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Create a WvW map solely for players working on their PvE (ie. legendaries/dailies/warclaw mounts/etc.)


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7 minutes ago, Ronin.4501 said:

Again, I'm not talking about the players who WANT to learn and WANT to get better at WvW.  I'm talking about the players who want nothing to do with the WvW-gamemode but have to partake because Anet is forcing them to if they want certain gear/items.


Maybe a new map wasn't the best idea, but Anet forcing players who hate the game-mode to participate doesn't just feel like it's punishing the PvE players but the WvW players as well.  I'd much rather play alongside the players who WANT to be in WvW, whether they're good or bad.


Like I said, just add pips to eotm and watch those types flock to it with their ppt trains.

Now in compensation for getting gift of battle easier, I'd like to get gift of exploration easier too...... yeah I know that ain't happening.

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On 8/7/2021 at 9:33 PM, Ronin.4501 said:

I'm starting to realize that a majority of the WvW players actually want the PvE-focused players out in WvW so they can have easy kills to call themselves "good".


I just don't see why they get out of playing the game mode when no one cries and petitions for me to not have to pve for my legendaries.


And there's  always the ones that stay. Even on mag where the welcome isn't exactly friendly I've seen pvers come for GoB and stay. Masochists I tell you.

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They just want the shiny, regardless of means or method. It doesn't matter if it makes sense or not. Shiny at all costs! (Except if it requires getting gud, toxic gatekeepers!)



I'm not even sure they enjoy gaming. It may just be an addiction.


If you want some insight, you can try looking at the legendary discussions in General. Although I don't recommend staying for long as your brain may melt. You'll people unironically claim WvW'ers are privileged and have easy access to legendary armor because they can just play content they want.  Also,  not having legendaries is a massive disadvantage  in open world and an incredible injustice.


The best is when someone claimed pve was hurt regularly  because of WvW changes......



Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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I just thought I would share Anet's response to my thread...


After being in this game for almost 9 years with well over 10k hours played, tonight (while playing my playing full Minstrel healing Scrapper in WvW) I had my second ever precursor drop (The Legend).


The irony isn't lost on me.  🤣😭🤣😭

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On 8/8/2021 at 3:34 PM, Ronin.4501 said:


I roam 90% of the time and have 3 sets of legendary armor and 4 legendary weapons, so I would say the answer is yes. almost become a necessity.


How did you do fractals with roaming. Enlighten me, please.

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Do any of the legendary collections even require anything more than t1 fractals? You can go in with 4-5 people and press 1 until the bosses die.


And yea, all the gen 1s don't require any. Can even just buy them outright.
Legendary armor doesn't require fractals either.

And Conflux.


I mean I guess you can't get all the legendaries when roaming.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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That's not the point. The op wants an easier way for PvErs to get the wvw legendary so they don't have to deal with "WvW" but can have their own WvW experience. There already is an easier way for PvErs which is called PvE legendary armor.

If you want the WvW skin, you have to go the way through WvW as I have to go into PvE if I want the Nevermore skin.

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9 hours ago, diomache.9246 said:

I don't need fractals do get Nevermore? Tell me more.


Unfortunately, Nevermore is one of 4 legendaries you will need to do fractals for, as it is a Gen 2 legendary (HoT only).  I suffered through a good deal of PvE for HOPE, albeit mostly in the form of HoT map completion and doing that legendary Chak thingie over and over until I got whatever it was I needed (I honestly don't remember as it was a few years back).  But as others have mentioned the fractal bit was easy.  I recall needing to do 3 or 4 different fractals...but for as much as I didn't enjoy them, it only took up about 45 minutes total.  I spent a lot more time doing the Chak event.


Fortunately all the Gen 1, some Gen 2 (I think? Or maybe they're not actually Gen 2 legendaries?), and all the Gen 3 legendaries can be done with enough variation to skip the fractals, and you certainly don't need fractals for the legendary armor (at least not the WvW version, which is the only version I've bothered to make).

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18 minutes ago, diomache.9246 said:

That's not the point. The op wants an easier way for PvErs to get the wvw legendary so they don't have to deal with "WvW" but can have their own WvW experience. There already is an easier way for PvErs which is called PvE legendary armor.

If you want the WvW skin, you have to go the way through WvW as I have to go into PvE if I want the Nevermore skin.


