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Everything posted by HotDelirium.7984

  1. The irony of getting what you want also can be solved with LFG is not lost on me lol
  2. Each trait line seems to have a theme like 1-aegis and blocks, 2- strike damage, 3-bleeding condi. I think if you are to change infinite forge maybe add a passive bonus per currently held blade or some effect to psychic skills.
  3. I just want them to finish it and then ill actually play it. I'm completely turned off by unfinished modes.
  4. I think every expansion besides features, has a different aim. It doesn't mean the expansion in generally horrible it just means for you it didn't cross enough satisfying boxes for now. They are still optimizing the maps and we have a balance patch coming this summer. I do agree that elite specs can make or break motivation because people want to play something different since we only get around 10 new skills in total to last us for years per spec. Many of us never played season 1 so Mai and aetherblade involvement is less impactful but they will be rectifying that with the new rerelease. Vote with your dollars and vote with your time.
  5. .I think an interesting update to the elite and trait system is to give us full control over the amount of trait lines selectable. As in you can be hardcore specialized in just one trait meaning you have all three traits of each line but of course you have no other traitline OR you can have 2 trait lines. They would have to balance it further but I am always miffed at how sometimes I have to have traits that do nothing for my build or wishing I could have 2 traits within the same column.
  6. What's the point of its underwater capabilities if no events are underwater? Maybe for the future?
  7. There are many ways to optimize this Empowerment trait for many different play styles. The last trait line could be changed to just doubling the effects of your stacks so that its worthwhile no matter what build you have. In order to get to the max stats I have to change my entire playstyle to maximize gaining 10 stacks. No catalyst utility skills disable or immobilize and only 3 of 20 hammer skills contribute. Dodging is also unreliable because attack windows and distances are incredibly hard to perceive. Gaining an aura from hammer skills is unreliable as well as the cooldown for the jade orb making us wait around for one. We can't always wait around for the jade orb.
  8. The PVP changes recently added actually seem like great changes that should be implemented in PVE....weird. We still NEED more CC hammer skills.
  9. Just like how Scrapper has their little gyro we should have a jade sphere over our shoulder! The NPC Catalyst has one.
  10. -Its 2022 and we still have no internal option to turn off the damage numbers so you can barely see combat anyways. I use arcdps to solve that. -Also, the red channel line is still bugged (from thin to super wide) after all these years. -Ending the personal story with the group fight for Zhaitan in all its lackluster will leave a sour taste in new players' mouths. I'm not saying changing everything about it...let's just optimize what we can.
  11. I've worked in the military and for a resort with lots of group building and PR classess so when they say "I'm proud of my team and all our hard work" ok, yeah I would hope so but were you successful? Were all very proud of the effort we do in any profession we're in.... I saw a dev leaving Anet and say they loved learning and being a lead and their team is in good hands....ok, but was EOD successful?
  12. With the way Lost Ark dropped on steam we will do worse if we don't streamline features and education. The game is still fun but its getting a bit dated with its animations and features. Its 2022 and pressing F to interact but we don't even animate to touch the real object logically where a button is or petting animals just has us generically kneel down and not actually make any contact. With respect, if Guild Wars 2 was released today on steam it would be vaporized with negative reviews.
  13. Elemental Empowerment trait needs a disable or immobilize and no augments do that and only 2 air hammer skills and 1 earth hammer weapon skills does so they need to give one to water and fire at least.
  14. Yes, reveal them during combat and out of combat diminish them or something. We don't need our mindblades gutting the community while buying things or role playin.
  15. I believe they said damage drastically reduced not removed. Since they will last 15 seconds maybe it equals the same.
  16. You are headed in the right direction but putting resources into this hammer skill 3 gimmick is really unfortunate. You did that to the weaver elite and you see how inefficient that can be. Many ele mains I've talked to just don't like it. I hope the upcoming notes well-round out this spec but if each hammer attunement doesn't have a disable, we don't generate energy while the field is up, we stop the focus on auras, we have more consistent ways to get elemental empowerment and the elite skill is optimized (for gods sake the harbinger elite gives ALL boons) then the changes are irrelevant. I'm hopeful but we'll see!
  17. I know its a big ask but if were bringing back old content, for halloween please bring back the Prince Thorn Reliquary instances. That's another set of instances that introduces people to Prince Thorn who otherwise would not know who he is. Thankyou for your time! ❤️ lol
  18. lol lowkey, I'm like WHO are these people I'm forced to be with?! Stranger danger!
  19. As a bonus QOL update make all the raids have their equivalent story mode version so that people can get valid and relevant training for those older raids.
  20. I assume it will mainly all be instances with the option to bring in other people of course. They did it with DRMs.
  21. Random question, for that cinematic of Ankka leering downward- when and where was that? Just some random moment of her in Echovald forest?
  22. How? If the studio was dying they wouldn't even bother doing any of that.
  23. season 1 returns?!?!?!? THATS AMAZING! I got into Gw2 just at the end of that so never got the chance to participate. So happy!
  24. There are allegedly hundreds of employees at Arenanet yet it seems the product we received was made by only a dozen people under some internal business limitations, guidelines, mandates, whatever which is bottlenecking their full potential. Its obvious to me that EOD wasn't fully ready by release time but they had to release it. I don't claim they are resting on their laurels (pun intended) but cohesion, fidelity with rewards, creativity, events, and innovation seem very inconsistent; one example would be that it seems like different teams designed the elite specs. Some seem to have been invested in with a lot of effort and others (catalyst) got the short end of their attention. The last dragon hand wavey because magic and because we are mandated to end the dragon cycle leaves a spoiled taste in my mouth. You have this monumental battle and yet its all about you but- the rest of Tyria has been scarred by the Elder Dragons also..... Other cultures per Elder Dragon should have been more involved so once again it was an ending we didn't earn. Reminds me of the last season of Game of Thrones and there's nothing we can do about it but take the bad with the good and hope ANET gets another chance to wow us once again. UPDATE: ...AND by the recent update from the studio I can say a lot of wows are coming xD
  25. You giving me secretly a dev vibez with that comprehensive response :3 I'll revise- only the dragonstorm meta conclusion and the sudden dragonvoid reveal/conclusion feels a bit shoehorned.
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