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Legendary armor is... Locked for some people.

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4 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Envoy armor requires HoT openworld (chak eggs, reclaimed plates, auric ingot, map currencies, etc on top of the collection items) , fractals (Volcanic, Snowblind, Aquatic), and raids. If there's a new PvE armor it would likely be from EOD strikes (so raid lite), EOD metas / activities / JPs , and possibly a few fractals as an afterthought rather than the main portion of it. When I say "fractal legendary" I mean that it won't be the main portion of a new armor as there would have been one added long before EOD if deemed necessary.


Yea I guess. That's kinda unfortunate that there isn't that much effort directed about these things.


I suppose that those that seriously care about more than 1 legendary are probably in the minority. I would imagine casual players probably don't even have ascended for most slot, as it is rather overkill and expensive.


Legendary is even worse in that regards.

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6 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:


Yea I guess. That's kinda unfortunate that there isn't that much effort directed about these things.


I suppose that those that seriously care about more than 1 legendary are probably in the minority. I would imagine casual players probably don't even have ascended for most slot, as it is rather overkill and expensive.

And yet the vast majority as you say dont do hard content, because this game was supposed to be the casual mmo, no gear becoming obsolete and having to raid to keep up, play as you want, buy vanity items. But yet its the very minority of players trying to keep the vast majority from having their own legendary set in a game supposedly created for us. I would say you are the outliers, not us.

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7 minutes ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

And yet the vast majority as you say dont do hard content, because this game was supposed to be the casual mmo, no gear becoming obsolete, play as you want, buy vanity items. But yet its the very minority of players trying to keep the vast majority from having their own legendary set in a game supposedly created for us. I would say you are the outliers, not us.


And it is still the causal MMO where gear doesn't really obsolete. Ascended has been around since when? Legendary doesn't have any better stats. If anyone's crying about the grind, it's self inflicted.


Also let's not pretend that this so called minority of players has any pull on Anet. If Anet wants to give out legendaries more casually, then their opinions would not matter. It's much more likely that people that care about legendaries are more hardcore and more of a minority than they'd think.

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1 hour ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

But yet its the very minority of players trying to keep the vast majority from having their own legendary set in a game supposedly created for us. I would say you are the outliers, not us.

I have seen some really ugly pieces of divisive false rhetoric on both sides of this discussion.

This idea that anyone who disagrees with you is some shadowy cabal of elitists trying to gatekeep you from your loot though is among the worst.

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5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

They are also dead. Because they are soooo interesting to huge majority of players that devs decided to drop any work on them due to too low population.


The truest form of PvE. That most pve players do not play, and will not play. Right.


The truth is, they are not "truest form" of anything. They are just a content that only a minority finds interesting. And nothing more than that.


You'd be surprised. Yes, there's a part of players that indeed acts that. They might find the use in the ability to share one set among all the characters, and to have free skin transmutations to be useful. Besides, who can say no to glowy aura? Remember, that originally legendaries had no QoL at all - they were just exotics and the only difference was in the skins. And yet they were highly popular even then. If anything, i'd say that more people pursue legendaries as part of fashion wars than for QoL.


Additionally, you forget that there is a number of casuals that do change their builds and experiment with them. If anything, they are probably even more infamous in Raid circles, because when doing that, they often pursue completely different goals than Raiders do. You certainly did not think that the stories about nomad heal shout warriors (or similar) entering high-end content were about hardcore players, did you?


No, that's most of the Raiders, actually. Out of the many raiders i have known, only 2-3 actually did experiment with their build son their own. Others took builds from someone else, with many not even understanding why those builds were built that way (or, say, which things can be safely changed, and which cannot)

Why would raiders do? From what i 've been told over the years, you don;t even need ascended, to raid, much less legendaries.


Noone needs legendaries. It's always want, not need, that makes people pursue them. And they want them for multitude of reasons, many of which do not have anything to do with their base Qol.


