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Everything posted by Donari.5237

  1. *mad cheering* I took a different alt to Seitung. Got 25 stacks using shrimplings, the meta was announced, did some meta until that failed, then about 15 stacks later using mackerel in holes and shrimplings in open water boom! Red Gurnard! CSAMM achieved. (It dropped from an offshore hole, with mackerel bait but no fishing food as I'd used up the alt's sushi).
  2. I did use the booster, I have a tiny stock of them in my bank from various sources over the years (actually I'm using up my enchanted powder now for the gathering boost). I have noted getting four casts from a pool on occasion. My fishing power is already way higher than needed for that map and gets higher as the stacks grow. I spent an hour on a booster in Thousand Seas tonight, then read on Reddit a suggestion that DR might affect fishing results (which, well, would be Very Bad Design to require you to sit in one map doing one thing for hours and then penalize you with DR for doing one thing for hours). So I swapped to an alt who has never fished and headed to Seitung. But by then I didn't have the stomach to keep casting, or to ignore growing pain in my left hand. I'll try again now and then, in various maps, on various alts, despite the issues with having to stock each one up with bait and boost. Hopefully the Red Gurnard will eventually drop for me. I mean, it's dropped once before, right? So I know I can find it. One day.
  3. I am also low reflexes thanks to being middle aged. Plus my left hand has tendonitis now. Plus to fight motion sickness I play so zoomed out and back that I can't do precise positioning at speed (or even with a ton of time -- jps with thin spikes sticking out of walls are my bane, I just don't have the depth perception needed thanks to my camera settings, but better that than having to log off completely before I puke). Yet I do manage to complete content. I just have to learn it first. In my semi-static DE squad I almost never get downed fighting Su-Won, because I have learned the patterns and am moving before the cues come up. I have move keys bound to my mouse side buttons so my left hand can just tap on skills. I don't know if you saw the newer Zorro film with Antonio Banderas, but an early scene in that one has him handily winning a sword fight while barely moving because he has such economy and precision of motion that he is able to do subtle escives rather than acrobatic bounces. I am -not- in that category, but it's my inspiration. I agree that the newer content requires a lot more attention to the mechanics. I've done the new base-level strikes, but only with a subgroup from that static squad with voice callouts and a willingness to leave me dirt napping if need be (I have managed to survive the first three, but have yet to make it to the final orbs-everywhere stage of Harvest Temple, though as I've only even tried that 3 or 4 times I don't feel wretched about it). Still, I don't think I'm in danger of getting "priced out" of playing the game. I'll never be fast enough to succeed in PvP. Happily I have never liked PvP even in my younger, healthier times, so I don't feel any loss there. Hopefully you will also continue to thrive in the game even if you aren't the fastest kid on the block. There's so much to do even at lower levels of skill.
  4. I appreciate the tip. I saw it mentioned earlier in the thread and last night I spent 30-40 minutes in the Rata Sum port. I got zero saltwater fish either in holes or open water. I did get a number of wolffish and sunscale strikers. But I think I'll stick with Thousand Seas for future attempts, other than doing dailies that are in saltwater areas for some variety, even though the pool of possible fish is so much bigger there that my odds of a specific fish go down.
  5. For my completion of Avid World Class I needed a Totemfish. Hours of trying, nothing. I read that the polluted fishing holes in Kessex were good for the mats-drop fish. Bam, very first hole I fished at there got me the totemfish. So try there and hopefully you'll be lucky too! (I see the post just above me also mentions this). I still need a Red Gurnard from Avid Saltwater. That's the one fish remaining until I have CSAMM. I've been fishing a lot in Thousand Seas, and do keep getting Saltwater fish, but not that one >< I hope item boosting will make the difference.
  6. I would love a wider range of shapes as well. Not just fish -- though as I am one effing saltwater fish away from Cod I fully support getting a fish commander tag for achieving Cod Swimming (once the base tag has been purchased) -- but also other simple forms with some connection to in-game activities. On those occasions when I'm commanding I try to link a nearby map location along with announcing my tag color since there can be multiples of the same hue on the map, but I've noticed it's very helpful if someone with a catmander tag says "X thing happening on pink cat" instead of a more generic "event on my tag." More shapes, more clarity!
