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World Boss Rewards

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36 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

Yea, mathematical formulas predict, they don't dictate. I know this personally from almost a decade of playing Warframe. Everything is RNG in Warframe, and math is only accurate to within a small margin when dealing with the kinds of numbers in the playerbase of either game(GW2 or Warframe)


I have also played warframe, in fact it is second game in my library by the hours clocked in game. I also had Propability and Statistics at University, at the only issue I have noticed within either of communities in regard to mathematical optimisation of profits is people not understanding the numbers provided. And even given variance within rng of identifying/salvaging/other processing, you are going to get more value when identifying then salvaging than selling it straight out.


And there is more to why it is - when selling on tp someone buys those unids. And why people buy them? well to identify and then salvage/process. and for that to be profitable they need to pay for initial purchase less than they will get from it on average.


36 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

405 views out of(Note that the first is judging every login per day and the second is Live, the third is for funsies):


I am slightly curious on how they track it, but fair enough, source provided 🙂

That being said forums are always going to be vocal minority, and that's universal to all games - question always is how representable that minority is.


36 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

How can you tell how much support my suggestion will and won't have in only a couple hours with those kinds of numbers against 405 views? Also, count the number of people who have criticized me. 10? Out of how many?


considering that from within sample size of forum users, pretty much nobody bothered to voice support, and quite a number of people voiced oposition, one could try to make argument that it does not seem to hint majority of players would agree. and even if majority agreed that they would want more raw gold from world bossses it would not mean it would be good for game economy.


36 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

I didn't call you a Karen....I was asking you to explain the prevalence of Karens in society as a demonstration of adults acting like children....



ok, thanks for clarification 🙂 As for "Karen" prevalence, well, that stereotype of a person would be exact kind of person that would demand increased payouts for world bosses 😉 


36 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

Is that why I got a moderator warning about ridicule? Cause I don't see calling someone a kiddo for strawmaning me with a slippery slope fallacy as warning worthy when being strawmanned is FAR more insulting and those are the only two instances where I directly insulted someone or was perceived to have insulted someone, to my knowledge

All I can say on that subject is that disputting moderation decisions on public forums is agains forum rules, if you disagree with moderator decision, you need to solve it with moderators in private channels.


26 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

People who agree are less likely to comment simply on the merit that so many people have already disagreed or the fact that I've already stated so many arguments for.

To be honest recently I am finding myself more and more often seeing a silly suggestion thread, reading it and then deciding "I don't have time for this stuff" and leave. I have even chimed in to this one only due to the question of "if you are not gold farming how does that bother you".


But then again, my point in here was that if one thread that didn't even seem to receive much support within forums was supposed to get AN to actually increase those payouts, then it would be logical to expect that much bigger threads, which much more support would also do. Which was why I found this particular line of trying to defend against accusation of slippery slope, kind of self-defeating, that is all.

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45 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:


I have also played warframe, in fact it is second game in my library by the hours clocked in game. I also had Propability and Statistics at University, at the only issue I have noticed within either of communities in regard to mathematical optimisation of profits is people not understanding the numbers provided. And even given variance within rng of identifying/salvaging/other processing, you are going to get more value when identifying then salvaging than selling it straight out.


And there is more to why it is - when selling on tp someone buys those unids. And why people buy them? well to identify and then salvage/process. and for that to be profitable they need to pay for initial purchase less than they will get from it on average.



I am slightly curious on how they track it, but fair enough, source provided 🙂

That being said forums are always going to be vocal minority, and that's universal to all games - question always is how representable that minority is.



considering that from within sample size of forum users, pretty much nobody bothered to voice support, and quite a number of people voiced oposition, one could try to make argument that it does not seem to hint majority of players would agree. and even if majority agreed that they would want more raw gold from world bossses it would not mean it would be good for game economy.



ok, thanks for clarification 🙂 As for "Karen" prevalence, well, that stereotype of a person would be exact kind of person that would demand increased payouts for world bosses 😉 


All I can say on that subject is that disputting moderation decisions on public forums is agains forum rules, if you disagree with moderator decision, you need to solve it with moderators in private channels.


To be honest recently I am finding myself more and more often seeing a silly suggestion thread, reading it and then deciding "I don't have time for this stuff" and leave. I have even chimed in to this one only due to the question of "if you are not gold farming how does that bother you".


