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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Not that I think GW2 should go trinity, but while going the route less traveled sounds nice, that they replace the things they take away with things that already exist in so-called restrictive trinity games is a bit of a let down. That they had to then add in lame psuedo versions of tank and healer roles just to come up with partly compelling raid encounters is also telling. IMO, typical raiding requires trinity which is why it doesn't fit so well in GW2. IMO also, raiding should have never been implemented in GW2. /shrug
  2. There are a lot of events going on right now plus the festival. Map population is scattered. Best wait for bounty daily for facet. Will be really easy then.
  3. Yeah, I really hate how easy things are in Queensdale with my souped up level 80 characters. /sigh
  4. The expansion is 29$ (and you get 1st expansion for free)enough said Now the question is why do you think 2 expansions are worth it almost the same as 1 skin? Does the skin require more development? Gues so... So what is your suggested price point?
  5. There is a difference between "possible" and "probable". For those saying that anything is possible, yeah, sure. But in this request, I believe that it wouldn't be very probable due to the way that the game is currently designed.
  6. As a ranger main, I can actually get behind this. haha!
  7. Part of the problem with revitalizing core zones (as far as I see it) is that much of the population seems to be more interested in new zones. It would be a lot of work for much lower return when paired against new zone creation (or expansions). I'm not certain that there is enough interest in updating core zones to justify the resources.
  8. Is this another I don't like the way other players use their skills to beat me so they must be nerfed threads?
  9. I've played other games where open-world duelling was a thing. I can't think of anything I'd enjoy more than being hassled by some plonker following me around dumping duel flags every few seconds. I can't see that becoming annoying at all. This is the worst argument i've heard and it's repeated constantly. If someone is following you and spamming you it has nothing to do with dueling, it is just griefing and harrassment. A duel flag is just the vehicle. This could be accomplished with other mechanisms as well regardless of if it's a duel flag, trade window, inbox mail, instrument spam. The important thing is that you can block and report. You are never 100% safe from harrassment. The only thing that matters is that you have tools to resolve harrrassment. Everyone is so focused on dueling as the source of harrassment. Unless it is the ONLY source of harrassment (its not!) then your focus should be on strengthening support and reporting tools, not shooting down suggestions for options you're not interested in. Yes, but I believe that the point is why even allow a situation to exist that might cause such harassment especially since the game already has a mode for those who desire to play against other players.
  10. Didn't stop them from doing it before, core GW2 needs to be updated to keep pace with the current game.Which maps (excluding LA) have been updated?They rebuilt lions arch after all, is that no confusing to have the Personal story take you to a different version of it, show it to you and then show you the new one?Absolutely agree. It is confusing. Now, imagine that with all of the core maps. But I think that the rebuild of LA was probably already in the works during season 1. It may be that this was the catalyst for the decision to not update the rest of core. We have events from the living world going off in core tyria too... is THAT not confusing? With white mantle/bandits/awoken/kralk rifts sprouting up everywhere?Events are not map overhauls. Yes, they can be confusing but I believe less so than updating core maps.Just my opinion.
  11. How can it be more productive to introduce new pets? They did that with HoT and PoF and hardly anyone uses anything other than the top three or four. Balancing the types of pets would, IMO, open up more variety.
  12. Players dismount when they interact with merchants. Not sure what you're trying to solve here?
  13. Perhaps, but I believe that the game needs money more and that's why these items are sold in the gemstore.
  14. I addressed this in my opening post btw. It's not just about the money's also about the potential quests there could be about getting it. And also feeling of reward B's just buying it. Yeah, I get that, but questing for mount skins doesn't appear to be Anet's marketing decision. It would seem that they make more money by selling them on the BLTP.
  15. Fortunately, too, one doesn't have to buy gems with cash. GW2 has a gold to gems conversion so one can play the game, gather gold and trade it in for gems which can then be used to buy a mount skin.
  16. 1600 gems is $20USD That's less than going to a movie. Sorry if you can't afford it, but the cost is quite reasonable especially for a F2P game.
  17. NA East Coast and had no lag last night in Dragonfall. Spent about 45 minutes on the new map this morning without lag. Just adding this for data.
  18. Maybe because the character selection screen is changed at the release of the expansion? I anticipate it changing with the next one.
  19. Another uninformed comment, I guess should be expected. The layoffs didn't happen because of Guild Wars 2 performance, but because the "unreleased" projects weren't deemed profitable by NCSoft. It was an issue with Arenanet as a company and projects we'll never get to see, and not about the game. As for your million comment I need to remind you that the game never had millions of players. if GW2 was performing well, it could had funded even more side projects. wow funded SEVERAL big titles, and even a 8 year project, that was scrappedif it never had MILLIONS of players, then i doubt , that hot would had sold over a million copies in the first month alone.they had them alright, but not anymore... You are assuming facts not in evidence. No one here knows how Anet budgets for projects. it doesnt matter, since another company has done it...ergo IT CAN BE DONEbut if we dont use THE BEST as reference anymore, im all for that tooThat's your argument? I mean, sure, anything CAN be done but you compared Anet with Blizzard in your example where everyone knows that the two game studios aren't even close in comparison.
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