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Everything posted by Donari.5237

  1. Check the Bugs forum 🙂 The solution is to turn off dpi scaling in your graphics options. This of course makes everything very tiny if you have a high res screen, but it's a quick enough toggle to cut it off when you want to preview, turn it back on when you want to fight or chat. I don't know what alt will use the new hammer-that-is-an-axe, but I'm going to find someone who will because it's really lovely. I will probably wait until I can preview in a larger scale, though, it's been hurting my eyes trying to dye the new turtle on a few alts.
  2. I also have this issue. Combined with the larger cursor, I cannot precision click anything. Additionally, while toggling off dpi scaling does let the preview windows work, the weapon preview options are disabled so I cannot view weapons wielded or on their own. edit: Now the wielded preview is available. A bit more testing: It seems that if I open the preview by looking at a fishing rod skin via item code (tested with Geomantic), then try to preview other items without first closing the window, then the wielded/weapon only options are greyed out. So long as I start with a weapon, the preview window behaves normally.
  3. It remains intermittent for me. I just now logged in without having to retype the information. However, yesterday I had to type it each time. I did on the final attempt yesterday toggle off the Remember Me boxes and click them back on, so maybe that reset it for me.
  4. I absolutely agree. I don't submit tickets very often, because things usually go very smoothly, so I think it's maybe been two a year at most. I think they only once have denied my request (and it was fair of them to do so). All but one ticket have been very swiftly resolved. The one that wasn't involved a major issue with the TP not loading for me, and took about a week to fix with a ton of emails back and forth. CS has consistently been friendly, competent, and fast. To my shame I took it for granted, but once I'd needed to submit tickets in a few other MMOs I swiftly realized how fantastic ANet's CS is. Thank you, CS! (PS: I still to this day giggle about my guildie who developed an issue when he put in a character name change at the exact moment something happened with the servers. I don't recall if it was one of the rare server crashes/rollbacks or just a hotfix. He couldn't log back in on the character, and in the course of CS helping him they suddenly begged him not to try logging in that alt until they'd fixed the problem. Because every time he tried to log in everyone in Lion's Arch crashed out of game. CS was very kind, and worked very hard to resolve this super fast so he could use his main again).
  5. Your light armor wearers can do Ancient Canthan Tunic with Light Antique Leggings. Those are the two pieces that make that prisoner robe.
  6. I found out that the crossbow pistol makes thwippp sounds when I finally freed my thief parked at the quaggan jp to get him the hp for Daredevil. So that's another sound option.
  7. First, something you did makes your text invisible in dark mode (yes dear readers, I am now using dark mode, started during a migraine and decided to stick with it). Second, I understand the anxiety. I also tend to avoid pvp areas due to not liking having to pay attention all the time, and feeling targeted by other players is not fun. However, you might be able to do the cape if you can make a mental switch from "they're out to get me" to "winning or losing just doesn't matter because the goal isn't to win the battle or match, but to spend enough time in it to get credit towards the cloak." That doesn't mean just go afk in a corner, you need to keep running into the fight in pvp until you've done ten matches or beating up npcs in wvw while maybe occasionally getting forced back to the entry waypoint (thanks to an enemy, but think of it as just a standard hazard). In wvw if you go to the desert map you may not see other players for quite a while and can just walk along with a dolyak for your side or beat up a dolyak for the other side, plus kill npcs you see. (Don't do the ruins capture points, the red/blue circles you stand in until your side owns them, those don't count for the cloak). All those are events, and you only need ten of them to get the cloak achieve. If you stress too much to stay in for long, just get one event done (or one pvp match) and head out to pve again. It'll take longer but you'll never lose progress. And while you likely should set up your pvp gear (there is a toggle button in your hero panel to swap between pve and pvp, and pvp is super simple because you just pick the stats and runes/sigils from the drop down menu), you can do matches without that. I think I doubled my lifetime amount of pvp matches getting the cloak, and I definitely had to make that mental switch I described. I still tried my best to fight, but I fully expected to eat a lot of floor, and my expectations were met.
