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Anet's refusal to punish toxic players and rule breakers is why this game mode is so unpopular.


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Long ago I decided to play Ranked PvP to earn my legendary armor and boy, was that a mistake. I am almost done with my armor set, and as soon as I finish, I plan on never playing this game mode again.


This game mode is toxic as hell, because Anet lets people behave horribly with no punishment.


Ranked PvP is filled with players who will not just trash talk you, but these players will actually just quit playing in the middle of the match and sit in spawn because they are pissy. They turn a possible loss into a guaranteed loss by doing this. I've even seen people that give up while the scores are equal just because we lost a fight somewhere and they decided that trash talking their team is more important than continuing to play the game.


I'm not even talking about low ranked players either. This happens regularly at top 100 levels of play on the NA server.


Trash talk I can handle. Every PVP game in the world has it. But people who screw their team intentionally by quitting before a match is halfway over should be banned from this game mode. They don't belong in a PVP game to begin with.


Why is "Idle Player" a reportable offense, when literally nobody ever gets banned or punished in any way for quitting in the middle of a match? Nor do they get punished if they are AFK for the first minute but then show up to play after the first fight is lost, putting their team at a huge disadvantage.


I challenge Anet to release a list of GW2 accounts that have actually had action taken against their account due to "Idle Player" reports in Ranked PVP. I would bet the list is literally zero. It's well known that Anet doesn't punish idle players, afkers, botters, match quitters, or abusive /tell senders, which is why so many people in this game mode do it. Reporting rule breakers in Ranked PVP accomplishes nothing. The report button only exists to give players the false idea that toxic players are being punished, when they are not.


Everyone knows that toxicity is not punished in Ranked PVP, which is a huge reason the game mode is so unpopular.

Edited by Silverpoopoo.1476
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i can confirm that anet punishes toxic players. I had my main account banned 2 times in 2 months, once for 1 month and another for 15 days. Im toxic, coz im fed up with idiots and bots and macro users and all that kitten that plagues normal game environment. I call them idiots and morons ingame, coz honestly, a lot of u are. And that pisses me off, coz a lot of players are just there for stupid kitten LIKE LEGENDARY armor and dont play proper. U want legendary armor, for wat in pvp? U want it for other game modes? go play said game modes, leave spvp alone. U can get Leg Armor in pve. U can get LEG armor in WWW. If u wanna get Leg armor from pvp, play it for real then, dont just fool around. And you wanna know the best? Anet bans me for just call ppl out ingame, with trash talk, yes, but all related to GAMEPLAY. Nothing of that abusive stuff, like racist slurs, and gender degradation, or other REAL LIFE affairs. Just ingame ferocity coz im pissed, nothing really harmful, unless ure weak minded. But anet bans me for 1 month and lets ppl that abuse macros (hello there eles and mesmers, u guys have fake skills), ppl that have dozens of bots farming, hackers, wintrading, even tournament cheating gets a pass, those guys are almost never punished, i, well, i get 650 hours ban... 

Edited by Eduardo.4675
my bad
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29 minutes ago, Eduardo.4675 said:

i can confirm that anet punishes toxic players. I had my main account banned 2 times in 2 months, once for 1 month and another for 15 days. Im toxic, coz im fed up with idiots and bots and macro users and all that kitten that plagues normal game environment. I call them idiots and morons ingame, coz honestly, a lot of u are. And that pisses me off, coz a lot of players are just there for stupid kitten LIKE LEGENDARY armor and dont play proper. U want legendary armor, for wat in pvp? U want it for other game modes? go play said game modes, leave spvp alone. U can get Leg Armor in pve. U can get LEG armor in WWW. If u wanna get Leg armor from pvp, play it for real then, dont just fool around. And you wanna know the best? Anet bans me for just call ppl out ingame, with trash talk, yes, but all related to GAMEPLAY. Nothing of that abusive stuff, like racist slurs, and gender degradation, or other REAL LIFE affairs. Just ingame ferocity coz im pissed, nothing really harmful, unless ure weak minded. But anet bans me for 1 month and lets ppl that abuse macros (hello there eles and mesmers, u guys have fake skills), ppl that have dozens of bots farming, hackers, wintrading, even tournament cheating gets a pass, those guys are almost never punished, i, well, i get 650 hours ban... 

I applaud you.
I have been toxic, trolled, afked, insulted and berated other players for 2 years now, and I have never been banned.
There is OFC certain limit of being a prick that I do not cross, but the fact that you managed to get banned twice within 2 months is actually impressive.

