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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. War mains keep crying about other professions utilities...but they always "forget" their far greater access to stability, better cleanse, more spammable sustain between shout and might....where ranger has only one block and a single source of stability with a 1s cast time elite....wars got pulsing stability utility...spellbreakers have 2x blocks with one being 1/3 of the cd of the single ranger block...maybe the actual decent wars should start to complain about the actual specs who cause troubles to them: necro-thief and in some instances scrapper (more wvw thing). Any warrior who complain about anything else of what I have mentioned....needs to get better
  2. What about being too proud to recognize their own incompetence and too lazy to rectify it?...better hide helped by fanboys like you...while doing 1/10 of what they should do as game designers. There is always time to buff/change guardian weapons like 2-3 times per year..but god forbid we take a look at ele scepter being left in the dumpster since 2012....Praise be the fan boyz like you!
  3. Tell me more about your theory please....No....they really don't hate the class: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smite_Condition VS https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cleansing_Fire Look how they love the class...
  4. Please.......firebrand has 20 skills+ and look where it stands compared to ele, all other professions on average have 15 skills + utilities, ele is kitten because the design itself is kitten and that got nothing to do with having 20 skill . Just take a look at the following for comparison : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Armor_of_Earth VS https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/"Stand_Your_Ground!" And this is just one of many examples, this is why ele is kitten! It's designed to be kitten and they want it to stay there!
  5. OFC THAT WOULD MEAN REMOVING INITIATIVE, lol you don't really expect to be a willbender with initiative...do you? That would be a blessing to the whole playerbase but.....something tells me that GW2 thief population will drop by 3/4 once you remove stealth. No stealth...no griefing.....so beatiful....
  6. You should give up on the idea.....I bet that next expansion...ele will get double mace...or torch....or melee GS....or shield, mark my words
  7. The oneshot builds are necessary to keep in check faceroll tank builds, Anet made the game simpler not healthier. It's like an eco system, removing the predators may look the best thing to watch...but then slowly but inevitably, the herbivores will end up consuming the entire resources capability of the entire eco-system, with nothing keeping in check their number...herbivores would just reproduce with no end in sight. One shot builds are a necessity...like faceroll tanks builds are...both keep the game in balance, by removing all oneshot builds...you just caused the number of necros to explode. The Feb 2020 was not a balance patch...was a just an attempt to attract even more paying "whales" to the game and the result is...a never ending see of necros and guardians. If anything WvW would be a much better place if more oneshot builds would be available ......
  8. LOL...everybody knows that Anet never ever ever touch the blue and green child , they have been up there for the last 8 years ?! Expecting equality or (gasp) balance at this point is pure madness
  9. A good portion of the playerbase for each of the neglected professions : elementalist-warrior-mesmer-ranger.....would simply switch to guardian-necromancer , the main reason why you still the current number of ele, wars, mesmers, rangers ...is because people made one and kept it for years and they can't simply delete that toon because of all the gold, tears and frustration poured into them up to this point. A class change would make the skewed balance, all that more obvious to external audiences who would see nothing more than the 2-3 professions being played everywhere...and on the other side, the playerbase already abusing the skewed balance....doesn't want the situation to become that much more clear than it already is. Still...the lack of time didn't stop me from starting all the stupid LS for a 3rd time on guardian......I hate it that I am forced to do so..but for my own sanity I have to do that, the blue class is too good everywhere...at everything , most played class for a reason....and first and foremost....it never get nerfed like the forgotten professions....it's a done deal once you make a guardian, sure it'd be great to have directly a Class change on the gemstore for whatever the price but...neither the company ..or the playerbase have the guts to allow that and I have already explained why......sad indeed....this is definitely not the same game studio which made GW1....no chance...
  10. Please....to claim that tempest counter harbinger due to a couple reflect is such bollocks , yeah it will surely happen that some dodo will pewpew into a magnetic wave with his pistol...but anybody else with any resemblance of brain activity will simply wait out for your 5-6 reflect on a 30s CD...then mow down you and your team...even better run unblockable marks and your reflect will count for lol....
  11. Elementalist is meta nowhere, warrior is the same, ranger has a set of meme oneshot builds, mesmer is..mesmer.....nobody sane should play any of these 4 classes
  12. You have been given the luxury of reading hundreds of posts everywhere from this wasteland of a forum to the clownfiesta of reddit, dozen of ranking videos of GW2 professions....and you still desire to make an ele in 2022......you are clinically insane..this concept class is pure garbage. In 2022, unless you play : guardian -necromancer -engineer and revenant...you really need to ask yourself why you did even buy the game...push comes to push...at least you could play a thief or a ranger....anything else.....it's pure garbage.....Now I have warned you....don't whine later, do not make my same mistake...go and make a guardian/necromancer or an engi...you'll thank me
  13. Just what is the inherent benefit of this catalyst? -Worst duellist spec -Worst bunker spec -Worst DPS spec -Worst roamer spec What a waste of kittening money......
