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Legendary armor by pve exploration [Merged]

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1 hour ago, xenon.3264 said:

come on... let's be honest. open any lfg for any content , be it just fractal t4 and li are required which is plain stupid to me 

you can say it's right or not to have a group with a certain level of skill but do not say that li gatekeeping is fictional since it is a lie. 

Honest is admitting that all it takes to run strikes is to tag up.


Honest is admitting that no req strikes show up all the time in LFG


Honest is admitting that that those two facts make gatekeeping strikes impossible.


Honest is not pointing to one thing you personally don't like and saying "TOLD YOU SO.... CHANGE IT NOW!" while ignoring reality.

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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Untrue on the second part. When gen2 was initially released, the prices were calculated to be pretty much on par with gen1. Nevermore in example was cheaper than Bifrost. That changed primarily due to Mystic Coin prices going way, way up since then, which was not something anyone could predict (in fact, the game economist then was trying to assure everyone that the MC prices will stop increasing as soon as people will stop hoarding them, which was supposedly to happen "any time now").

So, if gen2 legendaries are now more expensive, it is not part of Anet's plan, and not how it was supposed to be originally.

Also untrue.

A large portion of the cost of Gen 2 consists of HoT map exclusive account bound currencies instead of gold. In the 1-2 years of release the scarcity of these mats and currencies were considered the worst grinding of all times, so much that Anet eventually had to buff around 3-5 times the reward rate to address player frustration.

Gen.2 was indeed initially designed to be costlier than Gen.2 in mind, even as of today it still is.

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1 hour ago, xenon.3264 said:

come on... let's be honest. open any lfg for any content , be it just fractal t4 and li are required which is plain stupid to me 

you can say it's right or not to have a group with a certain level of skill but do not say that li gatekeeping is fictional since it is a lie. 

It's been proven many times that it's not hard to get into training/no req/low req squads through lfg. The only lie here is what you keep repeating above.

And you can always create your own squad for lfg with whatever requirements -or lack of those- you want.

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16 hours ago, xenon.3264 said:


skins are pointless. 

pvp back and fractal back are the same . 

i do not even use those skins

and yes there should be a ow legendary backpack 


Skins are literally the entire point of this game.  It has no vertical progression grind.  The grind is literally from gaining skins for doing content.

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I'm going to have to call shenanigans on that whole "easy to get into training raids" thing.  While starting my grind for legendary armor, I once sat for three days looking at the LFG.  It looked something like this:



At first glance it is very active.  Upon extended viewing, you'll see that half of them are selling raids, and the other half want experienced runners.  The guilds that recruit for statics also want experienced runners.  Sometimes you'll get no listed requirements, which usually means they're either waiting for a guild mate to come on in which case they'll kick you after a single pull.  That, or they forgot to list their requirements, and they won't suffer fools once they find out you don't have 50kp.  There's been very few instances where I've seen training runs or newbie welcome runs:


#1: When they need a specialty role for the single boss they're training (Qadim kiter, hand kiter, tank/druid in general).

#2: Me, when I got fed up, bought a set of minstrel gear, and started hosting raids with no experience as a tank.


Doing pug runs is like pulling teeth.  All of those tutorial videos usually skip out on small but important details that you'll have to learn the hard way.  For example, Vale Guardian's teleport circles have a frequent audio/visual bug where they won't make noise or show up on your character.  Was real nice discovering that tidbit as the team tank.  You'll get a lot of newbies who run random gear builds and don't understand "DPS" on a fundamental level.  You'll get the super-egos, who will quit in a fit of rage when the "Newbie training newbies, new raiders welcome' squad doesn't beat Xera on the first pull.  Whenever they quit, they never say their role or position, so any time someone gets uppity you have to play a game of reverse Guess Who? where your LFG entry depends on what job you think your team needs.  Explanations run longer than the fight itself, and you have to repeat yourself every time a new raider joins.  Sometimes you'll spend half an hour just trying to get a run ready.


There is some good news: you'll make friends.  People naturally admire the Thanos approach.  I had several people add me to their friends list after hosting my newbie runs and training runs.  All of them gladly exclaimed how I was their first clear, that they could never get on to a team, and nobody would explain the raid to them.  




BTW you can find the raid training discord here:  https://snowcrows.com/community/raid-training  for both U.S. and EU.  I was two weeks in before someone in Auric Basin told me this existed.  It's better than the in-game LFG, because people actually show up.  But, it is only so much help.  There's three different group:  Training, Community Training, and Progression.