But then again, my point in here was that if one thread that didn't even seem to receive much support within forums was supposed to get AN to actually increase those payouts, then it would be logical to expect that much bigger threads, which much more support would also do. Which was why I found this particular line of trying to defend against accusation of slippery slope, kind of self-defeating, that is all.

So, now you're calling me a Karen? With a smiley face and a wink to lessen the hostility or to increase your entertainment? I'm genuinely curious.

Going to school for something doesn't mean you understand it. I can do basic trigonometry but I didn't learn that from school, but I don't remember all the presidents names despite them trying to drill that into me every year from 2nd grade to 12th. I'm not calling you stupid, to clarify. I'm just saying schooling doesn't really mean you understand something.

Again, 518 views and your going to insinuate that no one supports me? Some of these topics have 8k + views with only 320 replies. You can probably guess which topic I took those stats from. lol

Bottomline, in regards to the actual topic, we aren't talking about 1 person earning thousands of gold daily. We're talking about thousands of individuals earning 8 - 16 gold daily, unless they're serious about gold farming and decide to do 24 hours of world bosses. But if they're serious about gold farming, why wouldn't they be doing 15-25 gold per hour instead of, what was it? 94 gold per day? If you kill every single world boss every 15 minutes without breaks or sleeping in a 24 hour period? Individually, what those people can buy with 8-16 gold daily is primarily crafting resources/sigils/runes/stat gear and maybe a couple of mystic coins if they're feeling flush with cash. Frankly, the trade post is over saturated with people trying to sell mats/sigils/runes/stat gear already and that 8-16 gold per individual is going to be further divided amongst dozens of other players in the process.

Edited by Ignaeon.3675
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20 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

We're talking about thousands of individuals earning 8 - 16 gold daily, unless they're serious about gold farming and decide to do 24 hours of world bosses. But if they're serious about gold farming, why wouldn't they be doing 15-25 gold per hour instead of, what was it? 94 gold per day? If you kill every single world boss every 15 minutes without breaks or sleeping in a 24 hour period?

You are still only counting the raw gold you want to add to the world bosses, and (purposefully?) leave the loot that is already there out of the equation. This loot that you ignore includes 1+ guaranteed unidentified rares per world boss that gives decent profit if you bother to research how to get the best profit out of them ... incidentally the same kind of research and liquidation of every single piece of loot you have to do to have a chance at those 15-25 gold per hour that you like to quote.

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27 minutes ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

You are still only counting the raw gold you want to add to the world bosses, and (purposefully?) leave the loot that is already there out of the equation. This loot that you ignore includes 1+ guaranteed unidentified rares per world boss that gives decent profit if you bother to research how to get the best profit out of them ... incidentally the same kind of research and liquidation of every single piece of loot you have to do to have a chance at those 15-25 gold per hour that you like to quote.

I didn't ignore it, I addressed it several times, from unids to crafting mats. Also, are you considering the cost of salvaging all of the unids? Salvage kits? Time spent doing WB's that can't be spent doing optimizations? Forgetting my previous statement that after days of farming(4 or 5), I only have 27 yellow unids, and those didn't come from JUST WB's. I've been collecting griffon eggs/runes the last couple days just to tell myself that I could get the griffon if I actually thought it was worth the 250 gold. Collecting the runes alone got me around 15 of those yellow unids. My point isn't to say "Me me me!", it's that I play varied content and I know what the drops are like, at my magic find % at least.

To put it another way, there are thousands of TP listings that are never going to be sold/filled because the price is just too high or the offered price just too low. I get it, that's capitalism, adapt or die, right?
But 9/10ths of the market is the exchange of goods. Gold is just a "middle man" and it's subject to far more price dispersion than any commodity. The rarity and prevalence of commodities on the market is the deciding factor and by slightly increasing gold supply, primarily to players who don't have access to the absolute optimal farming methods, you're giving those players, with a tiny bit more gold per day, a chance to get into crafting/class building quicker while also filling out hundreds, if not thousands, of those buy/sell orders that get ignored, which increases the rarity of commodities on the market, stimulating not only the new player economy but the flow of gold to the "old guard", as it were.

In fact, the only real failing to this suggestion, in my opinion, is the fact that this would ever so slightly decrease Anet's gem-to-gold profit.

Edited by Ignaeon.3675
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10 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

I didn't ignore it, I addressed it several times, from unids to crafting mats. Also, are you considering the cost of salvaging all of the unids? Salvage kits? Time spent doing WB's that can't be spent doing optimizations? Forgetting my previous statement that after days of farming(4 or 5), I only have 27 yellow unids, and those didn't come from JUST WB's. I've been collecting griffon eggs/runes that last couple days to just to tell myself that I could get the griffon if I actually thought it was worth it 250 gold. Collecting the runes alone got me around 15 of those yellow unids.

