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Dark Red Killian.3946

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Everything posted by Dark Red Killian.3946

  1. They already announced the battle for lion’s arch return from season 1 will have a strike mission and CM.
  2. Once living world season 1 is complete in the story log let legendary aquabreather be something to work towards from doing achievements, etc. from that season….
  3. I disagree that you are forced to minimize the game to keep looking up next steps. You choose to do this. When Skyscale came out I remember it was very clear about the steps you had to take, giving markers on the map on where you had to go. Back then it was a pain to have to wait until the next day to do the next steps. Time gate was horrible. The steps were very clear and did not need a wiki to complete. Now you have hours for timegate and can complete much quicker. 250 map currency can come from several sources now and not just the map. Tedious? It was tedious at beginning but anet made several qol improvements to this quest over the years because of people whining like yourself. It’s time people stop complaining about this quest and just do it or not do it. This mount is more of a legendary mount and is not required to play the game.
  4. Underwater Combat Mastery Miracle Shoes “Your jade bot creates jade stepping stones under your feet, allowing you to run on water and do combat using your land weapons and skills.” Weighted Shoes ”Your jade bot encases your feet with heavy jade shoes, allowing you to sink to the floor of a body of water. Your land weapons and skills are available while in this state.” Aquatic Weapon Mastery ”Learn to use your aquatic weapons on land, giving access to all new skills. Skills gain effectiveness based on current elite specialization.” Legendary Aquatic Crafter ”Learn secrets of Maguuma, Crystal Desert, and Cantha’s bodies of water to craft powerful underwater legendary weapons and gear.”
  5. I read the interview with Anet and the part about them saying parts weren't going to be added to season 1 playback, such as the lost shores, secret of southsun, and last stand at Southsun. For one never experiencing this story part of it, and after replaying the story mission from the eye of the north, one notable character was met during the Southsun events from what I can gather. You get Canach's story and what happens to him before the events of season 2. Otherwise, you're going into Season 2 without knowing who Canach is and wondering what the heck did he do in order to have to do "community service". He is a major character even to End of Dragons, and leaving him out is going to leave a hole still that you were trying to fill by rereleasing Season 1. Not to mention new people may not even know what Southsun is or even how to get to Southsun (I don't have it unlocked on most of my characters because there's no tie-in with story or requirement for map completion to be done). I am asking Anet please reconsider leaving the Southsun part out and give us a story tie-in that brings us to Southsun Cove where we meet Canach! He is just as important as every other character that is being introduced in Season 1 and probably a lot of people's favorite as well. It's not just about bringing Scarlet's story into focus, but giving the proper introduction to all of these major important characters that had a part in defeating the dragons.
  6. Strikes were always a ramp up to raids. IBS strikes being the easiest, eod normal strikes being medium, and eod cm modes getting to raid level. Once you work yourself up to that cm level, why not start learning some of the easy raids. Unlocking the collection gives the person confidence and incentive to say, hey, I beat this and unlocked a raid collection, I think I can start raiding.
  7. To be fair they have 2 versions of eye of the north and you can still access the old version. They have the old Lion’s arch map it should ‘t be terribly difficult to reimplement it into the game somehow.
  8. Now that season 1 has started to return via the story Journal, it would be a great opportunity to bring back one important part of season 1, and that is the old Lion’s arch. People have requested this map to return. If say you are playing either personal story or living world season 1, make old LA the default map. The battle for lion’s arch would be the last we see of the map, and then there would be an instance showing the reconstruction briefly, and then season 1 ends with the new LA map, and then you transition into season 2. New la is default map going forward as well as the main hub for events like halloween. If you want to go back to old la, just switch on season 1 in story journal, and you can warp back to old LA. I think this is important when re-telling the story to show LA in its former glory up to the point of the battle for lion’s arch.
  9. Same here! It was very well put together as a full fledged episode. I only experienced battle for lions arch, so I didn’t remember how the story format went then, but this was done like it was meant to be in story journal from the beginning! Very excited for the remaining episodes!
  10. I honestly haven’t done it in a while myself. I’ve gotten maybe 3-4 clears out of like 15-20 times back then. I just haven’t made time to do it cause been busy on other content. I’d like to get in to see how the battle has improved though.
  11. They claim it’s an area in the mists so it doesn’t exist on the main Tyria map. Why do this when you could carve out more of Cantha?