  7. Also note you don't have to spend one cent of real money on transmutation charges. As said above, it is advisable to hold off on it until you are 80 and have the gear stats you want to use for a while. Meanwhile as you level, you will get charges from map exploration -- one guaranteed from each city completion, and either charges or a black lion key from world maps. That key opens an easily obtainable chest that has a possibility of holding more charges, though not guaranteed. Keys can also be gained once a week from completing level 10 personal story, resets each Monday, so many people keep an empty character slot they can use to make and boost a character to then speed run the story once a week for the key (they are not trying for transmute charges but for much more rare items). Meanwhile each gem store item purchased does come with one free use. You can consume it on the character you want the new look on. I would *vastly* prefer that each unlocked skin could be converted to a transmutation charge. My bank would clear up tremendously if I weren't holding account-bound skins that I might want to use some day, but can't bring myself to delete even though I have hundreds of charges. I believe that there is a way in WvW to build up the charges as well, but others will need to give details on that. Eventually it's just not an issue and meanwhile it's not worth real money (I say that as someone who will buy anything in the gem store that she considers nifty but consumables? That's wasting cash).
  8. Gah, I may have misremembered and it's player collision that I disabled. Sorry, once I get a game set how I like I leave it that way for years on end and details get murky 😞
  9. ESO has it as an optional toggle. I toggled it off so expletive fast once I realized that npcs were stopping me from getting out of fire. It's useful if you're purely melee, guarantees you will stop in range facing the right direction, but is hell on mobility. In GW2, mechanics often assume you will be able to go through the boss, for instance "half the world is death" means you have to dodge forward through the boss to get out of the ick. And as others above have noted, the world is designed on the assumption you won't have a chokepoint in a doorway unless a mechanic specifically creates one such as a force field or gate that must be opened to proceed. There would be a whole lot of corollary issues involved in upending things as you propose. edit: To avoid confusion - as posted later in this thread I think I am wrong about this option in ESO, it might only work regarding fellow players, or be in another game entirely. The years muddle details for me, apologies.
  10. 1 -- There was a lot of outcry when templates first arrived that a complete gear/traits swap could not be done with one click (along with many other criticisms of the implementation). Hopefully they aren't too stuck with the way they coded it to allow a new single keybind. Maybe they could have it do a macro behind the scenes so when you click your assigned key to go to gear/traits 2, it rapidly executes the already coded separate commands on your behalf. 2 -- I have no opinion on this. As long as it's optional, fantastic. I personally keep all elements 100% visible except for rapidly toggling off the UI for screenshots. 3 -- I like the idea of an optional toggle to color-based damage information. Downsides: min/max damage really depends on build, so coding would need a lot of flexibility, and there are many colorblind players who could not use this system. 4 -- A way to move lore books out of inventory has been repeatedly requested for years. They are surely aware that players want this, so either they'll never have the resources to spare for it or it's very backburnered. 5 -- Though a one click to open drop down menu of everywhere you can go (presumably well organized and easily navigable) might be convenient, it may push too far from playing the world instead of the UI. The map is very quick for zooming out, scrolling, and clicking a waypoint. It would, however, be very nice to consolidate categories of travel devices, such that all VIP lounges and LS map teleports could be accessed from one shared slot. 6 -- Make an API key with the relevant permissions and put it in gw2efficiency.com -- voila request granted, plus much more information at your fingertips. 7 -- Options are always good. As long as it's foolproof and I won't be accidentally hitting it. I like to sort my inventory out in a system that makes sense to me and it was a nightmare when the compact button could accidentally undo things and cost me 20 minutes or more of click-dragging everything back into place. Containers are pretty easy. Right click, open all, right click on salvage tool, select tier to salvage, click on deposit materials button, done. Getting my bags clear and organized takes very little time. 8 -- There could be client/server performance reasons to spread out item creation. Remember, you may just be making 1K ingots. But if millions of players simultaneously do so, perhaps there is a Mystic Forge achieves event or some such, things could break. As to the random bonus idea, hmm. I'm wary. It verges on gambling, and can leave a very bad taste in someone's mouth if they invest a lot of mats in the hope of getting a surprise extra and then get nothing. 9 -- I think you mean VIP lounges? Yes, they should have all the services. The DR Pavilion lacks an activity npc, for instance. Adding jade benches and bait sellers would be very nice.
  11. You may have missed this line in the blog: "We might still have a few surprises up our sleeve for the summer months!"
