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Everything posted by Tsakhi.8124

  1. "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid"- The Offspring
  2. Right now, I'm just kind of riding the waves. I find unguarded enthusiasm to be rather troublesome. Could it be good? Yes. Could it not be? Yes. Will it really affect my goals? No. I'm trying not to set goals that are out of my reach, it's kind of like the affirmation of happiness: "I am happy" as opposed to "I will be happy." Saying I am opposed to I will be is kind of pointless.
  3. It would be like: "Wow, I slave away while you're out gallivanting around acting like a hero or something. You must think you're awesome or something, but you'd think that the great hero of blah blah blah would pay better." (It's not the best choice, it's Spacer's Choice~●☆)
  4. If the pact commander asked you to gather rocks and plants for him, would you tell him no? Didn’t think so If he'd give me a hug and a head pet, I would totally mine rocks and plants. I love to garden and also like to destroy things. <3 (and if he gives me spicy food and sweets, that's a plus) On topic! I would actually like that. Especially if I can have a Skritt and I can pay it with shinies junk and food. And booze.
  5. I often read threads regarding people's personal grievances about Guild Wars 2. To me, it's kind of a 50/50 ratio as to what's really constructive and what is construed hyperbole. That being said, it really doesn't matter what I think about people's opinions; that's not what this thread is about. This thread is about the following questions: What would you do differently? So often I see threads about the game being too dark, not dark enough, poor storytelling, rushed content, and all things in between. My question is this. Where is the happy medium? Where is that balance of good storytelling and being able to keep the story in line with what MMORPG's entail? If you could rewrite the story, in what direction would you take it? What are your thoughts on realistically personalizing the Guild Wars 2 experience? On the subject of "explicit" (for lack of a better word) content: Speaking from personal experience, I've played games that got into some deep, disturbing, subjects (children being sold into slavery for all kinds of reasons, sexual assault, suicide, genocide, and almost constant swearing) from the same game (I'm looking at you Soul Nomad and the World Eaters, thank you for being a game that made me pause and shut down for an hour because I didn't want to fight a broken person). Is that the kind of content that people seek? If so, chances are they won't see it here; what with the game being rated Teen here in the US. Well, at least in the first three instances, the genocide thing sort of was touched on. If this isn't what people are looking for. Then how dark do you want it, again, speaking in realistic terms. How would you budget it? This game isn't made for free. With this in mind, how would you work within the creative confines? What changes would you make to the existing code within realistic means? How would you delegate tasks? If people were not performing well in their appointed department, would you change their station? How would you handle Public Relations? I think this speaks for itself. If not, let me know, because I've been known to be vague. (I'm working on it.) Finally, would you feel comfortable to be in the position to make these decisions? And that does it for me, for now. I hope this makes sense.
  6. I'm going to try and make my first Legendary and finish grinding for full Ascended gear for my Firebrand. (I'm a little over half way there. :O )
  7. My GW2 family is at the top! Plenty of ways to help others and a stellar community. I also love the locales and the characters. Always lots of things to do, too. Welcome back!
  8. I think that going into anything with expectations is setting oneself up for disappointment. That's really pessimistic of me, but that's the way I see it. Also, if you're getting anxious because of your expectations, then this is no longer a game, it's almost a chore. If you need help with something, I wouldn't mind helping, but you should know I have a really awful sense of direction. XD
  9. Yeah, I read about all the nerfs to WvW. I confess I've played WvW, but it's not something I do a lot (because i suck at it). I can definitely sympathize, though.
  10. Actually its a 'huge middle finger salute' to the entire community. Aye, that it is. The sad thing is I want to be supportive, but this kind of thing makes me question whether or not it's the right thing to do. We need communication and that doesn't seem to be happening. I mean, I get in some cases it would be rather damning, but this isn't one of those scenarios.
  11. I have to admit, this feels like a huge middle finger salute to newer players. I fear that this will create an even wider rift between us and the game itself. I'm a bit frustrated with the lack of communication or the ambiguity of what is communicated.
  12. I think this is another doom and gloom thread that is illogical. An ending is not death.
  13. Just wait til we get Season 5. episode 5, Chapter 2, Paragraph 3, Sub section 4 Why do y'all got to make me exhale beverages from my nose? XD I have to admit, though, that sounds pretty legit.
