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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Same, what a coincidence. GW2 is not pay to win unless someone considers things like "perfect gear" winning.
  2. If that's your wincon then yes GW2 is pay to win
  3. Anet stated that it's too ping dependent and that they don't want to focus on it, years ago. Check internet archives.
  4. I feel like this is obvious. Otherwise you would have different results depending on where you put the additive ones. Sigils and runes are additive with each other, so a superior sigil of force (5%) is added to the superior rune of eagle (10%), then the result (15%) is multiplicative with other damage boosts. As far as I know, almost all other damage modifiers are multiplicative with each other.
  5. Isn't the calculation is like this? X = (Weapon Strength * Skill Coefficient * Power * (∏ (1 + Damage Modifiers)) * (1 + Sigils + Rune))/Armor Total damage done = X * (∏ (1 - Defense Modifiers))
  6. Can you post or PM me the build link or a build code with rune + amulet + sigils?
  7. 1) MightyTeapot has a good combat video, maybe more than one. 2) I went through almost the whole story with my friend, it was fun. Most unlocks are account bound, having alt accounts is unnecessary in my opinion. Alt characters are a must for endgame though. Leveling them takes a short amount of time thanks to Tomes of Knowledge (if I recall correctly). 3) First is story and getting to level 80, get exotic gear, then go through expansion/LW stories and unlock gliding and mounts. You can work on masteries, getting max crafting, map completion, maxing fractal levels, achievement hunting, etc 4 and 5 depend a lot on your pacing. I'd say use exp boosters. Save item/crafting boosters for leveling up your crafting. 6) Definitely get one character to level 80 by hand and play it a bit. Then decide if you want to get them.
  8. +1 from me, I also tested it and it's bugged at least in open world.
  9. Different classes. You cannot compare their skills directly.
  10. edit: nvm old thread, have fun I'd say joining unranked after you leveled one character to 80 is good (manually). For ranked, you can join as soon as you are able to. However don't forget to take a look at meta builds from godsofpvp and metabattle, even if you don't want to play a meta build you need to learn what can/can't they do.
  11. 1) There is no game director afaik2) Expansion is getting rushed, it was probably a very quick decision when mike z(?) dropped approximately 1 year ago
  12. I sent a ticket, the support said overlay stuff might cause this. I tried without arcdps, dx912pxy, yolomouse and discord. It was worse (because I disabled dx12 addon) but the game actually used my nvidia gpu, or so I thought. I read that dx12 (not the addon, the actual directx12) has a feature that makes stuff use both integrated gpu (intel graphics) and normal gpu (nvidia). TLDR: That means there is no actual solution other than using dx912pxy, at least in my very specific case. If that addon didn't help, you should also send a ticket.
  13. Make stealth go away on evade (and maybe on block), including shattered clones.I think clone autos don't reveal anyway so it's ok. Currently shatter-reveal interaction is good for the game, it's skilled gameplay to position the clones well.
  14. I saw a reddit comment before, it talked about water buckets. There are ground targeted, pointblank aoe, single use and multi use water buckets. Anet is known for being consistently inconsistent, also they don't really have a game director afaik.
  15. Teleporting bulls charge, out-of-sync rush, rubberbanding gs3...
  16. You forgot the sigil too, it's bugged and increases dazes as well as stuns. Doesn't mean anything though. It's perfectly fine.
  17. It's probably necro (all stunbreaks cost almost double) and mirage (1 dodge).
  18. Remember when power herald was single most broken build that had no bad matchups lmao (every rev could push mirage 1v1)
  19. They are usually bad, and I wouldn't trust Anet to handle this responsibly.
  20. They can do this right now too, without TP fees to pull gold out of the game's economy. It's honestly a very hard job to fix mmorpg economies. Maybe anet should make a few items "non-giftable by mail", so the only way to sell them would be vendoring (omegalul) or selling on TP.
  21. I don't know the term in English but it's a free economy, stuff costs what players think it costs
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