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Everything posted by Shagie.7612

  1. might as well just port trident to land at that point which, trident's really cool so heck yeah, but it seems unlikely
  2. A video from... 6 months ago, before the staff coefficient nerf, and nerf to OWP's coefficient, duration, and strike interval? I mean yeah you can still do that to some degree, but it's OWP and Sic 'Em doing the damage. It is funny tho, soulbeast wvw meme videos are always fun
  3. Does about infinitely more healing, roughly. Also that was only a nerf on zerk's primal burst, not the regular one. Anyways the answer is probably because it's a 5s CD, does a lot of healing and regen, immob, possible weakness/quickness/might depending on traits, and ultimately, because it's a support weapon. Overnerfed maybe, but it exists almost entirely to enable support warrior builds, same as half the added weapons. Nobody complains about druid's staff not hurting.
  4. It's got higher autos, valiant leap is higher than mender's rebuke, and about a billion times more healing on the weapon than rev staff. Rev staff is garbage and has been for a long time lol, it doesn't even do a very good job of stalling for CDs anymore, its entire purpose. Anyways who could have seen it coming that everyone would want the support weapons to be properly powercreeped for dps too. It being relatively low dps and an offensive support weapon via unblockable stacks or ally cleansing/resistance or whatever else would be fine. does it tho
  5. in a vacuum yeah, the same way a lot of newer abilities do a billion things, look at the tooltips on ranger maces lol that whole "purity of purpose" thing went out the window a long time ago whether or not that's a problem depends on the rest of the kit and tuning, i guess
  6. literally nobody punishes a decent deadeye, welcome to the club
  7. I just went and checked, and mind you this isn't suuuper scientific cause latency and all that jazz, just checking a quick recording frame by frame, but at least a hint towards the timing. It looks like there's a small aftercast on chain 1 and a much larger one on chain 2 and 3. Like one full chain was closer to 2 seconds than 1.5, and then with the aftercast the full time to start the next chain was closer to 3 seconds. The cast bars are all accurate but the animations don't match up. There's quite a few weapons like that where the tooltips aren't representative of the real speed of the weapon, but sheesh you'd have thought a new feature weapon would be. e: One thing I didn't check was if you can mash the button to skip that like you can for some weapons, I just let the auto cast roll.
  8. Is it bugged and not working with quickness or with an awful aftercast or something? It's the same speed or faster than every auto but the mace chain. I've paid little to no attention to things like that so far tbh, simply because the rest of the weapon is troublesome.
  9. thief players unironically going with the "he needs it" like they're happy chaos players actually yeah that's probably pretty accurate nvm
  10. Consider this: They've nerfed specs like Vindicator, Catalyst, or Untamed a billion times, and all of them still have just way more options and answers available to them than what's at the current bottom of the totem pole. How much more can you do? What more knobs and dials do you have to fool around with? How do you "buff the others up" without just slapping 30 more lines of text on each button of the others to the point where a facet or citadel order/ghost ends up doing damage, defense, mobility, control and whatever else all at once. What niche are you going to carve out, that has to be solely through the elite traits, that the specs that are just Class+ (elites are all power creeped in general but some are much closer to an improved base class than others, like the above mentioned) won't be superior to? It probably won't happen because the big Feb 2020 patch was a nightmare and I don't think it can be done in a decent way anymore, but if they were to ever actually attempt to redesign elites so each had some sort of specialty or role, Vindicator would take massive nerfs.
  11. There's a ton of people who play full cele renegade since the learning curve to do something is a lot more forgiving than Vindi. WvW players are all fried and none of them know how to press buttons or remember what skill set they're on so the alliance legend is asking a lot. Anyways the elite with some of the worst effective HP and damage avoidance in the game, some of the worst kiting ability in the game post-EoD, and no more damage than anyone else in exchange for it, is stuck at 900 with its weapon and 600 with its legend. Cool. They're just gonna bump up numbers dramatically and it'll convince everyone that the rework is good design.
  12. how come they went so hard on making axe pathing for thief work when terrain is anything but a flat plane but there's about uhh... how many old skills that fail just as hard when there's a tiny speck of dust in their way
  13. Line Breaker only being 1 unblockable stack seems a bit underwhelming. Granting 5 people 3 stacks might have had the potential to be too much, but just one isn't gonna be meaningful when trying to aid allies offensively. Barely even reactable for some builds to try and land a key skill with.
  14. But... it's not though. Literally, if you just press auto run and leave you will get booted. This is people actively either botting in some form (plenty of mouse software comes with macro functions now, or a drinky bird on the auto run keybind or whatever else) or actively sitting at the keyboard afking the match. Evidently? No, you're just flat out wrong. You're upset at something you should rightfully be mad about, but completely whiffing what causes and what enables it.
  15. I don't understand the reasoning here. You're right, people don't get punished for their scumbaggery and that's really stupid. But the auto-run? An actual useful tool in a lot of situations (typing to team while you run to a node or whatever), that's your gripe? The thing that doesn't actually stop the inactivity kick, ie people actually input stuff to avoid the afk detection and boot? That's really what we're taking aim at?
