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Legendary armor, which to choose and where to start?

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Hey all!


I'm a long time player, on and off since beta 1 of core.


Recently in my endeavors I've decided I want to try and get my hands on legendary armor. I've made several weapons and am currently working on my first backpack. 


My question is this, which version of the legendary armor did you choose and why? 

I'm kind of adverse to obtaining the PVE set as I don't really know if I can get into a raiding environment. I'm a one character kind of player and it seems I would be bottom barrel in this type of environment. What do you all think?

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I assume you mean legendary armour. In my case, I went PvP. You get the materials you need simply for playing the normal ranked games, which I do just for fun. After three seasons, you can get everything you need with enough gameplay. I haven’t tried any other method, though. 

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If you PVP-ed before this bunker-tastic meta then it would be worth it to get it from PVP. Right now it is a slog and wouldn't recommend PVP because ever since Feb 2020 the games are drawn out by nature of 30-40% damage nerfs across the board. In addition you need to be PVP rank 20 in PVP to even do ranked games. My guild leader competed in the Tournament of Legends for example and then after 2 hours only received a llama that was useless to him , that's more or less a summary of PVP in a nutshell if you aren't currently a top player (means nothing if you were top or close to top in the past before Feb 2020).

In the current situation, I would suggest aiming for training raids in W1-4 at least up until 150 LI and doing WvW to around gold tier skirmish chest (~50% of tickets) which is about 8 hours a week. Try to cram most of it in the weekend , that's the most effective way to go about it. Train raids with people that know the raid til you finish Envoy II. That is how I assist my guildmates who have minimal time commitment to raiding (try to cover support roles so people new can "just DPS" and focus on mechanics). By splitting your focus you would get to the end result quicker and have a backup plan in case your raid group misses a week for example.

Raids you should focus on are the ones with exceedingly high success rates such as :


W1 Vale Guardian (~57%) , Spirit Wood, Gorseval (~68%), Sabetha (people need cannon timer/callout., ~55%)
W4 Cairn (~78%), Mursaat Overseer (~55%), Samarog (~62%)

W3 Escort / Siege the Stronghold , Keep Construct (~46%) , Twisted Castle (if you have a guide)
W2 Bandit Trio (87%)  ... skip Slothasor unless people can reliably do mushrooms otherwise you need to run a gimmick comp such as scourge stacks
W5 River of Souls (77%), Statues of Grenth (60%+)
W6 Conjured Amalgamate (57%)

See https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/WvW_skirmish_pip_query?


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I recommend going for whichever game mode you enjoy most, because all of them pretty much come down to playing that mode a lot. If you're not sure try all 3 and see which you prefer or find easiest.


I'm mainly a PvE player but I decided to go for WvW legendary armour (and a backpack) because my free time is limited and unpredictable. I can't commit to being online at a set time every day or week to raid with a static group and even when I am online it's rare I can be sure how long I have. If I join a PUG and have to drop out after 20 minutes it causes the group problems and if we haven't beaten any bosses I leave with nothing. Whereas if I join a WvW zerg or roam around a map for 20 minutes and then leave no one cares and I'll still have been rewarded for the time I was there.


It's going to be a slow process because I don't think I've ever finished the weekly skirmish rewards (I once got up to the mithril tier but that was it) so it will take me a long time to get enough skirmish tickets, but that's ok with me because I'm not in a hurry.

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17 hours ago, Ninjikun.2078 said:

I'm kind of adverse to obtaining the PVE set as I don't really know if I can get into a raiding environment. I'm a one character kind of player and it seems I would be bottom barrel in this type of environment. What do you all think?

Do not sell you self short. The raid requirements in terms of skill are not that great. Just a bit of gamer homework 😛  The reason many believe that it is hard is that their first contact with the environment is the LFG. But you should never start there but learn with guidies or training communities that make the barrier of entry much much lower.  That if course if you personally enjoy the mode. Otherwise do not bother and go for the other options. Check this link if you want to start: https://snowcrows.com/community/raid-training

Google the names of the communities and you should be able to find the links to their discords from their reddit threads.

Edited by Turin.6921
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17 hours ago, Ninjikun.2078 said:

I'm kind of adverse to obtaining the PVE set as I don't really know if I can get into a raiding environment. I'm a one character kind of player and it seems I would be bottom barrel in this type of environment. What do you all think?


