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do you think they will fix ranked pvp with the expansion?


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hey guys i want to hear your opinions about if you think Anet will improve pvp and fix the ranked pvp issues witht he upcoming expansion ? 
i really hope so because unranked is fun but ranked is ****...  and i think they gonna lose lots of players if they dont improve pvp. 

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In my opinion they should touch the classes at last and first of all fix the matchmaking. If they are able to match equally rated ppl with a successrate of 95% this alone would have a great impact. If they on top of that also manage to match equal team compositions -> i say pvp is saved. I mean, lets be honest, the biggest frustration regarding classes appears just because its always onesided. 


Its like this: Nice day, you want to have some action, so you que up as a glass cannon dps and wooops... you land in a glasscannon team while fighting against 2 scourges, 1 support guardian and 2 roamer/dps stuff. So even if u are lucky and sync well with your random pug team in targeting 1 enemy, they can cover each other with tons of barriers, condi cleanse and stability/aegis and whatever there is. Now comes this, it somehow repeats..... at least for me - i got a loosing streak of 15 matches just because i wanted to play dps for once and always landed in a team with maximum 1 supp while fighting against teams that always had +1 more than my team. For example i had 1 scourge in my team, enemy had 2 scourges - i had 1 support guard in my team, enemy had 1 scourge and 1 supp guard xD ... 


Now imagine every team has their own pocket scourges/supp guards at least team compositions would be equal and no matter if one class is busted or not, in the end the outcome would rather depend on skill than on teamcomposition. And yes sometimes is also possible to outplay stupid teamcompositions with brain and skill but ... chances are low with pugs tbh. Also at this point the class design hits, like for a fully vitality/toughness stacked bunker scourge (with brain) you legit need 3 men to take down which even takes long enough while enemy team can control the map ... now thats tooo overtuned.

Edited by Yakuzai.6593
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i mean sure theres a need for a massive balance changes in pvp and rework alot of stuff personally i think scourge should be reworked completely and so does stealth .. and probably warrior.

but also.. i think bots/hacks/afk/ and match making are just as big issue of pvp 

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It all depends on if the community decides to mature and grow a backbone to be honest, nearly every detrimental change in pvp has been requested for, so naturally it should work in reverse if the community wakes up and accepts pvp for being hard difficult content that takes time to learn and succeed in.


But im not holding my breath this community is absolutely wild when it comes to organized content, i've never seen a community attack party content like gw2, they attack fotm cms, raids, spvp, and wvw kitten they even attacked HoT OW, if its like marginally hard that requires a bit of coordination it has to die.

Edited by Genesis.5169
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Unless Scourge gets nerfs that are more than simple slaps on the wrists, PvP will never get better.

And given that Necromancer is Arenanet's love child, I doubt Scourge will get the nerfs is deserves.


If anything, the new (and most likely over-tuned at release) elite specializations will make PvP worse.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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22 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

It all depends on if the community decides to mature and grow a backbone to be honest, nearly every detrimental change in pvp has been requested for, so naturally it should work in reverse if the community wakes up and accepts pvp for being hard difficult content that takes time to learn and succeed in.


But im not holding my breath this community is absolutely wild when it comes to organized content, i've never seen a community attack party content like gw2, they attack fotm cms, raids, spvp, and wvw kitten they even attacked HoT OW, if its like marginally hard that requires a bit of coordination it has to die.

That's because all the hardcore players left like 6 years ago, GW2 has a bad reputation as being a game for casuals and like any good self fulfilling prophecy that's exactly what happened

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5 minutes ago, Grebcol.5984 said:

After 3 years break i came back only to see that it is still boring Condi Wars 2. Bunkers everywhere. PvP really needs new Modis where Bunkers aren't the way to go.

It would be so easy to implement too. For instance, give Elementalist Air skills an analogue of the old GW1 Armor Penetration mechanic. Scale damage to toughness values, add double or even triple damage to barrier only, maybe even scale damage to a formula that multiplies it based on an aggregate of healing power + vitality. Tons of DPS characters with similar modifiers would rip through Scourges, MMs, Fire Weaver, Prot Holo, etc. while they would still melt to other DPS builds.

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we'll have a lot new and returning players


They'd have to do some kind of team q in ranked or make ATs being at every 1 hour.


They'd also have to ban bots, it won't take long for new players to find out game is crowded with bots, and they've been there for years and nothing has been done.

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On 8/25/2021 at 11:50 PM, anjo.6143 said:

sPvP is less than 1% of their player base, they will make specs and everything thinking in PvE. After release they will fix bugs and minor problems on sPvP slowly and thats it.

Amazing what happens when you completely neglect a game mode for 9 consecutive years. I genuinely don't know why they even created it in the first place given that they had no intention of actually supporting it.

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1 hour ago, bLind.6278 said:

Amazing what happens when you completely neglect a game mode for 9 consecutive years. I genuinely don't know why they even created it in the first place given that they had no intention of actually supporting it.

They supported it in the beginning, when they still had hopes of it becoming some sort of e-sport (if I remember correctly).

It started to really go downhill with HoT and the introduction of the overtuned elite specializations.

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On 8/26/2021 at 3:09 AM, Parthenos Polias.5683 said:

Ranked PvP is far too gone.
It's a terminally ill patient placed in palliative care.

You can't save ranked pvp.

Go away. All you do is troll sPvP. Its too far gone. How dramatic are you? Do you know how loved the pvp in gw2 is? If word got out that it was fixed I know entire guilds that would return in droves. If they dont fix it... Here's to hoping Ashes does it right. At least they are hyper responsive to their community. Best sign of all these companies I would say. 

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Its possible. Most big changes to Ranked have historically come with or around the same time as an expansion.


HoT brought PvP Leagues, basically made Ranked.

PoF disabled DuoQ above 1600 rating which was huge if you were a decent player that actually wanted a chance at higher leaderboard spots. It also added a bunch of build options.


Obviously the chance at more build options is pretty low, since the beta showed us that the new specs have already been CMCified in PvP.

But there's a chance for some sort of fundamental change to Ranked, and that would be pretty cool as there's really nowhere to go but up.

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7 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Go away. All you do is troll sPvP. Its too far gone. How dramatic are you? Do you know how loved the pvp in gw2 is? If word got out that it was fixed I know entire guilds that would return in droves. If they dont fix it... Here's to hoping Ashes does it right. At least they are hyper responsive to their community. Best sign of all these companies I would say. 

personally I already pre-ordered lost ark, if someone that played your game for 2 years pre-orders a game he watched a youtube video off and not your kittening expansions something is wrong ye? but im just a player, what do I know.

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