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Everything posted by phokus.8934

  1. Mirage needs to have their endurance regen added back and the ambushes need to be greatly buffed if they only get one dodge. This still feels like a cheap way of balancing Mirage when they should've just looked at the ambushes with IH.
  2. Did you read my post? Also I just want to note for the purpose of this thread, I have no interest in anything speculative. While your linked post is interesting, it is not using the matchmaker written by anet I linked above. Conclusions drawn from that posts models aren't relevant to gw2s matchmaker. But it is related because the scoring is done by Glicko-2. The matchmaker just puts together teams based on rating, team size, time in queue, etc. If there was a bug in calculating the rating then we would see some pretty wild deviations in rating gains and losses. I haven't seen anything that would suggest otherwise. I'm not sure if Evan Lesh is still part of ANet but the pseudo code is three years old and not maintained but good catch on the below:distance = abs(match.averageGames - roster.games)score += distance * config.rating.distance I'd have to give them the benefit of the doubt that this is a typographical error on the Wiki.
  3. There are ways to game the matchmaker but no inherent bug with how rating is determined. Take a look at this thread which explains quite a bit on how glicko2 and the matchmaker work. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/58477/glicko-2-algorithm-put-into-code-updated-conclusion-about-win-streaks/p1
  4. The game will become more about stat chasing than winning.
  5. The matchmaker is agnostic. It doesn’t know or care who you are or what your old or main is. It takes your rating and class and matches you appropriately for a game. And there is always a soft reset every season and there is no forced 50% win to loss ratio. The Glicko-2 rating system is extremely volatile in the early games of a reset. It starts to tightening that volatility relatively quick. It doesn’t take into consideration the total amount of games played outside of the current season. The rating system, far from perfect in a team oriented multiplayer game, is doing what it’s designed to do. The matchmaker, despite its few flaws, is also matching you relative to the rest of the players based on average rating and class. Simply put, you’re just playing better on your alt account.
  6. You never see them coming to the forums asking for ridiculous nerfs/buffs to classes. They actually spend time in game learning mechanics and getting better. If the vast majority of players on this subforum did that then maybe ranked wouldn't be filled with RP builds and just bad play. No instead they rage about it on their streams, "degenerate" this "monkey" that, constantly, all stream, every time they stream. If you want to see something interesting, pay attention to what they cry and rage about and the balance changes that come out, then for something even more interesting, pay attention to the terminology the devs use in their official balance notes eg. "degenerate" etc. It's plainly obvious to any one paying attention, but funnily enough if you post about the REAL kitten, ur posts are deleted like flandre's. Reddit doesn't have that problem though.Flandre is a meme who can't control her emotions when posting. Flaming Ben and others does no one any good.
  7. You never see them coming to the forums asking for ridiculous nerfs/buffs to classes. They actually spend time in game learning mechanics and getting better. If the vast majority of players on this subforum did that then maybe ranked wouldn't be filled with RP builds and just bad play.
  8. Why would a 2000 team be put against a 1200 team. That right there seems to be a giant red flag. They wouldn't.
  9. Actaully its totally non working garbage if you use legendary weapons and have to swap weapons in and out of weapon slots, because it automatically removes your sigils and infusions on them each time, its a kitten nightmare.It is working but why are you swapping weapons out of your load out? Pre-stacking buffs?
  10. I get that and I know... But you still think is fair that "I" have to try harder with a chance to win a little and if I don't win I lose a lot? Where is the fun in that? Is not that an abligation to carry your team just because you have higher mmr? In terms of programming if there is an mmr and matchmaker knows the deviation why not make teams with same mmr? I could tell you why, but I need to speak about those guys who spend 1000€ in one day qnd I dont want to. (and if you are smart you will know why some players need to be carryed)The matchmaker will give a fair fight based on your teams average Glicko-2 rating. The variance between both teams attempts to make it 0 but there will be cases where it's within a few rating points.
  11. Works fine and well but without a “how to” it can be confusing to those who can’t figure things out on their own.
  12. Balance is still a disaster. No one likes the warclaw. Abilities that do “too much” are most likely being touched. The power creep ballooned up. CMC is reigning it all back in which is a good thing. But wait until the changes are posted before crying doom.
  13. Please be joking... I have already lost faith in the GW2 pvp community and this is headed straight into a black hole. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dodge
  14. I don't think there is much they can do to fix that. This is just how tournament play is, lots of waiting. However, this is a solid reason as to why we should be able to spectate matches while waiting in AT queues. It really would help to ease over the pain of spending so much time waiting for matches.Technical limitations prevent them from doing so. Or they just don't wanna do thatI’m sure they do want to do it but how spectating games work would have to change. And it’s probably not a trivial thing to change and they have to weigh that against other features to implement.
  15. It’s hard to say without seeing your gameplay but seeing as how you’re only 6k under their benchmark it could be your shattering sequence? Also keep in mind that their benchmark is really played perfectly. If you’re close to 27k, which you are, then playing around when you shatter might be what’s holding you back a few thousand points in DPS.
  16. I don't think there is much they can do to fix that. This is just how tournament play is, lots of waiting. However, this is a solid reason as to why we should be able to spectate matches while waiting in AT queues. It really would help to ease over the pain of spending so much time waiting for matches.Technical limitations prevent them from doing so.
  17. Yes, its when someone got reported and it got actually accepted (like anyone was afk the whole match), then nobody will get points What's with this made up nonsense?
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