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Everything posted by Solitude.2097

  1. Lets create the system and then we can decide if it worth it or not . If it succeed like FF14 , then instance groups might flourish . If not , people can still gravitate to the old one , or drop entirely , even from Strikes
  2. Why not create this extra system also ? Arenanet can create special rules for that . like Final Fantasy . And its up to the community to choose the strict-auto LFG version vs the open-current one . Even WoW use this model . Or we can go in the other route they , if you haven't linked your account to an Authentication , you cant' type custom messages . In our case they won't be able to see also custom made Groups . Or if you try to type any message , than the default/dropdown menu , then you can see other peoples customs Groups , without forcing me to waste time to open the LFG and then put commands so i wont be able to see those groups and then find my group that i want
  3. Yeah they should create 2 LFG : a) One that you can type anything you want b) And on that has the basic message is "Join fast" . And if someone afks , you should install OBS and sent the video in Imgur to the customers support , where his accounts and alts are banned from using the second option edit: After a while the "join fast" group will pop up in the 1st option (without knowing it)
  4. You know that people will start @@crying that Core in not on par with the rest of the expanions and something about Powercreep and blablabla ? Choose one spec from whatever expansion that has the most counterplay and that becomes the default Core spec . It's better than waste more times to bring Cores up ... and unintenionally buff other things (they get less reward , from that spec , if they dont have the specific expanion)
  5. Are we really sure about the new Healing + ulti , if you combine it with the Healing Shouts + Adrelaline Health ? Or using cond-removal-Shouts + Daring Dragon trait (that allow you to use 3 -4 times the auto and proc Cleansing Ire + Adrelanine Health ? I wish Cyclone Trigger ,could proc "Shield Master Trait"
  6. We could create the same system as other games , where a calculated block , creates a kind of mini game , between the 2 chest pieces . Or for 3 sec you can hardly see it's silluete The theif can still keep the Steal>remove aegis , but general stealth across the board , lacks a mini game component (same as conditions)
  7. Season 2 should permanently stay on a free update , and introduce something (collections) that normally can be earned ingame , but if you have unlocked S4-5(and the appropriate expansion) , you reduce the "time"
  8. Then we should change stealth ,so those 2-3 players get reveled , rather than staying in stealth !
  9. No cast time You can go do only 1 attack (auto doesnt count) , before the weapon dissapear 3 ammo , 2 sec internal cd , and when used goes on 25 sec cd Only in Core spec :)
  10. Did i hear Saber...Riders (if i remember correctly the Black Knight Saber shoots "some times" layser from the tip)? Captain Harlock had the first Sword/Gun (1978) , but didn't named it !
  11. You mean FF8 (love that cutscene , but ff9 was better with the cartoonish -lightharted story , while ff7 was too serious and something wrong happened in the production of the last fight 😭) , or Gundam ?
