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Substance E.4852

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Everything posted by Substance E.4852

  1. Allow movement during Barrage’s channel. Bam ranger can be in zergs. None of the channeled skills should self root imho. So we can move while taking 60 ticks of retal that nuke half our HP and 10 reflect walls/bubles still negate all our auto and rapid fire damage? Balance achieved. I can see all the hammer Rev mains swapping over immediately.
  2. "Hope" Whenever they take a serious look at anything it means they intend to make sweeping changes that almost always seem to just make things worse Just look at their ideas for Warclaw Pretty soon the only unique thing it will be able to do is chain doors
  3. "Wow, this cape is a bit pricey, maybe bump it down to at least the same price as that elaborate chair you just released?" "Oh so what you're saying is you don't want to pay anything, huh?!" Oh, so you don't like the use of hyperbole to make a point then? Hmm...It stops being "hyperbole" when you grossly misrepresent the person's point to make a personal attack so other's will upvote your post Wanting something to be a little bit cheaper or more in line with other items is in no way the same as asking for it for free and You know that Anet does this funny thing where they don't leave items in the store long term and not everyone can earn 200+ gold in 3 weeks
  4. That should come as no surprise to anyone. At least they did include a way to acquire one in game, but just like the original 'chair', don't expect parity with Gem store offerings. And this is why no one outside of the speed clear community gave a fuck about raids and why they also don't give a fuck about "strikes" If all the good stuff is in the store then people only care about what earns them the most gold the easiest. It pretty much dictates how people discuss maps these days. It doesn't matter if it looks nice or the content is engaging or fun hard, all that matters is whether the meta will earn you fat stacks. None of this is healthy for the game but most of the people who seem to care have long since left for greener pastures
  5. "Wow, this cape is a bit pricey, maybe bump it down to at least the same price as that elaborate chair you just released?" "Oh so what you're saying is you don't want to pay anything, huh?!" This is why discourse on the internet is effectively dead
  6. Still applies. You could always just not equip the cape if it offends your fashion sensibilities that much Not sure what the attitude against people asking for the same thing every week is about. It's not like there's anything else to discuss. Even the reddit is nothing but low effort memes and art dumps outside of any content release
  7. Mike co founded Arena Net and the Guild Wars IP He didn't even say he was retiring from professional life, it was a roundabout admission that he was tired of the company and GW and wanted to do something else That's absolutely a big deal. If this were a publicly traded company and the Founder and CEO just up and left within a year of massive layoff waves and general uncertainty about the companyy's future plans, stocks would crater
  8. Funny how no one thought GS evades were a problem until 7 years later when Anet removed them for no reason and people had to employ some kind of cope to tell themselves it was no big deal
  9. Don’t have the ability to deliver down states reliably? Maybe that does go for most rangers but definitely not all. I down and finish tons. We have the ability. The problem is that way too many people just don’t take time to learn and play it right. He knows some rangers can and do. He's talking about the 90% that.. don't. The amount of times I'm the only ranger that is destroying siege that no other class can reach while the other rangers auto attack the gate is uncountable. I play ranger and I hate rangers.... Most of the problem I see is that 90% of rangers suck, they don't know how to build their class, they don't know what they should be doing to fulfill the niches we do have and they have the awareness of a dead hamster so just die on inc.The other problem is that commanders are so used to rangers being.. useless.. that they don't understand what they COULD utilize a few for and support them while they do their job. Running off to no mans land while I'm desieging really annoys me. Failing to realize I just downed the enemy pin and that spot should probably be bombed. Etc. I don't bother with joining squads for the main part, I find it much better to find friends that do understand and just group with them. It's often much better to have a group with you than be in a squad 2k range away that can't provide anything as you are out of range. Squads really only useful once a fight is taken inside something with close quarters such as the inner of a keep. Even with it's limited niche uses round a zerg you still don't need more than two or three rangers so most would be better off on the boring old meta classes anyway. I do find it hilarious that its the zerglings demanding no rangers on the map that are then raging in discord about dying to a ranger. Rangers are useless because almost everything the class can do in a zerg can be done better by another class Combine that with virtually no statistically significant ranged damage output thanks to "muh projectile counters" and the class is demonstrably the worst in the game for large scale fights when squad, party, and even map limits are taken into account. The fact that we have an entire elite spec that does nothing but heal and it's the worst party healer by far is emblematic of the Ranger's problems. And this was long before Anet gutted the Druid. And I say all this as a person who's mained Ranger since launch. It's a crap class in wvw large scale and will always be until Anet does either massive reworks of it or literally every other class besides it.
