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Everything posted by phokus.8934

  1. Can I live in your fantasy world? It sounds quite nice actually.
  2. The majority of players in GW2 pvp are the worst players I’ve seen in any game I’ve played in my lifetime.
  3. They’re not cruel to Mesmers. They got rid of fall damage reduction from everyone.
  4. The only thing that's off on that screenshot is that Maledicktus is being boosted by someone.
  5. Let's hope he doesn't figure out Mesmer greatsword being 1200 units.
  6. The game doesn't know if you d/c'd raged quit or logged off intentionally to protect your teammate from rank loss2ndTrust me, the game "knows" the difference between a rage quit/log off or a DC.Unless you pull the plug, but even than.... there are ways to "know"“Trust me...” No one trusts you so can you substantiate this claim? Yes I can, everytime you log out you send and a packet to server "saying"you wanna quit the game"... (nice way to know you legged out)... everytime you pull the plug (unless you pull the plug on you router/modem)... ask Ben what happens cos is not the first time he put a trojan in game client to spy what 2nd party software you use... (Believe me he will say he never did but "once in internet will stay there forever" (I remember the patch))Man... I could talk to you all morning about TCP Packets & ACK... but why? (Pay attention that my first linguage is not english but I said "to" and not "with you")You still aren't proving anything. And there is literally no way to 100% accurately check if someone logs out, disconnects, or forces their game to crash. The web application that I'm a product manager of, we try to check when a user logs out but we can't account for when they close their browser, power off their machine, or any other way other than when they click the logoff link. I'm not sure why you're evening bringing up the spyware that ANet put into GW2 to check running processes. What's the point that you're trying to make because these are two vastly different things we're talking about. I have a network security background and currently am a software product manager so if you want to talk anything technical in those fields, I'm game.
  7. What are solving that the wiki/web page API doesn’t do already? Creating an app just to display the AT and times is a gigantic waste and super limited in scope.
  8. Why do people keep saying Mirage clone generation is a problem? If you take the standard pvp meta build then you have the same clone generation as core and chrono. The only outlier is nomads endurance but that 1.5s of vigor per shatter is not a game changer. I’m fine with them reducing the phantasm and clone generation from staff and scepter but I’m not fine with the 50% damage nerf to staff. I suppose I’ll be fine with it if they really turn it into a utility weapon - starting with staff 4 chaos armor getting a rework.
  9. The game doesn't know if you d/c'd raged quit or logged off intentionally to protect your teammate from rank loss Trust me, the game "knows" the difference between a rage quit/log off or a DC.Unless you pull the plug, but even than.... there are ways to "know"“Trust me...”No one trusts you so can you substantiate this claim?
  10. The chrono changes were the parting gift from the previous team. Hopefully this new team (new members?) can undo the shenanigans they did to chrono.
  11. I don't know how Mallyx was played pre-hot but as of now the playstyle is meant to be stacking conditions on self then transfering to counter pressure. So removing conditions is not something that Mallyx needs. Empowering Misery does need baseline Resistance so that Demonic Defiance is less mandatory but the idea is to keep as many conditions on yourself then sent them back, doing that to Mallyx would be an unnecessary nerf and also make it a copy of Consume Conditions. Removing the root will make it superior to Warrior block, it would need a cooldown higher than even Chronomancer has and that's a bad idea given the flow of the profession. Being able to move barely does anything given Herald has so much utility, it's fair. What the shield could use is teamwork oriented buffs that would make the root a give away for the team to stick around, such as the suggestion given that the skill effects are done in a radius. I can teach you how to play Revenant and Renegade if you really feel stuck to Herald, it's a lie that there's no option for the profession in PvP, there's plenty to do that Herald can't achieve. I'm going to disagree with you that it'll be better than warrior shield. You don't need to change anything with shield if you remove the root. If they brought back the defiance bar then sure, keep the root. But considering the state of the game, the skill needs to be brought back to the Mendoza line at least. Also going to disagree that you think Renegade is remotely on par with other specs. Herald is the class meta and by a large margin. Why would you gimp yourself by not playing it?
  12. Being colorblind has no effect with the white border. If you don’t want to get frostbite then go to a fire or raven shrine. It takes a fairly long time to get the number of stacks where it is annoying so blame yourself.
  13. Shield needs a rework or at the very least, remove the root on 5. Renegade outside of raiding is complete dog shit, including the shortbow. It’d be nice to not be pigeonholed into Herald for pvp.
  14. There's almost never a balance patch with LS updates. Either next week or the week after.
  15. Personally, the bare minimum should be lowering the gem cost or making the equipment unlocks account bound at the current price. The bothersome part out of all of this is:1) We gave them feedback a month in advance and nothing came out of it2) The continued feedback was/is heavily moderated3) The shear shortsightedness on how this was implemented is astounding. Clearly someone with money in mind designed this4) We won't see any meaningful changes until next year? That's complete madness and borderline inept.
  16. It used to cast crystal hibernation which put a defiance bar on you but that was changed during HoT I think. It's now simply a block that had its healing reduced, recharge increased, and roots you in place.
  17. I think that goes without saying, though.
  18. How about you all just stop responding to BadMed? He’s not going to change his MO and no one is going to change his mind on anything. People who refuse to listen to logic and aren’t open for discussion aren’t worth your time.
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