Training Pings are hosted by the staff of RA.  They'll do one seemingly random boss from one of the raids.  Looking at it right now, there is only two runs today.  One run for Twin Largos approximately 17 hours ago, and one run at Xera 3 hours ago.  If you weren't playing during either of these times and you weren't going to do those bosses yet... tough.  The funny thing is that you can see what I'm talking about with the Xera Run.  There's three posts about it.  One at 6:46 where they started, recruiting DPS players.  One at 6:57, recruiting DPS players.  One at 8:01, recruiting quickness as either the tank, or as a DPS buffer.  So, clearly someone quit after the first pull, then they spent an hour at it at which point the tank left.  Trust me: you'll want minstrel gear for your mesmer, guardian, or engineer.  With how many LFGs that look for tanks, it is the easiest way to get in on a group.  Just do the research first, because the tank controls the placement and the pace of the fight.


Community Training is basically just what I did above, except instead of using the LFG you use the raid discord.  After you've self organized enough people to come together, you can request somebody to come an train you.  Don't know if they'll show up or not, though.  I've never used this function, because I'm usually the guy forming and expecting to do the training anyway.


The last one is progression runs.  Don't expect to get into these as a new player.  Whether or not they're meant for training is random and dependent on the person hosting it.  So... it's basically the LFG in-game, except there's training LFGs next to it, so you'll get much of the same stuff:  specific roles, experience required, filling until a guild mate logs in, etc.


Most of this is just to get enough experience under your belt to get into a static.  At that point, unless you happen to be dedicated to running training runs, your face and your presence will effectively disappear from the raiding community, aside from that one group you joined.  Because talent gets filtered out of the public like that, LFG and Raid Academy are constantly filled with people who aren't good enough yet to get into a static. 


This is a lot of words to say that no, it isn't easy to get into raiding or to get training runs.  Raiding is the most fenced-off portion of the game, and its reputation as such only makes it harder.  Don't believe what a few carefully selected screenshots say.  Just log in and look at the LFG, and you'll see the same stuff: experience required, high KP, specialty roles, and raid sellers.  If you want to learn raids, clear your GW2 schedule for the week, and expect to take an hour on each boss on average, maybe 2.  Also for reference, I took another screenshot at the end of this post.  It looked like this:






This is all why I'm actually pretty indifferent to the raid requirement for legendary armor.  My biggest concern is that raids need a carrot on a stick to draw people in to raiding, and I don't think anyone has offered a reasonable alternative to lure players in.  It is actually a good thing to reward players for stepping out of their skill level comfort zone.  Raids can be quite fun once you get into a groove, and it is a bit of a shame how many players will never experience truly fun fights like Matthias, Twin Largos, and Adina.  There's so many tricks the skills that each profession can do, but they rarely will because so many people just mash 1 at max range in random gear builds.  

Edited by Blood Red Arachnid.2493
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3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

We don't know what will be the requirements and material costs for gen 3. What we know is that crafting gen 2 was and is more expansive than gen 1. Even if gen 3 will go the other way, it's still not even close to being guaranteed that everyone (or even "majority") will craft those weapons. For all we know, you've pretty much said that anyone who has ~200 gold is crafting legendary weapon (because they can buy gen 1 precursors and apparently having precursor = craftin legendary in your mind). That's just false.


i did not say this. i said that you need the precursor to start thinking about crafting the legendary weapon for gen1 OR buy it crafted at the tp.


if u had no precusor you had no other way than getting it at the tp . 


and anyway 200 gold for a precursor ? 



wow i'll get 12 zap from you ty. 

zap is the precursor for bol. it never costed 200 gold not even at the beginning of the game and reached like 1400 gold JUST FOR THE PRECURSOR.


same for https://www.gw2tp.com/item/29185-dusk?full=1 dusk and i can keep on spamming link to precursor .


i crafted both gen 1 , 2 and 2.5 legendaries and trust me the precursor what the huge gatekeeping on crafting the weapon and yes, for gen1 the precurs = crafting the weapon

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7 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

I'm going to have to call shenanigans on that whole "easy to get into training raids" thing.  While starting my grind for legendary armor, I once sat for three days looking at the LFG.  It looked something like this:



At first glance it is very active.  Upon extended viewing, you'll see that half of them are selling raids, and the other half want experienced runners.  The guilds that recruit for statics also want experienced runners.  Sometimes you'll get no listed requirements, which usually means they're either waiting for a guild mate to come on in which case they'll kick you after a single pull.  That, or they forgot to list their requirements, and they won't suffer fools once they find out you don't have 50kp.  There's been very few instances where I've seen training runs or newbie welcome runs:

You've searched at the wrong place.