Here are the questions you need to ask yourself in regards to raiding:

1. are you willing to play with others?

2. are you willing to learn and practice to some extent?

3. do you have enough time per week to commit to raiding? (2-5 hours is fine, likely spread over 2 days)

4. are you willing to look for a training discord, guild, etc. to get started?


If all of those questions are answered with "yes", you are good to go. Raids are not that difficult and can be a lot of fun when tackled with others.


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The method is whichever game mode you enjoy the most, because you will be doing a lot of it.


That said:

PvE is the fastest method (by total time invested)

PvP is the cheapest method

WvW is longest (by total time invested), but potentially the least involved method as it can be done semi-AFK.


If you have less time per day, then do WvW, if you have the time to commit per day then do PvE.

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   I did my heavy legenday armor in PvP due I play it oftenly and was the cheapest method (below 1800 gold coins in total; at the time in PvE the cost was triple that amount).


   The best part of getting it in PvP (cost aside) is that you don't need to be good to take it, because no matter how badly you perform, every match will earn you progress towards getting the set, whereas in PvE a failed raids means no progression. Also, PvP doesn't require to be in any guild, group or prearranged team to do the work: you alone and a bit of time. The disadvantage is that you need near 1.5 years to get the required 20 tokens to get the full set (you can get 3 x Conquest season and 1 x mini season), so both WvW and PvE armor are faster in terms of time capped tokens.


   The other way to speed up the things is to combine making half of the set in PvP and half in WvW. I think that for heavy armors the PvE skin is which looks the best, but IMO doesn't worth the extra effort. Also, I must say that currently I already have the 40 tokens to craft the whole legendary medium and light sets in PvP (cost: ~700 gc each) and I'm on the way to get the clovers to craft both. 

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Raiding isn't my thing either.  And I really can't commit the chunks of time to do raids at this point in my life.  I did my leg armor set via PvP, but I did have a boost from the old days around season 5 before they severely nerfed the amount of ascended shards that you get from the chests, so I basically got the precursor armor in a single season.  I'd probably still go PvP if doing it again today.  PvP you should eventually settle where you belong based on skill and that will get you somewhere in the vicinity of 50% win rate, so it won't be too bad and you know what you're in for.


WvW could be used to accelerate progress towards a set.  The potential downside is that WvW is the source of the non-raid legendary ring(s) that you may want, so any WvW tickets spent on armor will directly compete with getting legendary rings eventually.  Up to you, but perhaps a consideration if you wish to work towards complete legendary gear.  The amulet from the return to achieve can replace the PvP legendary amulet, so going PvP for legendary armor won't slow you down on that front. 



Edited by thehipone.6812
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6 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


Here are the questions you need to ask yourself in regards to raiding:

1. are you willing to play with others?

2. are you willing to learn and practice to some extent?

3. do you have enough time per week to commit to raiding? (2-5 hours is fine, likely spread over 2 days)

4. are you willing to look for a training discord, guild, etc. to get started?


If all of those questions are answered with "yes", you are good to go. Raids are not that difficult and can be a lot of fun when tackled with others.


Those are all good points you make.

Thank you for the insight on that.


I know where I'm starting now!

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On 8/15/2021 at 11:09 AM, Ninjikun.2078 said:

Hey all!


I'm a long time player, on and off since beta 1 of core.


Recently in my endeavors I've decided I want to try and get my hands on legendary armor. I've made several weapons and am currently working on my first backpack. 


My question is this, which version of the legendary armor did you choose and why? 

I'm kind of adverse to obtaining the PVE set as I don't really know if I can get into a raiding environment. I'm a one character kind of player and it seems I would be bottom barrel in this type of environment. What do you all think?

Well My first Legendary armor set I made because I was already doing pvp and wvw daily and after doing a backpack and a few other things I was running out of things to use Ascended Shards and Skermish tickets on so when clovers started to pile up I decided making a set of armor was looking very doable and so why not. Later I made another set, because I again found myself with the needed materials due to the time and modes I was playing.

Last year I decided to try raiding just to explore the content and fill out MPs. TBH I had avoided the mode because allot of people say how "hard" it can be to get into raids and how toxic raids and such can be. Well I didnt find that to be the case really and more than fractals.