  14. Not everybody plays a monkey class concept like necro...literally after only 12 hours on necro after creating one...I was trolling a warrior from [CAKE] guild with a minion master build not knowing what half the skills could do. Mechanics like Full Counter that goes off regardless of you actually hitting the warrior ...it's a kittenous mechanic and I couldn't care less of what war mains think, for all I care they can give stealth, barrier spam, grenades, clones, pet.....so kittening kitten to fight a spellbreaker inside a group fight, remove the kitten aoe effect then you can start asking for buffs or whatever The CC stunlock is already asinine in this game as it reward monkeybrain spamming..on the contrary of clever designs like we had in GW1 where you can't logically kd a target that is already kded, daze what is already dazed Willbender cries are just loads of Hocus Pocus, it's still a guardian ...it's not a herald..good at +1 and nothing else, couple of linear dashes and 1-2 short ranger teleports and people cry like not tomorrow, meanwhile herald has shiro Elite, glint elite, staff knockback, sword evade and kittening elemental blast....yeah I'd rather fight a legion of willbenders....at least you don't become like a pinball fighting multiple willbenders
  15. No thx....I'd rather fight a legion of willbenders rather than Full counter...pretty kittenous mechanic to fight. It sits at 4th place among most kittenous mechanics in this game, I don't care if they'd give warriors, things like : perma quickness, invulnerability and oneshot potential or whatever you may desire.....but Full counter is pure kitten that I'd rather delete
  16. Hmm....no?! The OP is right and they changed the initial description to suit their agenda , originally the elementalist was described as light armor class favouring ranged combat and able to deal massive damage to compensate for the designed weakness compared to other professions. And again, people in the beginning were complaining because ele was not able to play like other professions while using 2 or even 3 offensive traitlines. A famous mesmer from team paradigm pointed this out to the devs during one of the very first open QA in 2013...and devs like Jonathan Sharp were clearly on the end rope ..because every major editing outlet was saying the same thing about ele in 2012...how the class was very weak...then.... Then @Daphoenix came along....publishing videos of him playing full water bunker with arcane d/d in wvw...not killing anybody mind you...but still able to survive as full bunker ele...since then the devs decided to capitalise on d/d and save themselves from redesigning the elementalist..they changed everything...even the description of the class...from squishy ranged caster dealing massive single target dmg to what you can read now on wiki. Elementalist is a full ranged caster in GW1...that what people signed for, and that was how the gw2 ele was marketed as in 2012....the OP is 100% correct
  17. There are more thieves than any celestial build on each map in T1....wtf are you talking about? SA + shortbow5......d/p .....deadeyes.....core condi.....sword/dagger.....specter....high skill player my kitten....extremely deluded.... Oh almost forgot to mention : shadow return.....and thieves fear no death....unless I can manage to one shot them with full glass one trick pony ranger lb
  18. Honestly....where can I apply for a job with Anet? Must be 30k$ p/year doing their job. Beatiful...same office hours for 1/5 of the work and same salary...don't like the idea of living in US..but the rest is a bargain, sign me up!
  19. Elementalist started as ranged class with scepter/focus back during first and second beta, it then moved to scepter/dagger with signet of earth (for immobilize+phoenix) and....that didn't last long. The first ele spec being played semi-competitive was scepter/focus during very first PvP tournament (around the times of Orange Logo) but then the spec wnet quickly in decline due to constant stream of nerfs (phoenix originally was an amazing skill...then it got butchered into uselness....carebears were crying ele was doing too much..on a glass build) and other professions getting easier and more busted with time. Ranged ele was still somehow playable around late 2014 when GW1 devs like Jon Peters were still around...we had arcane skills and FA builds...a niche playstyle but was still worth playing, then the GW1 devs left and....we now have ...catalyst with d/d. The main reason why ele is so unpopular now is because : you spend 2/4 of the time dodging for your life, between a long CD and another instead than playing the actual game, forced to play piano while formulating some intricate plan in order to deal some pressure at melee range with 180 radius attacks...meanwhile you have professions literally pressing F1 and dealing 10k worth of dmg with no animation or seemingly no hint I used to enjoy playing FA ele with arcane skills...but that was deemed unfair...by the same playerbase abusing BS like quickness grenades from stealth, elixir of ambition, shadow art deadeye, 333 spam renegade pulsing stability....and the list goes on...so yeah... that's gw2 balance for you
  20. PvPers in 2022: "I want a different meta" Anet:" here a new meta" PvPers in 2022: "Nooo....I want a new meta...but one where I keep having no challenges...and one where I am still top dog" Anet:"................."
  21. How is Untamed a S class?....you literally do not see the spec being played outside pvp onetrick pony mode, a class design perceived as OP in one game mode and trash in others, the lack of consistency is due to class perception....you actually have less sustain than core ranger if you fail to land ambush kills and outside the 10% dmg reduction....the untamed traitline is inferior to soulbeast and druid lines. An ok spec in PvE and completely ignored in WvW where it lacks the stability and mobility to keep up with soulbeast
  22. Lol...take away conjure earth shield and you get farmed harder than any core guardian. Unfortunately the whole class is held together by couple of skills like obsidian flesh and chaining together long CD utilities...hoping the enemy team worst than yours...But really the whole class remains pure trash compared to guardian....and that's why guardian is meta everywhere...while tempest is only spoken about in "yolo vs bots at 3am" league
  23. Just wondering.....what kind of harbs simply pewpew into your magnetic aura without switching to staff with unblockable marks...
  24. Underwhelming is the code name for elementalist...loads of flashy lights...but kitten results
  25. I don't think you ever played necro-engi-guardian-thief-revenant...these classes have been meta everywhere since their release
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