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Everything posted by HotDelirium.7984

  1. I think I remember seeing many things being worked on and will be included on the march 14 patch? Is there a reason why if they were fixed before march 14 they will still be postponed till then? Something to do with scheduling and game service? If the new map is also getting more optimized I'd rather wait till then is my point.
  2. Yeah you're incredibly defensive and aggressive so I will not be offering ANY help. Good day and touch some grass.
  3. Then I'll be short and sweet- I think quantity is the main issue and while you probably aren't the person to give us the why's for many game studio decisions, they may not even be our business but they really should be worked on harder no matter their origin. (or a community manager to slap some clarity and sense into us) Thank you for your time!
  4. If we jump right into the demons story and practically leave Cantha I will be extremely dissapointed. What about the celestial blessing vampires, kirin peak, old kaineng?!
  5. If we got skimmer to go underwater years later...we can def get this xD
  6. Is there a justification for wanting many hardcore competitive farmable maps? Genuine question. For variation or to make it so the players go to many different maps since they'll probably get the same amount of gold per hour?
  7. That is quite disappointing. They should have had some sort of coordinated mechanics, CC to get a different effect like the watchnights, using turtle during the fight....or something, like cmon.
  8. Sorry I meant in many many games over the years "siege mode" is when mobile artillery becomes immobile to change up its shooting capabilities. For Gw2 this could mean the pilot loses the ability to slam and run and can only fire the cannons. The long reload may be for balance reasons of course.
  9. I may be wrong but what I deduce is that we will get this release now, the 2nd part June, the new expansion sept-dec. If this is the case I think the community will be just fine and needs to calm down. If this is NOT IT, we will be highly disappointed.
  10. Since we just got the void minis A YEAR LATER, I bet the jade turtle is coming...
  11. That is literally "Siege mode" also, they need to allow us a way to change out jade modules without a workstation. I won't bother getting any more than the treasure hunter for now until they do.
  12. Imagine if this release was light due to SAB world 3 being done. Copium!
  13. I get your point but spread out tooltips does not a guide make. Many of those show up once and are gone forever. We need a centralized guide and journal. Some of the story beats are written out but many characters in the wiki are not fleshed out at all.
  14. Since ArenaNet rarely contributes that does lead to some pages not being completed so while it's probably not a job duty I do hope you ask employees to contribute if they are able. GW2 has no in-game guide like nearly every other game on the market and to be fully reliant on players to subsidize this I don't think is very congruent with a professional game studio.
  15. sigh, im so starved for content I can't help but think obligatory googly eyes in a hint HALP
  16. I learned my lesson recently about being unhealthily critical of staff. When in the history of abusive language did someone magically and happily want to talk to you back for clarity?
  17. Even though you are not the head of the "forums" lol I'll assume why some devs don't post here is that maybe: 1) they are not required to unless it's in their job duties 2) to do so they are 100% liable for what they write out, unlike their own social media accounts 3) some devs may not see the value in writing a forum post or reply for the majority of their work and want it to stand on its own which is their prerogative 4) it can further subject them to severe criticism they are not interested in receiving 5) social anxiety is real, debilitating and social media can exacerbate any willingness to communicate
  18. Ele- can you clarify that the conjure cooldown removal also means conjures are getting refunded some cooldown? Cat- please still look into optimizing jade orb energy vs cooldown and the tough way of maintaining elemental empowerment at 10 stacks. Also, PLEASE give us a jade orb mini ❤️
  19. The sentiment that something is suppose to be a certain way is grossly misguided. In this context, a faerie is suppose what the developers deem it to be in Guild Wars 2 for a jade bot skin. You can not like it and think it was a missed opportunity for your tastes. In mythology and other sourcebooks the Fae folk have many many different types of forms and inspirations. If you've ever played Changeling you would know its almost limitless. This faerie seems to draw inspiration from pixies and moths. Guild Wars 2 sometimes thinks outside the box with varying results and this is just a miss for you and that's ok.
  20. There are a ton and the majority do not have particle effects. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_rifles In the bank vault you can preview any skin in the game too.
  21. Some people just don't get it. Guns in this game based off any magical or inventive capacity is still within the logic of the game. Adding an exact copy of an AK-47 or M16 rifle skin would not.
  22. To allude these skins are not inspired by the game itself is to be disingenuous. An ele pyromancer would absolutely glide down on a giant fireball and an asuran prodigy would absolutely ride a Super Adventure Box raptor.
  23. Gasp! You mean there's that chance the wacky things people create, invent, build and sell are novelty items meant to bring joy and wonder in a game rife with death and destruction? Wild.
  24. Death dragons, jade technology, feline and plant races but you draw the line at a cat pillow? K.
  25. I don't know if its unrealistic but some sort of Trait Compression feature where you can pick UP to three traits but you don't have to. You still have to pick 3 traits along beach column in total but you could specialize with just one trait meaning you unlock all trait options with no access to 2 other traits. For example, as a mesmer say I want to be an "Illusionist" only so I pick the illusion trait group and get all the traits within it.
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