  8. You may want to make a habit of checking out all the rewards on the first day of a festival to see what you want to work towards. Sometimes that means talking to six or more npcs, some of them spread out, though they all have a marker over their heads on the map to help find them. The patch notes will also mention new rewards. Besides the npc's, check the achievement panel for both individual achieves and for the meta reward. Usually you can right click on the reward in the achieve panel to get a preview option. Hopefully you will get all you dream of this Halloween ... though that depends on your dreams. I know I'll never get a mini that costs over 100 cobs even though I love those minis. (Note: if you really like the armor skins for Halloween and don't think you can complete the Clocktower jp, they are craftable but you must buy the recipe from the vendor during the festival).
  9. This is also an excellent resource: https://kulinda.github.io/dyes/#dye/Carnage_Orange (I happen to have it on Carnage Orange in my browser right now but click to whatever dye you want to try to match). Also you can toggle your dye panel to show locked dyes and see how they look on your specific gear. It will only show in one lighting condition, of course, hues can be wildly different depending on environment. My gold-toned jade skiff skin's trim is virulently orange in Ember Bay, for instance. Green Tint does seem to match the Merciless GS blade, at least on the metal parts of the Sentinel outfit.
  10. I like this idea, maybe to help those who get tabbed out it should be at the very bottom of the drop down list. I keep a browser on my second monitor so going to the wiki doesn't tab me out. Therefore this would be a really nice QoL for me. I'm in favor of it. Maybe it could be an optional toggle-on like the compact inventory button? Go into settings, tell it y/n on giving the /wiki option, then everyone can be happy.
  11. There are many helpful replies here. I'll agree with them, and add that the transmutation charges build up from map exploration and from black lion chests (don't buy keys unless you really want to and can afford to, you can get a key a week by running a character made for that purpose through the level 10 story, stripping them into the bank, and deleting them to make room for the next week, plus they will occasionally drop from completing higher level maps). You can also make and delete characters to run around completing the five cities and Lion's Arch, you get a charge from each one of those completions. It's tedious but relatively quick to do. And while you have hit 80, you may be leveling other alts. If you invest in just one outfit you like enough, you can toss it on a character (it's account-bound and free to toggle on and off per character) and dye it to your own taste. That will cover up the armor while you adventure and gather the transmutation charges to set the look you prefer. I also wish they'd just ditch the transmutation system and make everything free to apply. As much as I've spent on the gem shop and as much RP as I've done I don't recall ever paying for the charges. Before the wardrobe came along I just kept bags full of armor to put on for RP. It seems odd to me that ANet can sell enough of them to make it worth their while, and at this point they certainly can't restrict their in-game faucet of them in order to force more sales without getting huge player backlash.
  12. There is some hope they may fix this. Though they are mostly not the same team that developed the Southshore opening event waaaay back when. CITIZ-CITIZENS-CIT-CITIZE-CITIZENS! That did get fixed.
  13. My experience is nothing like AgentMoore's. I buy them through the in-game Black Lion interface, and I use PayPal. I am pretty close to the NA servers, though hopefully that doesn't matter. Now that the purchase doesn't even toss me out to a browser, it's about as fast as I can click on the amount desired and press the PayPal button. I usually can't even track my eyes up from the Submit button to the upper left gem amount before it's refreshed to show my purchased gems. However, if you have a new account and these are gems you bought along with buying the account, they do hold up gem delivery for up to 70 plus hours. That's a safeguard against gold sellers and other cheaters who void the transaction immediately after getting the gems.
  14. A lot of discussion on the social issues with this, so that's covered, but as mentioned in other threads on the subject (usually mentioned or agreed to by me, I admit), there's also technical problems. As in, it seems unlikely that any company will make it work intuitively, reliably, and well unless doing so is their main focus (as in Discord). Maybe I'm jaded after WoW's horrible attempt at it long years ago (Teamspeak was a lot better, and that's saying something). But ANet can't just drop in two or three lines of code and call it done. They are good at a lot of things, but probably not so good at making audio work between clients with wildly varying mics, speakers, drivers, and locations on the globe, plus maintaining and patching all that on top of everything else they have to work on.