  10. LMAO no Anyone who still thinks Alliances are even a thing is either cope posting on a heroic level or has an account younger than the initial alliance system announcement and doesn't know any better
  11. Gear slots are good Skill slots are exactly what I expected except worse because they did in fact remove the PvP and WvW skill/trait system and now these take up one of the three slots each if you still want the functionality People said the same thing about this feature for GW2, so let me just say this: be careful what you wish for. Can you imagine the absolute shit show if they redid all the home instances and made you pay 500gems for home node slots?
  12. This is how people talk about actually serious thing's like religion, family, or their country, not a video game. This isn't healthy.
  13. Because money is honey and it's time to crack open that wallet
  14. It's a free to play game in a sea of free to play games that is nearing the end of it's meme cycle Epic needs to keep people thinking about Fortnite or it will only fall out of favor faster as some new genre fad comes around. There's already a good chance that the new CoD will shave off a lot of people and who knows how many more whenever the Master Chief Collection finally releases Doing some dumb PR stunt is how you stay in the public's eye. Kind of like how EA fabricated hype for Apex Legends
  15. They almost always revolve around the extremely poorly optimized game engine which isn't even a problem anymore with modern tech (no you shouldn't need 2019 gear to get 60fps stable in a 7 year old mmo but w/e) They think remaking gw2 from the ground up, over years, spending millions on it, will be worth it for better fps on their budget gaming laptop Nuking Gw2 simply to move on to a better performing version of the game would likely bankrupt the company. Especially when you consider that nearly no one who made either Gw1 or Gw2 from a technical or directional standpoint is even still with the company. Even MO has left.
  16. Yes, I'm sure that's how you got to Diamond legend, playing joke builds on a ranger in WvW You do it by playing A LOT.Like, more than anyone would do on the same toon.lul wut? Is this a joke post? People got to higher than that by just spamming pre-change staff 1 on guardian. You just spam AOE's into a zerg to get maximum tags for bags and WXP Ranger is probably the worst possible class in the game to tag multiple people on in a zerg and only got worse as the anti-projectile hate power creep grew after HoT. Even thief could just spam cluster bomb / vault into a zerg for maximum tagging if they wanted to
  17. Yes, I'm sure that's how you got to Diamond legend, playing joke builds on a ranger in WvW
  18. Ranger's suddenly morph into warriors whenever someone is beaten by one
  19. We've had 2 specs that should have been good in zergs but are totally BTFO by other similar options because anet didn't commit to making our team support worth a damn -Druid heals are garbage, even more so now with heal scrapper and firebrand on the scene-Stance share was a wet fart in a WvW that is now about repeatedly spamming boons to counter rips, not simple application like pre HoT Third time's not gonna be a charm I'm afraid. Edit - Forgot to mention the unfortunate fact that any third spec means we also once again have to deal with the pet evaporating and doing nothing useful in big team fights
  20. That's like asking why whirling defense still only cleaves 3 people when whirling axe hits 5 or why the second hit in the 1H sword chain still only hits one person when both warrior and thief sword cleave on their crippling hits Sure, but there's no reason Anet couldn't also go in and take one of our utterly useless in pvp pets and give them a boon rip skill Maybe take the swiftness off the cheetah F2 and make it steal a boon or two. Actually earn that 30s cooldown.
  21. Because we already have an elemental magic mage class and there was probably more to the Druids in HoT that got left on the cutting room floor that we'll never get to see. Anet was probably also worried it would make them seem to Sylvari themed if it were all plant magic as well as the effects being lost in the background of the Maguma jungle areas. Or the just wanted space tides magic for reasons, who knows...
  22. That only shows how important expacs are for a large part of the community. It's not even expacks so much as people desperately want something to look forward to (and no, stupid holiday festival bullshit where you grind bags to sell to a mass opener so they can get an aura doesn't cut it anymore) Anet fucked themselves by tethering systems releases to expansions while also relying way too much on the glacially slow LW strategy. It leads to people wanting expansions for no reason than they think we won't get new toys to play with without them and people want a big, huge content drop to sink their teeth into for more than a week. Anet proved to be able to deliver those two things but only in a paid expansion format so that's what people pine for even when told it's not happening anymore. Maybe that can change with the new season but this prologue and the "first taste is free" templates system has left me doubting.
  23. Im sorry what ??? Wvw'ers do not like warclaw as it currently is. We talked about this since it was announced... The 2-3 dozen of you that live on this forum do not represent the majority of the WvW playerbase, as much as that might be utterly rustling for you to accept
  24. What is is with the ranger forum and attracting troll posters these days? just saying lol (for example raid meta)Okay but you're still wrong Being moderately okay at 1 (possibly dead) mode does not = strong in any sense of the word
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