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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. I tend to block people because they are annoying me in one way or another.
  2. Wow has raid progression and big personalities. GW2 isn't fun to watch and is a smaller game in general. GW2 raid progression was interesting too, but it can't compare itself to a game that is basically completely built around that. We don't have an Asmongold either. Somebody who pulls numbers and is generally entertaining to watch. I mean, hell, he can have at least 6 youtube channels making videos of his reaction to things and people just love to eat it up.
  3. Usually 10 people online whenever I log in. Most of them are people from my guild, so I always know when a guild run is happening in wvw.
  4. The fact berserker mode alone gives you the 3 bar Berserker's Power buff and due to resets + weapon switch you'll be getting multiple stacks of every adrenaline related trait makes this completely redundant.
  5. The only approach to this I see that could work is providing boons extremely selfishly. Classes should have access to crucial boons themselves, not rely on others for it. However, that would completely ignore any support playstyle beyond "press heal", which is not desirable. I also wouldn't call it bad class design to rely on others. It's not a single player game and more difficult content should reflect that in smart group compositions. Just because it's long past having to theorize and craft group compositions (aka we have a meta established because that is the ultimate goal) doesn't make it bad.
  6. There is more to the game than just PvP, so people who want to do other things now have some time to do that. Also, you know, maybe some people just like having a break before it goes back to being sweaty.
  7. I totally get the question, because I was also wondering whether I was an idiot last year or not. I usually get every single achievement that rolls around so I was confused when it only read "repeated 1 time"
  8. Nothing will be balanced around this. More choice however is nice, especially for duo players.
  9. Wasn't the 2v2 event or tournament pretty popular and fun, generally well received? New maps for that in the future would be dope.
  10. Those portals are supposed to be chaotic and take you all over the world. Easy answer.
  11. Test what? Why? Oh, you mean the content that doesn't exist in this game according to some?
  12. Got both already, though the Pass was an absolute waste of money and kinda ticks me off still.
  13. Or, and hear me out here, something that was previously not problematic rose to become a large issue as other builds left the spotlight. There are always many things like that in any game, but they simply aren't an issue because of how rarely they're seen or because something else, that is then later on nerfed, used to keep them in check. Stop crying about your class being nerfed.
  14. Reading through some of the replies made me realize that the dye system was a mistake. Giving us content in form of the same armor sets with a different color works for other games and would probably quench the thirst of people who always demand more ingame rewards (or rather make them think that is the case)
  15. If this was true, then how come Soulbeast was left alone for the most part for this long? It's definitely not because there weren't enough people whining about it...
  16. You need to put ability points into the mount if you've already unlocked it. Abilities are per character, so you might have to do it agian if you play a different one or reset them.
  17. It's a really bad idea replacing the last "rare item type" that hasn't been done better for real money now. It would utterly invalidate having drops that have abysmal drop rates with effects that just get outclassed by something anybody can buy.
  18. It's an achievement that is challenging, but of course over time and as people get better it will lose some of that "value". However, most of the value comes from what feel it is worth. I really love it because I've wanted a title like that for a long time and even if there are 2 million people with it running around I can still enjoy it for that purpose.
  19. Nothing felt better than beating her and getting the challenge achievement. One of the best things in the entire game.
  20. Every legendary is overpriced. Business as usual. They're the reason t6 materials have any kind of value.
  21. They've been reducing trash out of the chests for a while now. Latest being the styling kits.
  22. I've recently tried around a bit and used the Hammer trait. I found out that it has no internal cooldown, despite one being listed there. Meaning any CC gives you a guaranteed 10 adrenaline, doesn't have to be hammer. Since Hammer 2 is one of the hardest hitting skills getting a 20% damage increase on it also feels very good. Just some food for thought.
  23. It drops because the supply is literally the biggest of any material in the game. You can get a thousand from salvaging gear you get from a few hours of farming.
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