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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. I haven't played in a year.. I'm not sure my hands could take the strain required to run meta builds these days.. especially Ele.. and Rangers bows.. Dunno the builds were crazy repetitive last time i played.
  2. I see all versions of SotO come with the shared stash option.. What if you've already maxed out your shared stash like i have? Does this thing sit in my inventory for ever and am i getting this added to my price of the expansion even though i cannot use it? Thanks in advance.
  3. Its not so much hard, its frustrating and tedious to deal with daily. Tyria was a lot more relaxed.
  4. Celestial specter is by far the best solo thief.
  5. New playable race Skritt.. Thats stats get better the more Skritt you team with.. Playable Race Stone Dwarves.. C'mon Anet do the Dwarves a solid.
  6. Because in the end its not very good.. Looks great in theory as a game but the designs and mtx really pull it down.. compared to other games. I know people here will look at this game with koolaid goggles but as a game its pretty grindy and average. I do feel Guildwars 1 should have been there.
  7. Probably on purpose to force people into getting a Skyscale.. Maybe too many players were sticking to bunny and griffon and not getting Skyscales.. less skins? no idea.. I know i stuck to bunny and griffon for years over the skyscale grind.. in the end i caved but Griffin is still way more fun to me.
  8. Wouldn't you be better off going to a gambling site op? this is actually an mmorpg.
  9. It does get tiresome i agree op.. chillax areas like Tyria main were so much better.
  10. Not a regret as much, more it seems way over grind and priced for what you get tbh.. especially the later ones. I just don't see the point of later ones outside of elitism mostly.
  11. I agree its terrible especially in HOT and PoF, its why i uninstalled again. I took a break for a few years.
  12. Necro.. there is really no decision.
  13. Dont do it op.. don't ruin your life.
  14. Depends on how you see winning.. They are a small power creep but a huge quality of life achievement. Effectively do not ever need that weapon again unless you dual wield, no more costs on crafting or installing sigils and skins.. no more need to use extractors for build changes.. that in its self is the Pay to Win in my book, also the awesome affects are icing on the cake. $100USD? or countless Ascended crafting and Exotic purchasing.. Especially with 20+ characters..
  15. Yes and no.. depends on Anet if they sold in converted $ then yes if they sold at fixed Gem prices no.. It seems they bypassed steam anyway, pretty scummy as other MMORPGs sell fixed currencies in steam..
  16. I blame Dailies and map completions, the dailies should not have low player maps in the rotation. they should remove them and add EoD maps instead..
  17. Legendaries are pretty much P2W.. I'm fine with P2W myself.
  18. I actually started GW2 before i had a Steam account.
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