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Everything posted by Nilkemia.8507

  1. As many others have pointed out, the title of the thread included PvP and was about PvP. Moreover, this thread isn't the first one to pop up in the general tab but only regard PvP in particular recently (one of a few recent threads criticizing downstate in PvP popped up here as well), so whatever moderation there is now is likely focusing on this section in particular. The claim that no one visits the PvP forums is also incorrect, as the replies to the thread and others have shown.
  2. There is little care for it because it's a toxic mode, and because ArenaNet got little if any return from investing into it in times past. The 2v2/3v3 arenas may be viable, though given the horror stories regarding balancing classes, this may bring about its own problems. But, that's for others to figure out. There are already spots for one to duel other players in SPvP and WvW. It would become potentially annoying and/or disruptive elsewhere. In addition, a manner of dueling available in Tyria exists already, costume brawl...which most seem to not know or care about. They'd already made attempts at tinkering with the idea of making players hostile in the open world of Tyria, the bandit offer in Silverwastes and the failure penalty of the Drakkar fight being two examples. And as far as I'm aware, neither gained any traction towards making the idea of adding PvP to PvE zones any more amicable. And why would they? 10v10 or 15v15 both feel like it's getting too big at that point. While I don't know if they have it anymore, I recall 8v8s being a thing in unranked at least, and even that felt like it was too much. At that point, it would likely just devolve into a focus-fest or mini-zergs smashing into each other or picking off isolated targets, which quickly snowballs. All the problems already present in the modes SPvP has would just be compounded.
  3. This has to be one of the dumbest ideas I've seen suggested. The only thing this made sense for was allowing us to test the beta specializations, and I found I didn't play them much if at all, because why bother? My progress would be wasted on them. I thought Guild Wars 2 was liked because it tried to have good ideas and not copy the bad ideas of other games. Granted, it and the developers have clearly changed somewhat past that, but even so, I think I'd rather suggest good ideas, thank you. To answer your question, I just wouldn't play during that time. In fact, I'd play less if at all, and I suspect many among the playerbase would too...that's not a good thing, I think.
  4. That won't matter since I don't play that cesspit of a mode any longer. But I think you'll find it much harder to sell this idea if you're not willing to make any compromises or changes to make sure it doesn't cause additional problems. For example, one post in one of the other threads noted that such a change would likely incentivize people to build in such a way so they can just one-shot players, or pull a combo or "death of a thousand cuts" that achieves the same manner, then rinse and repeat. Now, I don't have any hard data, but I don't doubt the possibility for such instances to occur. Likewise, there are at least a few skills and traits related to downstate that now become useless with it gone. These will all need adjusting if not outright reworking for PvP, which at this point is likely far more effort than it's worth. Ultimately, I'd have to say no. While downstate has its problems and I don't feel it has much use even in PvE anymore, this is not an optimal solution.
  5. Digressing slightly, but why isn't this in the PvP section? Perhaps General Guild Wars 2 Discussion gets more views, but it's not as if that part of the forums is as barren as the mode itself...probably. Secondly, assuming downstate is removed, what do we get in place of it?
  6. I am glad they brought it back in some form, especially since it was within their capability to do so. There was no good reason to leave a gaping hole in the story like that.
  7. Why? Because PvP inevitably brings out the worst in all who enter it. The only ways to win are to cheat and/or exploit the system, or to not play at all.
  8. Disagree. It's okay, even maybe decent. But great? No.
  9. Because ever since they changed the dailies from the simple ones they had long ago, they decided that making sense and not being annoying were too much to ask for. I remember when it was just daily gatherer, daily event completer, vista viewer, etc, that didn't demand one to go to this one specific zone or whatever. Not sure why they felt the need to fix something that wasn't broken.
  10. Seems like a hoax. Pre-Searing implies GW1, which is in maintenance mode, or is the impression I've been given. Guild Wars 2 already has personal/home instances that fill this role to an extent. One can also point towards Guild Halls, though their poor implementation restricts this heavily. This is one of those ideas that seems good on paper or text, but often ends up poorly executed, and would likely not warrant the resources put into it...or would involve a new tab in the cash shop for furniture that would look better and/or ridiculous compared to anything you could make in game for it.
  11. Admittedly, I've not checked on what they say, but the message I got from PoF's story is that the gods were staying out of it, expecting us to clean up their mess, yet again. Kormir told us as much herself. At this point, I cannot see a worthwhile reason for bringing them back into the story except to kill them off as well. Whatever benevolent image they may have had in the beginning is tarnished by their utter incompetence and negligence even before they fell silent completely, and the claim from the priestess of Kormir is suspect without any solid proof backing it up. It seems, from my perspective at least, that these gods had their fun with Tyria and humanity and left the moment something that could threaten them stirred.