  15. I admit I am a little sad they have stopped putting bltc dye kits in the gifts. I was hoping to fill out my Aurene, Abyssal, Jade, and Soo-Won dyes. I guess they decided too many people were waiting for birthdays to unlock dyes rather than buying rng or dumping gold. It does seem odd not to mark the tenth year with something unique and fun, birthday-wise. I don't mind the anniversary having what's been given. I just would like a spiffy dye kit like in the past (not a choice of one dye per account per year, a selection of dyes that each ten year old alt can choose from). I'm not angry I didn't get it, I'm not demanding they do anything at all. I certainly had a ton of fun handing out bags to new players this evening, and will remember that for a long time. I merely have some wistfulness about how they stopped doing what they had done before, without addressing the reasoning (probably because the reasoning is: money).
  16. A compromise (and I'm not expecting anything like this, just noodling how it could be, if it was going to be, which as I say I don't expect it will be): Something akin to Caladbolg or the Bloodstone Fen trinkets. Swappable without forging, but requiring a visit to an NPC and some sort of currency, so it can't be done on the fly like legendaries but takes fewer steps than forging and doesn't risk destroying anything by mistake. I'm interested to find out on Tuesday, and cursing myself for having made a home improvement contractor appointment for that afternoon. I still have Aug 25 internalized as the day things happen and wasn't even thinking that Tuesday would be the big day. I should know better by now!
  17. I don't remember for sure, it's been years and I did in fact first get it thanks to a mesmer so I was helping others with it later, but I thiiiiink you get to it from above, as in get up on the rocky area on top of the tomb and look for a crack to fall through. OP, as others have said you cannot do the PoF story without the mounts. You absolutely need the skimmer for the approach to the final bit as there is trap-laden quicksand to navigate, and then in the charge up the building to the last boss you have high vertical surfaces to get up in a hurry. As to map completion, there you might be able to if you have a friend porting you around but there are hero points, pois, and vistas unreachable without a mount. And some mastery points you can't get to without a jackal (or port to friend) because they are in caves entered only via sand portal.
  18. How many vets, given a free slot, would avoid using tomes to level up? Even if that is a goodly number, I see two problems. One, although I know they've experimented with xp gain levels for new players, a veteran account is simply going to level faster. All those achievement chests include accumulating account wide xp bonuses. Two, ok, you get your free slot, you level up alongside the new players, you keep yourself to about the pace the wave of new players are gaining levels, you help a few of them in a dedicated fashion or you just keep finding players around your level to assist. Annnnd ... you get to higher levels. You hit 80. Do you reroll the character so you can help with more new players? Or are you just one and done? I intend to help the new folk by doing nice things for them in starter zones. I don't need to be starter levels to do that. OP, you are a kind soul. I always enjoy seeing you post. But I think your kindness is fuzzing your vision on this one.
  19. I'm not sure how this would be a problem. People make multiple accounts already, both free and paid. They're only supposed to use one of them for the forums, but in the game itself they can account hop all they like (just can't multibox control several characters at once with the same input).
  20. If you read through the YouTube comments for a few minutes, you'll find a few people commenting on some issues with it (in rational ways, not angrily).
  21. I would like some clarification on this. If profession dps is buffed, but so is the hp it's attacking, then why bother at all? The end result is the same percentage of health removed per the same amount of attacks and only the size of the numbers have changed. Might as well just keep things as they are. Yes, 'power creep' is where the professions do a rising amount of damage so as to eventually trivialize once-difficult encounters. Yes, there are varying levels of this that players find acceptable or even desirable. But you seem to be arguing (may not be arguing, this is why I am asking for clarification) that the solution is to just push up the numbers across the board. Which turns into a lot of resources spent changing nothing at all. Is this your intent?