  12. 180 yard daze or stun , for 0.25 sec Or clutch 50% reduction shout for the same sec But most likely it will be nothing . It will be a mix of 0.3 sec you cant do anything > gain 1,25 sec "evade frame" on the air > land 500 yards away . Something like worst version of Vault , with pre-cast
  13. Can't we use this "dot" mechanic , as an in-game mini-game , rather than wasting time and money on teaching them on Personal Stories ? Left Click >Attack Right Click or Spacebar ->Dodge Something like the The Binding of Isaac-game on Steam , but in our case it will behave like PokeDex , where we can introduce faster new Mechanics and without "spoling" the first time encounter . And when they are completed (daily event) a congratulated message will pop up and tips from which bosses are from ? Or you can play the "Hardmode" for any new idea , tat the Devs want to scrap because they think it will be hard ? They can learn about : a) hide behind the rocks to avoid the big attack (100 Fractal boss) b) kite the "hand"(Raid) (no a clue) If the community love it , expand it to a cellphone game , where "events" will pop up and you control the in-game boss (you see yourself as dot) , doing some skillshots
  14. Isn't there a site that shows the Raid encounter and players as "dots" ? Where t shows the position for each min and the boss /players hp ? Doesn't this technology reads the memory ? Can't this used a proof ? edit: i can be used as a education guide , rather than seeing the real thing and loose "its magic for the first time " Or spots the WvW /Open World leachers
  15. We could use the WoW-create-Guild option , where 8 people must Sign up i order the Guild to be created .But in our case all guilds will remain intact , and the only thing that will be created will be the WvW- Shard .Each Guild leader with sign the contract and assign a "number"in a nearby box . Those numbers are the open slots that can join WvWvW at any time Each player account will be saved in that slot/number for 24 hours (in order to avoid having 50 people rotate in the 10 slots for 24 hours gameplay) . The 2x major problems are: a) how to avoid overstacking ? For every 30x random-no-guild-people , gives you 1x Supplies from the thin air , or your Swiftness is 5% better or behaves like Superspeed at 100 people? Or you should deticate 100 (from 500) people to Edge of the Mist for "8" hours/match reset , so 100 random can join your Server and reduce the cost of Golems by 60% , for a fast zergpush ? Or daticating 50 people to Edge and winning the majority , unlocks the Desert BL cannon that shoots in "random maps-locations"? b) Ask a new player to join WvW . He will say it's " too barren" outside of zergs . Introduce the "Bushes-stealth" from the old minigame-activity and hide some mobs in there . If you find the correct ones , you spawn a team a rolling choggas that you lead them (as chogga) to a pre-determent far away Keep and you can jump on walls forma jumping location to damage the boss for 3% hp ? Other people can right click in the npcs and take their place for increased damage and speed? (Idk ... got something to do in these 12 days, called throwing dart to choose my future ...)
  16. I hope shield bubbles , reduce the damage done to walls from 100% > 90% and the person that control them emit some damage splash to nearby target , or random "single -Raid-Boss -avoid-lines" 😞
  17. You made the parallels with thieves from the PvP area.... As you said , people don't whine about them , so...let's copy them into the WvW
  18. If thieves can kill the Zerg build (which their goal is to survive MASS BATTLES - 1v s X) , then it's not weak . Rather than shaving stealth , we could reduce it's damage , like in PvP , if we are going to protect new people . Or traps works as a "dark Shield" on you , where it debuffs the target with stacks over time (when you get attacked by him) and after of 5 sec of stealth , he get slowed each time he gains stealth or dots shows his silhouette . You can't mount for 3 min , when used (you will join their zerg slower and you have less resources to build Ramsfor your server ) Edit: or that traps works as "Mirror" where every 2nd stealth he gains , you gain too
  19. Average MMR across the team remains the same ? I believe that when you duo-que , you or your friend copies the highest Rating between the 2 of you , not average , because it will lead to exploits . Now if you both have : 2 players with 1600 rating + 2x 1500 + 1x 14000 vs 2x 1800 rating + 3x 1400 shouldn't the "odds" remain the same and become a "fair fight" ? ...in papers... Edit: If i remember corectly , each account has an "internal MMR" , regardles of the actual Leaderboard
  20. Lets cut down unnecessary fat (areas where the majority wont participate) and sell the xpack for 60 euros every 1 year .
  21. You can macro the Templates , so you don't have to waste time opening the bags and use another macro to get back in the old spec . Lets create a rotation macro , where you spam 1 for 22,5k , with half exotic Bersker/ Deviners Alacr Rene and not ban people for 5 days . It will help the ingame population to "get gud"
  22. How long do you need to manually swap a skill, trait, or weapon out to stack swiftness? And how many with the Templates ?
  23. How about we "test it" atm , with capturing side objectives ? If your team capture them , and you activate it (F5 , 0.7 sec cast time ) you get 2 sec stealth with 10 sec reveal (10 cd) , while the opponents will get the same effect but reduced (1.5s) ? Just for science and giggles , before the x-pack!
  24. Yeah ! When you both stealth ,it won't matter , because you won't find each other
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