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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Have you ever been on a boat? Unsure how the Skiff's physics are anywhere near 'embarrassing' when they'll even start to skip on water if you put the throttle high enough. If you think turning is 'bad', then go try doing 360 no-scopes on a boat IRL and let me know how that goes. Also, unless you average like 1-2k+ viewers at a time then not sure how much weight the stream threat holds.
  2. The reason for me is feature creep. HoT and PoF both added fundamental new ways to access things, and a lot of their content was based around unlocking that (so it seemed longer). EoD adds nothing but the skiff which is strictly outclassed by Skimmer and is only use is for fishing / collection. Since not everyone is into that, a big part of the expansion gets ignored. There's no new feature that isn't really ignorable and that's why I think people see it as 'worst'. You don't need Jade Bots for anything really if you have Skyscale and you don't need Turtle really either. You just don't need to use any of the new features, so it's mostly a story grind. Considering the opinion around here about the story....we can thus logically conclude people would like the expansion less than prior. Game and engine is also a decade old, so finding 'new' things to do is going to be pretty difficult.
  3. Something does seem off about the exotic level fish in general; at least for me they are far harder to land than anything else. For instance, the Blue Dorado--haven't been able to land it in I don't know how many night cycles (using glow worms so as not to accidently catch anything else) and I've gotten ascended fish, 1g 'trash', and even bait cages with like 25 mackerel in them. At like 600% fishing power which should be more than enough for an exotic. And...nothing πŸ˜‚.
  4. I've always hated looking for pets, because it locks your class to the content. I get the fun of discovery and all, but they really need to just always be available. What may be better is just looking for different skins, and basically letting you select an archetype. Really would be nice if they'd let you also select the F2 to use. I'm not sure how to solve the smokescale problem though. It still becomes best in slot for almost everything aside from mobility (dogs are better there). Since it doesn't really belong to a family you can't really swap out its F2 on other 'skins' like would work for dogs, cats, birds, etc. I guess at least if you could swap the archetype then it'd be a start.
  5. Untamed looks like it sells fart bottles for a living.
  6. Guessing that is what is coming with the spirits change. I mean, that won't help untamed specifically, but may allow ranger to actually run support lol. The problem is the devs vastly overestimate a pet's value. This much was clear during the beta stream with that one dev that drinks gallons of water; this dev was preoccupied with 'tail swipe' and meme'ing over it. That is the literal depth here. So when spirit change comes, guessing it's going to be better to run druid anyway--as it was the OG support spec before it got nerfed into only being good for immob.
  7. Yes, but even with Fervent Force, howe useful is it actually? We already had quickdraw and that just requires swapping. For FF you need a CC to proc it--but when is that actually viable? Take longbow, every ranger seems to use PBS into rapid fire, but that doesn't help the rapid fire CD. You'd have to use barrage first or hunter shot then try to use PBS to get the CD reduction--might as well just run quickdraw. GS is even worse since we already have this feature built in on hilt bash, as it reduces Maul CD. This may reduce it more but it's kind of a waste. Shortbow may benefit the most from this, but its damage is abysmal. So you could try to load up with two poison volleys using the #5 as a CD reducer, but this is still something you can do with quickdraw without blowing an extra skill. Now, add on all the stats you are losing from not running something like Soulbeast. You then see fervent force as a kitten version of quickdraw with a LOT less damage potential, and having a 'trade off' of your pet dying to boot. Then the problems with untamed start really showing up.
  8. The terminology used here is...something. Anyway, I like the robotic carrier idea. Dolyak has never really made sense since Asura have always had the technology to create golems. It's just further refined now with jade tech. I mean I guess siege turtles are still a little sus with how they are raised for war, but at least they have some defense mechanisms. Dolyak is entirely helpless.
  9. People think toughness > vitality so they won't complain
  10. They need to: Give pets a breakbar in 'unleashed' state Allow setting any of the pet skills to auto-cast (including all of them to act like default) Put damage back on hammer cc's in competitive, or just get rid of the entire 'flip' mechanic and change it to work like greatsword does
  11. I'd post it in the bug forums as well. But yes, I agree this probably initial stealth nerf to make untamed damage seem more in-line. Which will most likely lead to the rest of us leaving the game, but it is called 'end' of dragons for a reason.