The 15-25 gold per hour you like to throw around for top gold farm includes researching, optimizing, and salvage and tp fees, too. If you want to compare your income, you need to use comparable methods.


12 (27-15) unidentified rares means that in your 4-5 days of world boss farming you have at most killed 12 world bosses, since each guarantees at least 1. Several of the more involved bosses even guarantee more than one rare (yellow) unid, so if you did for example the Shatterer, you would've gotten at least 2 from that fight alone, further reducing the number of world boss events you've participated in in that time.

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Now your pulling hairs. I popped about 20 yellow unids hoping for exotics during the boss rush while I had 288% magic find from various sources. I won't bore you with the details, but the majority of those didn't come from WB's. Total, I'd say around 22 of my unids were from WB's and the other 25 were from PoF events waiting for or doing the runes for the griffon. I should have clarified, yes, but frankly I'm more than a little tired and fairly annoyed at the number of times the same argument was repeated, again my own fault for making a suggestion in the hopes of maybe improving something I truly enjoy. (Yea yea, I know. "You're not suggesting improvement, you're suggesting utter CHAOS!")

And yes, 15-25 gold PER HOUR vs a flat, consistent, 4 gold PER HOUR. IF you don't miss any of the world bosses, with an increase to 6 gold per hour for the first kill of each world boss, IF you hit every single WB's once and the 4 world bosses per hour are all different WB's from the ones you've already done. I don't care to do the math for per hour considering each hour has one starter map WB, with only 4 of those in game or the fact that 3 of those 12 bosses are HWB's and only happen once every 2 hours and sometimes actually fail and that they take up the time span 1 or 2 of normal the WB's depending on how many people are present, what the levels are like, etc

Edited by Ignaeon.3675
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Oh, look, another thread that's just "give me more for doing less" 😴 


I'll start agreeing with all these threads the very moment I'll be able to get anything I want in the game by standing in the city and maaaybe typing in chat (as some kind of proof of being active in the game).


Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

And yes, 15-25 gold PER HOUR vs a flat, consistent, 4 gold PER HOUR.

And no, you're still only counting a part of what you gain (the 4 gold guaranteed raw gold) on your side of the equation, leaving out all the additional resources you gain and can turn into gold (with the guaranteed rare unid again only being a part of what you leave out), while the 15-25 is still from optimized liquidating every last bit of resource you gain.


Or to put it more simply: you're still comparing apples to oranges.


By the way, magic find does nothing while opening unidentified equipment. It affects the rarety of the unid you get, but doesn't have any impact on actually opening them.

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6 minutes ago, Rasimir.6239 said:


And no, you're still only counting a part of what you gain (the 4 gold guaranteed raw gold) on your side of the equation, leaving out all the additional resources you gain and can turn into gold (with the guaranteed rare unid again only being a part of what you leave out), while the 15-25 is still from optimized liquidating every last bit of resource you gain.


Or to put it more simply: you're still comparing apples to oranges.


By the way, magic find does nothing while opening unidentified equipment. It affects the rarety of the unid you get, but doesn't have any impact on actually opening them.

Do the math, than! If I'm missing something, why not actually quantify it instead of just saying "You're wrong because of this!" What are you afraid of about quantifying it? If it could actually help your argument further, why not? Because 12 + 8 yellow unids worth a varying degree of gold based largely on how long you've been playing the game and how much "luck" you've gone through prior to identifying and salvaging those yellow unids is too much effort? Now who's not willing to put in the effort.


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1 minute ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

Do the math, than! If I'm missing something, why not actually quantify it instead of just saying "You're wrong because of this!" What are you afraid of about quantifying it? If it could actually help your argument further, why not?

I dont have the kind of data that means much.


But over the last 2 days of playing and doing events(not just world bosses) events, all over the place, cause i dont enjoy farming.


Worlds bosses that did get done: teq, karka, drsgonstorm, golem mk ii, and fire ele.


Ive gotten (numbers are shot low because i cant rememer exactly how many.)

37+ rare unid

150 + green unid

and almost 2 stacks of blue.


opening and salvaging that gave me over 10g in materials, had i sold all of them. I also got a few exotics which i gave away to guildies who needed the skins, those would have added another 2-3g.


