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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. The food I was using only lasted 30 minutes anyway. This doesn't really upset me, especially with the stones and oil still lasting 1h. Now imagine if those got lowered...
  2. Definitely looks like Charr.. Icebrood. Ice Legion coming in~~ hot~~ cold! Hopefully they have their own Baelfire in form of another ice "god"like being
  3. Plot twist: Jormag is fighting the Deep Sea Dragon, hence that bit of a curve ball with ocean (or travel) themes cropping up
  4. They should try doing that. Lower the squad cap while you're at it
  5. Progression systems are extremely important to any kind of game with longevity.
  6. If you have a gap closing skill it can also move you to where the damage box is so then you can simply aim at the ground you're standing on. Alternatively you can just go where all the other people are standing :)
  7. Feasts last for 5 minutes I believe, so that's how it's going to go.
  8. I had a friend kill the boss while I just ran around the edge of the arena, using my thief shortbow 5 to dodge everything
  9. So because you don't understand (and insist that it's not that) how loading works you want to talk about something that's been talked about a hundred times already. Especially funny considering you link to one of them in that other post.
  10. So how can said Ele stand next to a downed ally? He would get hit by it as well, that stuff is not instant. If he uses Water Staff 3 that would be a different deal.
  11. ... additional bonuses like WvW exp as they laid out? :) It's basically like an additional banner buff it sounds like.
  12. Look at the 30 other threads about permanent flying and at statements that already told us that permanent flying will never come to GW2. The Skyscale already fits the description of "legendary mount", hence why people have already used that term to describe it before.
  13. Do your little experiment in any level 80 zone and be blown away by people running past you and map chat being active. Alternatively squad chat, maybe even /say. Starter zones aren't very representative. People who have already played the game will just have Tomes to level characters and can go into a different zone right away.
  14. It's been there for a while. Maybe one patch after the Skyscale was introduced? Either way, it's to tell you whether it did activate or not
  15. Haven't bought any. Since I play(ed) a ton of WvW I have a couple hundred Tomes of Knowledge flying about and I definitely do not crave the boosted soldier gear that I'll have to replace immediately anyway
  16. She's busy with real life and has said so on multiple occasions. Unless that was a blatant lie it's not because GW2 is dead. Maybe two? Of a section of twitch that is abysmal to begin with. Not the biggest loss and the content that IS created certainly doesn't have much to do with it. more the stuff that isn't (or fast enough). What's holding the game up is that we know it will continue for at least another 1 and a half years /shrug
  17. Thats not the probleme here. bugs get found and reported by players but anet does not fix them. Why? i think because they have not the man power to fix them. That's not really how it goes. You can know where something occurs, but that doesn't mean it's going to be easy to find out why. Since those events are core content, they likely exist for such a long time it simply isn't worth getting a dev to look into what might take a few hours just to fix a bug that may or may not be extremely rare. So yes, some things just aren't worth fixing.
  18. The only thing I find suspicious is the grip. The segmented blade design isn't a new concept, so they just tend to look very similar in that regard.
  19. Taking well established things away from people is a guaranteed way to lose the rest of the remaining players rather than bringing people who have long lost interest back.
  20. And LS5 would be bad.. because? Other games release expansions? Doesn't make much sense to me. They've repeated that LS5 will be different and feature more expansion scale content. Couldn't care less how it turns out, it means the game goes on for at least another 2 years regardless. Time in which they can easily create an expansion.
  21. Except for the Greatsword they all look great imo. They're very elegant and detailed.
  22. Very low chance, but I wouldn't be surprised to get a little more insight or at least a mention of it.
  23. What's there to by hyped for. It's still going to be the same maps we had for 7 years now (except for Desert, which is just Eotm-like, so meh)Everything will be the same except alliances are just a way to have different team-ups because they lack players overall, let alone WvW. Which is why they pair servers and now even started to pair SP, GER and FR servers with English ones. WvW still has enough players. However, since most people seem to just transfer to winning servers others feel much less inclined to play since they're permanently outnumbered, resulting in even less playtime. Entirely player made issue that will be resolved once that goes live. The change will bring population back, I'd expect many to be angry about it at first, then it settles down and will be more balanced for all. Matchups should feel much fairer, thus returning fun to the mode.
  24. A third person shooter with fast gameplay compared to.. a game that can be played at a glacier's pace. MMOs aren't popular because they lack the instant gratification of a satisfying PvP kill. The only feeling of euphoria might come from beating extremely hard content right as it's new, or dropping an extremely rare item. Both situations that are temporary and don't tend to repeat themselves often if at all. WoW has a ton of rare items ingame at least, things like new mount skins and all, that fall under that. GW really only has infusions or some other rare skins that might drop from specific enemies. Drop rates so low you wouldn't really try to go for any of it. That's kind of disappointing, because it doesn't leave a nice feeling when you just never get anything special.
  25. I was annoyed having to run around Dragonfall that much in the beginning, the rest was enjoyable.
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