Training squads no longer listed on raid LFG due to two following factors:

1. Due to anonymous nature of public pugs, it's impossible to track training progress

2. Half of those joins are usually looking for an low requirement raid kill instead of training, they come poorly prepared from the build level, and will not have patience for long sessions. 

Therefore most adaptive trainings has moved onto guilds channel. I usually suggest asking on Aerodome mapchat.


7 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

Doing pug runs is like pulling teeth.  All of those tutorial videos usually skip out on small but important details that you'll have to learn the hard way.  For example, Vale Guardian's teleport circles have a frequent audio/visual bug where they won't make noise or show up on your character.  Was real nice discovering that tidbit as the team tank. 

Vale guardian's teleport circles always comes with a thundering sound effect for 3~4 seconds straight before the teleport activates.  The thundering sound will never get glitched.


One best way of group training the blue circle is having your training team stack onto the Green Guardian during on the prefight without attacking it to observe the pattern, instead of training it on the real boss.


7 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

You'll get a lot of newbies who run random gear builds and don't understand "DPS" on a fundamental level.  You'll get the super-egos, who will quit in a fit of rage when the "Newbie training newbies, new raiders welcome' squad doesn't beat Xera on the first pull.  Whenever they quit, they never say their role or position, so any time someone gets uppity you have to play a game of reverse Guess Who? where your LFG entry depends on what job you think your team needs. 

Which is why most players has moved onto guild based training.


7 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

Explanations run longer than the fight itself, and you have to repeat yourself every time a new raider joins.  Sometimes you'll spend half an hour just trying to get a run ready.

Which I always strongly advice against trainers on making long speech explanations, all they do is confuse new players.

My approach instead was to bring up 2 major mechanics for the team to focus upon, and the less prioritized mechanics will be self explanatory after a few tries.

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1 hour ago, Vilin.8056 said:

You've searched at the wrong place.

Training squads no longer listed on raid LFG due to two following factors:

1. Due to anonymous nature of public pugs, it's impossible to track training progress

2. Half of those joins are usually looking for an low requirement raid kill instead of training, they come poorly prepared from the build level, and will not have patience for long sessions. 

Therefore most adaptive trainings has moved onto guilds channel. I usually suggest asking on Aerodome mapchat.


Vale guardian's teleport circles always comes with a thundering sound effect for 3~4 seconds straight before the teleport activates.  The thundering sound will never get glitched.


One best way of group training the blue circle is having your training team stack onto the Green Guardian during on the prefight without attacking it, instead of training it on the real boss.


Which is why most players has moved onto guild based training.


Which I always strongly advice against trainers on making long speech explanations, all they do is confuse new players.

My approach instead was to bring up 2 major mechanics for the team to focus upon, and the less prioritized mechanics will be self explanatory after a few tries.

Considering he was responding to.someone specifically saying to use the lfg tool for joining no requirement groups, he was looking in the right place.

and if, if, training runs arent being put in the lfg(and they arent 99% of the time) it may be best to stop telling folks to use the lfg tool.(not you but in general).

Everytime ive gone there it was sellers/75+kp groups, not the best look for the content.

Point them to the discord he linked instead, far more helpful.


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18 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

The company gave easy mode in strikes. You admitted it yourself.

And then you had groups filled with KP

And the same members that defend KP  , went to   the forums and  say  that Strike failed and they should instead release more Raids in EoD

Something fishy , is going here , but i don't know what


An auto-LFG is our best next bet ,, for instanced content

And manual LFG to form KP-LI groups

And an alternate way to get the Raid set , or even the pre-Envoy and transform into something else , like a pre-legendary that "comsume" 1x Ascendant  , or 5x Exotic , or 15 Rare , per 10 days so we  can use it's Legendaries functions


(maybe whowever owns only EoD only , cannot see the chats in the LFG of the current population , for  5-6 months ? But only from people  that play only Tier3/Tentaquil - Ice Dragon/ or haven't reported for harassment?)