At the point where they'll equip one on a second char, or want to change the skin? Or at the moment they will flash someone with on-draw effect? (The wings effect on heavy set is really cool, if you haven't noticed).


Many do indeed have multiple toons - some have more than most raiders.


That's a hardcore player talking that looks at everything through the perspective of efficiency alone. casuals are casual because they usually do not think that way at all.


That removes most of the reasons why someone would pursue legendaries, though.



Your opinion on raids doesn't change the fact that they're the ultimate test of player skill for PvE.  I bet if you were around at all back when map completion required WvW as w ell, you'd be complaining about being "Forced" into PvP to get, what was at the time, a simple very shiny cosmetic item.  GW2 Players are notorious for wanting to do things with minimal effort for maximum rewards.  There's nothing "Gated" about the rewards in raids that isn't just up to your own personal vendetta against raiders because of that one or two instances where someone, somewhere said something that triggered you or a boss dunked on your team for a few hours because you or someone else kept failing mechanics.  If you want an almost AFK method of acquiring legendary gear, there's always WvW, but that may change in the future as ANet figures out how to reward more active play.  Also, if CM strikes live up to the hype, they're going to basically just be raids 2.  And if CM strikes are raids 2, then I've zero issues with a strike legendary armor set as it'll take the same effort I had to put in to get my own legendary armor from raids.  Just so long as any future raid armor looks different from Envoy.

Also, If you want the functionality of a legendary, the freely changing of attributes and skins, the slotting and removal of any upgrade without requiring an upgrade extractor, and the free transmutations, you should do the content it's locked behind and earn it like everyone else.  I've friends with learning and physical disabilities and others who raid while drunk off their butts and they still manage to do almost all of the challenging content in this game because they don't get hung up on what something is called, sought out players they could play with, came up with strategies that worked for them and their groups, and built their skill as players. These people deserve the  legendary armor they now can build.

The average cost of all attributes in the game is ~1800-2000 gold per item (Assuming ~50-55g per insignia).   On appearance; it's at most two sets of weapons, two backpacks, and two sets of armor.  Assuming 3 weapons (2x 1h, 1x 2h) 6 armor pieces, and a backpiece, that's 20 tmutes per character.  Most, if not all new things released into the game are released as skins that can be used to freely transmute over the current appearance.  But let's just assume that's not the case at all.  How much would it cost to get a full ascended set?  Let's assume +20g f or materials and +50g for the insignia/inscription and follow the 10 piece rule per build.  700gp sounds steep, until you realize that a majority of this cost can be removed via simply doing strikes, raids, or even getting them as drops.  And boy, let me tell you ascended drops quite frequently.  So the upper limit is ~700g for a full 10 piece set of ascended gear (Armor, weapons, backpiece). 

25 charges is 600 gems or about 24 gems per charge.  At  current exchange rate, that's 182g 18s 81c.  Relatively inexpensive for someone who can afford a whole  ascended set, but even then, you can make alts  and map complete the cities for a free 5 or  even do WvW/PvP for a ton of charges.  I believe PvE even has them sold at holiday events which is where I get most of mine.  Anyways, acquiring two sets of gear is ~1582g at most.  As in this is how much you'll be spending on it if you choose to bypass all the timegating and such. This is the absolute worst-case-scenario where you just buy everything straight off the TP at lowest seller. 

There's always a bit of research.  Find the cheapest ascended armor to make then stat swap it to the attributes you want.  This really brings the price down.  I believe the cheapest set is only ~120g.  Doing this you can easily build a set of armor and weapons in the stats you want.  Backpieces are always stat selectable.  From t his, you'll be spending ~240g for two sets, and 423 to get the look you want if you buy the  gems  with gold.  However, what's more likely is that, by the time you can make a full ascended set, you'll have a fair few transmutation charges saved up making  the whole cost negligible.  Last time I did a full check of what a full set of legendaries (7 runes, 8 sigils, all armors, 19 weapons, all accessories) it came out to ~35,000g.  To meet that gold cost, you'd need to craft 290 sets of ascended armor.