  12. I posted dye details in this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/117984-buyers-remorse-dye-channels-on-items/?do=findComment&comment=1707577 I will add to the feedback here that the tree is the biggest complaint I have, in that it's vision blocking. Although I can see past it given how zoomed out I play, it's still a big ol' poof of globby stuff blotting out part of my character's surroundings. I think I would have enjoyed a smaller set of bonsai along the stern, or a small trellis, more than this thing. At least when it comes to traveling in the skiff, the tree takes up too much visual real estate. On the other hand, this skiff is more for leisurely hanging around rp'ing than for motoring around, and for that I can swivel my camera to see the deck and the tree then becomes background.
  13. Waste of time? Nope. It's never promised to be a forever world to visit, none of these games are. Even single player games that are complete on launch will eventually not be playable on future devices, other than through emulators that most won't bother with especially as tastes and tech evolve. It's always been just an entertaining way to spend your time while it's here. There are plenty of ephemeral things we pour resources and love into, even knowing we will outlive them. If one is willing to have and love a pet, knowing the heartbreak that will come when it grows old and dies while we still have decades left to us, then surely one can bear the loss of a gaming platform.
  14. If Anet had the legal ability to make the offer in more countries, Anet would almost certainly do so. It's your local laws standing in the way.
  15. I don't mind that the green leaves will stay green, but I agree that any time there is a locked in color on a dyeable item it can interfere with character color palettes. I happen to have a lot of alts, so the skin will work for several of them even with forced greenery. Players who focus on one character will need more flexibility. I thought there was a way to preview the dye channels, but it looks like that is only for outfits and armor. For those, you can pick four contrasting dyes off the TP to preview and see what parts will share hues. Adding that to mount previews (the skiff acts like a mount) would help a lot. Meanwhile, for those not yet purchasing but still considering, the channels are (upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right): Upper wood trim (rails), hull and deck, carpets/cushions/parasol/tablecloth, and lantern panels/blossoms (in plants and on tree). The leafy parts stay default green and the trunk remains grey/moss.
  16. You keep talking about maxed gear. Bear in mind that in GW2 gear is only part of the puzzle. All gear of the same tier will have generally the same stat values and the difference from exotic to ascended is only a few percent. It's just arranged differently so you can build for the stat combo you want to emphasize. I think maybe one reason people are reacting to your concern in a bewildered fashion is that the gear part of your annoyance hasn't been highlighted in your complaint. Someone in rares who really knows their profession is going to beat someone in ascended who hasn't figured out how to do more than mash buttons on cooldown with a random set of traits that just looked cool, and probably fairly quickly too. So everyone's focusing on your min-max skill worries but really you're maybe upset because you're used to games where the best gear wins.
  17. I am a bit confused. It sounds like you are saying that there should be counters to skill so someone that knows what they are doing can't easily defeat someone who doesn't? You use the term "exploit" so perhaps you are saying there are unintended force multipliers that someone who knows the right combos can use? I don't pvp, and when I poke my nose into WvW I will be taking dirt naps unless comfortably encased in a zerg with a good commander preferably with voice callouts, but I don't want those who enjoy fighting other players to be shackled for my benefit.
  18. I am 56, technically not a boomer by a whole year. I never liked TS or Vent, they were way too complicated. Mumble was ok, and I was skeptical about leaving it for Discord, but within a week of using Discord I was a convert. My guilds tend to communicate in text far more than in voice. Discord provides so much flexibility with that, and intuitive use of text and voice channels, that my long-time WoW rp guild finally ditched our forum to just use Discord. The only thing it's worse at is ease of looking at old conversations. It does help that I have two monitors so I can keep Discord visible while playing fullscreen games. As to ANet developing voice chat in game, I'm fervently against that. It's not nearly as simple on a technical basis as it might seem, and I don't think it's in their skill set just in terms of providing consistently good quality audio across all the machines that would be running it, let alone finding ways to keep it user-friendly and within ToS. Also, I simply don't want to hear constant non-immersive chatter, not to mention the instant harassment a female voice can receive. New World has in-game audio. I was in a beta, playing a female character with a piratical name, Jenny Fine. I spoke up as part of the general players figuring things out discussion, and got a couple of male sounding voices admiring how fine I was indeed and following me around. Dudes, I'm old enough to be a grandma, away with you. I have almost never been harassed in games, and this minor level of it didn't bother me hugely , but proximity voice chat enabled it. With Discord I choose who hears me and who I hear. Discord has spent years refining what it does. I can ignore the flashy extras -- I don't have Nitro -- while engaging meaningfully with decades-long friends, plus getting clear callouts in coordinated game fights, having voice to help explain game mechanics or HP gathering, etc. All of you asking ANet for in-game voice? Did you see what happened with templates, a technical design that should have been in their skillset? Do you think you'd actually be happy with whatever they cobbled together? I like ANet a lot. I don't think I'd like the results of any attempt they made at in-game voice.