  14. It's okay. It didn't blow me away and it didn't disappoint me. I noticed that the enemies were HP sponges, too, so I started to look for any strategies to bring them down quickly and found the following: The first boss goes down a bit quicker if you borrow a golem from the golemancer, stun the boss, do some damage, rinse/repeat; it still didn't do much more damage, but it made it a lot easier to keep things in check. Skill 2 interrupts the enemy, making its break bar go down quicker. The second boss is a bit easier because the fern puppers drain the break bar (i think) and do a set amount of damage. The third one was a grind and I really couldn't find a way to bring it down any quicker than I was (I'm playing a Healbrand, so I ended up just cheesing some of it by reflecting the damage back at it when it was doing its AoE. It's possible that the fire tornadoes may damage it, but I don't know how. I soloed the instances because I wanted to see what I need to do before I went in with a group. Also: I wouldn't judge an expansion by an episode you don't like. I don't know why people love to jump conclusions. I swear to the gods you people can be so overly dramatic.
  15. I wonder if it's 6 in-game days or 6 actual, real-world, days?
  16. I like the one on the right side, personally. They both look nice, though.
  17. Because if people don't get what they want, it's dead to them. Don't let people's feelings get in the way of trying something. Worse case scenario, it's not to your liking and you find something that is.
  18. I'm beginning to think that they're trying to get their precious stars back by making inane, asinine, topics. Oh, and to rub the fact that they have money into everyone's face. Get out with the BS.
  19. I, at times, really wish I were. Instead, I'm a chubby, 5'3", awkward penguin that lacks confidence. The only trait I share with my characters is the need to protect and heal others.
  20. The following is my opinion: So, are we ignoring the fact that Dwayna is a winged, mature, woman? Or that Balthazar, the god of war, is wearing horns? It has nothing to do with Earth's religion, but rather the personification of the elements. Sorry if I sound irritated, but this kind of thing kind of rubs me the wrong way.
  21. I'm not going to lie, if there were an opportunity to date Laranthir, I would in a heartbeat. <3
  22. Sorry, for the late reply. I just checked my notifications as I'm barely active here anymore due to the fact that nobody would notice a post like this anyways.I appreciate your offer and i'd like to maybe talk things through in Discord if possible so that this thread wouldn't be considered spam because of the answers. No need for apologies! Just PM me your Discord name or I can give you mine.
  23. Aww, don't be sorry! Also, if people didn't care they wouldn't've taken the time to respond and give you feedback. (Even if some of it was a bit...accusatory.) I responded in your thread and just know that offer will always stand.
  24. If you'd like, I can invite you to my guild, WISE. We have no age restrictions, we only ask that you don't swear a lot, as there are people under the age of 15 that play. Also, I can empathize with you as I'm the same way. If you don't mind hugs, I'd really like to give you one! <3 Either way, just give it some thought and if you decide you want to give it a try, just let me know. ^_^
  25. What do you all challenge haters pretend of this game? To be a walk in the park? Do you want anet to turn mobs into freaking paintings? Havn't you had enough with core tyria beeing so freaking easy? do you want mobs to become static with no attack or interaction whatsoever? This is the mentality that drove anet to the mess they are in now, with no clear direction and all sort of players leaving, first they lost almost all pvpers, now they are loosing hardcore pvers, soon they will only have open world bots running around playing for a few months and quitting out of boredom, and all of the ones playing fashion wars standing still in the bank... its pretty easy: we liked core, and thats what we want MORE of...not something ENTIRELY DIFFERENTquitting the game AFTER you played it, out of BOREDOM, is still better than quitting BEFORE the endif you made a meal for all you friends, and they all put down the fork after one bite, it prolly wasnt that greatbut if they clear the table in record time, and ask for MORE, then it has the quality, that people wil PAY for Iknow ppl who thought core was to hard should we nerf it down can just turn gw2 into an interactive visual novel, that way everyone can play -- no one loses /sarcasmUnless it's Doki Doki Literature Club, then everyone kinda doesn't win. XD Back on topic I go! HoT wasn't too bad for me, but then again I didn't run it solo most of the time, which I feel is the issue at hand: it is difficult to solo if you're having trouble with crowd control or other kinds of mechanics.
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