Also I wouldn't be surprised about people running weird stat combos. Back in the day, when there was a popular DPS meter  had an illegal bit on it to inspect gear, I'd inspect the gear of others more out of a morbid curiosity.  I never kicked someone if they had an odd attribute combination, only if  they played poorly and were messing everyone up/failing mechanics repeatedly.  Lots of people had consistent builds both with traits and gear, but there were a few outliers.  I found a chronomancer, for instance, in rare  gear using medalions, a ranger using green gear joining random raids and triggering the bosses (I assume that guy was a troll), and a handful of others.  I kept logs of all the old ones and there's only six. Due to player privacy, I won't be sharing the images of their gear.

Raiders use legendary gear to shift builds around.  Toughness may be needed for this boss to tank, maybe the healer wants to slot healing power or concentration to upkeep boons  / heal better.  Maybe the DPS isn't  capable of getting spotter, so they slot in a few extra assassin's  pieces, etc.  Those are real raid uses that happen frequently enough to justify the convenience cost, e specially if you do a lot of Pug raids (Which aren't dead if you check the LFG just after raid reset.  Now what, out of niche cases for the average open world player?  The average strike player?  They've no use for things beyond weapons and trinkets to perform their role optimally.  Weapons for DPS allow for a larger minimum and maximum damage range and trinkets make the 5% difference between full ascended and  full exotic less noticeable as armor doesn't account for many more attributes.  People who don't min/max, who don't need to change their builds frequently, won't have use for legendary gear beyond free tmutes, but even then, with how many this game throws at you for, you know, actually playing the game, that's not a huge benefit.

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2 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Your opinion on raids doesn't change the fact that they're the ultimate test of player skill for PvE. 

Not really. It's not the player skill that they test, but group organization (and time management). As far as skill goes, most of the raids are not that hard at all. By the time i had the first set and was working on the next two, i was doing the fights while trying not to go asleep - i could easily disengage my mind and let it go on auto, and it was still okay. Nothing like you have to deal with in PvP, for example. What was the problem was to keep the group together, and having to dedicate most of my playing time to raids (not only clear, but also training, and retraining when some members of the group had to be replaced) with next to no time left for actual fun.



I bet if you were around at all back when map completion required WvW as w ell, you'd be complaining about being "Forced" into PvP to get, what was at the time, a simple very shiny cosmetic item. 

I wasn't. But then, it was not the PvP part that was a problem, but merely having access to the relevant parts of the map, and my server tended to do quite good in matchups, with a lot of options to go even for the enemy garrisons. Now, those on the servers that weren;t that good, and often ended up week after week after week getting the same color in the matchups (and so no access to the parts of the map they haven;t been to yet)? They really had it hard.



GW2 Players are notorious for wanting to do things with minimal effort for maximum rewards.  There's nothing "Gated" about the rewards in raids that isn't just up to your own personal vendetta against raiders because of that one or two instances where someone, somewhere said something that triggered you or a boss dunked on your team for a few hours because you or someone else kept failing mechanics. 

No. It is actually about over two years of doing something that ultimately i felt was destroying my fun in the game. Unlike you, I simply do not wish the same experience on others.



Also, if CM strikes live up to the hype, they're going to basically just be raids 2.  And if CM strikes are raids 2, then I've zero issues with a strike legendary armor set as it'll take the same effort I had to put in to get my own legendary armor from raids.  Just so long as any future raid armor looks different from Envoy.

So, you'd want to reward the same group of players with a second set, while most of the players will still have to do without? I certainly hope the devs won't make that mistake again.



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8 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Well, people sure care a lot about those skins they have a "disstain" about.

Well, the armors are the only interesting and positive thing about the raids.


And yet, notice, that it does not make anyone think of raids any better. There's a reason why on efficiency there are visible cutoffs at 150 (one set) and 750 (three sets) LI. Even to many players that did Raids they were nothing more than an uninteresting legendary armor farm with no other value to it.