  12. I know this was brought up before, but I just wanted to point something out about the underwater mechanist. I was in a fractal group today, playing as my alacrity mechanist, and did the first two fractals no problem, but when I got to aquatic, I was like uh... all of my alacrity just went to nothing because there's no mech with me to use my skills with. I knew before going into the fractal so obviously I was like I'm playing something else. Anet, is it your intention to leave it this way with one mech support : depth charges skill? Any reason why mech cannot just live underwater with you and use its skills normally?
  13. It’s simply not needed at all which is disappointing. You can get one for loaner in drsgon’s end meta for like a few events but that’s all. I wish they would expand it for use in new wvw maps and other pve content. Tahida world boss comes to mind or drizzlewood coast metas…. I was hoping for some cool underwater metas to utilize its abilities underwater, etc. I found it useful for Cardinal Adina raid where you have one person shoot its cannons to start the battle. I bet it would be interesting the more people who get it to see more uses. Imagine ganging up on world bosses populated with all turtles and all if that ammunition? Could be fun.
  14. I like that I can get matching legendary skins. I am mainly going for engineer weapons at the moment since that is my main. Also, if you want to preview the legendaries, play the last story instance. You get temporarily upgraded to legendary gen 3’s for the final battle, so take the weapons you want to see into that battle.
  15. Can we please have more ways to get these besides the 150 per week and dailies? I can only get enough per week to get 5 mystic clovers that’s it! No 10 mystic coins or any other reward I may want to save for. My idea would be to allow conversion of blue shards, capped weekly similar to how gaeting crystals and magnetite shards work in raids. Also add minis for drops that can exchange for Green Crystals when traded. I mean why make this different than the raid system?
  16. This is crap! You can get all clovers if you want, but no mystic coins. You can get all coins if you want, but 1 clover after that! To be able to buy other skins is non existant if yiu choose legendary currency. If I get the antique aummoning stone for week that’s 10. I’m sorry but if I do strikes daily I should be able to get rewarded Green shards, period. They def need to rethink this.
  17. Springer and raptor are unlockable in end of dragons per the devs. The thing you probably won’t get are the mastery tracks because those take path of fire mastery points. But you will have basic raptor and springer functionality. You won’t need to rent them as they are unlocked for you.
  18. This is the reason for portal scrolls. Use the arberstone one when you get it and you never have to pay. Then to go back to mainland tyria, literally use any living world portal scroll and your price is cut down drastically.
  19. It seems to me that they are doing what they intend with strike missions. Make it a ramp into raids. We will have standard strikes, then raid level difficulty cms. They have not ruled out more raids. They have not ruled out more fractals. I think they leave it open to possibility of adding to rewards down the road.
  20. My thought was having the ability to choose recent weapon setup. So if you have greatsword with certain lege sigils and stats, swap to mace and shield, and then greatsword with the sigil and stats are selectable as a recent setup. Maybe have 3-4 recent selections available.
  21. I would like to see updates, such as allowing the change of stats apply to all legendaries at once, allowing all legendary runes to choose the same rune across the board, etc. instead if selling individual templates, sell them in packs of 6 at much reduced cost, or have template numbers unlocked account-wide.
  22. Think of it as the story version is soloable once you beat it then strike gets unlocked for 10-player content.
  23. I’m glad everyone thinks they know everything. All you are doing is making assumptions based on past. Precedence doesn’t matter in the end. Each ex pac is different. Everyone thinks they know how it is supposed to be because of what happened prior. Worry and doom and gloom all you want. Exciting time for me on the other hand. I’ll be playing, and you can just not buy the expac.
  24. So sick of hearing all this blah blah elite specs blah blah underwelming. Blah blah. You know what? Elite specs are not meant to one up the last elite specs. They are different ways to play existing professions, but are not meant to be OP over previous. They each will get their own niche, etc. people need to play them live and in time they will be tweaked to become better (or more balanced). I don’t have an opinion whether they are good or not because I just tasted several of them, for what 20-30 min at most, and then I had to get back to realtime gameplay. Not enough time to evaulate and become an expert on it. What is it you all were expecting?
  25. Since they pushed back the releAse to Feb 2022, it has remained Feb for the release month since then. I think they planned exactly when to give the release date. They have stuck to this release month for a long time now and are not pushing back and we are so close now. Don’t know what there needs to be embarrased about. Since then I’ve looked forward to this month (Feb) for eod to release. Who cares when the exact release date is until that month? If they were to push it back anymore it wouldn’t have mattered if they announced a release month or releaese day, now would it?
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