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1 hour ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

So, now you're calling me a Karen? With a smiley face and a wink to lessen the hostility or to increase your entertainment? I'm genuinely curious.

No, I am just being cheeky while pointing out irony of choice of words there 😉



Going to school for something doesn't mean you understand it. I can do basic trigonometry but I didn't learn that from school, but I don't remember all the presidents names despite them trying to drill that into me every year from 2nd grade to 12th. I'm not calling you stupid, to clarify. I'm just saying schooling doesn't really mean you understand something.


There is slight difference between "going to school for something" and "having it at university". In particular no school is going to go into details of Propability theories, and Statistics that Universities do. And while I may be not remembering some finer details, I remember enough to then facepalm hard when someone on forum starts using the numbers wrong 🙂



Again, 518 views and your going to insinuate that no one supports me? Some of these topics have 8k + views with only 320 replies. You can probably guess which topic I took those stats from. lol


1. Views are not unique - for each of my response in this thread you have another view to the box for example

2. Views could be whatever number you would want, it does not show support to the idea. What shows support to the idea are posts saying so, and reactions. And on your OP you have got: 1 like, 1 trophy, 4 "hahas" (meaning 4 people found your OP funny) and one confused. This compared to 3 pages that are basically people arguing against your idea, does not scream "people support that idea" to me. Quite to the contrary.



Bottomline, in regards to the actual topic, we aren't talking about 1 person earning thousands of gold daily. We're talking about thousands of individuals earning 8 - 16 gold daily,


Yes and that makes it even worse. ! person doing thousands of gold daily, is thousands of gold injected into system of 800k players. Thousands of individuals earning 8-16 gold daili is 8-16 * thousands of gold being injected into the very same system. And to be clear here I mean 8-16 * thousands MORE than already is being injected daily. I.E. worsening inflation rates.



unless they're serious about gold farming and decide to do 24 hours of world bosses. But if they're serious about gold farming, why wouldn't they be doing 15-25 gold per hour instead of, what was it? 94 gold per day? If you kill every single world boss every 15 minutes without breaks or sleeping in a 24 hour period?


The issue here is not what they are supposed to be doing, issue is what they *could* do - current top godl farming methods rely on injecting materials into economy and getting gold from other players for the effort, but any significant increase to raw gold payouts for world bosses would lead to more avenues of injecting raw currency into the system, and this is how you get inflation to happen. GW2 already is threading a narrow line on the subject of inflation rates, we definitelly do not need to worsen it.



Individually, what those people can buy with 8-16 gold daily is primarily crafting resources/sigils/runes/stat gear and maybe a couple of mystic coins if they're feeling flush with cash. Frankly, the trade post is over saturated with people trying to sell mats/sigils/runes/stat gear already and that 8-16 gold per individual is going to be further divided amongst dozens of other players in the process.


It is not the question of "what they could do with XYZ amout" of raw gold, it is about how much of raw golds enter the system, how much leaves the system, and how it compares to the resources getting in and out of the system in paralel to that. When more gold enters system than raw materials, and leave rates are similar, it lowers purchasing power of gold.


As for the math of optimized gold farms, people already did proper calculations 🙂


https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/world-bosses here you for example have math for world bosses, tho to be fair, I would not look much at the "per hour" rate for world bosses since that's simple calulation of profit per time the single run takes, which is going to be obviously misleading in case of world bosses that happen on the clock.


They also have calculations on what is most efficient way to deal with unids, various currencies, and guides how to optimize your gold gain, overall nice resource.

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49 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

It's not my fault a suggestion meant to improve things for new players would apparently be abused by established players who could make 4 times as much gold in the same time frame with ever so little extra effort. It's a couple f***ing clicks. You're not actually slaying dragons...

I'm not even gonna bothering continuing to explain the difference between trickle down economics and price dispersion.

I'm done.

Except...every time theyve added a way to get gold in the past prices go up. Theres a reason stuff costs as much as it does now.


My first precursor cost me i kid you not less than 30g(minstrel was cheap, i think i paid like 15-20g) and it took me nearly a year to get that doing what i do now. Now i can make way more gold than that in the same time frame doing the exact same stuff now. But the price of that precursor has gone up, its not overly expensive at 80G, but its also been steady at that price for awhile.

