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Everything posted by RabbitUp.8294

  1. The animation and voice lines played only when you were charging them. The effects for using them are the same as they were before. ???
  2. The cracks in the ground with the blue flames look identical to the portal Rytlock opened during the foefire cleansing. It to close to be a coincidence for me.
  3. Hammer means that conjure weapons are getting reworked COPIUM
  4. It's hilarious how over the top this is, thanks for the laugh 😁
  5. HoT specs weren't tied to the jungle. Only druid and maybe scrapper with the tiny bit of lore of them using the scrap from the pact airships. All the rest were just their own concepts. At least Glint was related to the story of egg Aurene and Rytlock, so in that sense it was only spec that was explained in-game until Dragonhunter Braham. PoF was when they first started doing the region themes, and even then some were better than others. Holosmith is the worst by far, it's obvious asura technology that we are expected to believe that it was actually developed by Elonians, even though we never see that technology anywhere. But EoD is the first time we got actual word from the devs that the especs are canthan themed. Sure, rev might be the exception like in PoF, but I doubt it.
  6. While I am excited for GS, I don't care much about the weapon as much as the legend itself. Rev is in a good spot weapons wise. Yes, hammer is a bit iffy, but having one mediocre weapon is a great place to be compared to other classes. But the legend better deliver. The class is due for some exciting espec that brings more than a couple of F keys. And the legend skill themselves have been too samey for the previous especs. Compare the variety of the base legend skills to Kalla, who has 5 ground-targeted AoEs. I can understand it with other classes because they need to share a common type, like Wells or Elixirs, but revenant doesn't have skills types, they are just "Legendary X" skills, so, they are free to make them as distinct as they want. And especially because rev has to use them all, whereas chrono, for example, doesn't have to take 5 wells.
  7. The whole eating Joko part was just a pointless cliffhanger. The bigger flaw was the fact that commander went to confront Joko without Aurene. Even if it flew right above our head that, yes, dragons eat magic and Joko uses magic to revive himself, she is still a powerful dragon that could have helped us fight him. The All was just a nice depiction to show us the different aspects of magic each represented by an elder dragon. That stopped being a thing the moment we killed Zhaitan, then magic was no longer neatly seperated into 6 parts, but death magic leaked in the system. The plan was never balancing the All, that was already balanced. It was about balancing the dragon cycle. As explained since as far back as the personal story, it is a cycle of extremes, elder dragons soak up all magic like a sponge, then they basicaly hibernate.. While asleep, that magic starts leaking out again, and eventually they grow hungry and wake up again, repeating the same cycle. Magic in Tyria is like life force, it's necessary for living beings to survive and civilizations to evolve. That's the problem with Elder Dragons, they absorb so much magic that the residual magic drops too low, triggering an extinction event. Then, as magic leaks into the system, new life emerges. So our solution was to start killing them, but we quickly realised that too much magic is equally catastrophic. Glint's legacy fit with the All, in that she wanted to cleanly replace two elder dragon with her scions. That way, while the other elder dragons hoarded magic, the scions would release theirs, maintaining the overall balance of the sytem. But without Vlast, and two dragons dead already, that plan was off the table. That's where Aurene's special prismatic dragon powers come into play. Because she was an offspring of Kralkatorrik that absorbed some of Mordremoth's magic as an egg, she could tolerate different kinds of magic. So, it seemed like she could handle the burden alone. As posted above, EoD will likely elaborate on that, possibly explaining that there's someone else involved.
  8. Gw1 didn't have greatswords to begin with.
  9. With all the talk about power and condi and hybrid, has anybody tried a grieving rev with tormenting runes? You have a slightly weaker zerker build that has the same torment damage as viper. Trait wise, it's the perfect opportunity now that both condi and power play devastation.
  10. I don't get either of those arguments. Most professions don't have ranged and melee weapons for both power and condi in their core set. And I'm not even talking about engi or ele. Guardian, mesmer, arguably necro. All of them lack at least one of those 4 weapons mentioned. Heck, guardian's only condi weapon is off-hand torch and F1 passive is not strong enough to glue everything together. Thief technically does, but their ranged weapons are all over the place. Only warrior and ranger are proper exceptions, and even then, warrior's rifle is a bigger meme than rev hammer. The other thing is the focus on weapon swap. It's not the actual problem, when mace has such spammable skills and axe has great utility with a gapclose and cc. Legend swap on the other hand is a bigger issue when the profession is designed around forcing the swap to get energy back. That's where core rev's design problem lies, when each of the 4 legends has a difference focus, it's close to impossible to get a functional dps build. It works in pvp and wvw where utility is king, but in pve when dps builds need to maximise their damage output, espec have to fill the gap.
  11. Urns were easily the most uninteresting skills in the first game. They were just PBAoE spells in any way that matters, you just had to clunkily use the weapon swap button for "flavour". The whole idea of disabling your weapon could have been an interesting mechanic as a cost for an aura effect, and there were some that played with the concept, but the way that caster classes ignored that drawback pretty much completely meant that they could never be a real mechanic. And yes, there's some design space for a similar mechanic in gw2, disabling your weapon skills for some benefit, effectively the opposite of shroud, and yes weapon spells could work like thief venoms, but at that point, that's but a husk of the original ritualist, just for the same of using the name ritualist instead of renegade. To be fair, they did give ele conjure weapons.
