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Everything posted by mindcircus.1506

  1. I think that shining a bright light on this weak content with the "return to" acheivements has really dampened my enthusiasm for the game. Season 2 was among the worst content this game has offered. There's maybe 3 interesting instances in it. It's filled with lengthy poor attempts at characterization (often done soly in text boxes). The dialog is often so cliche' that it becomes self-parody. Waving a legendary carrot in front of me to get me to run it has not increased my enjoyment of the game. This idea that the studio would double down on this kind of recycling of old content leaves me cold and looking at other games for the first time in a very long time.
  2. If crafting/lifeskilling is an important part of your MMO experience, this is not the game for you. The only relevant function crafting has in this game is that occasionally there are rewards gated behind it.
  3. This silence on this topic should be the big tip off that there is indeed a kitten in the salad.
  4. Because this community has been so very understanding when it's inflated expectations have been confronted with reality after the hype bubbles burst.
  5. The short answer is "yes" condi builds are generally better for this. As for the why: 1. Trailblazers Gear. Condi damage builds lose much less in their damage output from running this or Dire Gear than a power build will for offering comparable toughness and vit via something like Soldier's. 2. Secondary Sustain from traits like Parasitic Contagion, Predator's Cunning or Dance of Death. Traits like these offer healing based on condi damage done or vuln applied. There aren't many viable power based solutions that approach these trait's effectiveness. 3. Superior Rune of Tormenting. Condi based builds that deal in the Torment condition can gain another source of sustain from these runes. Some power builds can approach near the level of benefit from a source or two like Power Scrapper from Impact Savant, Power Reaper with Shroud or Power Spellbreaker via Might Makes Right. But a condi Scourge or condi Shortbow Renegade can techincally leverage all three at once. This level of sustain in addition to solid damage is what makes these builds a better tool for the job. That said let's be clear about what you mean by "Champions" in Open World. There is a big difference between the Risen Giant in Cursed Shore, the average HoT Hero Point and a Desert Bounty... all of which are technically Champions. Most of even the glassiest power builds can handle the Giant without problem as long as you are mitigating the grubs, not camping in red circles and dodging the stomp. Many decent power builds can comfortably handle the Security Golem HP in Verdant Brink, as long as you are hitting your dodges. But a power based class in something like Marauder's may start to struggle under the heavier burst damage of a Desert Bounty, where a Condi Build like Shortbow Soulbeast in Trailblazers will be able to take a few hits and passively resustain itself via posion application and Predator's Cunning. A fair bit of soloing truly hard Open World Champions is L2P, but having a build and gear that allows you to make mistakes like blowing a dodge or mashing the occasional power off cooldown is huge quality of life and there are just more Condi options for this than there are Power.
  6. How much do you think you should be rewarded for a trek or doing a "race" as a quagaan, or dogpiling 30 people on Trillia in front of the crafting stations in Ebonhawke? The quality of the content is the issue, not the rewards.
  7. Obsi shards are much more efficiently farmed for unbound magic on s3 maps or Karma in Orr. As was pointed out, the way Drizzlewood has devalued materials, these bags' return isn't nearly as lucrative as it used to be. The return off gobblers is capped per day and objectively trash. Dragonfall and Drizzlewood both fit these descriptions but offer a much higher return on time invested.. WvW "ktraining" has not been a thing for years. With the addition of pips to the game mode without adding them to EotM, the map is empty. Standard capping of objectives doesn't offer any better karma than even the worst PvE farms. Also if you look at the chart @Infusion.7149 posted, the Karma from Dragonfall is over three times higher. I would argue that Silverwastes is not a "complex" farm, but a poor one that players have developed ways of hyper-optimizing from when it was effectively the only reliable farm in the game. It requires lengthy and tedious steps to milk average returns from. The OP's question was specifically about farming gold.
  8. I think matchup threads get deleted in pretty short order 'round these parts.
  9. I see a lot of people recommending Silverwastes. I was under the impression to make a decent amount of gold with this you needed a specific level alt and to be fairly careful with how you were handling/processing your loot. Is this no longer the case for some reason? If so can someone explain to me why that is? Because as far as I know Silverwastes is pretty average gold per hour unless you are opening specific bags on an underlevelled alt.
  10. A large part of the shutdown of CoH/V had little to do with the performance of the game. One of the former developers was pretty candid about the fact that Paragon had been given a significant amount of money from NCSoft to develop a sequel and that the funds were not used for that, that they were instead used to prototype other games. When NCSoft found out they canned the studio. Lets also keep in mind that the private server was in operation almost immediately after the shutdown and operated for years in secret based on not only server code that a developer had passed to a prominent community member but the entire client database including payment methods (CC Numbers) and history of all the people who had played and played legitimately. It's really important not to romanticize the death of CoH or paint those running the private server before it went public as some kind of heroes. They were knowingly in possession of stolen user data and proprietary software. Likewise NCSoft were not the villains popular opinion made them out to be.