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The thread is nonsense. There's nothing wrong with having certain type of rewards gated behind  the more challenging content. Let's also whine about fractal CM rewards/skins or sPvP mAT gizmos being locked from an average open world enjoyer. Nonsense. 

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6 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Well, the armors are the only interesting and positive thing about the raids.


And yet, notice, that it does not make anyone think of raids any better. There's a reason why on efficiency there are visible cutoffs at 150 (one set) and 750 (three sets) LI. Even to many players that did Raids they were nothing more than an uninteresting legendary armor farm with no other value to it.


lol speak for yourself.  I don't care about the skins or raids.  And the bunch of times I did do raids, I did them with people that did them (they already had the armor or didn't care) because they wanted to do them. I did like those inscriptions though.


To me, things to be regarded with disdain for are those black lion RNG ones. I don't like that they exist, and I don't care for them at all. They don't mean anything, and have zero personal value in my point of view.


One of my friends is a consistently high performer, be it fractals or raids. He has more than enough for armor most likely, but guess how many legendaries he has? Zero. To him, it's just a waste of time and doesn't make him more efficient anyways. You need like maybe 3 stats-- zerker, viper, grieving.

Gotta stop projecting this obsession with legendaries on people.


It's pretty funny how when folks see other people with stuff they don't have, they gotta find a way to discredit them, or to knock them down a peg. "Raids are toxic" "Nobody cares/plays about raids".  I don't really understand that at all,


I think it'd be a much more positive attitude to feel happy for someone else that they accomplished something and not imagine all the possible shortcuts or exploits they may have taken.  I know when I see people able to do something I can't, I wonder what they did differently, and maybe I could learn from them.

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31 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Gotta stop projecting this obsession with legendaries on people.


It's pretty funny how when folks see other people with stuff they don't have, they gotta find a way to discredit them, or to knock them down a peg. "Raids are toxic" "Nobody cares/plays about raids".  I don't really understand that at all,

Maybe you should stop projecting this thing about other people discrediting others for having stuff.


This thread alone shows enough examples of people that don‘t want others to have certain things, just to knock them down a peg. „Players that don‘t raid don‘t deserve XY“ „Players that play easy content only press one button“. I don‘t really understand that gatekeepy mind at all.


But what does it matter, the plea about opening up legendary armour from the OP was met with the usual negative and aggressive responses from the same bunch of people that like to hijack threads like these.

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21 minutes ago, Raknar.4735 said:

Maybe you should stop projecting this thing about other people discrediting others for having stuff.


This thread alone shows enough examples of people that don‘t want others to have certain things, just to knock them down a peg. „Players that don‘t raid don‘t deserve XY“ „Players that play easy content only press one button“. I don‘t really understand that gatekeepy mind at all.


Well. pretty hard to knock people down that never made it anywhere. .... is what I'd say if I were legit trying to disparage people based on this imaginary race people seem to be running.


I mean, do I feel like my attitude is superior? Yea, I do. And it has nothing to do with skill level or content choice. And I've never needed a purple item to justify myself. Heck, I don't even have a griffon or skyscale because I didn't earn them. So I don't really see this as any different. You don't see me crying about it.


I don't need to change, because I recognize this is a game and whatever I'm doing works for me. So maybe other people aren't happy but may see things my way. If they don't, that's perfectly fine. So when people say that legendaries are a huge deal and players must have them or their game is incomplete, I'm going to object to that kind of disinformation and introduce them to other alternatives that may result in superior QoL.


It doesn't matter how anyone replies. At the end of the day, when this thread is dead and buried, the people that have their legendaries still will have those. But the bitter people can change, or stay bitter.

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Legendary armor is locked for no one, you are locking yourself out. 