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35 minutes ago, Captain Kuro.8937 said:

Something fishy , is going here , but i don't know what

Perhaps it's something as simple as people being inconsistent because they do not think things through. Compare it to people who complain about the weather no matter what it is. They're just in the here and now and don't realize they're complaining about something that actually goes against their own self-interest...if they would think things through, they might realize that they should think of what it is they actually want and then act accordingly. In the end it's easy to find fault with anything. It also doesn't give Anet a good idea about what they really want.

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2 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Considering he was responding to.someone specifically saying to use the lfg tool for joining no requirement groups, he was looking in the right place.

and if, if, training runs arent being put in the lfg(and they arent 99% of the time) it may be best to stop telling folks to use the lfg tool.(not you but in general).

Everytime ive gone there it was sellers/75+kp groups, not the best look for the content.

Point them to the discord he linked instead, far more helpful.


There's a difference between quoting a specific person and generalizing an idea. In this case, as Legendary Armor is considered, Wing 1-4 Raid training is still easy to get into.


Considering your situation, I can suggest another way.

1. make an alternate supporting class such as Alac Ren, Heal Scourge, Quickbrand, become familiar with the class via strike mission, this way you can free up some Raid veterans into better assisting the squad, and ease off the odds you may inflict.

2. Watch specific raid boss video you're aiming at, take note with major mechanics that may inflict critical consequence to the squad.

3. Tell the squad leader honestly that you are multi role, know your class, learned the mechanics, willing to listen, but just in need for more practices.


Most pug groups, KP or not, usually unavoidably consists of 2-3 semi exp players, but since Wing 1-4 has been through major difficulty nerfs, this is commonly tolerated. Chances are 8 out of 10 groups will accept your presence and arrange you to an easier position.


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1 hour ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Perhaps it's something as simple as people being inconsistent because they do not think things through. Compare it to people who complain about the weather no matter what it is. They're just in the here and now and don't realize they're complaining about something that actually goes against their own self-interest...if they would think things through, they might realize that they should think of what it is they actually want and then act accordingly. In the end it's easy to find fault with anything. It also doesn't give Anet a good idea about what they really want.

Which is exactly the reason why those who kept asking for easier Raid still failed at participating strikes.


Some player has fallen into his own loop of blame game instead of making his own progression, truth is that there hasn't been a KP gated strike mission in the US server for the whole 2021, only role gated.

A-net could merely address the symptom, but eventually that player has to solve his own problems.


The concept of force feeding destructive team-players into a competitive team mode has never succeeded in this game.

In fact, such concept has already destroyed multiple other MMOs because it also infuriated casual players by grouping them with lazy farmers, AFK-ers and whatever the lower end of humanity has to inflict into the cooperative conscious.

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5 hours ago, xenon.3264 said:


i did not say this. i said that you need the precursor to start thinking about crafting the legendary weapon for gen1 OR buy it crafted at the tp.

What do you mean you didn't say that? You literally said: "gen 3 will be crafter by litterally everyone since we all have the precursor".

Meanwhile the fact is many can have the precursor and still didn't/don't/won't craft legendary, because the precursor itself is just a fraction of the requirement. Hence my previous response.


5 hours ago, xenon.3264 said:

and anyway 200 gold for a precursor ? 


There are more [tradable] precursors for ~200 gold or significantly cheaper than there are the ones that are meaningfully above that price point. Crafting legendary requires way more than just having a precursor, so what you said there remains baseless as far as I'm concerned.

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8 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

I'm going to have to call shenanigans on that whole "easy to get into training raids" thing.  While starting my grind for legendary armor, I once sat for three days looking at the LFG.  It looked something like this:

I've repeatedly proved there are training/no req/low req squads by just randomly opening lfg while responding to the forum posts claiming it's impossible to get into raids. Sure, it doesn't mean they're available 24/7, but it DOES mean they are frequent and easly available, rendering the whole "raids so gatekept by elitists!!" claim false. So what "shenanigans" exactly are you calling here?

If someone really somehow can't get these groups after camping lfg for 3 days, then there are other ways to get in -the point remains that those other ways aren't even close to "the only ways to start raiding", they're additional paths on top of just using lfg.


3 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Considering he was responding to.someone specifically saying to use the lfg tool for joining no requirement groups, he was looking in the right place.

and if, if, training runs arent being put in the lfg(and they arent 99% of the time) it may be best to stop telling folks to use the lfg tool.(not you but in general).

Everytime ive gone there it was sellers/75+kp groups, not the best look for the content.

Point them to the discord he linked instead, far more helpful.