  22. As Sobx says, you can (very slowly) accrue Favor all by yourself. It does help if your guild had some former glory and unlocked most mission categories. My original guild is nigh inactive now but I and two or three others did over the years max out most everything, with me doing most of the Favor gathering and occasional bursts of mats contributions and the others donating lots of mats and occasionally joining missions. You will need to have the necessary guild permissions to activate missions. Simplest Trek: Bring up the wiki page for Guild Trek so you can quickly find where the locations are. (Dulfy's page used to be way better, having multiple images to show both the map location and the physical view once there, along with instructions for tricky ones to find, but the wiki works). Plant that on another monitor or device if possible. Use an alt that has every core wp unlocked. Bonus if the alt has good stealth, to allow getting away from aggro before getting locked in combat that can slow down the port to the next spot. You only need to get to five spots so unless your map load times are horrendous you'll easily tap all five in the time frame. Simplest Bounty: It will always be one of three, Fields of Ruin or Kessex or Harathi Hinterlands. I believe the wiki has the bounty routes available. If not, Dulfy's old page miiiight still work. For Fields, the target walks a very tight loop, most of it in Ebonhawke, so you're quite likely to have others dogpile on with you to help. In Kessex the route is much longer and includes underwater, which can be annoying if your timer is running out and Poobadoo is swimming and you aren't comfy with underwater combat. In Harathi it can take forever to find the target but if you ask in Map someone will usually speak up if they have eyes on it. Alternate method: Scout around until you find one of the targets. Activate the guild mission. If you get the target in front of you, have at it! If another, cancel and wait the minute or two for the mission to be available again, and hope no one else kills it meanwhile. Simplest Race: Don't do it if it's Southsun. Otherwise, try to go on a Monday evening (eastern time). Many guilds will be doing it. If you see a long enough timer (ie not just 3 minutes left, but closer to 15) activate it for your guild and successfully complete just one run through. Everyone running the race during your guild mission being active will count towards your guild's completion. If you are in the midst of a guild doing it, there will likely be people clearing out the mobs to help the racers. Each of these gives you 300 Favor. If you are solo or just a handful of people, that should be plenty to keep you going because you're not going to get the massive amount of mats together to do upgrades all that fast.
  23. There is no acceptable ad placement in this game, for all the reasons many others have posted. But since you asked: A tiny button in a spot extremely hard to accidentally clicked that opens an ad panel which can be instantly exited via the Escape key if somehow it does get clicked. Zero rewards for opening and running an ad. In other words the ad can only be seen by someone that affirmatively wants to view an ad for some unfathomable reason. In my time-filler mobile app games there are options to watch ads (once you've paid for the game to remove involuntary ads) which then give you game boosts or currency. You only watch them if you want those things to facilitate your pixel pushing. That is what I am suggesting here, but going further and saying no rewards. No incentives. Definitely no requirements. Yes, I know no advertiser will accept their ads being utterly ignorable. Then they can make award winning ones like the Superbowl ads. Make them something people want to watch for their content. Until then. a big fat NOPE to destroying game flow and immersion. I use ad blockers for good reasons.
  24. My account is also from original launch. My A/D got moved to Q/E, but I don't believe anything else changed. I didn't check my mount bindings yet other than to note that mount action 1/2 are still B/V. Q did not get removed from my special action binding even though it was set as turn left. I have rebound turning to A/D, but not confirmed special action is working as it should as I have to head out for an appointment.
  25. I was lucky, my secondary keybinds stayed intact. I only had to move Q and E back to A and D to be back where I had been (I have strafing on left and right arrow keys, which are bound to mouse side buttons so where they are on the keyboard doesn't matter). Oddly, my special action key is Q. Although turning got moved to it, my bind of Q for special action remained as well and did not need to be reapplied. Hopefully. I haven't yet done something that requires hitting a special action to verify that the visual of Q in that field reflects the game knowing Q = special action.
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