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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. And content is more than just a single story instance and open world event too. Almost like that schedule wasn't possible to keep up with any semblance of quality that you'd grow to expect in (((current year))) especially.
  2. Evil = ugly is such a silly trope. I'm not on board with this. A villain is made by his character first and foremost. Let his actions speak for him. He's a grade A jerk so far and that while not looking like Balthazar's left foot. He seems to be the deceptive type, a guy of words and intrigue so far to me.
  3. My guess is that they want to differentiate themselves from the negative stigma that has built around Seasons. WoodenPotatoes also mentioned this on his video about the story. Basically people think episodes are always only 2 hours of content and nothing else, so this bit of rebranding could be a way of trying to change that wrong impression. Since we know that this season is going to be quite unlike the previous ones it might also just indicate exactly that. Personally I like to look at it this way: It's a combination of Season 2 and Season 4. S4 had some big things in it, but the majority of it was largely disconnected from the rest, whereas S2, with it's smaller episodes and updating of existing maps, did that pretty well. We're going up in scale to the level of Season 4, with the world expansion of Season 2.
  4. As an auto attack it's been out of line for years. It's still going to be above average after this probably.
  5. Underwater simply feels too slow. You can't really gain distance properly, it's always straight lines and slow swimming. Infusions help with that, but it should have been a baseline swim speed increase
  6. It's in a good place right now imo. Any further changes may wind up in nerfs. a good place? Really? Because being outdone everywhere, high risk no reward was the goal for elementalist?I don't think it's an exhaustive list. They should have mentioned both classes on there, even if it only was a note that they're still thinking of something though in my opinion. Or maybe the post wasn't 100% ready, considering the last edit was 2 days ago and was made visible today.
  7. Thread was posted on August 21st, edited and then they made it visible later. On the changes: Sounds reasonable to me. Loving that Ranger Longbow 1 nerf. Nerf to FB is great too. People talk about hating powercreep, but the defense creep is insane too and part of the reason why powercreep got so bad to counter it. They keep escalating each other and I firmly believe this is a good step in the right direction. Less barrier on Scourge also plays into that. Lowering survivability. I don't think SS needs to be nerfed at all because 1. other stuff "enables" the spec to be that strong 2. it's atrocious to play without it
  8. Posts like this are the reason they never tell us anything in advance. Every time they do it's not fast enough, if they don't then the game is dead and they're incompetent.Also we JUST heard that swiss tournaments are around the corner, is that not enough? Would you rather they never release it now because it wasn't fast enough before? Doesn't make sense to me to complain about nothing being done when the talk about it was that it is almost done.
  9. It's a waste to spend tons of gold on it imo. It's more of a natural process. Currently I'm at 250% baseline, just from the normal salvaging gear and sometimes excess ecto when it was at the lowest price.
  10. Yes, the funko pops and shirts that were part of exactly 3 minutes out of 40 are the thing to talk about.
  11. Hm, it does sort of sound like Jormag has a female VA that was pitched down. Also elder dragons can present as any gender. If Aurene could be one I don't see why one of the original six couldn't be female. I just think it would be freaking hilarious if Jormag - or even just Drakkar - turned out to be female (with the whole Sons of Svanir thing and their anti-female stance)The Svanir got a bunch of new FEMALE recruits, according to dialogue during Dragon Bash, at least I read about that? So they've changed it seems.
  12. If you didn't like the look of what they showed then yes, you should fear for the future because clearly you're not interested in playing it. Is this the whole "gamers are entitled" thing again? Because I feel like that's what many of these posts will have me believe. Yes, this is enough, this is all they announced because that's all that's on the table. We don't know what will come after this. There CAN be more legendaries, there CAN be new weapons. They can decide to roll that in a different format, like how they released the last raid a few weeks after the episode. If you take off that lense of unrealistic expectations this WAS big. We know the new enemy, we know about the map and the story, what our mastery will be. The fact previous masteries will continue to be relevant... that's huge. People looked at this like it was a 100% guarantee for another expansion, but it wasn't. It was "Living world season 5 announcement", which shouldn't be a surprise to anybody.
  13. What I'm interested in is who is narrating it? Is it Drakkar or is it Jormag? Very female and I was under the impressions that the other elder dragons would be "male" in that sense, if they even have a gender.
  14. This has been a completely unrealistic expectation that existed for over 6 months now and nobody should be surprised that it wasn't met at all. They'd have to release all specs at once, else people would get very mad their favorite didn't get one yet. We've seen more teaser material than ever, about story, about mastery, about mechanics and the map. We even know that Jormag and Drakkar will be our main enemies. We know past masteries will still be relevant going forward. Content releases are way bigger than 2 to 3 hours too. Maybe you don't care about 95% of the releases, but that's simply an idea that persisted since season 2, where the episode and optional achievements on repeating the missions were all that was.
  15. That stuff isn't going to launch in a few weeks. Be happy they mentioned it at all.
  16. I would have reversed the two. In literature, the Fellowship of the Ring is a story, a "season" but the 3 book LoTR series is a SAGA. Sagas are bigger than seasons to me. Each individual episode will be bigger because they're built upon instead of just "one and done" type of content. We also don't know how long it will be. Since this is just the PROLOGUE with all the features of a full previous episode. That next part doesn't have to be 3 months into the future either.
  17. And how are strikes different than bounties? lmao Instanced content, with a groupfinder. 10 man mechanics. You clearly didn't understand what was said.
  18. I mean 1 sentence of wordswhile there's trailors for 1day pve content F What else is there to say? want him to explain the system we all know and understand already on stage? Nope, THAT is not their audience. Just because it would satisfy the 5 grumpy old men on the forums doesn't mean it would be a smart thing to do. ANd if you really think the releases are only worth 1 day of playing you need to get your eyes checked. That was true in Season 2. I recommend you actually play the game.
  19. I like that they changed it from season to saga, because season in our minds is the full map release, while saga will expand on it further. Cool idea. The new map looks and sounds awesome, the features they announced sound good too.
  20. He's a comedian, what do you expect? Are you upset at a joke?
  21. What do you expect? "Btw alliances in 2 weeks"? The fact it was publicly mentioned should be enough.
  22. You would be right, were it not for the fact you missed the part where they add 10 man missions to help people get into raids, the mention of restructuring and the fact that swiss tournaments are soon in public testing.
  23. I love being right.Giving people HoT for free... yet another spit in the fact to us veterans. We had to pay that thing 60 euros and got half of what they promised, we only recently got last legendary, yet it was paid for with HoT expansion YEARS ago.Good thing they gave us vets an ugly glider, title most won't care to use and armor unlock which is useless.....and they hype about build templates.... game is 7 years old. Most mmos come with build templates, and they wait 7 years to do anything about it. This isn't about veterans, this is about new people getting in. Broaden your horizons a little bit, not everything is about us old people. Prior purchases are not made irrelevant, we already got our worth from it over the years, no? If you're stull upset you paid YEARS ago then may the Six help you. Also other mmos have build templates? Never heard nor seen any of that.
  24. Weren't they in there before and got removed? Also SUPER RARE??? That's on the level of Nodes, is it not? heck no.
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