Yes, totally stop using lfg. I guess me consistently hitting that (as you claim -even if it doesn't mean "literal 1%") "1% of lfg" in varying timeslots is some kind of magic.

https://i.imgur.com/gPG8eIH.jpg  -and immediatelly after posting this, there's a full w2 run with 6 free slots in a group requiring 1 kp. One. (edit: 5 minutes later, there's a no req, discord w1 training run)

People on this forum should stop repeating these lies. You're helping nobody, while actively discouraging people from even trying and all that by spreading/repeating false information. I know I didn't raid for a long time because of these repeated complaints that in the end just weren't true.

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19 hours ago, Captain Kuro.8937 said:


Twice someone  recognized me from Fractal  , and he knew that i do low dps and kicked me .

That right there is an opportunity to learn. There's gameplay there! Watch some videos, read some guides, talk to someone with more experience, keep practicing on the dummy, or even switch to an easier class. There are options for you to fix that. 


Edit: in fact, what if I told you I was in a guild with people who raid and train people with zero toxicity? Would you join and participate? Would you try to improve in both fight mechanics and class mechanics? Join us and learn! 

Edited by Zalavaaris.5329
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3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I've repeatedly proved there are training/no req/low req squads by just randomly opening lfg while responding to the forum posts claiming it's impossible to get into raids. Sure, it doesn't mean they're available 24/7, but it DOES mean they are frequent and easly available, rendering the whole "raids so gatekept by elitists!!" claim false. So what "shenanigans" exactly are you calling here?

If someone really somehow can't get these groups after camping lfg for 3 days, then there are other ways to get in -the point remains that those other ways aren't even close to "the only ways to start raiding", they're additional paths on top of just using lfg.


Yes, totally stop using lfg. I guess me consistently hitting that (as you claim -even if it doesn't mean "literal 1%") "1% of lfg" in varying timeslots is some kind of magic.

https://i.imgur.com/gPG8eIH.jpg  -and immediatelly after posting this, there's a full w2 run with 6 free slots in a group requiring 1 kp. One. (edit: 5 minutes later, there's a no req, discord w1 training run)

People on this forum should stop repeating these lies. You're helping nobody, while actively discouraging people from even trying and all that by spreading/repeating false information. I know I didn't raid for a long time because of these repeated complaints that in the end just weren't true.

I wasnt doing any of that with that response, and my own experience has been exactly what i said, whenever i look at the lfg 99% of the time its sellers and kp groups. Tone doesnt carry over the internet, and your response as read without any hint of sarcasm reads like a serious response of "Dont use the LFG cause training groups dont post there".



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12 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

I wasnt doing any of that with that response, and my own experience has been exactly what i said, whenever i look at the lfg 99% of the time its sellers and kp groups. Tone doesnt carry over the internet, and your response as read without any hint of sarcasm reads like a serious response of "Dont use the LFG cause training groups dont post there".

...what? Are you saying that my posts -that repeatedly show those groups are in lfg- somehow sound like an advice to not use lfg?

Or do you mean it sounds like a serious response TO the advice "don't use the lfg cause training groups don't post there"?

Because this is supposed to be the second one and it's based on you writing "and if, if, training runs arent being put in the lfg(and they arent 99% of the time) it may be best to stop telling folks to use the lfg tool.(not you but in general)". From what I understand you're saying that 99% of the time those groups aren't in lfg and so we should stop telling people to use lfg. This is false. Those groups are there pretty consistently hence my answer. Maybe I misunderstood your intentions there, but to me it seems like those 'ifs" at the start of the sentence are pretty much nullified by including "(and they aren't 99% of the time)", which is no longer a hypothetical, but instead try to claim those groups aren't consistently in lfg. But they are consistently there -and that's my whole point in that response 😉

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

...what? Are you saying that my posts -that repeatedly show those groups are in lfg- somehow sound like an advice to not use lfg?

Or do you mean it sounds like a serious response TO the advice "don't use the lfg cause training groups don't post there"?

Because this is supposed to be the second one and it's based on you writing "and if, if, training runs arent being put in the lfg(and they arent 99% of the time) it may be best to stop telling folks to use the lfg tool.(not you but in general)". From what I understand you're saying that 99% of the time those groups aren't in lfg and so we should stop telling people to use lfg. This is false. Those groups are there pretty consistently hence my answer. Maybe I misunderstood your intentions there, but to me it seems like those 'ifs" at the start of the sentence are pretty much nullified by including "(and they aren't 99% of the time)", which is no longer a hypothetical.