In both its more a matter of reading the LFG carefully and choosing who you learn and progress with. Yes some guilds and groups are very demanding and really only want people who are intent on doing speed runs with very specific comps and strategy. However, as others have said here raiding is very doable. You can find plenty of training and practice raids going. Just do everyone a favor and read up on the build and roles you think you might fit into and spend a little time on the golem and what ever you need to feel ok on the build. You dont need to reach bench dps generally, but you will have allot more fun if you at least get the opener down and have an understanding of what each boss fight looks like. So pretty much check out snowcrows lucky-noobs and maybe watch some guide videos on youtube and maybe read the wiki or a guide site like pheonixuprising (sp?). Also is you can use discord allot of training runs will literally explain the mechanics in discord. Anyway, what Im saying is raiding is totally doable.


As for the raid armor and collections, its also rather easy. Basically, the entire Envoy 1 + 2 collections are just a matter of doing the older HoT wings which are old hat for most raiders and anyone can get clears on them with a little work.


Lastly, Since armor is your goal I suggest reading a little on Envoy 1 and 2 and see what items you will need to buy and have to do each collection. For certain achievements you need to have an item on you to click during, before, or after a certain boss. If you read up before you start it should make the both the collections basically a matter of getting clears. That said, you will still need 150 LI to make a set so that's Min. 10 weeks of clears. But you get 1 per boss so you can get progress easy without clearing too.


I made 3 sets of armor so far and I would say that the raid armor was the easiest and also actually the cheapest (1st set) because you get the precursor set for free unlike pvp/wvw and some things like provisioner tokens you can just use Oby shards (karma) to aquire so its quite a bit cheaper overall. 2nd and 3rd raid sets you have to craft the pre but its more work than cost.

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10 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

I agree. It’s certainly the fastest for those that already know raids, how to play their builds, and perform any particular roles that they may be assigned based on said class. 

Yes, that would be the caveat. There is a learning period. The same could be said for the PvP set.


The WvW set? Hang out in a borderland, and go kill Veteran NPCs at objectives and cap Diamond chest each week for 22 weeks. No skill, no learning, just 22 weeks of grinding.

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3 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Yes, that would be the caveat. There is a learning period. The same could be said for the PvP set.


The WvW set? Hang out in a borderland, and go kill Veteran NPCs at objectives and cap Diamond chest each week for 22 weeks. No skill, no learning, just 22 weeks of grinding.

That's really not accurate about wvw. While its true that just about any player can go in and at least kill a sentry or cap a monument if they dont run into opponents. Its not at all accurate to say that a new unskilled player with, for example, boost gear can just run around in wvw a few hours each week and get diamond pip chest. Its actually inaccurate to the point that its a lie. The typical new person to wvw, unless already able to pvp and pve well enough to gain basic entry level into raids or rank up to 20 in pvp, will struggle to maintain: T6 participation, will not have any pip boosts (rank previous week, commanding, etc). They will get killed and almost certainly get trolled and farmed by roamers if they are totally new and mostly afk farming. Even serious new players are usually trolled and farmed if they spend more than a few minutes in WvW.


Also, what you suggest, I would argue, is less fun and more time than just running around with a tag and do legit wvw, but then its rather similar to raids.(easier to be carried by squad)... So I think you seem rather bias against WvW which I find offensive, in general. I have spent allot of time in all 3 game modes and I raid most days right now. From my experience, very few people in WvW do what you describe. The mode will get an increase in people afk farming due to armory I think, but so too does raiding.


Raiding seems to have more people trying to join no KP runs who seem like they are basically doing the raid equivalent of afk farming then before the Armory too. That is, players with: incorrect build, no rotation, no idea about roles and mechanics, people wana get carried for some easy LI. Same kitten different mode.


Ranked PvP gets afk/half-kitten party members who just wana milk pips too and dont care if they lose. Those people are unfortunate, but that doesnt mean all 3 modes are no skill afk farms.


You seem to kinda get obsessed about trashing on WvW (many posts and threads) and I wana let you know its inaccurate and insulting to allot of the games community. We all know each mode has leeches.


