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Everything posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. He doesn't balance the game, the skills team does.
  2. PLEASE just do this already. Also remove all gear that isn't on a pvp amulet(minstrels nomads etc).
  3. PvP players are not satisfied, where did you read this? The new EoD specs are zero fun to fight in WvW and I don't want them in my video game.
  4. Without the 3 the spec has zero complexity, but the 3 buttons are also spec ruining when doing OW content or if a boss phases/goes invul/etc. It sucks.
  5. Healer that doesn't give quickness or alacrity "Support" that requires standing in a single spot and gives a single boon Selfish DPS that does around the same damage as supports with ZERO ranged option No reason to touch this class. Play Revenant, eng or guard.
  6. If the movement on F2 could be opted out of, this wouldn't feel miserable to play. I don't understand why I'm forced to move around with my F2 to give alacrity, it feels so bad. Guardian has ALWAYS been the class that feels as smooth as butter, but I guess not anymore? ;/
  7. Actually, pure dps mech generates literally 0 boons. Infact, most of the new specs when going pure DPS generate literally 0 self boons.
  8. Can you unnerf the alacrity uptime now so the spec doesn't feel like utter trash to give alacrity on? Alacrity mech gives a million boons, heals, and doesn't feel terrible to play. Being a buffer shouldn't be such an annoying unfun headache, and you realized that with some of the EoD specs.
  9. Endless AOE stab vs 0 AOE stab. Free 25 might vs essentially zero might. Actual healing vs literally zero healing. Lol no.
  10. The clovers is 150 per week...what? You can't even get them all? FOUR weeks for a 2h skin?????????????
  11. Yeah, assuming their code is in C++ it's just something like: If (ZoneType == PvP) { power = power * 0.85; } Changing numbers should take 5 minutes max, not require 6 months.
  12. WoW pvp is about trading cd's, setting up kills, forcing stun breaks(not everyone has 2+ on lower cooldown than stuns in that game!) and bursting people when they have nothing up. This game is NOTHING like WoWs - which is why it's pvp is absolutely terrible. It's just spamming buttons. They should be testing the game themselves, not wasting 6 months of PvPers time to their job for them. Completely unacceptable.
  13. Literally perma ban the entire top20 ladder at the end of the season. No data needed, no research needed, it's blatantly obvious that at least 19/20 of them are breaking rules. Ban and move on. If the same IPs / players come back next ladder(they will, free money for anet!), do it again.
  14. Mech is the best designed spec in the entire game and Harbringer is one of the best. Spec design is much better than previous expansions for some specs, but then specs like Unntamed exist which makes you go "huh?".
  15. I went on beta, tested against my friend on vindicator for two minutes and IMMEREDIATTELY realized the dodge barrier + heal was overtuned. You did not test your elite specs for even a second in PvP. Now the PvP community has to suffer for 6 months playing against a blatantly overtuned part of a spec. That is extremely disrespectful of ALL PvP / WvW players time and unacceptable. Just abandon the mode entirely and admit you will no longer support it.
  16. Herald doesn't give quickness or alacrity, that isn't a boon share build at all. When people refer to boonshare, they mean the important boons(alac or quickness).
  17. Terrible dps, has no tools to be a frontline, its pet dies to zergs and it lacks sustain. It's just a meme 1 shot montage PvP spec(teleport onto people - > stun - > 1 shot with 2x maul + tailswipe/hammer) When does Ranger get its EoD spec?
  18. Really wanted a melee hammer bruiser ranger. Instead I got a meme 1 shot montage making spec. Gee, thanks.
  19. Specter is a meme pocket healer pvp spec.
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