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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. So is buying gems on a monthly basis completely optional, which likewise would not affect F2P. There is no reason to change the current business model.
  2. Please stop with the subscription model threads. If a player wants to subscribe to GW2, there already exists a method by which they may do so. They may purchase gems on a monthly basis, in any denomination that they prefer. I don't believe that it would be a good idea to split the community into those who have a "premium" account and those who don't. Pretty sure Anet doesn't either; else, they would have done so. One can also use the forums search feature to read the numerous threads that already exist on this topic.
  3. tl;dr apologies. Why do some people have "rank" titles?
  4. For me, I would find this to be a waste of developer resources. I'd rather other things be addressed. /shrug
  5. Perhaps for you. For me, I haven't paid hardly a thing in 7 years, choosing instead to convert gold to gems. So, no, a subscription would be a lot more costly for me. And I'm certain that there are many other players who would feel the same way.
  6. Yep. And the new forums have a search function, too. Imagine.
  7. Sorry, but I don't find it so hard to hot key mounts. So, coming back from WvW messes up the X key for you, right? So you only use one mount ever outside of WvW?
  8. Assign mounts to hot keys. Never choose the wrong one again.
  9. I could get on board with that if for no other reason than to stop the bot complaint threads on the forum. 😆
  10. Making the GWAMM title colored wouldn't bring people back to GW1 just to obtain it. At least, not in any significant number. The title in GW2 as it is now is enough.
  11. No one is forcing anyone to use the warclaw in PvE. I don't understand the point of this poll?
  12. There are many threads on this topic already. Pretty sure ANet knows that there are those who are wanting more styles.
  13. Another "no" to a sub-based model for GW2 for pretty much every reason indicated in this thread and in the many other threads already on this topic.
  14. tl;drGame takes too long for me to get everything that everyone else has. Oh, and I want all of it without putting forth effort.
  15. There is a stickied thread conveniently at the top of the forum for QoL suggestions. Maybe post there instead?
  16. And yet, fashion wars is subjective. One might find another player's fashion to be the spot-on, epitome of what a character should look like in GW2 whereas other players may not. Who is to judge and say that one, single player has "won" GW2 Fashion Wars? And if they win, what exactly do they win that is unattainable by the rest of the entire playerbase?
  17. How many years has it been? And people are STILL clamoring for season 1? Enough already.
  18. Doubt it.. DRM's have not been received all that well from a lot of the posts i've seen since this last part of the saga came around.Not a bad concept at all, just not very well implemented imo. Personally I've enjoyed the DRM's overall, but I've gotten really tired of the mobilizing allies stuff and being forced to play the same DRM'S over and over as dailies for the tokens.. this has ultimately spoiled the DRM's for me quite a bit.I don't like farming or grinding.. I don't like spending a long period of time doing my dailies either. Some days I just want to pop on and get them done asap then play something else.. but the mobilizing stuff has me playing daily DRM's that I don't feel like playing and sometimes even waiting around for hours for a specific world boss to spawn.. it's annoying and it's sucked a lot of the fun out of DRM's for me. You could be right, but the forums represent such a small portion of the player base. ANet has the statistics on how popular DRMs actually are, although such stats may not indicate the "why". /shrug
  19. I thought that fractals replaced dungeons. Now, it seems that DRMs might be replacing fractals?
  20. When the demand exceeds the supply, that is a shortage. Not getting as many as you want when you want them is literally the definition of a shortage. Neither of these things are the definition of shortage. MC are available, on the TP at market prices OR over time, for FREE if you need them. Even if those options don't fulfill your own self-defined criteria for reasonable access to MC's, that's certainly no reason to claim we have a shortage to justify the idea Anet needs to appease people with more access to MC's. No 're-defining' of established language can hid the fact that every one of these MC threads is simply a complaint about the price of MC's in a fair market by people who aren't patient enough to collect them via login rewards or content that gives them as rewards. Shortage: noun, a situation in which there is less of something than people want or need Literally the definition. In the dictionary. I’m redefining nothing. short·age/ˈSHôrdij/nounnoun: shortage; plural noun: shortages a state or situation in which something needed cannot be obtained in sufficient amounts.As of this posting, there are 29,322 mystic coins in the BLTC. How many do you need? How many do you want? These 29,322 are easily obtainable for 2g16s17c each right now. Anyone can purchase gems, convert to gold and then buy mystic coins. If 29,322 people purchased one mystic coin right now, then there would be a scarcity. Players who want or need MC for whatever reason can obtain them, either from the BLTC or by logging on as has been detailed in previous posts.
  21. That's why you register with a throw away account. Not everyone is savvy enough to do so. ;)
  22. Always read the fine print. Companies don't give things away for nothing. Please be sure that you are aware of exactly what you're signing up for and what that company plans to do with your data once you do.
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