Trash talking the work people put into learning and playing wvw like you are, that is, suggesting the rewards for the mode are a givaway that anyone can just get without much time or effort is wrong and rude. You seem to imply that WvW players are all a buncha lazy people to afk farmed mistforged legendary armor, which we all is 100% kitten cause no one afk farms to rank 500 for one thing and it required rank 1500 until a year ago. So I just have to once again call kitten.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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3 hours ago, Moradorin.6217 said:

The typical new person to wvw, unless already able to pvp and pve well enough to gain basic entry level into raids or rank up to 20 in pvp, will struggle to maintain: T6 participation, will not have any pip boosts (rank previous week, commanding, etc). They will get killed and almost certainly get trolled and farmed by roamers if they are totally new and mostly afk farming. Even serious new players are usually trolled and farmed if they spend more than a few minutes in WvW.


This isn’t accurate. It doesn’t take any preparation to solo camps every 10 minutes. It doesn’t take preparation to repair the SMC wall every other defend event. You just go in and do it and the skill cap is incredibly low.  You won’t get farmed by enemy players so long as you pay attention to your surroundings and don’t contest anything until after the invulnerability timer is up. You also want to LoS mobs at the camps to kill them faster.  None of this is anywhere close to the level needed in order to gain basic entry into raids. 


You also do not need T6 participation as that's for reward tracks.  You only need to be at T4 and above to get pips.


You also said that players would end up taking more time by doing what the poster you quoted had suggested.  This is false as what you do has no bearing on the rate of pips that you earn each week aside from WvW rank.


No where did they list the number of hours in their post so I don't understand why you're insinuating that they did and then accusing them as lying.  They're also not insulting WvW players.  That another thing which you made up. 

Edited by mythical.6315
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1 hour ago, mythical.6315 said:

This isn’t accurate. It doesn’t take any preparation to solo camps every 10 minutes. It doesn’t take preparation to repair the SMC wall every other defend event. You just go in and do it and the skill cap is incredibly low.  You won’t get farmed by enemy players so long as you pay attention to your surroundings and don’t contest anything until after the invulnerability timer is up. You also want to LoS mobs at the camps to kill them faster.  None of this is anywhere close to the level needed in order to gain basic entry into raids. 


You also do not need T6 participation as that's for reward tracks.  You only need to be at T4 and above to get pips.


You also said that players would end up taking more time by doing what the poster you quoted had suggested.  This is false as what you do has no bearing on the rate of pips that you earn each week aside from WvW rank.


No where did they list the number of hours in their post so I don't understand why you're insinuating that they did and then accusing them as lying.  They're also not insulting WvW players.  That another thing which you made up. 

My point was that it you arent going to just do what he suggested as a new player and just fly to diamond chest in a few hours a week as he implies. You also wont level up to get MIstforged any time soon sitting and doing almost nothing.


8 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Hang out in a borderland, and go kill Veteran NPCs at objectives and cap Diamond chest each week for 22 weeks. No skill, no learning, just 22 weeks of grinding

isnt doing what you suggest..Activity matters for pips and if the player intends on getting Mistforged skins they will need more than just pips. The point I am making isnt that people dont and cant afk farm pips. My point is that lazy farming pips takes a long time and people cannot just run around without facing opponents and things. You cannot always grab the nearest camp, Your server doesnt always have SMC. Some servers get owned all week, some people play during peak hours when a newbie in boost gear will get worked over as I described. Everything I said is accurate. I never said people cannot afk farm to get pips. I said its not a simple kill a vet and sit and repeat a few hours each week and bam Full pips. Thats a load of horseshit. It all depends on your server, on time of day you play, the class you play, if the person has a mount, do they know how to escape a fight? Its so silly to even argue about really. I just find it kinda offensive that people act like you can kill a vet every 10 min or what ever and afk an hour a night and get full pips and rank 500 or in the past rank 1500. Its just sad that people distort the facts to much. To the point it becomes a lie. Then others come along and support the lie cause its a popular meme.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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1 hour ago, mythical.6315 said:

This isn’t accurate. It doesn’t take any preparation to solo camps every 10 minutes

I would actually also disagree with this. I would say the average new player in boost gear would have a hard time just clearing camps. Remember they lack wvw rank and probably have very poor dps. That is, unless as I suggested they take some time to prepare. New players struggle in modes like wvw and raid without guidance and preparation. An experienced player maybe with a new account is another matter, but that's different.

