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Hello to the community. In the time that I have been playing (about 5 months) I have been able to verify that there is an EXCESSIVE amount of currencies. Too many coins for too many different things that in the end the vast majority seem today are not very useful, for example KARMA, which in the end accumulates and accumulates and loses value.
The problem I see is that for new players (and perhaps those who return to the game after a while) all that amount of currency and coins becomes crazy, spending a lot of time asking and looking for what one or the other is for, and although It may not seem like it for the most veteran players, it is really crazy and difficult to understand.

The suggestion would be to unify all the currencies and currencies so that the currencies of the game are the following:

- Gold Silver Copper
- Karma
- Gems
- Coins for WvW and / or PvP
- Unique dungeon currency


By making everything revolve around gold and Karma, and doing a karma value readjustment for different items, in the end it is much more practical, allowing players to farm more karma by mapping the game even by doing so completing maps. be more interesting.

To avoid that a player with a large amount of gold or karma could buy items without making the content, you could put some type of lock or achievement that is unlocked when making the content, or put the NPC that sells items at the end of the dungeon or instance.

And finally, there is a lot of talk about the vertical and horizontal scale in terms of character progression. I know that GW2 does not seek constant farming to obtain an item that makes you have better stats so that your character is stronger than others (this I think they refer to with vertical scale), but the first time I entered WvW, I saw the NPCs And the sets they sell did not seem useful to me, I think they should put new sets where the exclusive armor for WvW and / or PvP would give a% PvP resistance and the weapons a% PvP damage. in this way by doing WvW you could build a more effective set for this map.


You could also take advantage of the new legendary armory, where the legendary team could include an item that will increase% damage or defenses for WvW, in this way we would have more meta content and more build options.

EDIT: I forgot to add that the most special chests in the game, such as those of the Black Lion or world bosses, elites, could have the possibility of giving a reduced amount of gems, making them equally more interesting.

Edited by kaleyl.7890
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Do you really think so? So what are the armor sets you can buy in WvW for? Esthetic? Don't you think that if they gave a differentiating stat it would make those coins you earn in WvW have more value?

Being able to acquire exotic war gear to use only on these maps, and the more you play WvW, you will be able to farm equipment that makes you a little better for this content.

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4 minutes ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

Do you really think so? So what are the armor sets you can buy in WvW for? Esthetic? Don't you think that if they gave a differentiating stat it would make those coins you earn in WvW have more value?

Being able to acquire exotic war gear to use only on these maps, and the more you play WvW, you will be able to farm equipment that makes you a little better for this content.


I would rather quit Wvw then dealing with this. 


I agree that this game has to many currencies (especially wvw) but this wouldn't make anything easier or more rewarding. 

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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GW2 is the only MMO that, more than five years down the line, hasn't had it's economy entirely ravaged by inflation and over-scaling. Five months of seemingly casual gaming is not enough for you to realize this, let alone suggest a solution to an inexistent problem.

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12 minutes ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

Do you really think so? So what are the armor sets you can buy in WvW for? Esthetic? Don't you think that if they gave a differentiating stat it would make those coins you earn in WvW have more value?

Those sets are so primarily WvW players have the ability to get armor by playing their prefered game mode.


This game is based on the idea of "comparable rewards". No matter what type of content you play, you have avenues towards all best-in-slot gear stats through that content.


There's no need to make things "exclusive" to one gamemode or the other, since that's not what the GW2 reward system is built upon. This game is focussed on "play what you enjoy to maximise your character", not "follow a carrot on a stick because only that leads you to a maxed-out character".

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Welcome to Guild Wars 2! As you've noticed the game relies on horizontal progression, which means three things.


Firstly you reach the limit of getting stronger (higher level, higher stats etc.) relatively quickly and after that you only unlock new options, like elite specs to replace one of the normal ones or masteries which aren't combat related. 


Secondly it means your choices are important, you can't rely on gear to carry you. A skilled player using rare equipment with a good build and appropriate attributes and upgrades will do better than an inexperienced player in a full set of exotic equipment with mis-matched stats. This is where a lot of those sets you see for sale come in: it's not enough to just have exotic equipment. You need to have exotics with the right attributes for your build, so it's important that when it's sold there's several different stat combinations to choose from.


Finally it means that a lot of "progression" is cosmetic: players will go out of their way to collect equipment even if they don't want or need the stats because they like how it looks and want to use it on their character (most likely by using the wardrobe to apply the skin to the equipment they're already wearing, so they can keep their stats the same). This is why you'll sometimes see items for sale (especially on some of the WvW merchants) with no stats at all: you're literally just buying the item skin, and that is a reward in itself in this game.