  19. I can confirm it's fixed, I just turtled up without a hitch. /happy
  20. They are definitely smaller, but that's part of the charm, not a bug. There was one that had really short wings that they agreed was a bug and fixed, but overall they seem this way by design.
  21. There was a thread unhappy about the plush mount skins when they first came out, for similar immersion reasons. The thing is, the stuff bought in the gem store is canonically stuff the Black Lion Trading Company sells in Tyria. Even the minis. They may be little devices or golems, or magically animated dolls, but they are part of the game universe. So if the BLTC wants to sell a cushy mount, it can. For me personally, my current main rp character is a necromancer and a tailor. She was riding around on bone and rock constructs, as she wouldn't plausibly have a stable full of living animals, but for the sake of others who find that discomfiting she sewed up a cover to make it cuter. It may be a little bit of a stretch and rationalization, but it fit her character perfectly to do it, so my immersion remains intact.
  22. I just tested this, as I'm dyeing new mounts. I was definitely on a number of mounts, none of them the turtle, after loading my umpteenth character into Thousand Seas. Because I hadn't changed the default mount on one alt, I did accidentally hit turtle and instantly go to character select, twice on that asura reaper. Several alts later I'm carefully checking the default on load in. But since I just saw this post, I used my keybind to turtle up on my charr harbinger. Bam, character select, despite having been on other mounts as I said. I'm glad it works for you, but it's not 100% for everybody. (Genuinely glad for you -- just realized it could look snarky in text).
  23. What should they replace it with? Easing something out means gradually removing it. I understand that some of the skyscale stuff isn't as easy now without big groups routinely doing the relevant content. But it's far from impossible. In my guild we have two people very new to the game -- they just got into it a few months ago -- that have pushed crafting up to ascended, gotten their skyscales, explored the world and story, and rp'd. The rp is the only part that they needed other guildies involved with. Didn't matter how much I offered ports to difficult jp ends, assistance finding things, they just chugged through and had a blast doing it. The only truly tedious parts of the skyscale are the starter parts with going all over Dragon's Fall twice and getting the currency for the saddle. That currency is now super easy to acquire via the Return achieves, and working on the Returns has many other rewards and achieves along the way as well. So I feel the skyscale continues to be in a good place, collection wise. It takes some time, it takes doing a lot of LS4 stuff, and then it takes a little bit of xp'ing up the mastery. And then every character on your account forever has it available from level 2. Technically level 1 but you are 2 by the time you leave the tutorial.
  24. As a fellow motion sickness sufferer, I'll ask if you've gone into the camera controls to get a big zoom out and wider fov. Sure it makes precision jumping very difficult but the stomach stays settled while roaming the world. (At least for me. Motion sickness triggers can vary greatly between players). I will also point you at a product that I was deeply skeptical about but has proven amazingly effective: not a specific brand, I'm not shilling or promoting particular companies, but the idea of a plastic bead that is held snugly pressed into a spot on your inner wrist via bracelet, elastic band, or strap. They're very cheap so it costs little to try. They are marketed for sea sickness, morning sickness, etc, but they work with gaming monitor motion sickness as well. My first guild rp in Gilded Hollow after getting them, I suddenly realized about 40 minutes in that the flowing water in the tavern hadn't bothered me in the slightest. A first! (Note: your wrist size may affect this. I have skinny 6" wrists and the elastic band ones I've tried are super snug).
  25. I hear you on motion sickness. Have you tried the Synergetics one? No undulating bits. (And you surely already know this, but avoid the hummingbird at all costs). Right now I'm mostly on skiff but that's because I'm mostly spending my time fishing and slowly advancing towards CSAMM. If travel is the only purpose, the skimmer is nimbler and faster, even though I have a t2 skiff speed enhancement on my fisher. Like all the other mounts, each one has its strengths and weaknesses and specific uses.
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