No, the OP (aka me) wants to get the PvErs who don't want to be in WvW out of WvW.


Try to think of it this way;  You work with two people.  One of them hates their job, and the other person loves their job.  The person who loves their job comes to work happy, enjoys what they're doing, and generally makes the experience more enjoyable for those around them.  The person who hates their job comes to work miserable, bitches and moans the entire time they're there, and generally makes working around them unpleasant at best.  Which person would you prefer to work around? 


I would prefer to see players in WvW who want to be there, not PvErs who are only there because they have to grind out some achievement or gather some trinkets or tickets or whatever.


And I'm sorry there are so many miserable cusses in this game who think that because they had to be miserable grinding in PvE for their legendary that the PvErs should be miserable as well.  There certainly seem to be a lot of unhappy people in MMOs, or is it just the world in general?  🤣



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29 minutes ago, Ronin.4501 said:

And I'm sorry there are so many miserable cusses in this game who think that because they had to be miserable grinding in PvE for their legendary that the PvErs should be miserable as well.  There certainly seem to be a lot of unhappy people in MMOs, or is it just the world in general?  🤣



This is called equality, no? 


While there are thankfully certain PvE things you can do in WvW through reward tracks, there is still enough annoyance and timegating with certain legendary items (ex: Aurora) that make WvW players like myself be annoyed at having to play PvE.  By this I mean grinding the same hearts every day for weeks is just as annoying to someone like me as it would be a random PvE'r getting stomped at spawn.  


Anyway, I don't think the solution is to make a separate PvE map for WvW, I think the solution is to make legendaries accessible without having to cross modes.


For other things like dailies, just do the PvE ones? And for warclaw, it's literally made for WvW so you really should have to play WvW to get it.  The argument could be made it should be given by default at this point, but that's a different matter.  

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I wouldnt mind a collection item in wvw to make me leave my comfort zone, but can anyone explain me why at least GoB cant be obtained in sPvP?


You all claim you need to play all modes to get a legendary? Well why not pvp? I stopped crafting legendaries to not have to deal with wvw. It's not for me. It never will be. 


And as for the gift of exploration argument: make it obtainable by wvw/pvp currency after a first map full completion. Everyone happy no?:)

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bc it's kinda common sense people do not use LFG for Wvw.... people normally know that. it'd be easy to sell wvw participation for any of the guild.


but erm, i think people rather afk on maps to scam participation that way. probs less effecitive after all, i don#t really think the "selling participation" option even exists as far as i know.


@Gladiotor.7561 guess spvp is spoiled enough with the huge gold rewards for the tourneys. also, notsure how u fell into the wvw forums ... but i understand u in a different way: i also can nearly never motivate myself to play spvp. 90%+ of my playtime are wvw. and yeah, i equally don't get legendaries, outside of armor sometimes to empty my storage a bit


similar with pvE. it's more of a struggle, unless a map meta is extremly well filled (so the single players don't matter anymore). also, even then it's just a plain grind... which isn't my way to play things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The amount of time it takes to get Gift of Battle is roughly equivalent to the amount of time it takes to get Gift of Exploration. Although the WvW gift has more variables to consider, like server activity, the PvE gift isn't without problems of its own. What if you don't have Mounts unlocked? What if you're really bad at jumping puzzles (which some Vistas and POIs require)? What if completion is locked behind an event?

In fact, it's possible you could get Gift of Battle faster than Gift of Exploration if you happen to be on an active server that's winning the match. 

I've done World Completion 7 times. I know if you speed run it you can do it in a day, but if you're doing it semi-casually, even if you're focused strictly on that goal, it's still going to take 4 - 5 days. Put some boosters on and it should take about the same time for Gift of Battle.

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50 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Gift of battle takes 6-8 hours depending on boost.

You can explore 31 zones for gift of exploration in the same time?

Pretty sure the record is like 10 hours or somethingWorld record is 9 hours, so I mean technically yes. 

But we're assuming ideal conditions here for the GoB too. If you're a very low rank, your server is rarely active/you're only on during low activity times, you don't have Mount unlocked, etc., it's probably going to take a whole lot longer than 8 hours.

Point is that both have a lot of things to consider and both are a commitment. So it doesn't seem fair to make GoB easier to get without also making GoE easier to get.

Edited by Shroud.2307
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