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1 hour ago, Eduardo.4675 said:

i can confirm that anet punishes toxic players. I had my main account banned 2 times in 2 months, once for 1 month and another for 15 days. Im toxic, coz im fed up with idiots and bots and macro users and all that kitten that plagues normal game environment. I call them idiots and morons ingame, coz honestly, a lot of u are. And that pisses me off, coz a lot of players are just there for stupid kitten LIKE LEGENDARY armor and dont play proper. U want legendary armor, for wat in pvp? U want it for other game modes? go play said game modes, leave spvp alone. U can get Leg Armor in pve. U can get LEG armor in WWW. If u wanna get Leg armor from pvp, play it for real then, dont just fool around. And you wanna know the best? Anet bans me for just call ppl out ingame, with trash talk, yes, but all related to GAMEPLAY. Nothing of that abusive stuff, like racist slurs, and gender degradation, or other REAL LIFE affairs. Just ingame ferocity coz im pissed, nothing really harmful, unless ure weak minded. But anet bans me for 1 month and lets ppl that abuse macros (hello there eles and mesmers, u guys have fake skills), ppl that have dozens of bots farming, hackers, wintrading, even tournament cheating gets a pass, those guys are almost never punished, i, well, i get 650 hours ban... 

Okay boomer

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So let me see if I’ve got this straight.  


I’m assuming Anet puts items that have zero value for PvP, like legendaries and ascended gear, into the PvP reward track to try to draw players in from other game modes. People who otherwise wouldn’t try PvP.  I’m assuming the idea behind that is to try to keep the PvP population healthy enough to keep the game mode going for you.  


This might be a bad assumption but really, why else put that stuff in the reward track when all pure PvP really needs for rewards is cosmetics?  From what I can tell from the often long queue times, plus getting thrown back in the queue 3+ times when the 10th player doesn’t accept, the game mode does struggle for player population.


And you guys are purposely toxic and go AFK mid-match to try to drive those players who might decide they like PvP well enough to invest in getting good at it out?


Well played.

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   I think is the other way. ANet neglected to support the game mode (4 patches a year, broken builds and exploits which last for seasons, runes and sigils deleted entirely instead of trying to balance them, no new game modes, barely any new map, no large tournaments, no much gold or skins or other rewards to earn, no 1 vs 1, no guild vs guild or attempts to bring back the GW1 PvP... ) so people became increasingly frustrated with a game mode which they like f¡but felt abandoned. So they become more and more rude and unhappy, with a donward spiral feeded by a non reactive ANet. The matchmaking also works worse with less population, and  lets be clear here: in a lot of matches in three minutes  you will have a good guess about the ability from your partners to read the map, and a lot of the population has literaly 0 clue about what they should do (not about how to play their characters or which builds would perform better, but what to do with their roles and where to go in the map. If I end with 17+ kills and my team still lost by 200+ points it means that they weren't aware of how the map works or what should be done or not. So I understant the people which choses a fast defeat instead of a lasting agony with partners which they don't want to play with.

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Sadly enough the problem isn’t that simple. If only it was bannable behavior that is making a meme of the community when there are so many idiots in the community that do it to themselves.


I at this point don’t believe anyone when they claim someone is a hacker or toxic because half of the community is toxic. But hey I never expected anything- because it’s a video game and degenerates are gonna play and pretend they are cool, when we know they aren’t.

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It's a game mode that's COMPLETELY neglected by the developers. Imagine if you got paid to show up once a quarter, make a handful of changes that nobody asked for and don't actually fix anything, never actually comment on any of them, and then disappear for another 3 months while getting paid six figures?


Of course everyone is toxic. Anet is essentially an abusive parent.



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35 minutes ago, bLind.6278 said:

It's a game mode that's COMPLETELY neglected by the developers. Imagine if you got paid to show up once a quarter, make a handful of changes that nobody asked for and don't actually fix anything, never actually comment on any of them, and then disappear for another 3 months while getting paid six figures?


Of course everyone is toxic. Anet is essentially an abusive parent.



As someone that’s seen some serious abuse- I don’t think you know what abuse is like

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Anet isn’t a parent though.  It’s a business.  They’re going to focus their development money on the things they think will drive sales and revenue so that they can stay in business.  If PvP isn’t that popular, they aren’t going to focus a whole lot of development effort on it.


It stands to reason then, that the way to get Anet to give PvP more love is to it is to get more people playing it.  It looks to me like they’re making an effort to do that by giving players who might have come to GW2 for the PvE content an incentive to try PvP out with the reward tracks.


If those players that do try PvP out are greeted with contempt from the vets, do you think they’re going to stick around?  


I don’t think anyone is trying to be a bad teammate.  I think maybe you long term vets are taking for granted just how much you know about PvP and how many hours/years it took you to learn it all.  Jumping into PvP fresh in 2021 is a pretty tall order.  There are 27 especs to understand how they work, not to mention all the build variations and the actual strategies of conquest itself.  No one’s going to jump in and be good right away.