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4 hours ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

Yea, mathematical formulas predict, they don't dictate. I know this personally from almost a decade of playing Warframe. Everything is RNG in Warframe, and math is only accurate to within a small margin when dealing with the kinds of numbers in the playerbase of either game(GW2 or Warframe)

405 views out of(Note that the first is judging every login per day and the second is Live, the third is for funsies):

How can you tell how much support my suggestion will and won't have in only a couple hours with those kinds of numbers against 405 views? Also, count the number of people who have criticized me. 10? Out of how many?

I didn't call you a Karen....I was asking you to explain the prevalence of Karens in society as a demonstration of adults acting like children....

Is that why I got a moderator warning about ridicule? Cause I don't see calling someone a kiddo for strawmaning me with a slippery slope fallacy as warning worthy when being strawmanned is FAR more insulting and those are the only two instances where I directly insulted someone or was perceived to have insulted someone, to my knowledge

Lol.  Those cites are laughable.  They are just guesses and absolutely contradict themselves. 


Over 5,000,000 copies of the game have been sold with a concurrency player count of 460,000 at its peak with its free-to-play design.



Subscribers: 14,726,109

Daily Players: 839,388



Here is another opinion of those sites:  https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/jc7z86/player_count/


If you want any actual data about game statistics, you can peruse ArenaNet official communications; such as:






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I don't see the point of this suggestion. The World boss Rush was basically this idea compounded multiple times because it had no daily cap. Expected value of the bonus box of goods is ~50 silvers each. Handing out gold is not a good idea, adding higher chance for ascended weapon boxes to bosses is a better idea.



Of the world bosses, Megadestroyer, Fire Elemental, and KQ don't have unique loot. Claw of Jormag does have unique loot in that it unlocks a collection, but the collection itself doesn't give you anything unique.

The only one that might need a bit of help is Frostgorge Sound's Claw of Jormag which is in a level 80 zone (which comes in at ~13g/hour). It doesn't even need to be guaranteed loot, a chance at something like Snow Diamond Infusion or whatnot would be adequate to have people do it. (The Drizzlewood coast Claw of Jormag has a chance to drop Frost Legion Infusion.) Jormag's Claw Fragment is underwhelming for most people. The rest are sub level 80 content and as such should not be the best profit. Drakkar numbers are inflated by Eitrite but even without that it has Drakkar's Hoard and Winter's Heart Infusion as possible drops.

If anything, KQ should have the reward split to the events so you can't just arrive to the boss and get the full reward but the priority for fixing that is likely low since it is daily. Keep in mind the majority of bosses can be repeated more than daily and we already have the daily boss kills sometimes (such as Megadestroyer, Mark II, etc).

See https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_Monstrous_Goods

The highest profits right now are from Dragonfall and Drizzlewood Coast unless you do the Forged Champ-train. It is more likely those are nerfed slightly (see Istan).

On the other hand, raiding past the first time per week doesn't give you anything but a few unids (unlike strikes). It should be changed to give at least a daily rare unid to balance it out , even if you account for speedclear level times you're talking about a few minutes.

The only content that has consistently good rewards on repeat is fractals, but arguably less than the daily reward (especially for CMs and dailies).

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1 hour ago, Dante.1763 said:

Except...every time theyve added a way to get gold in the past prices go up. Theres a reason stuff costs as much as it does now.


Not really, only if the new way to get gold was more efficient than the old "go to" one. Also, despite them adding new ways to "get gold" many prices across the board have actually gone down quite significantly as things like the "shipment exchanges" where actually removing gold from the game.

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On 8/5/2021 at 12:01 AM, Mateus.5148 said:

As far as I am aware, currently the average farming for gold is 15g -25g per hour. So yeah getting almost half of that (10g) in five minutes is indeed huge.


Maybe the first day or two you will be happy because you might be able to get afew of the things you want. But after that the prises will inflate and you will end up in the same spot.

For a leveling character in Core Tyria 15-25 gold per is not right.  It can't be.  I've been playing for 5-6 hours today and I've made approximately 11 gold.  I've just been leveling my character in the open world.  I'm not leveled enough to even be in the areas where most of the world bosses are located. 

Edited by Veli Pasha.7260
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4 minutes ago, Veli Pasha.7260 said:

For a leveling character in Core Tyria 15-25 gold per is not right.  It can't be.  I've been playing for 5-6 hours today and I've made approximately 11 gold.  I've just been leveling my character in the open world.  I'm not leveled enough to even be in the areas where most of the world bosses are located. 

Farming not leveling...

2 year necro post....

Lock incoming.....

Thank you for playing. ❤️ 

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