  12. No. By this point, the damage is too far done. While it'd be nice to know who replaced Balthazar, it doesn't even matter since they doubled down on keeping the gods out of the story, which is probably for the best.
  13. Toxic, unbalanced, brings out the worst in all who enter it, and you can lose and be punished for something out of your control, and continue to lose and be punished. The only worth that mode has is reward tracks and dailies, and those are not worth all of the stress and frustration from all the negative factors.
  14. Sigh. No. Without even delving into forum search, I can think of several reasons quaggans can't/won't be playable. And I actually kinda like them (when they're not being annoying or trying to kill me.) 1 : They're a minor race. I think it's even stated as such during the Order portion of the core storyline when choosing one to help. They have no capital city, no region they can primarily lay claim to, no real government outside of their own scattered local communities, and thus little if any of the resources necessary to train and/or equip professions in the same manner that the playable races do. 2 : Customization. Their options would be very limited compared, due to their particular body type. Hair is out, unless we say they're magicking that on or wearing wigs (and why would they do that), faces would be very limited as well or would necessitate the making of new ones, and there isn't a whole lot you can do with them body-wise, besides making them bigger/thicker and/or vice versa. Same with eyes, as far as I recall, their eyes don't have the distinctions of eye colors or sizes like the playable ones have....that leaves things like skin color/tone, their fins, maybe? It would require making unique options just for them as well, which leads slightly into the next one... 3 : Making them playable would necessitate making a Personal Story tailored to them specifically, or some other kind of story to explain how a character of a minor race could rise to the same position and/or achievements that one of the playable races could, which while not impossible, would be more difficult to explain away in universe without involving some kind of retcon (and GW2's plot is already messy as is) Moreover, it would require adding in the above mentioned things they lack in sufficient amount in order to justify making them playable, something the developers have no reason to go out of their way to do. It would also require making new versions of each armor and outfit available now and future to fit them, which would be near insane to think of. The best you could hope or ask for is some sort of tonic like the Watchknight ones that let you use your skills and still interact normally. The only race I can think of that really had any chance of becoming playable was the Tengu, but that time has come and gone. The quaggans' chance is comparable to an icebrood in the depths.
  15. Sorry? I doubt that. As for toxicity itself, is it the only problem? I don't think it is. But is it the least? No. It's one of the big problems, if not the biggest. But, that's the way with PvP no matter what, it seems. The only way to win, is not to play. Let it rot and die.
  16. So...the thing it's using now works fine, why do you want to jump to the next one without knowing how well that will work?
  17. Criticism : I notice a troubling lack of a "No", "Nope", "Please no", "None of this.", and/or "What are you smoking" options.
  18. This story seems suspect to me. But if they dropped any thought of it based on a sound, they weren't sticking around for long anyway.
  19. 1600 gems for a jade bot skin...no thanks. Even if I had EoD to consider it, that's not worth it. Outfits for mounts and other items shouldn't be more expensive than outfits for our characters, since at least we can see those almost all the time (outside of rare moments like being transformed). And no ArenaNet, that does NOT mean "let's raise the price of outfits then, hyuck".
  20. Oh no. Get out now, while you still can. Let it die.
  21. The only thing Serpent's Ire needs is to be deleted and the collections gated behind it reallocated to more reasonable content. And yes, I am at least halfway serious in that statement. This meta is overly tedious/difficult for too little reward, and most glaringly of all, it doesn't even have a reason to exist like most if not all other metas do. The snakes aren't even doing anything, the meta demands you make them mad enough to come out, and even then you have to go hunt them down. If they were trying to expand the Branded area or doing something to mess up the zone further, that'd be something, but no. If you want a serious answer that doesn't involve deletion, well...the zealots need to either not have their ley-line/bounty abilities if they'll be hidden, or have them but be visible on the map/mini-map when found. It would also help if they weren't in an area that kills you slowly just by being in it unless you're on a skimmer, which potentially means this meta can fail just by one of the snake zealots not being near any of the shield djinns in the area or staying away from them. Can't remember enough of the second part to give anything towards that, but I'm sure something's been said already. Barring any of that, just get rid of this meta or put the collections behind something else and let it die.
  22. House system? I don't feel it's necessary. We have home instances, which, while not customizable in the same way one would want for a house, sort of fill in that niche, not to mention other instances like the guild halls (though again, these are lacking.) Wedding? Eh, as another post(s) have said, you can just RP that if you care enough, and there's even an outfit for it. It doesn't need an in-game system for it.
  23. Answer : You don't. The only thing that would attract PvE players in particular is the rewards/reward tracks. And if they stick around too long, they'll find out that those aren't worth it either. It's inherently toxic and brings out the worst in all that enter. Better to just let it rot.
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