  12. The thing is, it's only good for power builds or herald. Condi renegade only has Mallyx, and when you run out of energy, there's nothing good damage-wise to switch to. Especially the way trident works, as you lose your conditions. True, but Glint was still disabled for like what 2 years or so? Kalla is still disabled. So both especs launched inacessible underwater. Combined with the fact that Jalis was also disabled, underwater rev/herald had no legend or weapon choices, everyone was Mallyx/Shiro with spear. Although to be fair, Glint was hardly alone. A lot of HoT specs had that same problem. Heck, chrono still has the same problem in the underwater fractal, at least alacrigade still works, even if they can't heal.
  13. I disagree. Charged Mists as a minor would make Invocation mandatory in all game modes, and it would be absurd in pve to get both Roiling and Charged Mists. Another thing, fury is useful to every build, the only time it's not useful is when fury is provided to you by other sources. Even then, Ferocious Aggression makes fury into a global damage buff. I will agree that Contained Temper absolutely feels like it doesn't belong. It's a second fury generator that's not needed, and it's not very easy to proc either depending on the build. Invoker's Rage could be increased to 6 or 7 seconds, then Contained Temper combined with Incensed Response or Roiling Mists. So, replace Contained Temper with Spirit Boon. In Spirit Boon's place, it could be something like this: Empty Vessel: Invoking a legend while at or below the energy threshold increases all damage dealt for a duration. Energy Threshold: 10 Damage: Increase: 10% Duration: 10 seconds That way it gives a damage option that the master tier lacks, which is odd when both adept and GM tiers offer something for damage builds.
  14. Place your bets, will the EoD spec also be unusable underwater? Are we going for the 3 out of 3?
  15. You actually have to spend your energy on something in the end and power builds doesn't have as many cooldowns to use compared to condi. Even if the total damage might end up lower than say Citadel, you are ignoring the healing component. 578 heal/sec with no healing power is quite significant.
  16. The same could be said for all of our upkeeps, though. Only difference is that Soulcleave has a longer cast time, and costs 5 more energy. The rotation is not only limited by energy, but by cooldowns too. Condi variants have greater need for energy and get less profit from Soulcleave, but I feel like power and heal builds have no reason not to have it up all the time they are on Kalla.
  17. What's the point of designing a hybrid spec if you then force players to specialise through traits? We are at a point where this is the 3rd elite spec, there's no reason to try to cram every playstyle in the same espec. This would make sense during HoT, but even then HoT released a very one-dimensional power spec (even if condi became possible in later patches later). Or at the very least it could be a bit more elegant in its execution, like for example each trait accentuating different parts of HB's kit. Having copypasted "strike" and "condition" global damage traits is the most boring way to go about it. For example, the Vile Vail trait could inflict damaging conditions instead, so that the condi variant focuses more on the elixirs, while the power variant buffs Shroud skills.
  18. Fear of Death gives regular condition duration, though, the same thing expertise gives. Basically expertise is wasted on fear if you have this trait selected. LC on the other hand is base duration, which is then multiplicative with condi duration, so with 100% condi duration, LC doubles the duration of all condis.
  19. I agree with the bug fix part, but Notoriety is the same as the necro Awaken the Pain, and you are comparing a master trait to a grandmaster.
  20. The buff is fairly significant, it's 20 less energy spent over the course of 10 seconds. Personally, if there was to be a buff to Soulcleave, I would want an increase to 10 targets.
  21. I haven't actually tried it in-game yet, only had a chance to play the beta, but I'm actually hyped to play heal Rene again. Now that it can be up all the time while channelling Kalla, our healing output shouldn't fluctuate so much anymore. Probably can get away with staying on sw/sw too. By the way, totally off topic but I love the combo field visuals, I can actually see when my Mallyx elite is toggled on now, and it looks awesome.
  22. I think there are two main reason GS is such a popular weapon. One is the aestetics, the huge sword is a fantasy staple everywhere, from DnD to anime. The other is more specific to this game, but GS kits so far have felt more "complete" compared to other weapon sets. They have good mix of ST damage and cleave and good utility with a mix of mobility (except Reaper), cc and defense (block/evade/blind). It's a weapon you can camp without feeling like you are gimping yourself. So, you take a weapon most people already want to play to fulfil a certain fantasy, and give it a good self-sustained kit, and you have yourself a fan favourite.
  23. WB is fun in pve, but in pvp you quickly realise that mobility alone is not enough if they can kite you forever. You really underestimate what rev's sword brings with spammable chill and the skill 3 to follow them through their own mobility. WB on the other hand has has to hope to land their cc to pin targets down. I saw a lot of people using hammer with Glacial Heart for the chill to try to make WB work. Naru gave up and played DH again. Why bother chasing people when you can just pewpew them at 1200+ range?
  24. There's no reason why GS has to be limited to melee. It's rev, we have ranged hammer. GS could be a mid-range weapon, like 600-900 with a mix of melee and/or cones, a la Balthazar. Sw/sw already the go-to ST weapon, GS can handle the cleave and give some range.
  25. I consider warrior a more extreme version of Spotter/Assassin's Presense/Pinpoint Distribution. You wouldn't consider a full dps Soulbeast a support because they have spotter. Offensive buffs in the end translate to more group dps, you calculate whether the group dps gain justifies the personal dps loss. If not, you just get a higher dps build. I use the term support as the actual role that helps the team survive, etc. I don't want to say healer, because a support might not heal. Tempest has no dps if they want the same boon output as herald, and it still won't be permanent to 10 players.
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