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Everything posted by HotDelirium.7984

  1. They are kind of trying to reinvent the wheel when they don't have to. We can have shatter skills 1-4 each have a purpose and then in relation to traits have the trait effect the numbered shatter and not just the effect. That's WAY easier to balance then fitting abilities around like janga. For example, Shatter 1 can be direct damage, shatter 2 condi, shatter 3 CC related, shatter 4 baseline/elite focused.
  2. It's just Distortion....like the effect. Cmon Anet. Every chrono shatter is "time" related. If this was an oversight then alwright but I'd consider, at the bare minimum, to call it Time Distortion. Please and thank you.
  3. Either some sort of mists conglomeration of the domains of the Gods, or maybe even demonic themes like with Nightfall.
  4. I do hope you still consider the bigger models for the gyros if not this next patch then eventually. While we can't have them as epic as Renyak, having even a shred of that epicness would be awesome. ...and like Scrapper's shoulder buddy, Catalyst would like it's jade orb buddy around them too ❤️ (like the NPC). TYSM!
  5. I think the soulbeast effect should almost be on untamed- what does swirling vines and leaves have to do with being merged with my pet? Similiar with some earlier ranger skills that superimpose animal animations with our attacks...why not have that happen like when we summon a stance but with our pet?
  6. The notes in heavily populated enemy territory was ridic. You literally can't read them at all since you're getting attacked and you can't save the document for later so you have to go to wiki to actually know what was written. Some vague AP and the random TM event with zero lore or introduction is a bit disappointing.
  7. honestly after watching that- its a bit cringe and melodramatic lol. The Big boys and hunk fliting with the naked dialogue and the quaggan courting was a huge contrast to the tower of nightmares. Levity is a great counter balance...I just don't think those different tones were the right ones.
  8. Um isn't the point of season 1 to fill in the breaks in the lore.....but with no lead into the marionette fight.....we don't ever find out lore-wise why she created it or it's role in the season 1 lore-fix this was supposed to be. K.
  9. If the timer runs out, nothing happens and you can still defeat him by taking your time to get the AP. Great quality control huh?
  10. If the enemies didn't rapidly respawn like a frog orgy and we didn't have to zerg race from objective to objective it would be cool content. You can't make your way from one end to the other (if you came in during the boss wing phase) by yourself. You will be decimated and that's a design issue. There should be a set amount of mobs (for the clear bar) and less orbital strikes. It's really chaotic in there and some achievements are hard to do or are vague. The 9 chambers AP actually means take all 9 waypoint pods to the boss.
  11. I don't know how helpful taking an interpretation of my logic and plugging it into a completely different spec with different mechanics within this game's design philosophy. Skill is but one component in the grand scheme of things and I'm sure is one factor they consider with balance changes.
  12. Maybe they can have a trait that changes them to mobile wells at a slight cost to something. I think there are pros and cons for each but in pvp and wvw those changes are more harsh due to players being highly mobile.
  13. People are misconstruing the skill ceiling with these alleged "just cause" changes. You moving outside of your wells is your choice and having them attached to you takes zero skill. People DO have options of snapping the aoe right on top of enemies and using key binds so if people are upset that they have to put it a tiny bit more effort to function, well GL HF.
  14. They have options for seeing the cursor more clearly now and you have many ground targeting options.
  15. ....this is not a class and mechanics balance overhaul. This stream was mainly about pvp and wvw changes which they will also be taking a look at after feedback and after implimentation. Your summary may be addressed at a later time. They JUST got a new team lead (cmc) so if this presentation was from a few weeks to a few months of effort, we are in very good hands.
  16. Relatively, anyone should be able to do the job on a balance team because the philosophy, knowledge and skills to do so are fully in place and their job is to implement, execute, and verify the integrity of the work. No need to really reinvent the wheel nor do things on moods, whims, and bias while flying by the seat of one's pants.
  17. 1,000% agree. There are many reasons why that has happened, none of them are good,; responsibility needs to be accepted and interventions need to go out! As soon as now.
  18. I knew he was the right fit for Skills and Balance when on Guild Chat he was bewildered at whoever giving Catalyst a hammer :3
  19. *coughs in tobacco* https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Smoking_Pipe
  20. This is so baffling. The amount of content we get makes it seem like its much less...
  21. This is rated pegi 13? With people getting shanked, threats of abortion, pillaging, headshots, blown up, cussing and a ton of sexual innuendos? Interesting.
  22. I also don't love the generic stock dagger templates floating over virtuoso. The shatter 4 block skill with the million sword flying around is not very...aesthetic too.
  23. like the first tier of traits that change the arms they should have the next set of traits change the lower half and upper half and allow people to dye at least the metallic rig.
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