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Everything posted by Debesyla.7102

  1. I think the mechanic itself is fine, but it scales wrong... If it even scales...
  2. False. Amount of reward track progress from pip chests increased by x10 and that is way more than the daily chests gave. So as long as you are actually playing the game mode - it gives more progress, faster.
  3. Yup, I like it too. New daily is great way to earn stuff without paying gems for it 🙂 Also gold wise it's also more (but I will just use my AA on skins and legendary chests, haha). It's perfectly viable and fun.
  4. Only if this would be put somewhere where it wouldn't matter - like EotM map 🙂 Better not to destroy perfectly good game mode with experimental features 🙂
  5. And as a bonus: almost every "reused asset" is actually new models... 🙂 Even the Kaineng city has actually unique building models that are not used in NKC 🙂 95% of the map is new assets.
  6. To be fair, that dinner wasn't even a romance stuff. It was just a dinner with a collegue or someone you met recently to better know them... 😄 Just some people, for some reason, think that going to dinner together with people = romantic, somehow 😄 (And, on top of that, it wasn't even a dinner... It was daytime... So probabbly just lunch? Brunch?)
  7. I am. I like doing open world events, and both maps (and their metas) are great fun; I liked the story, it's alone was worth like quarter of the expansion price; While I find lack of relic choices strange, I like new interactive effects... Just waiting for legendary one so it would be easier to switch those up whenever I wish in WvW... 🙂 New dailies give way more stuff too. Finally i can buy the build slots and not feel scammed, lol 😄 Overall, I find this new content fun and worth the money. (Note: I haven't been in the strikes yet.)
  8. According to forums: less rune effects + less dailies = ruined game, literally unplayable, worst expansion ever... 🙃
  9. No. They were just claiming that there is no more ways to get the keys 🙂 I do agree that removing earned stuff is dumb.
  10. You people do love complaining, yeah? If ANET doesn't release anything: maintenance mode! If ANET releases anything: it should have been better! You aren't forced to play the game.
  11. Now when it launched I cant see any big reuse... Forum people, you lied to me!
  12. Guys, the expansion isn't out yet but you are already whining "but my +2% gold find"... You know nothing if it's going away, but complaining like it is 🙂
  13. If you need help, you could just ask for it... It's an online game we are playing, no need to try to solo everything... 😄 I gladly help anyone who asks in map chat 🙂
  14. Depends if you only count core tyria or every expansion map... 🙂
  15. Yes, it would be awesome feature! For the mean time we can use unofficial outside tools like https://immortius.xyz/wardrobe-unlock-analyser/index.html, by the way. It's a bit annoying to copy-paste item names from the site to ingame TP, but better than nothing... 😄
  16. If you wish to fly longer - get higher (a cliff, a mountain, in SOTO will come the updrafts and leylines too), and then go down 🙂 I believe leylines and updrafts will help in this case. Let's see it in couple of weeks 😉
  17. Imagine the uproar from the people who would feel "forced" to play a bit better... 🙃
  18. Dunno, personally I really liked that whole instance... Only the last fight is a bit strange some times. Worse, IMO, is last part of personal story - the whole flying into the Arah part, towers, ships, Zhaitan... Such a slog... 😔
  19. Yes, Sylvanas is the perfect character that was totally not butchered by writers. Thrall and Kiljaeden weren't written as complete bookahs either. Yes. 🙃
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