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Everything posted by jamesg.7128

  1. Interesting. Kintsugi Raptor is is one I will probably get from the freebie. I think it looks great. In any case, how "flashy" mounts look can greatly depend on how they're dyed.
  2. AP may be meh to some people, but others want to finish off the armour sets for example. I recently got the 6th Hellfire armour piece at 33k AP. I really like this set. I have a couple pieces of Radiant to get but not so fussed about this set. The weapons aren't bad but I rarely use them.
  3. Yeah me, I usually blame rangers button mashing LB#4 and engies with flamethrower #3 😣
  4. I did that without a portal. Took me 2 hours 🤬
  5. Likely to be ascended at best. Also, I just finished both Aurora and Vision collections. I thought I wouldn't have to go back through all that again 😖
  6. Yes, I did it a couple of weeks ago for the golem collection IG-whatever. However, it did take a few days of checking the map daily every few hours to find enough people to do it. I heard some NA guild also does it weekly on Friday nights. The map is also populated on the Vabbi bounty daily rotation.
  7. It's not just that the dialogue is written around US pop culture, at times it's also pretty juvenile at times and they REALLY need a thesaurus. I actually complained about this years ago as well when the dialogue was driving me nuts, paraphrasing - "Okay, I think we're ok. Are you ok? Yes I'm ok. Ok then, let's go. Ok!" Seriously Anet, is the occasional "alright", "very well" or even "fine" too much to ask?
  8. I recently did the Aurora collection. I was in that zone daily for just over 2 weeks. While at some times there were few people around, generally a call out in map chat and putting a tag on had people come to help. This last week or so I needed Serpents Ire meta in Vabbi for a collection. Obviously that can never be soloed and can also be considered "old" content. Every day I checked if anyone was around to do it and if not I didn't stress about it and just did something else. Eventually I found some ppl doing it, joined in and we got it done. Be patient and you will get it done too. Remembering that it's just a game and having a positive attitude helps.
  9. I did svanir yesterday. First of the updated bossses that I've tried. It was much more enjoyable and the new models look great. As for the loot, I did notice a little extra, I suppose from the extra champ bag. Since I happened to do it on a low level alt that I normally use for key running, the loot was still all junk to me anyway although I suppose new players would find the low level rares useful.
  10. But if they priced it for half that, would twice as many buy it? The nett result would be the same.
  11. Forgot to mention. After replacing and salvaging the asc amulets I now have an excess of 20% magic find infusions because with the legendary I now only need 1 per character instead of the two I usually had (power and condi amulets per char) Can anything be done with these or just delete?
  12. I just got the leg amulet so had a bunch of asc amulets left over after swapping out plus some trinkets from Aurora. Since I'm now making Vision I needed a glob of dark matter and another 75 stabilising matrices. Rather than buy them I went salvaging. I actually had a good run of salvages and got 10 matrices several times and quite a few globs. I more than broke even since I used the matrices myself and didn't lose any TP fees by selling them. Would I salvage even if not making another legendary? Probably, since you may at least break even and have a chance at better drops. It would be nice if it was cheaper but the 1G isn't a deal breaker for me.
  13. I encountered the bug on the weekend. It was there on ground but nobody could interact with it in any way. This was the one east of the Astralarium if that matters.
  14. Um, when EOD first dropped i was getting thousands of research kits from junk food items at 30c each. I hope that doesn't mean I now owe Anet money! /S
  15. Also, it's worth checking the price of ingots/planks etc vs the ore/wood etc to make them. Sometimes it's cheaper to buy the ingots/planks etc directly by a few coppers. When buying hundreds it can save a lot.
  16. After just finding out you can get kralk with jade slivers I did exactly that since I'm also slowly going through Vision achievements and need to make the 6 astral weapons. Then without thinking clearly about it, I right clicked and instead of storing I converted 125 of them to volatile magic. You could say I was somewhat disappointed.
  17. If there's one thing that will spur Anet to making changes, it will be the Steam release. They can't afford to have thousands of new players hitting this meta and experiencing something like this. It won't end well. They've already started but have a long way to go.
  18. On my first run through I also ended up inside a box during the last fight. However, I found that /stuck worked to get me out. (remember not to move for 30s)
  19. Yep, just bought it. Been waiting for it for a while.
  20. Mostly ok for me but get occasional flashes. And yesterday I noticed the wings of the feathers of the zephyr glider skin are invisible. All other gliders are ok, it looks very strange because the trails look like they're coming from thin air.
  21. I use Hope on my engi, dual pistols when running a condi build. It's a great looking and sounding weapon imo.
  22. I would be nice if the traits changed the appearance more. They do a bit (the fists), but since it's all green it's barely noticeable. I'd like to see more changes from the traits and some more colour variation.
  23. There are far more annoying flaws than this one, many still there from release. DCs in the middle of instances, especially during cutscenes, events stalling, collection items not dropping correctly or requiring events to pass or fail that rarely do so. Just last night I was doing Draconis Mons collection and successfully killed Ignus but its heart for the collection didn't drop, I assume because I died just seconds before he did. I still got the chest, but it doesn't drop from the chest. Another collection item you get from him does however. I consider that a more serious flaw.
  24. Gambling is gambling. And when gambling understand that in the long run the house always wins. I had a funny one with keys last night. Got a key from map complete, got a wardrobe unlock from it and then got Magnus Left Eye Patch. This was a gem store item but came with both left and right eye versions of the skin. In other words I only got half the item unlocked. I can never buy this item now because half of it will be wasted.
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