I realized pretty fast that raids are not for me, and that’s fine. I still wanted to have legendary armor. So I played structured PvP to get my first set. After a while I wanted to have a heavy armor legendary set so I started playing WvW to get one. You can do the same. The game gives you several options to obtain legendary armor. 
And tbh I don’t think playing open world content justifies a legendary armor set. The content is way to easy. 

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I'm perfectly fine with the Perfected Envoy armor being locked behind raids. It was the first legendary armor in the game and as far as I am aware they originally didn't even plan to add any other form to get legendary armor. They just added PvP and WvW armor later because nobody was playing raids but people wanted legendary stuff (hence why they don't have special skins like raid armor).
@edit: A lot of people are apparently confused but it's true, have a look here: “Flashpoint” devs here – ask us anything! : Guildwars2 (reddit.com)
"We have no plans to release another set of legendary armor in the future" and a lot of non-raiders complained as seen in the comments below the answer of PaulElla. Maybe "because nobody was playing raids" was a bit overdramatic but there were apparently enough non-raiders to have such a big impact that they've added additional legendary sets even tho they didn't plan on doing so. No matter how hard people want to believe that GW2 has a big raiding scene or at least a big "hardcore PvE" scene, it's comparably small.. probably in the ballpark numbers of PvP or hardcore WvW players.

Since it seems like you're mostly concerned about dumping your current efforts for slb and having to commit specifically to another build, here some advice:
If you've done a bit of WvW or PvP you probably have Testamonies of Heroics or some Skirmish Chests where you can get the testamonies from. You can literally buy skill points with them (from the Notary of Heroics in WvW) so you could probably almost immediately reroll to druid or just go on a HP-train in some HoT maps and get them this way if you prefer to earn the skill points the "intended" way.
And regarding the armor set.. you honestly don't even have to have ascended gear, exotic should be fine as long as you have the correct stats equipped.
Also raiding is really profitable so if you feel like spending 20g for some exotic gear from the trading post is too much to ask for, don't worry.. you will make it back in no time. After literally a couple wings you'll already start making some profit.

For raiding in general I'd suggest checking Builds | Snow Crows for maybe at least 2 builds (either power dps, condi dps or support) you could imagine having fun with and setting up a character. Doesn't have to be your main either (I'm maining thief but my raids chars are primarily Guard and Rev). 
If you don't need to level a character (maybe because you already have an alt on 80 with the correct class or you have enough level boosts) It shouldn't take more than a couple days actually, probably no more than 2 or 3.
Further you should search for training runs first (lfg) until you have a rough understanding of all the boss mechanics. If you then really want to get into raiding or want to make fast progress towards your armor, consider joining a static raid group or raid guild (either via lfg ingame or in the  guild section on the forum). That would be my advice honestly.

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14 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:


I have seen some really ugly pieces of divisive false rhetoric on both sides of this discussion.

This idea that anyone who disagrees with you is some shadowy cabal of elitists trying to gatekeep you from your loot though is among the worst.

Nice cherry pick. Maybe read the whole thing, what does it hurt you for the majority to be able to get their own set through open world? It changes nothing for you, you still have your raid/pvp/wvw sets. The ugliness is not coming from most of the people wanting a set, its coming from those that what to prevent them from getting a set, when it does not affect them.

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22 minutes ago, Raknar.4735 said:

Thanks, that‘s pretty much everything I need to know. Have a nice day.

Thats the problem, they try to disguise it as , well do the raids/pvp/wvw for the set like we did. But there is that bit of petty superiority behind it. Not helpful, esp since its not going to change anything for them if a set was made for open world.

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1 minute ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

Thats the problem, they try to disguise it as , well do the raids/pvp/wvw for the set like we did. But there is that bit of petty superiority behind it. Not helpful, esp since its not going to change anything for them if a set was made for open world.

Both accessories are open world legendaries and soon there will be an open world legendary amulet. Most of the legendary weapons collections are open world content. 
the PvE legendary armor is the raid set. 

