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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Its just takes away from any skill based accomplishments if you can let's say tank the entire raid and provides boons/barrier on Mech. This was the reality after EoD launched.
  2. That playstyle isn't going anywhere it's just less strong now since it lost a CC.
  3. I wouldn't say Chronomancer has a rotation most of the time you need to read between the lines of what you see on Metabattle and Snowcrows. Chronomancer is about clones management and spamming skills. Most of your Damage comes from Phantasms and instantly bring them off cooldown with Ether Signet plus Continuum Split. Step 1: Continuum Split Step 2: Spam Phantasms Step 3: Signet of the Ether Step 4: Spam Phantasms Then repeat steps 2 to 4 after continuum split reverses. You will also be able to gauge how much of this you need. For example you might only need Continuum Split for small fights.
  4. I have to agree Chronomancer is probably the best pick for casual play especially since you get access to either Quickness or Alacrity and it is a pure Power spec. Condition damage isn't very good in Casual setting except for maybe an Inspiration Virtuoso.
  5. Yeah but they don't use the smokescale to do it do they? If so it is even more of a Meme build. They also have a Shortbow blast finisher to spam.
  6. The smokecloud meta is hyper specific and it a little bit of a Meme build. It is okay in WvW and the lack of CC on the Smokescale doesn't invalid that playstyle. I would say majority of Rangers rely on Greatsword and Longbow especially in WvW. What we really need is better access to stealth. I mean leaping or blast finishing in a smoke field is pretty niche in terms of being usable in the heat of combat.
  7. I have gone so far as to advocate bring the underwater weapons to surface. They would be become the opposite damage type to Greatsword/Hammer, Staff, Rifle/Longbow. For example, a Ranger Greatsword is power, while Spear would be condition damage.
  8. True but that is why pirate ship is a very particular counter to another type of Zerg a swarm. Commander normally will target players who you pick off.
  9. Ranger in general is harder but my reason is down to the many skills that root you in place. Amazing skills like Barrage and Natural Convergence are much better used in key moments. If you have to stop your zerg just to hit one then it might disrupt the flow. In that case something like Duel Staff Untamed might be better. Normally commanders try and cover the approach of the zerg so bubble and boons are there thing hense Chronomancer in particular.
  10. If I did that I would not personally be at 100% condition duration but for solo maybe that could work.
  11. I have been playing around with using Relic of the Aristocracy with Dagger Ambush. It doesn't seem to have to enough condition applications to compete with the Axe Ambush, but it is pretty close. It follows pretty similar logic to the current Mirage Axe build but I use Illusions instead of Chaos, so I get more Torment on shattering. I also use off-hand Torch rather than Staff or Sword/Focus. Anyone has any thoughts on this... If the mess with any of the Chaos and Axe Ambush numbers with the upcoming patch it might be an attractive build. It is essentially a Tanky Virtuoso.
  12. That's not entirely true, there is a type of Zerg called a pirate ship that longbow Soulbeast and Untamed do very well at. Chaining Barrages together is one of my favourite playstyles in WvW Zergs.
  13. As I already pointed out, the new Mace has very similar mechanics to the old Sword. Most of the nostalgia for the Sword comes from it's defencive applications in PvP. Which the Mace has even more of. They are reworking most of the pets but in terms of the pet system you would have to elaborate. I mean AI is dumb but atleast you can manipulate that fact.
  14. I agree seems to be a pre-emptive nerf especially with Quickness being applied to pets. Quickness Zephyr and Sic Em would be a crazy combo with permanent stealth.
  15. The one thing Mesmer is missing is a weapon that can directly healing or even a single heal. Rifle will most likely be a pure healing weapon. At the very least we can weapon swap to it, so for solo settings it could be nice for NPC or Human Allies. Before this you had to give up utilities to provide any supportive heals.
  16. I don't think that is fair characterization, ever since they returned the second dodge to Mirage they have been slowly returning or improving most of Mesmer's mechanics. I mean look at the upcoming Axe Ambush changes; that should make it a lot easier to use. I even jumped ship to Revenant recently but returned since the scepter is finally being looked at.
  17. Have you... I mean if I'm playing Thief and I get Condition bombed I cleanse and run away. I mean if you are dueling, I could see Conditions being good but Damage over time sucks if you are solo roaming.
  18. It is very rare for Condition damage to really finish anyone. Almost all WvW is about burst/Power damage and not Conditions. I mean why do you need Conditions damage when sic em Soulbeast can potentially one shot players. If you are trying to out last a Roaming celestial build you can just run away and try burst them again later. Honestly the match up is more important than what you bring. My roaming Celestial build does have alot of Condition damage but in a burst form since I use the Axe ambush and chain 2 of them together. Failing that I just run away.
  19. Seems like the upcoming Mace is going to replace its mechanic since it seems very similar
  20. I mean Engineer rifle has some aoe so maybe we get something like that. Cone based attacks could be a possibility too.
  21. They all have there own strengths and weaknesses. I would rather have a mist form on Ranger over the ability to have my pet resurrect me. Maybe letting us choose the down state abilities is the best alternative to all this.
  22. All true, so people priorities stomping Rangers and also Warriors. Other professions they either leave them and just cleave from time to time. It can be hit or miss whether it plays out in your favour. It is much easier to rez someone who can mist form off point and out of line of sight. Other times professions like Engineer with its two CCs can be better to go down on point. You play to your strengths. Generally when playing Ranger i leave point when I'm low. Back to my spawn so people can be CCed while my Pet resurrects me.
  23. Regardless it still let's you move, why do you think people use Elementalist so much in WvW. The only time Ranger resurrect is OP is if no one finishes the stomp.
  24. Ranger is only S if left alone. It has no escape so it is very hard to rez on point.
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