  12. I really have no idea what the devs were thinking with it. My suggestions: - Make it a stout pet - Make Jade Cannon a LOT faster; also agree with some kind of splash component - Snap needs to be changed to some kind of close-range explosion--not that anyone is getting close to it anyway, as most just nuke with AoE For soulbeast, at minimum Hunker Down needs to replace Snap as the F2. At least then it could see some use, espeically if it is stout and allows you to, you know...frontline.
  13. There literally is no reason. Hopefully it will be altered at some point; especially since EoD is for level 80 players to begin with, so they know a vast majority of us would just use it on a random alt.
  14. Either this is an oversight or more likely...we're gonna see an immobeast nerf aren't we 🀨
  15. Sure, but what happens if you take Quickdraw, Fervent Force, 2H Training, and use Greatsword? That's a lot of CD reduction traits to begin with--so the potential is already there. If there was ever a way to say 'I don't play ranger' without saying it--this would be it πŸ‘
  16. There's a reason everyone runs 3-2-3, and it isn't because BM traitline needs 'no changes'. The argument for 2H training makes little sense as well, since dagger is a specialization weapon and...it has a trait affecting it in Wilderness Survival. Also, before we go down the path, no I don't care if it 'existed as OH for core' before SB, it's something they either need to normalize with 2H training or something they need to get rid of. They also literally 'crossed the streams' with a lot of Soulbeast F3's triggering beast skills (i.e. both pet F2 and SB F3 trigger)...so there's that. The GMS for BM need fixing badly as well. I don't want them nerfing Honed Axes to 'fix' it either. They can start by lining Zephyrs Speed up with Soulbeast merge timer so you don't have to count 5 seconds in your head every time you merge/unmerge. Agree it also needs to be tuned for druid, because there is really no set timer for Astral Force to fill (because hitting random wildlife to fill it initally is SO fun); so I like gaining on exit, as that's when you are most likely to be on the offensive again (i.e. actually using the quickness). Need to also make Taunt do something or remove it from the game, as it probably is the single most useless condition there is. Not only is it literally 1s delayed for some ridiculous reason, half of the time it doesn't even work. Best case I found of this is in WvW, if you taunt a Yak, it just keeps running---great. Also...Natural Healing. For the love of--just do something with this thing, please. I'd just put it back to every second, to help with fighting condi ticks. With every 3s it's in the trash fire with the lovely 300CD traits that exist. I wouldn't split it for Untamed though, as Untamed is useless enough already and penalties are bad bad--which is why they got rid of the damage penalty in the first beta.
  17. You a necro main by chance? πŸ˜‚ Anyway, it would also help if our pet didn't pause for 3 seconds on swap figuring out what to do. Hadn't noticed it much recently until trying out the EoD pets; I mean they are bad already but watching them sit there as you mash 'attack my target' is infuriating.
  18. Even the rewards are bugged it seems...I was lucky enough to finish the meta but for 'Crushing Weight' Untamed hammer collection, I got the item for the Echovald meta instead πŸ˜‚
  19. I mean they can also delete untamed and just give soulbeast a hammer for the same effect, no? Because, I don't see a point in justifying 'enhanced core' for zerging; outside of handicapping yourself, it's pointless. Not that the ideas presented here aren't workable--I'm more attacking the idea of anet thinking Untamed was a good idea in the first place, and especially in group settings. That is the corner though, now isn't it. Stowing. By making it a 'profession mechanic' of soulbeast, every other spec becomes inferior. The only way to fix this and keep that uniqueness is buff pet defenses somehow. A breakbar like Jade Mech would be nice for starters.
  20. Do you even Cantha Not exactly 'tropical', πŸ˜„
  21. In future, can we get a tackle box? It can be paid or free, whaetver works. Basically, it'd be material storage but for fishing supplies; as at the moment the various lures, bait, etc. is taking up quite a bit of inventory space.
  22. I get topics like these are well meaning, but just so you know it means nerfing soulbeast at some future time rather than improving untamed. My guess is this will happen during the 'summer update'; core will get buffed to improve spirit usage and soulbeast coefficients will be nerfed to force usage of untamed. If this is true it will cause more of the existing ranger players to leave, but guess that's why they have 'end' in the expansion name...
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