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Everything posted by DonArkanio.6419

  1. You know that before PoF the necromancer had a leak on reddit where his shroud was replaced by a phylactere?Anyway, at game release I doubt that ANet was even close to consider e-specs otherwise they wouldn't have had to rework entirely the core "specializations" design. Revenant might have been an option that they considered before launching the game but linking eternity to that... That's no more than wishful thinking from the revenant population that desperatly want to play with a greatsword. Give us a link to a thread from a developper that created GW2, where the professions designs are entirely described as well as their link to the lore... etc. And maybe I'd believe it. But a core legendary weapon being an hint for a futur revenant e-spec, excuse me to say it, but that's laughable. Actually, I don't want to see any new Revenant E-Spec before they do something with Renegade. And that's exactly what I think about this - the whole Eternity Legend or stuff like that just shows how desperate people are just to be the edgelords of Black/Red. I personally don't have anything against the GS for Rev, really. It's just the way people think why Revenant must have GS that annoys me. And yeah, Reddit leaks. If they were true GW2 would've long ago had 5 E-Specs per Class on top of being dead for 5 years.
  2. Guild Wars 2 is a Buy-To-Play game. Come on, how is ANet supposed to make money? I'd rather have purchasable Build slots than the Gem Store vomit cosmetics, honestly. Can't you be just happy about the features you get already for free instead of making a rant about it? Wake up. You are demanding free stuff from a company. Companies make money do you can play your game. ArenaNet is not a charity organisation. Tell me, why don't you go create something and give it away for nothing?
  3. This is basically Mesmer with shouts. I don't really see much effort put into it honestly. I'm kind of fed up with the whole GS concept. I myself would like to get than Katana on my Rev but come on. This is just nuts. This idea doesn't hołd much value because it's nothing new, this is a copy-paste.I don't want to be mean but next time please try harder to make a cool concept.
  4. Hey there, What do you think about this? Frigid Blitz is now a Physical Projectile.
  5. E-specs need to come with expansions because they need heavy testing and balancing to avoid flat out breaking the game.I maintain the stance that introducing elite specs in anything but an expansion would be a seriously bad idea and likely would screw up so much of the games balance. To add to that the idea of selling E-specs as pack updates on the gemstore would be a monumentally bad idea.There's already some voices saying expansions are pay 2 win because of E-specs.Selling future ones on the store would be like throwing rocketfuel on that fire.. not to mention it may even drive a large number of players away from the game if their characters are locked out of new meta's and therefore unwatend in many modes PvP, Raids and other content. There's no way players would be ok with that. E-Specs shouldn't be obtainable via GemStore. They could work just like GW1 Campaign packs. Once you buy them, you unlock a quest for an E-Spec or just E-Spec itself. As for the balance, seriously? Look at the PoF Specs. There were close to no changes on Specs through Beta Weekend to PoF release. What we currently have is a complete imbalance between classes. There are no excuses, it's all powercrept.While I think E-Specs could be sold separately as the additional packs to the game, in my opinion E-Specs are a bad design from the ground up. Anyway, 10$ per E-Spec pack could work.
  6. Hey there, I am curious what you guys think. Vigor increases endurance regeneration by 50%. Do you think Vigor overall is healthy for the PvP as it is?
  7. I disagree. If you want that QoL improvement, Craft all of them. All legendaries are, except precursors, are just told sinks with no effort needed. People seem to want to have everything handed to them as if it wasn't any achievement. Even though it's just a gold sink, it's still a reward which GW2 has very little of.
  8. I think Corruption could use a rework overall. I don't mean that all Traits are useless but the way they are placed on the trees feels very weird. Some traits such as Maniacal Presence is not worthy of Grandmaster. I personally don't like Diabolic Inferno as it is. It's pretty basic for a GM and doesn't change much except boosting the damage output. I really like the concept of Traits giving existing skills new options.And since Revenant doesn't have a choice over Utilities, I think Traits are a great way to provide some new ways to play with Legends.
