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Everything posted by lezbefriends.7516

  1. 1, I could never go through the same grind all over again.
  2. I wasn't feeling it for the first 65% of the story, but it culminated into something great: the payoff was worth it, and I was teary-eyed at the end.
  3. A certain Bethesda game is getting by with some of the most polarizing combat ever in a game, so I think GW2, which is lauded for its combat, will do just fine.
  4. If the toys are as expensive as the Aurene glass prismatic statue was, I don't want 'em!
  5. I never looked at my skimmer (since I can just fly over water).
  6. Does capitalistic market economy forbid the use of proper punctuation?
  7. Optimization. I heard you peak 30-50 fps in Open World with a 3090??
  8. It won't "fail on Steam," but it will be called "dead" by people analyzing Steam metrics to align with their message.
  9. I guess WvW is dead without it dangling GoB in front of your eyes, so that's why it can't be helped.
  10. So you agree with me. Shadowlands sold more than Wrath and everything else. That's fact. But we all know WoW is declining. Which is to say that they can reveal whichever stats they choose to make it look like the game is doing better than ever before.
  11. WoW outsells its former expansions. Is it more alive than before? You're just falling for marketing and devspeak.
  12. So according to the news, EoD was such a success that we're getting another expansion, LW1, a completely new living world, Steam launch and balance patches. This is exactly what we were getting a year ago. In other words, they spun the reality that EoD didn't have much of an impact into "EoD was a resounding success." Bravo!
  13. Are you going to race through the content due to free time, bragging rights, spoiler avoidance, etc.? Or are you gonna relax and soak it all in? (Don't relax TOO much... maps will lose their fun once other people leave.)
  14. I thought I wasn't ready, but now that it's coming up, I can't wait!
  15. and I hate farming for Gift of Battle, we can't all get what we want.
  16. And WoW 9.2 and pre-orders of ESO: High Isles. I think it's more that we've officially "recovered" from the Holiday Season and are ready to start anew.
  17. Who cares about "form" when you have budget constraints?
  18. That female charr died in Bjora Marches. Forgot her name.
  19. Every story has someone die to make up for the feeling of the good guy always winning. Who will it be this time? I hope it's Braham. He will go meet his mother.
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