve targeted and persistent harassment of an individual. Sometimes this can actually get very dangerous, as stalking is in general.


So if your only negative experience is being called a nub, this is not  the same thing. Now I have never been the victim of stalking but I have seen people been the targets of it both online and irl. Some stalkers really have too many time on their hands, and they can be very deranged.  Now obviously, the ability to hurt you in this game is much less, but like I said, too much time! A lot of people aren't good at protecting their personal details online either. So when I hear people like Dante in this thread talk about this crap, I believe it 100%.


I'm guessing this is because the term trolling has pretty much pretty much overused and sensationalized. Some news report will say "trolls" sent death threats, and doxxed people. This is not trolling anymore; that's just criminal behavior.

I mean even though cant be really hurt online, the mental health gets affected and many people can be seriously disturbed by stalkers, trollers etc.

I would not suggest a thing that would not be important in my opinion and I strongly believe it is time for this issue to get the attention it deserves.
The dev team has seriously improved lately the communication  with players and I hope we get some insight on the matter.

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The only thing I'd like to see the block list do is keep blocked people out of LFGs and squads I create, nothing more.


As for in-game stalking, as terrible as that is, stalking is a very serious problem in general that has it roots far, far outside of the game. I think rather than increasing block list functionality to deal with that behavior, support should instead have a much more robust response to reports of stalking. However, increasing the effectiveness of support taking care of player-on-player issues is probably an impossible pipe dream, so maybe it falls to the block list to take up that burden.

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3 minutes ago, Owatatsumi.5038 said:

I mean even though cant be really hurt online, the mental health gets affected and many people can be seriously disturbed by stalkers, trollers etc.

I would not suggest a thing that would not be important in my opinion and I strongly believe it is time for this issue to get the attention it deserves.
The dev team has seriously improved lately the communication  with players and I hope we get some insight on the matter.


Yea, I think we could do better. I've just never seen a block list with more features than if you didn't block them.

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If they cannot message you and you cannot see anything they say, what does it matter? If there is someone you do not want to play with, don't. The comment about LFG is a bit off. Why should player A have the right to dictate that player B cannot group with player C?


Block, ignore, move on.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

If they cannot message you and you cannot see anything they say, what does it matter? If there is someone you do not want to play with, don't. The comment about LFG is a bit off. Why should player A have the right to dictate that player B cannot group with player C?


Block, ignore, move on.


They know what map you're on and can follow you around.


There are many ways to annoy people even if they've blocked you. For example they could hang those large balloons to block your vision. They could put troll merchants (perma vendor) that you can't interact with but it blocks your interaction with normal vendors. If you're waiting for a portal for WvW reset, they could drop feasts to block you.  They could aggro multiple mobs on the map to you. If you go down, they could purposely transfuse you into a dangerous spot and cause you to die. They could spam bobblehead labs too or that keg that makes you drunk.


These are just the things that came off the top of my head. I'm sure a more deranged individual with spare time would think of more.


Also even if you can't see their messages, you'll still see the responses if they're sweaty enough.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Having some privacy in regard to where you are and what you're doing would be really nice, right now the only option to hide your location from someone you don't want to interact with is to go "invisible", but then you can't see guild chats or have uninvolved people whisper you either. 


Those you've blocked can oh so freely add you as a friend, follow you around, flash their skills at you, kill your mobs, mess up your lfgs highlighted in a friendly blue color, so much fun to have. Shouldn't there be a way to deal with this behaviour without contacting support?

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1 hour ago, meo.1259 said:

Having some privacy in regard to where you are and what you're doing would be really nice, right now the only option to hide your location from someone you don't want to interact with is to go "invisible", but then you can't see guild chats or have uninvolved people whisper you either. 


Those you've blocked can oh so freely add you as a friend, follow you around, flash their skills at you, kill your mobs, mess up your lfgs highlighted in a friendly blue color, so much fun to have. Shouldn't there be a way to deal with this behaviour without contacting support?

Exactly. If it is reworked, support will not have to actually bother with a lot of cases and not only players will have the thing working as it should, but the game team will also have less things to worry on the long run ( less stress for the support team)

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Something else to consider: If blocking someone removed you from their friends list and prevented them from adding you back as long as you're blocking them, that would act as a way to thin your followers list. Just block and unblock people you don't want there and they're gone unless they remember your account name.


Also the block system as it is now could potentially land Anet in hot legal water in some jurisdictions that take online harassment and stalking seriously, since victims should not have to go through support and hope support actually does something (I've heard mixed things about Anet's support here) when there could literally be a button to do all that.


If a dev spending time to show multiple map currencies in the inventory window was deemed worth time and resources to do, updating the friends list to properly block people who are blocked should be as well.

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While I fully support the block and follower feature be reworked (my follower list is a mile long and not a single person from there has ever said hello to me. What is the point of it?)  I should note that a more robust block function will not stop a stalker in a game where it is so easy to make a new account. 
The real solution would be to improve the reporting system for this kind of issue specifically. A report like this, accompanied by screenshots should be considered an escalation and treated promptly.  There is a difference between malice and mischief and I think those posting here are confusing the two. 

If they are constantly showing up to events and intentionally causing them to fail or constantly showing up where you are to intentionally disrupt what you are doing that is harassment. (emphasis on frequency and what they are doing) And you've taken screenshots of them doing this and have a list of where and when and how often, then they may be suspended after a more thorough investigation by a moderator. 
If they are showing up to events and participating normally , or showing up where you are but not disrupting you - are only watching or are just there, they aren't technically causing harm and will not face any kind of punishment. 

The truth is if it really is a stalker, IP banning them will not deter them. Your best bet is not to isolate yourself. Surround yourself with your social network. Have them watch your back and record what they see as well. Sometimes stalking can escalate so it is important you are not alone, and you have records because you may have to bring it to the police. 