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10 minutes ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

Nice cherry pick. Maybe read the whole thing, what does it hurt you for the majority to be able to get their own set through open world? It changes nothing for you, you still have your raid/pvp/wvw sets. The ugliness is not coming from most of the people wanting a set, its coming from those that what to prevent them from getting a set, when it does not affect them.


There's 2 flaws in your logic here


Sure it doesn't hurt them, but it doesn't hurt them with the current status quo either. So it's a wash no matter what.


Secondly, whether they want you to have legendary armor or not is irrelevant. They cannot give you legendary armor anyways. You're trying to convince Anet here.

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56 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:


There's 2 flaws in your logic here


Sure it doesn't hurt them, but it doesn't hurt them with the current status quo either. So it's a wash no matter what.

Well, current status quo definitely doesn't hurt them - they are benefitting from it after all. And you may have not noticed, but you are actually admitting the very point you think are making a counter to: that those players are opposing the change even if that change would not hurt them, because they do not want to share what they have.



Secondly, whether they want you to have legendary armor or not is irrelevant. They cannot give you legendary armor anyways. You're trying to convince Anet here.

Well, so do they. And some of them are also making every effort they can to shout down any such proposals before they'll gain any traction.

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7 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Well, current status quo definitely doesn't hurt them - they are benefitting from it after all. And you may have not noticed, but you are actually admitting the very point you think are making a counter to: that those players are opposing the change even if that change would not hurt them, because they do not want to share what they have.



I am sure that plays a role, but my point is what kind of power do those people actually have? If we accept that raids are but a small portion of the population, then these so called gatekeepers should be irrelevant and would not be an influence on how this game goes along. And considering how they haven't added a raid in quite a while, that would not be an unreasonable conclusion. What would be the point of trying to convince them of... anything, really?


But in any case, "it doesn't hurt you" isn't really an compelling argument to anyone, really.

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7 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Well, current status quo definitely doesn't hurt them - they are benefitting from it after all. And you may have not noticed, but you are actually admitting the very point you think are making a counter to: that those players are opposing the change even if that change would not hurt them, because they do not want to share what they have.


Well, so do they. And some of them are also making every effort they can to shout down any such proposals before they'll gain any traction.

If all it takes to "shoot down" any proposals or changes in developer design is a few voices on the forums, well then that proposal was incredibly weak to begin with.


The developers are developing the the game mostly around metrics, and those metrics so far have NOT lead them to deviate from the current implementation of legendary items. It has made them deviate to introducing legendary armor to pvp and wvw.


Let's not beat around the bush, legendary armory was introduced to increase the value proposition for templates and extend the time specific players (in general more hardcore, no matter which content) stick with the game. If the metrics suggest that adding or easing access to legendary items is in favor of increasing revenue (or keeping those hardcore player engaged in turn increasing revenue), then that might happen. If 90% of players who do not enter challenging content are stuck on 1 set of gear without making any use of the templates and build system, why waste resources on implementing yet another legendary armor set?


That's exactly what this boils down to and it has little to do with player opinions on the forums. In fact this discussion and demand is as old as HoT, so nearly 6 years by now.

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Te answer is very simple . Whichever account doesn't have LK-KP , he cannot se the other posters .

And  whoever deliberty is selling Raid Runs to that no-kp-li  LFG  section (he makes an alt) , when  he get reported by 5 players the only message that he can type in the LFG is either  "blank  or replaced with "LFG more members , every1 is welcomed"" . (and then procced to /kick the op is he start badmouthing)

Also there an "unfiltered tick" option


Edit : Or "None with know anything:" and features  will show up after 4 months




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16 minutes ago, Naqam a.6521 said:

Te answer is very simple . Whichever account doesn't have LK-KP , he cannot se the other posters .

And  whoever deliberty is selling Raid Runs to that no-kp-li  LFG  section (he makes an alt) , he gets "blank message or replaced with "LFG more members , every1 is welcomed"" .

Also there an "unfiltered tick" option

It may be a simple answer, but what is the question? Because i don't see what this is supposed to solve.

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