I was actually not paying attention to who i was responding to with the reply you just qouted above xD thats my bad, should probably sleep more >.>

My intention with my original post was to comment on someone saying not to use the lfg tool, nothing more. I am well aware that my own experience isnt everyones experience, and groups probably do get posted, they just arent ever there when i look, and i dont camp the LFG tool(not that i have to, i have a guild and the RA for that.).

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9 hours ago, Zalavaaris.5329 said:

That right there is an opportunity to learn. There's gameplay there! Watch some videos, read some guides, talk to someone with more experience, keep practicing on the dummy, or even switch to an easier class. There are options for you to fix that. 


Edit: in fact, what if I told you I was in a guild with people who raid and train people with zero toxicity? Would you join and participate? Would you try to improve in both fight mechanics and class mechanics? Join us and learn! 

You could give an auto-LFG , if you don't mind .

That way , i can i can have fun (and i don't have to "please" other guys) ,

aim toward the Raid set and don't have to resign from my job as a Pizza delivery guy , or my 2-year school as Tech Support (should i choose Databases or Router related problems?) or the afternoon Nurse school (which  empathy is not my thing  and either 3D designing or naval accounting , may come) , in order to play specific times per day .


Or place the Raid bosses  in the open World and limits the player to 10 in each map .

So i can avoid LFG and every 2 hours i can play in a relaxed way , even if i fail .

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1 hour ago, Dante.1763 said:

I was actually not paying attention to who i was responding to with the reply you just qouted above xD thats my bad, should probably sleep more >.>

My intention with my original post was to comment on someone saying not to use the lfg tool, nothing more. I am well aware that my own experience isnt everyones experience, and groups probably do get posted, they just arent ever there when i look, and i dont camp the LFG tool(not that i have to, i have a guild and the RA for that.).

@Sobx.1758 @Dante.1763

Maybe you guys just are not on the same server cluster, me as a Eu person see training low kp squads quite frequently.

But maybe Dante is Na were I hear raid scene is abysmal.

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17 minutes ago, Captain Kuro.8937 said:

You could give an auto-LFG , if you don't mind .

That way , i can i can have fun (and i don't have to "please" other guys) ,

aim toward the Raid set and don't have to resign from my job as a Pizza delivery guy or my 2-year school as Tech Support (should i choose Databases or Router related problems?) , in order to play specific times per day .


Or place the Raid bosses  in the open World and limits the player to 10 in each map .

So i can avoid LFG and every 2 hours i can play in a relaxed way , even if i fail .

Do me a favor go into a public strike wait for 10 people and see how well that auto grouping would work out mate.

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22 minutes ago, Captain Kuro.8937 said:

You could give an auto-LFG , if you don't mind .

That way , i can i can have fun (and i don't have to "please" other guys) ,

And how would "autolfg" fix anything? You can just join the groups (or create one) of people with similar expactations to yours. Autolfg won't do that and it's far from desired or reasonable.


aim toward the Raid set and don't have to resign from my job as a Pizza delivery guy , in order to play specific times per day .

You still don't need to right now.


Or place the Raid bosses  in the open World and limits the player to 10 in each map .

This is just the equivalent of instanced content.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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20 minutes ago, Captain Kuro.8937 said:

You could give an auto-LFG , if you don't mind .

That way , i can i can have fun (and i don't have to "please" other guys) ,

aim toward the Raid set and don't have to resign from my job as a Pizza delivery guy , or my 2-year school as Tech Support (should i choose Databases or Router related problems?) or the afternoon Nurse school (which  empathy is not my thing  and either 3D designing or naval accounting , may come) , in order to play specific times per day .


Or place the Raid bosses  in the open World and limits the player to 10 in each map .

So i can avoid LFG and every 2 hours i can play in a relaxed way , even if i fail .

Well there's no real raid schedule. We post when we are doing a training run and you can just sign up to join us. I'm assuming you have no interest? If you say no then you can't claim there are no groups and you have no opportunity. I'm literally inviting you.

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6 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And how would "autolfg" fix anything? You can just join (or create one) the groups of people with similar expactations to yours. Autolfg won't do that and it's far from desired or reasonable.

You still don't need to right now.

This is just the equivalent of instanced content.


Give an auto LFG or boss in the open world and you don't have worry if i fail or how i spent my time .

The only people will hurt is those goldsellers


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