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Witch of Doom.5739

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Everything posted by Witch of Doom.5739

  1. I'd get these if they were account-wide. I know, I know -- "Then don't buy them." I won't. Shrug.
  2. It's Friday. Friday of Anniversary Week. SURELY there will be some great new sales today, I thought. Silly me. Three full-priced mount skins. 😒
  3. Agree that Dragon Jade tech could be one. For the last one, something to go with all the fishing. I say Sushi Chef!! jk
  4. Whenever ANY post gets to back-and-forth bickering, I wish they'd take it to private chat. However, I've also been guilty of this in the past, and now I see how annoying it is. Anyway, I too am a bit puzzled/disappointed over the birthday/anniversary gifts, the dyes especially. I'm not entitled in that I feel they should all be given to me with no effort or time put into the game, but I do miss the past years' dye kits where each character with a birthday could pick one. Failing that, I wish there was another method to acquire the Delectable Dyes beyond the one that we can choose -- achievements, Gem Store, trading post, something. ANet, are you really so short on ideas for future anniversary gifts that you have to drag these dyes out for FIVE MORE YEARS?? Let that sink in -- five more years until we can pick the 6th and last dye in the new set. Meanwhile for the next five years we can see those locked dyes in our dye panel with no way to unlock them. This is like dangling a toy over a small child's head and saying, "See this? Doesn't it look nice? Well, you can't have it. Maybe in five years."
  5. I'm wondering about all this too. Is there some mysterious pixel shortage that we haven't heard about? Guess our new signature can be "I survived the Great Pandemic Pixel Shortage of 2021 !!! "
  6. We sure have different experiences. I have fun interacting with players of all skill levels. So some metas fail, who says they have to succeed every single time? One thing I've noticed and appreciated since the announcement of the new elite skills is more people doing Hero Points and helping others on the tough ones. Oh wait, guess I'm showing that I'm one of those "poorly-skilled" players since I can't do every single HP solo. lol, I've been having such a good time for years guess I don't mind admitting it, although my physical issues (arthritis is a bear, just sayin') also contribute to my poor skills that are obviously so offensive. It's a GAME. A game is to have FUN, not to win all the time, according to the standards of some holier-than-thou. And ANet needs to address this "issue," really? Thanks for the best laugh I've had all day.
  7. PSA: Just checked in-game. Edgy Mccoolname is not taken. GO!!!
  8. Do you do the dailies? 2 G per day, easy to do. If you start one Legendary or Prescursor, switch to another, and another, gold will be wasted unless you craft all of them eventually. Pick one and stick with it (unless you absolutely, positively can't stand it), and check out the crafting path for it at GW2Efficiency.com . That will tell you in a very straightforward way what steps to take and in what order, and whether each step is cheaper to buy or craft.
  9. My snobby Asura who added the title "Savant" to her simple 5-letter name would disagree.
  10. We ≠ I. I'm fine with the system the way it is. I've taken breaks from the game and if I came back and found my character name gone, I'd be royally angry. Also, I don't get people (not the OP in this thread) saying they can't find or think of any good names. I can think of dozens for my alts that aren't in use. Be creative. Be original. Not that my main has an original or creative name! It's my old one from GW1 and I think one of my kids came up with it.
  11. Oh, look. There are Halloween items in the Gem Shop today, but it's not Halloween. Where's the outrage? Mad King and Wintersday forever!!
  12. No, I live in a desert-dry climate. When I go outside my eyeballs feel like they're going to shrivel up, fall out of their sockets, and roll away. I hang out in the Shiverpeaks to feel better. 😉
  13. I'm in the middle of a heat wave. Wintersday items make me feel all cozy.
  14. For me, it's the mace, no question. I want to craft The Shiny Disco Ball Stick Moot but want light and medium armor toons to be able to use it. I'm happy the Necro will be able to use the pistol.
  15. New Necro elite -- wow, looks fun! I main a Necro and love Reaper but am ready for something fresher. Really looking forward to the beta!!
  16. Astral Scholar outfit, Maguuma's shoulders, gloves, & boots please. Thank you.
  17. I think we're debating because "August sales" aren't necessarily "Anniversary sales." Yes, the anniversary of the game is in August, but I think the sales are different. It would be like if your birthday was in July, and someone gave you a gift saying, "Here, have this because it's July." That doesn't mean it's a birthday present. Yes, the GS has returning items and things at a discount, but that happens all year. I don't think we've yet seen the Anniversary sales per se, which in the past have included big discounts on popular upgrades like character slot expansions, bank tabs, and total makeover kits, plus Black Lion keys. But maybe I'm wrong and they're doing it differently this year!
  18. I loved the old LA and would like to be able to visit it again. You can do it ANet -- a dream sequence, time travel, whatever. Would make an interesting LW episode, eh?
  19. Reaper is my fave elite since my main is a Necro! If you're interested in crafting a Legendary for yourself (to keep, not to sell), do read and watch all you can about them, and take your time deciding on one. Bank the valuable mats you get from, say, daily login rewards like Mystic Clovers and Mystic Coins. If you want a Gen 1 Leg, you'll need a Gift of Exploration, which you get from map completion which it sounds like you enjoy already. Note which maps you need for that, mostly core Tyria, and which ones you don't, like HoT. One of my favorite YT'ers is The Krytan Herald, and she has several great videos about Legendary Weapons, such as this one . Some will appeal to you, some may look silly, and some may be ugly. You may also see some in the game world that strike your fancy; for example, I never considered Bolt until I saw someone wielding it, and I just had to have it. Same with The Bifrost. Keep in mind that two-handed Legs are the most costly to buy or craft, then main hand, then off hand, then underwater ones, generally speaking. A good, free asset to see what you need for crafting anything, what's on your account, etc. is GW2Efficiency.com . Can't recommend it highly enough.
  20. Have you done any of the elite specializations? Thought about crafting a Legendary? I have several short-term goals going all the time and usually one long-term one like making a Legendary weapon. Glad you're having so much fun, love your enthusiasm!
  21. For some of us with physical issues, there is often no "just do this" and "just do that" and "it's so easy a caveman could do it." I am eternally grateful to the friendly and helpful players who help me get through the very small number of story steps I can't do solo. OP, I had better luck finding a group to do it by standing near the entrance area and map chatting vs. the LFG tool. Best of luck!
  22. While I hope there's more than meets the eye -- would love to see one of the new precursors which they said are based on BABY Aurene -- I'm feeling mildly underwhelmed. But that's OK since this was the impetus I needed to resume work on Chuka and Champawat. Therein lies another tale; I used to think C&C was ridiculous but now I want it.
  23. Doing it with a party was the only way I was able to complete it, after stubbornly trying to do it solo numerous times. And yes, I didn't know for the longest time that one could do the story steps in a group!
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