  9. Good point. Currently Pulsating Pestilence is the kind of skill that works for people not using Mallyx. Honestly, I'd change it to work on using Elite instead of legend swap. Obviously it's a PvP trait. Well, I'd get rid of Maniacal Persistence as it is and replace it with something more interesting and useful across all legends. A few options come to my mind: Chill on CCChill on ResistanceGain Frost Aura on using Elite
  10. Hey there, Since Mallyx Has access to on-demand Dark Field I was thinking about taking the Traits to a new level. In my opinion Traits should really affect our skills. Unfortunately, very few do that. Diabolic Inferno trait changes Embrace the Darkness to Fire Field.This change can Compensate for the wierd loss of Fire Field on Renegade's Elite. What do you think?
  11. Forced effin Engagement. Finally, I've been waiting for this change since forever! It's great! I love the changes, I don't have a single question about them. These things will help other Legends keep up with the game and it's all great and bananas. What I want to see next are: Corruption ReworkRenegade Rework
  12. They vanish, like everything else that would make Core Storyline relevant to this day.
  13. If you don't want to be randomly assigned to a world then Join a guild and don't be a BG random. I am in a guild. When did joining a guild become a requirement for playing in wvw with other people? Why should any guild, or group of guilds determine who is going to be able to play on their server?Why not? It's not like games don't have requirements. This could be a way to make Guild actually mean something from the technical point of view.
  14. It's funny how OP tries to prove to people why requirements in games are bad. They are not. Games have requirements. And if these doesn't fit your taste, too bad for you. What if I enjoy the fact that not everything is handed to my face with one click?What if I want to feel like I achieved something? What if I want it to be this way? It's just a game, deal with it.
  15. Strike Missions ask for Dungeons. Fractals are fractals and I would love if they could make Strike Missions into actually farmable Dungeons with their own currency. Dungeons allow for a more consistent story within the instance. Fractals are literally a random event without much to it. Well, abandoning Dungeons was, IMO, probably one of the worst decisions they made in the past. Strike Missions are cool, but will they be challenging enough? Completing it doesn't feel like any sort of achievement to me.
  16. As always. That is a great idea that we could expect to see being implemented on WoW. We won't see this on GW2, sadly. I wish it could happen. class-specific questsnew racial abilities each new expansionnew races availablenew factions for racesIt's all there, we're just never going to see this happen in GW2.
  17. It'd be a lot easier to Balance the game without instacasts. Those kinds of mini-skill, calling down lightning when hitting foe with crit is just pure nonesense.
  18. Stop the BS please. I hope ANet doesn't change a single thing about it.Same with PoI being locked behind the stories - so what? Games have requirements and I hope they actually continue to reward players for doing the content ANet provides.
  19. That's a pretty cool change. And looking above I realize we really don't need much to make us happy.I just wish they addressed all of these things earlier and faster, so it's all bananas.
  20. But that is the point of this map. To run around and do the events that aren't kill zerg of mobs. It's a celebration, a party (if you want to call it that way). There is no need for any more activities. I think the whole episode is beyond my expectations; whole narrative, music, new mechanics.Although there isn very little combat-oriented. It was meant to be this. It's kind of like saying - why is there no BigMac in KFC?
  21. Also, Fix Renegade's Soulcleave's Summit Fire Field bug. Either remove the Fire Field from the tooltip or bring it back to the game.
  22. And it should not. Actually, almost all impairing effects need a nerf. Either in effect or frequency of application. Honestly, everything needs a nerf.We just don't see it coming. Never ever. We are in the scenario where they F-d up and overtuned PoF Specs, didn't fix them and people are raging = very little chance for any class additions in the near future. As for the Weakness itself - it could be strong but very short. Windows of opportunity and disadvantage are great, but in GW2 some classes have 24/7 windows of opportunity.
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