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Everything posted by Ameepa.6793

  1. That never happened. There has always been only mail and TP. Not sure about Beta since I never tried that.
  2. Open world is why I have been playing since launch. Force me into grouping and I'm out.
  3. Try holding down right mouse button and turning with it.
  4. These look good indeed! This is the first time I too bought a cape and am going to use one :)
  5. What if they all can just be called turtles on Tyria no matter if they are sea or land thingies? I mean even here on Earth on many languages they are all called the same and we're not even on Earth here and language isn't English. Space lizzards of Doom!
  6. This is the only JP in game that I still have not been able to finish and never will, but luckily I can farm the 1st and 2nd chest for the thingie 🙂
  7. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Belcher's_Bluff#Walkthrough
  8. Public version has to be permanent if they want people to see it and even kill it after this week is over. Kinda waste of content if it gets removed and it will be forgotten again for the next 8 years.
  9. I own all the town outfits and they all work without any problems on all races and genders so it looks like this problem probably is on your end. Perhaps indeed that specific body type .
  10. A class that can press the special skill that every challenge has
  11. They would not have grindy achievements to repeat them a number of times , dailies to complete them every day and their own currency if they were ment to be played only once.
  12. Ah right, my original F-skills are on Shift+1-5, fifth also on mouse for classes that need better access for it.Also mounts on numbers with CTRL. Skyscale has its own button on T since I use that 99% of time :D
  13. Mine are F1, F2 etc for builds and Shift + F1, F2 etc for equipment.
  14. You do not need to use the SMS auhentication every time you log in. It sends you SMS the first time you log in after activating it and you tick "remember this network" and then never again except if you change your ISP or log in from different city. Then you need to do it again once. Other than that, logging in is exatly the same with the authenticator as it is without. Zero incovenience, much protection.
  15. Started as 10 with the prologue but has been going downhill from there. It's 2 now. I have zero interest in doing these DRMs more than once or trying to find a group for the challenge modes. I used to complete all map meta achievements before but of these Saga ones I have done only the two first ones. Then they started to require huge amount of grind and strikes and now it needs the challenge mode DRMs. These episodes and content turning more and more into group content takes away all my motivation.
  16. I noticed that too, but I suppose it's just lag with everyone doing it right now.
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_scythe "Farming tools such as the scythe and pitchfork have frequently been used as a weapon by those who could not afford or did not have access to more expensive weapons such as pikes, swords, or later, guns." That section has no citations but it's worth noting the "could not afford or did not have access to" part. That strongly implies that they are inferior to other weapons, which they are. If you look at the diagrams on that page you'll see that the war scythe is configured differently to the agricultural scythe. The war scythe is a polearm like a spear or halberd and the curved blade is in line with the pole. The agricultural scythe (the one depicted in GW1 and in GW2 as staff skins) is impractical for combat, the blade is not only perpendicular to the pole it also faces inwards. I'm sure that the first step in the peasant uprising was to get a blacksmith to correct that and turn the blade 90 degrees. Yes it even says so in the next sentence: "Scythes and pitchforks were stereotypically carried by angry mobs or gangs of enraged peasants. The process usually involved reforging the blade of a scythe at a 90 degree angle, strengthening the joint between the blade and the shaft with an additional metal pipe or bolts and reinforcing the shaft to better protect it against cuts from enemy blades." Edit: Also more about the normal non modified scythes:http://scytheconnected.blogspot.com/2014/05/scythes-in-martial-arts.html
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_scythe "Farming tools such as the scythe and pitchfork have frequently been used as a weapon by those who could not afford or did not have access to more expensive weapons such as pikes, swords, or later, guns."
  19. Taxes are the main gold sink in game. Only thing keeping the inflation in check. Make them lower and prices will be 10 times higher. Do you really want that?
  20. But why would you need to buy them? There are plenty of more points available than what is needed so you can skip all the weapon collections and other ones that are too difficult. You get enough for mostly just playing the story and completing the map of each episode. Also the masteries are usually designed only to be used in that Episode's map and you get the points for them by playing that map. If you don't play that map, you don't need the masteries for it either.
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