  16. yo i got a problem necro swords are super sick, but necro is a stinky green class with a lame theme and aesthetics, nerdy edgelords play green what's up with that
  17. no, it's just stronghold and the only people who queue that are new players who have zero idea what they're doing, and people looking to stomp said new players
  18. It might still, but it's probably much less likely to than before. They nerfed the power values when they changed it to not require charging up anymore. Its autos were higher, faster, and scepter 2 was higher than a full isolation lol. Plus permanent slow? Crazy dueling weapon tbh. Scepter/Sword GS could have set up some really disgusting damage with spear if they hadn't.
  19. It still gives 1s of stability on cast, just like it does now. It just gives the protection in addition to that. However considering the trait it's still a weird one over Resolution, Resistance (which is what it gives when enhanced), a condition removal, or like, anything else
  20. don't care about the root, isn't a problem in pvp staff is garbage for condi builds and even for power is weak because stalling for cooldowns isn't as powerful as it once was powercreep is too strong and now defensive and utility weapon sets still do way more damage than they used to, non-heralds don't have that option for condi personally i'd prefer they undid weaponmaster training instead but that ain't happening
  21. it's only fair lemme run a second weapon set that isn't staff and doesn't utterly eliminate all your momentum because it has zero condition damage i want to run mace/shield instead as a defensive set
  22. how it feels playing condi into holosmith
  23. Right, I get that, and I agree that if you were to add bonus effects on to each of the orders, just slamming your fist on the keyboard the instant you reach 5 stacks would be something you wouldn't want, but I don't think there's any real significant delay to how fast you get back to 5 stacks when you're actively attacking. Less than a second on any non-support build, basically. For example, on a condi build in spvp, I have only the default 38% crit chance without fury. But I can press an order, swap to Vindication (which clears the buff because it's a trait swap) and I'm immediately back to full buff by pressing sevenshot. In combat, with something like embrace the darkness, hammers, or just any any attacks going off, it'd be even faster, especially on a power build or with fury. You'd have them back almost before you're out of the animation or cast time of the two with them. I don't think that's worked very well since they changed the damage reduction formula tbh, plus adding the ICD on soulcleave on top of that means your effective HP is way, way lower than what used to allow you to tank em out. Giving up Devastation, Invocation, or Corruption, depending on your build, for Retribution isn't a trade off you can afford to make either. It won't be a net gain of enough to make up for what you'd lose. Versed in Stone is 5s on a 90s CD or you throw all your energy into casting the Jalis elite. Plus, if you run Jalis as your other stance you've lost all your damage on a condi build. At some point you start to run into a problem where you might survive, but now you can't actually hurt anyone and you're just as much of a do-nothing build as you were before. That's not very accurate. None of those currently have any real strengths, and they probably still won't after the patch. They have fundamental lackings that prevent them from fitting into any real role in pvp. You can't fix that by buffing numbers unless you make said numbers MASSIVE, which is a really dumb balancing strategy. I do agree that power creep has screwed up buildcraft though, it's unfortunate and arguably PoF specs like Renegade were where it really went off the rails, but it's not going away now and my only hope is that it doesn't end up like condi zerk, turned into some monster that just never cares about what the opponent's doing because of sustain.
  24. That's contradictory to the entire purpose of the legend. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/All_for_One They're meant to be near you. They're your warband. Same with Razorclaw and Soulcleave.
  25. Too much to go through point by point, so I'll mention a couple things instead: I don't think, without any change to how Kalla's Fervor is generated, adding a consumption effect to the citadel orders is a particularly meaningful change. Like, if you're actively fighting, you will be back at 5 nearly instantly. You could just make the orders do those extra effects by default and the difference would be negligible. If you wanted to do that I think it'd make more sense to turn it into something like DE malice or virt blades. The other thing, and it's not really directly related to your rework, is that I can't figure out what build the changes are meant to enable, at least for PvP. What are you supposed to play after the patch? Shiro/Kalla? You have no condi cleanse then. You'll die the moment you get a single condition if you play Devastation. If you go Salvation to combat that, you do no damage and don't have much better sustain. Jalis/Kalla? You'll never catch anything, and you don't have particularly great tools to sidenode. Still not very good sustain unless they buff Soulcleave so hard you're a facetanker again, poor tools to stall out a +1, you're probably not winning many match ups against real sidenoders. You'd be like Virt, with no ability to stop people from leaving. Ventari/Kalla? I guess, but I imagine that'll mostly be inferior to Herald or Vindi (even with the boon change) support builds. Support Rev's never been particularly good in PvP but for WvW tho maybe, since a bunch of things lose Alac in the patch. Mallyx/Kalla as a condi build? Without Herald's True Nature and shield's trait for condi cleanse you don't handle conditions that well tbh. Even with Rabid you're pretty squishy too. If you play this currently, even when people sit in your ghosts and don't kill em, you lack things like strong cover conditions with quick reapplication, and control. Look at like, condi reaper or condi zerk, skull grinder applies literally like 9 different things. You gain an immobilize here as your only new condition. WvW zergs I guess, prolly Jalis/Kalla? I'm not that experienced with real wvw comps, but I don't see anywhere else you'd care to bring the legend. Wish they'd bump the ghosts up to 900 to match shortbow.
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