If I were to re-work the block feature it would be this: If I block someone my name is removed from their 'friend' list. They can not add me again. They can no longer see my name or know what map I am on or have visited. 
I know some people find the follow feature useful when they like people who run events - or they want to remember someone they met in an LFG who turned out to be helpful. So I feel after 7 days without contact , the name should be removed unless they choose to keep it via a prompt like , "You have not contacted X in 7 days, do you wish to keep following?"  

It is not a perfect solution but it would help a lot of people.

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The suggestions are nice. I still insist though that block should totally prevent of the other person to know anything about you. On most games  when you block someone they totally disappear ( the name, locations etc). They can only exist as a character model for you  but thats all. At least they cannot enter your squads/groups or see what are yo udoing. They also should not be able to see class/Level/ Achievement Points and area.
And I believe that it is not that much of a work in reality considering it is just making information totally hidden when you are blocked by someone.
Also the invisible feature is kind of lacking when yo uare on the same guild with that person in some cases. Not only that but they can see exact location if you want to represent that guild and that is just unecessary.

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I am fully with the idea. But one question, how does someone stalk you? So what does he do when he is with the person he's stalking?

I have, for example, toned my character models down to see not a thousand shiny bombs. Also I have names off. How did you notice that someone was stalking you? What did he do besides jump around you?

And how do you report that? How do you prove it?

I thought with stalking you would talk about WVW, where it is really a thing that people go on other TS servers to report things from another server. But in OW?

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6 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

I am fully with the idea. But one question, how does someone stalk you? So what does he do when he is with the person he's stalking?

I have, for example, toned my character models down to see not a thousand shiny bombs. Also I have names off. How did you notice that someone was stalking you? What did he do besides jump around you?

And how do you report that? How do you prove it?

I thought with stalking you would talk about WVW, where it is really a thing that people go on other TS servers to report things from another server. But in OW?

A person you have blocked will still have you on their friend or follow list. While you will show up as offline to them, it will still show what map you are on under your name on their list, in real time. They can judge by the map what event you are doing and choose to join your map. There is a 50% chance they are able to join you.
It is true that if they are blocked, you will not hear what they say. They are not able to whisper you, you will not hear what they say in squad, say or map chat. However, they may have friends, or they may trick the people around you in to passing on a message. This has happened to me personally and extended beyond the game in to Skype at the time. They can have their friends follow you and give them updates, they can trick strangers in to giving them updates about where you are too.
They follow you from map to map, match to match personally or with the help of friends or guildies. 
This was an issue for me once during pvp tournaments where someone thought I was a botter because I sucked and had their guild/friends throw the match if I was in it. I was able to take screenshots and video to prove this. An Arenanet employee was able to investigate and essentially find the truth and I believe the people involved were suspended. 
The employees who investigate have access to all forms of in-game communication with time stamps I believe. They might even be able to see what maps you visited and for how long. 

I know it's hard to imagine stalking being scary or ruining fun. It's hard to describe what it's like when someone you don't like, someone who scares you in and out of the game is everywhere you are - trying to hurt you, disrupt your peace of mind, ruin your reputation, force themselves on you. They don't take no or leave me alone - they are single minded , clever and usually have no lives outside of this activity. They can be dangerous and it can escalate. 

I am all for doing anything that discourages this. But even with a good block system , it won't stop someone who is determined. But it will stop people who are just starting out.

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I'd love to see an overhaul of the contacts system.  In fact, I've a list of things I'd love to see made real here. 

In no particular order:

1.) No more follower's list; replace with "pending friend requests"
2.) Add a "Mute" feature and a "Mute" list. Blocking is a bit too permanent and there are so many bots on that list now it's difficult for me to find the people I want to temporarily block for being a nuisance.  Muting would do the same thing as blocking but it would only be temporary and allow choices of muting for 5 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 day.  Anything longer and you should probably block them.
3.) Invisible is actually invisible, but you still have access to all features you normally would have access to.  If you whisper someone, they may whisper you back as invisible.
4.) An option to accept Mail/Whispers from Anyone / Friends / Friends&Guildmates / No One.  Guild leaders of guilds can send mail regardless but as another feature;
5.) Guild mail system.  Receive a mail that takes up no space in your mailbox (It's not 1 of the 10 you can have) whenever the MotD changes in your guild.
6.) Block List and the proposed Mute list should just show display name of person on it (E.G. Name.1234) and nothing else.  Mute list shows how much time is remaining on their mute.

Edited by Sir Alymer.3406
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19 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

I'd love to see an overhaul of the contacts system.  In fact, I've a list of things I'd love to see made real here. 

In no particular order:

1.) No more follower's list; replace with "pending friend requests"
2.) Add a "Mute" feature and a "Mute" list. Blocking is a bit too permanent and there are so many bots on that list now it's difficult for me to find the people I want to temporarily block for being a nuisance.  Muting would do the same thing as blocking but it would only be temporary and allow choices of muting for 5 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 day.  Anything longer and you should probably block them.
3.) Invisible is actually invisible, but you still have access to all features you normally would have access to.  If you whisper someone, they may whisper you back as invisible.
4.) An option to accept Mail/Whispers from Anyone / Friends / Friends&Guildmates / No One.  Guild leaders of guilds can send mail regardless but as another feature;
5.) Guild mail system.  Receive a mail that takes up no space in your mailbox (It's not 1 of the 10 you can have) whenever the MotD changes in your guild.
6.) Block List and the proposed Mute list should just show display name of person on it (E.G. Name.1234) and nothing else.  Mute list shows how much time is remaining on their mute.

Extremely nice Ideas actually.
Hope they take notes on dev team , those ideas are really good tbh.

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