  11. Oh good... another "I don't like how other people dress in my video game" thread.
  12. Did any of these events work correctly in the past? Weren't each and every one of them bugged?
  13. The one who isn't playing the game regularly. Understanding why people arent engaging with the product is of much greater value than understanding the pretend dissatisfaction and faked consumerist outrage of someone who clearly is.
  14. Didn't you make a post not so long ago about why you were quitting the game? You did. Given this, why should the developers be interested in your thoughts on the future of the franchise, when you are clearly not going to be there for it?
  15. Thanks so much. Glad you have been enjoying. Got something new going up today
  16. Sweet... Intermission... I was getting overwhelmed by all the old content.
  17. There was a time when this was true in MMOs. This game's current audience, however. won't stand more than two wipes before saying "not worth it", going to farm Drizzlewood and putting up a post on the forums that equates challenge with bad design justified with the misuse of the word "casual". You can see this attitude in this very thread. The issue is not, as you maintain, creating some kind of safe space. The issue is about making a spoiled and entitled playerbase happy, when they argue 40g an hour for spamming autoattacks and laying full dead at meta events is "how the game was meant to be". But the problem here isn't the people who sell T-shirts exaggerating the qualifications to sell one. It's people who have no interest in selling Tshirts at all, people who only sell cozy sweaters inflating the expectations of Tshirt selling qualifications because they don't think anyone should want to wear a T-shirt and it interferes with their agenda of selling sweaters.
  18. Running this mix of Dire, Trailblazers and Carrion gear is a big part of your problem. The Carrion is specifically a suboptimal choice. The Sigil of Corruption provides negligible value against a boss without constant adds. In this encounter the proc off the sigil won't last long enough to be of constant value during the Boss Phases. Plaguelands is an objectively better elite in PvE than Ghastly Breech. Replacing Dessicate and Well of Darkness with at least Epidemic, to trivialize the Portal Groups would be much better quality of life. Signet of Undeath would get you the Life Force you need to not be wheezing. Soul Barbs rather than Fear of Death would represent a significant damage increase. I am not saying that you don't have valid issues with some points, but there are some pretty significant suboptimal choices in your build and gear if you want to be soloing this comfortably.
  19. The fact they are being this quiet about it should be the big tipoff that there's something pretty big in this System that we will not like.
  20. This is false narrative. Go back and watch the old hype pieces on explorable dungeons and how challenging they were supposed to be. Consider that the difficulty level that HoT shipped with was a direct response to a community that was continually asking for something harder than Orr. This idea that Guild Wars 2's core design choices were made to enforce some kind of mandate of "casual" play is one that a small group of self serving low-effort players continually make to win arguments on forums/reddit. The design choices that do appeal to casual players, things like the lack of a gear treadmill, were actually about respecting the player's time so the challenge of the game could be skill based and not gear based. It was never about making the game for a "casual audience". It was about onboarding people easily into challenging group content just as explorable dungeons or WvW without the established MMO tropes of making them work for months to feel viable. The vision was never to make a "casual" game. The idea was to make a game with challenge that didn't take months to be viable for. The game was meant to be accessible, not easy.
  21. If someone were to put up a poll that said "Why don't you raid?" And the options were: 1. Gear/Build Requirement 2. Insta-kill/One Shot Mechanics 3. Toxic Community/Team Mates 4, Time Requirement 5. Enrage Timers How many "people" do you realistically think would vote Option 5?
  22. As long as you are playing with people who will accept an off-meta healer in raids/t4 fractals Scrapper, Tempest and Scourge are all very viable. I prefer tempest for raw carry as it's heals are significantly more powerful thanks to overload water and warhorn, but I've been very successful with Scourge in Strikes, Scrapper is fun and "good" but it lags behind the other two in PvE (even with the quickness added). Do keep in mind though that to really maximize support you should really leverage your Build Templates and Equipment loadouts and create a separate support and dps build/equipment loadout. Trying to do both at once will generally leave you doing neither truly efficiently. That said... of the four you pointed out... Scourge does the highest damage at the same time as doing support.
  23. Updates to my Channel Since the last post: Open World/Solo/Story Builds: Condi Soulbeast Condi Scourge Condi Mirage Celestial Tempest New Player Guides: Stat Selectable Armour Mail Carriers Other Games Impressions: The Secret World Legends
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