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39 minutes ago, Moradorin.6217 said:

My point was that it you arent going to just do what he suggested as a new player and just fly to diamond chest in a few hours a week as he implies. You also wont level up to get MIstforged any time soon sitting and doing almost nothing.


As was pointed out in my post, they did not say a few hours as this was what you added and implied yourself.  They specifically stated weeks.  There's a bit of a difference between the two.  If they stated hours anywhere in their post then by all means point it out but please do not make up something and then argue against it.


32 minutes ago, Moradorin.6217 said:

I would actually also disagree with this. I would say the average new player in boost gear would have a hard time just clearing camps. Remember they lack wvw rank and probably have very poor dps. That is, unless as I suggested they take some time to prepare. New players struggle in modes like wvw and raid without guidance and preparation. An experienced player maybe with a new account is another matter, but that's different.


I was able to clear camps on a rev using the soldiers gear that they gave from the level 80 boost.  They're enemies you fight at the camp are all veterans which do not pose much of a threat by having poor DPS.  Soldiers gear provides more than enough sustain that you can clear them by just using all your skills off cool down.


The fact is that any player can go into WvW and clear camps of the five or so veteran PVE enemies as they would in any PvE map.


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3 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

This isn’t accurate. It doesn’t take any preparation to solo camps every 10 minutes. It doesn’t take preparation to repair the SMC wall every other defend event. You just go in and do it and the skill cap is incredibly low.  You won’t get farmed by enemy players so long as you pay attention to your surroundings and don’t contest anything until after the invulnerability timer is up. You also want to LoS mobs at the camps to kill them faster.  None of this is anywhere close to the level needed in order to gain basic entry into raids. 


You also do not need T6 participation as that's for reward tracks.  You only need to be at T4 and above to get pips.


You also said that players would end up taking more time by doing what the poster you quoted had suggested.  This is false as what you do has no bearing on the rate of pips that you earn each week aside from WvW rank.


No where did they list the number of hours in their post so I don't understand why you're insinuating that they did and then accusing them as lying.  They're also not insulting WvW players.  That another thing which you made up. 

Thank you. I was going to reply directly, but would have been unable to withhold from colorful language. I instead hit the appropriate forum button.

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Went with WvW, but kitten that legendary war insight just kill me lol, have the materials for everything acording to efficiency, so much so that each piece will only cost 10g to craft, just missing the time gated stuff, currently at 1.100 tickets, only 8k to go lul.

The good thing is that at least you can advance enough reward tracks to get everything you need, in this short time i've been playing i already got the 6 exotic armor pieces needed, and the 6 Gift of Battles, so these will be out of the way as well, and if i keep repeating these reward tracks (i'm using boosters tou), i will get the other 12 Gifts of Battle and 12 armor pieces required to craft the Medium and Light sets before i even finish crafting the Heavy set (the one i'm going for first).

Edited by Brandon Uzumaki.1524
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15 minutes ago, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

Went with WvW, but kitten that legendary war insight just kill me lol, have the materials for everything acording to efficiency, so much so that each piece will only cost 10g to craft, just missing the time gated stuff, currently at 1.100 tickets, only 8k to go lul.

The good thing is that at least you can advance enough reward tracks to get everything you need, in this short time i've been playing i already got the 6 exotic armor pieces needed, and the 6 Gift of Battles, so these will be out of the way as well, and if i keep repeating these reward tracks (i'm using boosters tou), i will get the other 12 Gifts of Battle and 12 armor pieces required to craft the Medium and Light sets before i even finish crafting the Heavy set (the one i'm going for first).

It is indeed a grind slog, but one that requires little effort beyond being present and maintaining T4 participation.


To give you some hope, I have the heavy set, non mistforged because I thought the glowy bits were dumb. All the time in PvE people ask about my armor and my dyes. People don't see it often enough.

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12 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:



The WvW set? Hang out in a borderland, and go kill Veteran NPCs at objectives and cap Diamond chest each week for 22 weeks. No skill, no learning, just 22 weeks of grinding.

   You'll never be able to complete the diamond chest each week if you just roam (even a couple of hours a day). I've been in a WvW guild for years until it fade and the amount of progression you earn being in a dedicated group assaulting fortress and constantly battling vs zergs can't compare with going solo chopping camps and having ocasional skirmishes with roamers or duellist.

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