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Remove BETA Classes from RANKED holy kitten


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Beta Character Limitations

  • Progress is not carried over from beta characters to live characters.
  • Beta characters may no longer participate in ranked PvP matches.
  • Beta characters do not share normal account-wide inventory with nonbeta characters (e.g., wallet, karma, shared inventory slots, bank access).
  • Beta characters cannot access the trading post.
  • Beta characters cannot mail gold or items.
  • Beta characters have access to a copy of your account's Legendary Armory. Legendary items newly added to your Legendary Armory while a beta event is in progress will not be usable by beta characters during that beta event.


Read the patch notes dude.

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5 minutes ago, Genesis.5169 said:



Beta Character Limitations

  • Progress is not carried over from beta characters to live characters.
  • Beta characters may no longer participate in ranked PvP matches.
  • Beta characters do not share normal account-wide inventory with nonbeta characters (e.g., wallet, karma, shared inventory slots, bank access).
  • Beta characters cannot access the trading post.
  • Beta characters cannot mail gold or items.
  • Beta characters have access to a copy of your account's Legendary Armory. Legendary items newly added to your Legendary Armory while a beta event is in progress will not be usable by beta characters during that beta event.


Read the patch notes dude.

I was literally now in a match with a beta elite spec

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9 minutes ago, Genesis.5169 said:



Beta Character Limitations

  • Progress is not carried over from beta characters to live characters.
  • Beta characters may no longer participate in ranked PvP matches.
  • Beta characters do not share normal account-wide inventory with nonbeta characters (e.g., wallet, karma, shared inventory slots, bank access).
  • Beta characters cannot access the trading post.
  • Beta characters cannot mail gold or items.
  • Beta characters have access to a copy of your account's Legendary Armory. Legendary items newly added to your Legendary Armory while a beta event is in progress will not be usable by beta characters during that beta event.


Read the patch notes dude.

You queue ranked as a nonbeta character.  Then once you're in you swap to a beta character.  At least that's my guess. 

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You know this wouldn't be an issue if they had for the longest god kitten time blocked people from switching classes once they accept the queue.


This is an EXTREMELY healthy thing to do for the game and the constant match manipulations. You introduce people's innovation as well rather than to panic switch, to come up with alternatives that can fullfill roles with the profession that they're stuck with instead of the instant switching to meta trash constantly.

Edited by Shao.7236
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2 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

You know this wouldn't be an issue if they had for the longest god kitten time blocked people from switching classes once they accept the queue.


This is an EXTREMELY healthy thing to do for the game and the constant match manipulations. You introduce people's innovation as well rather than to panic switch, to come up with alternatives that can fullfill roles with the profession that they're stuck with instead of the instant switching to meta trash constantly.

kittening no, double thief or double sup…

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Just now, Fueki.4753 said:

I see double Thief more often than I see four flavour of years Necromancer in one match though.

Nah, people swap to fotm way more often than you will get double thief.


Double thief happens, but so does double everything.

If double thief is a bad game, then why all the nerf thief threads?

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1 hour ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

If double thief is a bad game, then why all the nerf thief threads?

As far as I am aware. most Thief nerf threads stem from Thief having too much access to Stealth, a mechanic that has no practical counterplay for most players. Certainly,  top players may be able to deal with absolute invisibility, but most players (especially casuals) cannot do so. To many of those players, Stealth is simply an unfair anti-player mechanic that needs to either be fundamentally reworked, or straight up removed.

1 hour ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Nah, people swap to fotm way more often than you will get double thief.

What may happen on average across all matches does not change my experience of seeing two Thieves on one team more often than exactly four Necromancers in a match. And it's still flavour of years by now, not merely the month.

But neither of these topics is the topic of this thread.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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2 hours ago, Filip.7463 said:

kittening no, double thief or double sup…

Makes no sense, nothing stops us from having double thief right now. If it really was that much of a problem, we would see it. Any double thief games I've seen has gone the same has any other, random snowballing with the demand of camping one node with someone that can fight thief away from node.

Same for double supp, if your team actually cares. You can easily turn the game around by driving one or the other useless by just focusing.

Edited by Shao.7236
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33 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

Makes no sense, nothing stops us from having double thief right now. If it really was that much of a problem, we would see it. Any double thief games I've seen has gone the same has any other, random snowballing with the demand of camping one node with someone that can fight thief away from node.

Same for double supp, if your team actually cares. You can easily turn the game around by driving one or the other useless by just focusing.

Double thief is insta loss - lacks defending node / sidenoder or teamfight, aoe pressure. Double sups lacks sidenoder or dps in teamfight.

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11 hours ago, Filip.7463 said:

Double thief is insta loss - lacks defending node / sidenoder or teamfight, aoe pressure. Double sups lacks sidenoder or dps in teamfight.

Yeah nah, I've seen double thief wins or double support (Such as Scourge or even Guardian) given Guardian or Scourge can switch builds anyway while Thieves can focus a target and deny reses easily.


You're expecting players to live 4v5 permenantly which is unrealistic. Afking on node all game is not a good thing.

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1 hour ago, Shao.7236 said:

Yeah nah, I've seen double thief wins or double support (Such as Scourge or even Guardian) given Guardian or Scourge can switch builds anyway while Thieves can focus a target and deny reses easily.


You're expecting players to live 4v5 permenantly which is unrealistic. Afking on node all game is not a good thing.

The problem with double thief is that thief builds generally do the same thing and they trip each other up, for thief to work someone has to be in a fight already and there is not point for 2 thieves decapping. The double thief forces the other 3 players to switch to full defense to work so 3 people will be taking a beating and will be outnumbered all the time, this sucks on all levels and it is pretty valid reason to hear NO NO words. Double thief just makes the game unfun for the rest of the team for no reason.

The kitten thing is that thief doesn't really have the option to switch to another role, it best at the thing it does no one else can do it but they can do only that. If the EOD spec doesn't do some kind of shake up, thief will be OP and kitten at the same for different reasons 
The best course of action for double thief is to switch to Power rev, it does the ganking part, the decap part is off but you can fight on a node if the need arises .  

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45 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

The problem with double thief is that thief builds generally do the same thing and they trip each other up, for thief to work someone has to be in a fight already and there is not point for 2 thieves decapping. The double thief forces the other 3 players to switch to full defense to work so 3 people will be taking a beating and will be outnumbered all the time, this sucks on all levels and it is pretty valid reason to hear NO NO words. Double thief just makes the game unfun for the rest of the team for no reason.

The kitten thing is that thief doesn't really have the option to switch to another role, it best at the thing it does no one else can do it but they can do only that. If the EOD spec doesn't do some kind of shake up, thief will be OP and kitten at the same for different reasons 
The best course of action for double thief is to switch to Power rev, it does the ganking part, the decap part is off but you can fight on a node if the need arises .  

I'd argue that S/D lost it's spot in favor of just playing D/P Shadow shot but it still is good for fighting off certain professions. There was hardly any changes in a while, meta is only shifting due to the lack of effort.

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