As for your suggestion about currencies I agree there's too many, but I think you're suggesting cutting it down too much and the fact that you advocate keeping unique dungeon currencies while getting rid of all the open-world ones tells me you don't yet have enough experience with this game to understand the importance of open-world maps. This isn't one of those MMOs where once you reach the maximum level you're done with open-world content and funnelled into dungeons and raids. The open-world is the end game for a lot of PvE players and a lot of level 80 maps are designed as such. If it's appropriate to keep unique currencies for each dungeon so players have an incentive to play that specific one and get rewards specific to it then the same is true of open-world maps.


I think some currencies could be merged, like the Proof of Heroics and Testimony of Heroics in WvW since they're functionally the same and Testimonies can be exchanged for Proofs at a 1:1 exchange rate.


Possibly the two raid currencies could be combined, although I don't know enough about raids to say if that would cause problems. The blue, green and red shards from strike missions could definitely be combined since they're already redundant and IMO make it seem overly complicated for people new to strikes to work out what they can get and how. Fractal relics and pristine Fractal relics could probably be combined as well since they come from the same activities.


The map specific keys (like zephyrite lockpicks and bandit skeleton keys) seem somewhat redundant since they can be bought with the same map's currency, but that would cause immersion/logic issues because I'm not sure how you could explain paying to open a locked chest.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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Ok, really the post was to talk about the currency issue, the other section was to give an example.

But please answer me this question ...
What are the sets sold in WvW NPCs for? What gives different to other teams that you can get outside?
Could you give another example, the teams that are sold in cities that are bought with Karma ... or those that are exclusive of race? As there is no "vertical progression", I can understand the approach, in the end there are many many items and equipment that in the end is aesthetic. we have excess currency and excess items in my opinion that it is to unlock design and remain "something aesthetic", and this is what I referred to in the second point of the post.

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9 minutes ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

Ok, really the post was to talk about the currency issue, the other section was to give an example.

But please answer me this question ...
What are the sets sold in WvW NPCs for? What gives different to other teams that you can get outside?

This was already answered:

- they have unique visuals

- it is a way for players who prefer WvW to get the best in slot gear in their game mode without having to go to other game modes to get the gear


It's not that complex.


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19 minutes ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

Ok, really the post was to talk about the currency issue, the other section was to give an example.

But please answer me this question ...
What are the sets sold in WvW NPCs for? What gives different to other teams that you can get outside?
Could you give another example, the teams that are sold in cities that are bought with Karma ... or those that are exclusive of race? As there is no "vertical progression", I can understand the approach, in the end there are many many items and equipment that in the end is aesthetic. we have excess currency and excess items in my opinion that it is to unlock design and remain "something aesthetic", and this is what I referred to in the second point of the post.


If you would be a veteran player like me with millions of currencies, I could understand the problem of some of them becoming worthless. Cough Skismish Tickets Cough. 


But you are a new player. There is almost 9y worth of vendor content. 


Every single other new player I know is struggling to get currencies because they need so much. 

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6 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:


If you would be a veteran player like me with millions of currencies, I could understand the problem of some of them becoming worthless. Cough Skismish Tickets Cough. 


But you are a new player. There is almost 9y worth of vendor content. 


Every single other new player I know is struggling to get currencies because they need so much. 

Sometines I think im the only player thats been here for 9 years and has almost 0 of every currency but gold.. >.>

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Currencies are fine, when in doubt, ask the wiki where to get and what to spend on.

Giving damage/stat bonuses to gear to bring them over ascended(or any other rarity tbh) will never fly with this game and it's perfectly fine like that. You say yourself, that you've only been here for 5 months and I know, gear progression is a very common thing in online games. But GW2 is different, the (optional) endgame grind is for flashy and/or valued cosmetics and account upgrades(f.e. masteries, legendaries, mining tools, agony resistance and again skins). Beside that, the endgame is finding something you enjoy playing/doing and going for it, just for the fun of it..

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Just now, DanAlcedo.3281 said:


This is actually a good scenario. This means you always have something to do. 

You arent wrong!!

As an example of what i mean: i recently crafted HOPE, it took all my karma(less than 250k), and it took all my VM/UM as well to get the obsidian i needed.


after that i outfitted my ranger in harrier ascended which took using a bunch of my stored materials to get the um/vm back.


one of these days ill finish the siren landing backpack collection xD

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Keep i mind that the different currencies are to get players to participate in the maps/events/modes that award them. If karma and gold became the only currencies, many people would find the activities that reward the most and just farm those to buy what they want. With the way Anet has set things up, if you want Winterberries to buy something, you do Bitterfrost. You don't farm Silverwastes to get Bitterfrosts's rewards.

