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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. The issue is Anet only cares about the new and shiny, not the old and busted.. They have this frankly asinine view to never go back and fix old content..
  2. Same here op i just play whatever Anet deems is the best these days and some what fits my play style.. I've given up with what is deemed as a main, luckily i have two of every class so i can chop and change. I used to main ranger but gave up on that mess a long time ago, i also am glad i never mained warrior.. even in August its a mess.
  3. I like the new specs myself but i don't see them as very unique.. pretty much better versions of stuff we already had, hence they are creatively bankrupt or more like just lazy or no funding.. Do you mean Nika the Assassin because shes the one that killed and did all the work.. the other two just finished him off...
  4. I don't understand this modern obsession with these buffs, on everything.. I preferred when each class brought something to the table, not every class being the same thing.
  5. The closest is Ranger. But rangers are lackluster here. You could try Harbringer its a necromancer class with guns. You'll have a better time. you need the new expansion though.
  6. Specter, Harbringer, Mechanist, and Firebrand are going in the right direction. Every other class is not..
  7. In all the years i've never completed the mad king tower. its just too hard and maddeningly frustrating to do.
  8. I enjoy some of the other aspects of the game. I have taken a break for now Guilds are to busy using discord these days and ignore guild chat.. makes guilds feel dead..
  9. I started GW2 and got invested before all this collection BS got added.. I kinda still play because i've spend a substantial sum on this game.
  10. Actually i do, it would make some of the more difficult content more respectable to deal with.
  11. 3 would be on par with other classes.
  12. Yes because every class and monster in game is a copy of other things, everything is a copy.. What looks like plagiarism or asset theft is Wows new Dragon mount, if we want to get technical..
  13. See how you feel in another 10-20years.. 35 is still young.
  14. Yes the twitch style gaming has become more and more of an issue in GW2 as the game has aged.. it a main reason i take long breaks the combat in say Living Stories and Expansions just hurts my hands and eyes after extended sessions.. So i just can't do it. Also 250+ ping times don't help. Its also why i avoid PvP and WvW as its way to hard on me.
  15. Koi Yin yang is probably not licensed to anyone.
  16. When will Warriors and Rangers be fun to play again..
  17. No it worries them that the game they started at is turning into yet another avenue for Western social politics..
  18. Its more like a feeling of what a waste of time and effort.. on something no one wanted or asked for.
  19. Do dailies log out.. Its all Anet and Guildwars 2 is worth these days..
  20. So 5% crit that was all they added... wow wouldn't actually want to overhaul anything huh.. What the hell do Anet get paid for seriously.
  21. Its just a couple of lines and its gone.. and the whole snargle character is just a pervert charr added to EoD for i don't even know potty humor factor? Its just all dumb.. even the watchknight changes are just mind boggling.. i mean they continually tell us they have limited assets available to create content then do things like this.. I mean wtf is even going on in Anet these days.
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