My point here is that you’re looking at players who are far below your skill level as an annoyance, rather than an opportunity to build the popularity of this game mode and maybe get some new development done on it at some point.  Maybe if you spent that energy helping players below your skill level to get better and encouraging them to stick with it rather than being toxic, you’d start to see PvP’s popularity increase.

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You might also say that a lot of toxicity (obviously not all) is due to how badly ANet has neglected PvP. The population is too thin to support proper matchmaking so there are a lot of mismatches, and if you're an experienced player who has to watch his teammates run into mid to die 1-by-1 game after game I'm not surprised you get fed up at one point.

Also the bunker meta is kittening godawful and I imagine people sitting on points spamming sustain chains like it's PvE is more conductive to frustration and toxicity, than it is to interesting, competitive, exciting and dynamic gameplay.

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The only thing that Anet has to do for PvP to kill the toxicity is literally replicate what they have for Guild Wars 1 PvP. The Random Arena teams of 5 get to continue playing with the same people if they win their match until they are defeated by a better random team of 5.


When the team wins 20 games (which is very rare and hard to do) they get a nice gold bump and go back to HoTM. Think about how much toxicity would be naturally eliminated if you weren’t just sitting in a game with randoms for 6-10 minutes and then you never see them again.

There needs to be a purpose for building a relationship in game, investing in trying to help other players learn and get better. What would be better for cultivating team work and a teaching environment than trying to get your random team to 20 wins in a row in the arena?


Currently there is no benefit to being nice and not be an elitist kitten because once that game ends who cares. The bad players go back to being bad players and the grumpy toxic players do the same, we need to cultivate team work in this game and GW1 PVP had that right. I don’t know why they didn’t continue that here? It seems like a completely obvious fix and would solve multiple problems at once.


Just the fun and competitiveness of that one whale of a team out there that you hope to beat with your random team of 5 is exciting. And when it does happen, that’s a really neat feeling of success. Let’s make it happen guys, at least as a test in the off-season.

Edited by noobfest.2180
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On 9/4/2021 at 10:41 AM, noobfest.2180 said:

There needs to be a purpose for building a relationship in game, investing in trying to help other players learn and get better.

Some of my first posts I’ve made on gw2 reddit and this forum was about this topic in regards to both PVE and PvP. The overwhelming response was well…not very welcomed to say the least. 

In my view, I really do understand the angry guys perspective here. most people really are stupid and can’t see the road ahead, and can only see what’s 5feet in front of them. 

what happens when the game invites an atmosphere of elitism and isolationism rather than systems encouraging teamwork and long lasting friendships? You get the game we have today. A toxic and selfish me me me landscape.


it’s not the fault of human beings either. The game shapes and molds behavior. The reason we are here being toxic to each other is because the game is designed that way whether it was intentional or not. That’s actually a direct fault of game developers failing to understand this. 

Human beings are like water and the cup is the game we play…we will shift and mold ourselves into the shape of the cup…


Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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You know reading this thread, got me thinking. I think i know how to solve this toxicity issue. Now just hear me out.


If we gave Mirage there second endurance bar back, and I know it sounds crazy.

The community will be fixed 100% no questions asked everyone will be plat+ everyone will be super nice we will get ranked queue back the universe will finally see balance.


You see it's the first step into a new direction one of balancing on gameplay and not tears.

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1 minute ago, BlackTruth.6813 said:

Conquest is a toxic game mode, 2v2 3v3 Arena has the potential to lower it reasonably. ANET needs to stop advocating for the 5v5 conquest mode, it isn't fun anymore in 2021.

what is more fun in 2v2/3v3 over 5v5?
as someone that cant physically force himself to play more then 5 2v2/3v3 games without sudden suicidal urges, what is so appealing to other people? what dont I see that others do ?

Edited by Leonidrex.5649
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To bring a little positivity here, I love matches when some one from my team DCs, doesn't come back, and my team of randoms still push through and not quit. Those 4v5 often end up a close match and sometimes even victorious (esp on Khylo)


Win or lose, you feel good and entertained afterwards.


Also I've noticed a pattern between constructive communication and winning. There were many matches when the other team had far more skilled players, better comp etc but they get complacent early on. If no one in my team is toxic and has a good understanding of rotation, not feeding, even with little communication, mismatched games can be winnable. 


But the opposite of that is far more prevalent and by advice is not to take it personally. People have left the game due to imbalance, mismanagement and the introduction of other games. Toxicity is terrible but it's not the main cause for the population decline. 

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