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7 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

Do you really think so? So what are the armor sets you can buy in WvW for? Esthetic? Don't you think that if they gave a differentiating stat it would make those coins you earn in WvW have more value?

Yes, it would make the currency have more value. At the cost of introducing gear grind to this game. So, thank you, but no. We dont't need that in here.


7 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

Being able to acquire exotic war gear to use only on these maps, and the more you play WvW, you will be able to farm equipment that makes you a little better for this content.

See above. No, i'd rather not spend the whole game "preparing to have fun". I'd rather have fun instead.

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14 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

Hello to the community. In the time that I have been playing (about 5 months)

Hello and welcome to GW2! 😃

14 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

I have been able to verify that there is an EXCESSIVE amount of currencies. Too many coins for too many different things that in the end the vast majority seem today are not very useful, for example KARMA, which in the end accumulates and accumulates and loses value.

There's a lot of currencies, yes, but they each have its use and keep the maps they're gained from alive.

14 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

The problem I see is that for new players (and perhaps those who return to the game after a while) all that amount of currency and coins becomes crazy, spending a lot of time asking and looking for what one or the other is for, and although It may not seem like it for the most veteran players, it is really crazy and difficult to understand.

It's really not that difficult as your inventory UI shows you exactly which currencies are relevant for each map you're on. For instance, in Bitterfrost frontier, you'll see the amount of Winterberries you have in addition to gold and karma. In Istan, that part will show Kralkatite ore and as you enter the Fractal lobby, it'll show you Fractal relics. There's not many other places you can spend that specific currency other than the maps they're relevant at. There's other minor exceptions to this, but generally, it's not that confusing.

14 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

The suggestion would be to unify all the currencies and currencies so that the currencies of the game are the following:

- Gold Silver Copper
- Karma
- Gems
- Coins for WvW and / or PvP
- Unique dungeon currency

Then people would find on gw2efficiency or other sites the best gold/hour places and just farm those, then buy whatever they want from other maps.

14 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

By making everything revolve around gold and Karma, and doing a karma value readjustment for different items, in the end it is much more practical, allowing players to farm more karma by mapping the game even by doing so completing maps. be more interesting.

See above. It would have the opposite effect of what you propose. Let's say, Silverwastes gives you most gold/hour and idk, Verdant Brink meta most karma/hour. Those 2 maps would be the only 2 maps alive, no one would ever visit other maps. And why would they when they can just farm silverwastes, then pop into Dragonstand and buy whetever they want there?

14 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

To avoid that a player with a large amount of gold or karma could buy items without making the content, you could put some type of lock or achievement that is unlocked when making the content, or put the NPC that sells items at the end of the dungeon or instance.

Yeah, achievements are not confusing at all sometimes. You also lock people into one specific way of obtaining the ability to purchase stuff from the map rewards. With currencies, players at least have a few ways of obtaining them. Also what, someone will do all the achievement, unlock a vendor, then buy everything at once? With the current system, people can chip at the rewards piece by piece as they get currencies, they don't have to wait for some arbitrary reason to be able to purchase something.

14 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

And finally, there is a lot of talk about the vertical and horizontal scale in terms of character progression. I know that GW2 does not seek constant farming to obtain an item that makes you have better stats so that your character is stronger than others (this I think they refer to with vertical scale), but the first time I entered WvW, I saw the NPCs And the sets they sell did not seem useful to me, I think they should put new sets where the exclusive armor for WvW and / or PvP would give a% PvP resistance and the weapons a% PvP damage. in this way by doing WvW you could build a more effective set for this map.


You could also take advantage of the new legendary armory, where the legendary team could include an item that will increase% damage or defenses for WvW, in this way we would have more meta content and more build options.

EDIT: I forgot to add that the most special chests in the game, such as those of the Black Lion or world bosses, elites, could have the possibility of giving a reduced amount of gems, making them equally more interesting.

And lastly...


NOOOOOOOOO, nononononononononononononononono, no, no, no, no, no nononono, no, nononono, no way...

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8 hours ago, Ayrilana.1396 said:

I find this unlikely to happen as the individual currencies exist to pull players towards specific content. 

Precisely, they mean you have to do specific content in order to get the rewards. They also mean that people all start at the same level whenever new content is released so that when they add new content you don't have someone unlock everything instantly.

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Just now, Fuchslein.8639 said:

I thought you were going to talk about the stuff that can't be stored anywhere or something ....
that's the stuff that really bugs me, not the excessive amount of stuff that ends up somewhere in the nirvana of my storage or something.


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