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Everything posted by jamesg.7128

  1. I'd like to join in but 5:30 is too early for me. Maybe next time, good luck with it.
  2. But that completely ignores that fact that MANY of the elements required to succeed are COMPLETELY out of the individual's control! 49 other people and random fight elements. You had all the stars align for you? Then good for you. Others have not been so lucky.
  3. Please make this accessible also from the Guild Initiative Headquarters in LA so those without a guild hall can still access it.
  4. Something else I don't think I've seen mentioned, is that not everyone plays in NA prime time. There are players in other time zones too. NA prime time for me is 4am. At my prime time the available pool of players is much, much smaller. I paid for the game too but the chances of me completing this unless I give up several hours of sleep are much diminished.
  5. Something else I don't think I've seen mentioned, is that not everyone plays in NA prime time. There are players in other time zones too. NA prime time for me is 4am. At my prime time the available pool of players is much, much smaller. I paid for the game too but the chances of me completing this unless I give up several hours of sleep are much diminished.
  6. I haven't tried the meta yet but I just noticed this in the update notes just now - 1. Fixed a bug in which the final boss of the Battle for the Jade Sea meta-event was performing its bite attack more often than intended, including potentially chaining multiple bite sequences in a row. 2. Fixed a rare issue in the final encounter of the Battle of the Jade Sea meta-event. I don't know what the "rare issue" was but maybe that bite bug fix will help.
  7. Agree. I had a lot of trouble finding the story marker on the map but I find if you zoom the map all the way out the marker is bigger and much easier to see.
  8. Seems pretty straightforward. Got it the first couple of tries and then went exploring. Found a trader in Kaineng that sold a better lure and baits. When I equipped those it was easier. I haven't tried it outside EOD yet though but curious to try now that people say it scales with the zone level.
  9. I don't mind it. Only took a few seconds to work out and haven't failed yet. I find using the A and D keys to move the bar is the easiest for me,
  10. If it works like other contracts, yes. The contract adds the expedition board. Did you already buy the separate contract? I vaguely recall that when packages contain an account limited item already owned then the package may be discounted. Best to check with support.
  11. Important point to note is that the "value" put next to these items is full price. They are quite often on sale which lowers the value. Conversely, the drop itself is currently on sale for 2400 gems, at full price in week 4 it will be 3000 gems. So if you're going to buy it best to do it this week. Also, keep in mind that gem purchases can take 72 hours to process. This caught me out on the 9th anniversary supply drop. I bought the gems to buy it midway through week one but didn't receive them till after week 2 started. That cost me 150 gems.
  12. Whether it's worth it is subjective and it's not always possible to work out exact costs but this is what I got so far if anyone else wants to estimate the missing items gems value - 1. ONE x Red crane weapon weapon choice - ? 5 x Black lion chest keys - 540 1 x Golden black lion chest key - ? (50 BL statuettes) 5 x redacted dye kits - 500 2. Backpack & glider combo voucher - 630 EOD expedition board (set to 4 EOD maps + fishing mats) - 1000 2 x heroic boosters - 300 3. Black lion outfit voucher - 630 Black lion weapon voucher - 540 8 dye canisters (2 each red, blue, green, yellow) - 800 ? 4. Gold essence weapon choice - ? 2 x Guaranteed wardrobe unlocks - ? (30 BL statuettes) 2 x Black lion miniature claim tickets - ? (20 BL statuettes) That comes to 4940 gems plus the undetermined items. Note that it's similar to previous ones but the other supply drops all had 2 x mount select licenses, this one has the expedition board instead. I haven't decided if I'll get it (I got 2 previous supply drops), I'd want to see what the map and fishing mats are to know if the expedition board will be worth it (to me).
  13. Only new mount I can think of that would be different to existing but also make use of existing tech - Airships! They already have the models and functionally a merge of skyscale, skiff and siege turtle. Slow but moveable in all axes, takes up to 5 people and has cannons.
  14. I had 3 sitting in the slot for a while and now I'm using them for key runners. Having lvl 80 and the gear is an advantage for the season 2 and HOT story keys and map complete for those quick maps like Bloodstone Fen.
  15. I got the sclerite scepter. And don't forget to check the wardrobe analyser for any cheap skins, minis or dyes you're missing first.
  16. Well, HOT came out in 2015, POF in 2017. Looking at the graph for those years you can see the increase and have a guess at what it might be this time.
  17. Strange, first time I went there I didn't need an account. Anyway, here's an image -https://imgur.com/a/whurBgq
  18. Didn't notice this anywhere yet but it may be of interest -https://statista.com/statistics/706196/ncsoft-annual-sales-revenue-guild-wars-two/ Slight increase last year. Not surprising with a lot of people stuck inside due to Covid.
  19. FYI there are some finishers you can get for free. I have probably thousands that dropped from Trick or Treat bags. There's 3 or 4 different types of those
  20. Fall damage reduction is pretty much mandatory for me here in Australia (and I suppose other high ping/lag areas) when doing JPs.The problem is that you are rarely where you seem to be and many times I press jump only to watch my char run over the edge. Most times you just have to guess and without FDR it would make JPs incredibly difficult and tedious.Yes their optional, but not really when collections are tied to them.
  21. Ugh, don't remind me about craft fails. Last last week crafted 3 gifts of Venom because i didn't notice I had enough mats for 3 (all other gifts I only had enough for 1)A few days ago I thought it would be quicker n cheaper to buy an oiled orichalcum warhorn mouthpiece instead of craft one, only 32s right? Quickly clicked on buy instantly in TP, didn't notice it set quantity to the whole stack at that price and I bought 46 of them.
  22. I play from Australia and over the last few months I've been finishing the vanilla story on my 8 alts. So far half of all attempts at the final story mission result in DC. It's gotten so bad I just instantly skip all cutscenes asap to try and complete it. It's happened on a couple of other longer story missions but that Victory or Death one is the worst. I can play the regular game or WvW for hours without DCing. It's just story missions that are the problem for me.
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