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Something to ponder: Second Generation legendaries


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2 hours ago, Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

I want to earn Legendary gear by harvesting trees in Cursed Shore. Unfortunately ANet won’t unlock this for me.

Fun fact, i pretty much got my Nevermore that way. Not only i did not buy a single elder wood for it, i used part of the wood i harvested to buy most of other materials.

Well, except it was mostly Straits of Devastation and Malchor's, not Cursed Shore.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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12 hours ago, Chapell.1346 said:

I know that it has been a quite the discussion in the past (remind me if not) but, is there a probability of chances based on the current algorithm that

i could outright buy a Second Generation Legendary weapon(s) thru item generation via underground production or related to your favorite e-commerce store that has been integrated or inbuilt server side using Gems or be it real life currency based on the countries monetary value?


what are your thought? 


12 hours ago, Chapell.1346 said:

am not trying to de-value others time investment since the path of getting one is quite the mental challenge but if we could systematically place it right such as placing or selling it cost the seller some gems while the buyer will be place into a fair and reasonable cost that could be a win-win on the middle  ground, and am sure there might be others that has better and more precise idea than mine but who knows, since hearing other voices is quite a rarity these day.


In solution for the proposition you eluded for accession in gen 2 production

If it is so just, then the way is for fraction of play resources and other fraction in cash so that the balance is for everyone.  That way the method for gen 2 as game progression is succinct.


That should clear things up for everyone.


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9 hours ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

I know a few people that outright bought them. So imo there is no prestige in owning legendary, just money. 

it is clear that time investment has not yet been addressed by rewarding hardcore(s?)

4 hours ago, Rogue.8235 said:



In solution for the proposition you eluded for accession in gen 2 production

If it is so just, then the way is for fraction of play resources and other fraction in cash so that the balance is for everyone.  That way the method for gen 2 as game progression is succinct.


That should clear things up for everyone.


should there be an another approach from obtaining them? such as the proposition mention, which is already been written and has been quite a practice for a long time now (i.e BLTC gen One) that wont required you to be as clairvoyant to see.


Looks like the game that has been catered toward Casual cannot be a Casual friendly after all; mmorpg lately are very time Consuming would you disagree?

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Bro, this game IS casual friendly. But some content requires more effort than others. Legendaries were never meant to be casual content. It's meant to be a time or money sink, and casual players have no reason to obtain them. If you want fancy skins, you can make do with cheaper skins. Legendaries are supposed to be for people who play endgame content on many alts using many roles, which is not casual. So your logic is flawed from the start, if you can call your unintelligible ranting "logic". It's like saying "I want raid bosses to be as easy as an open-world champion that I can kill with two hits." It completely defeats the purpose of raids existing in the first place, just as your suggestions completely defeat the existence of legendaries.

And what's this about MMORPGs being time-consuming? What do you think you're playing, a 2-hour 2D text-based adventure story game? Oh that's right, you already said what we're playing--an MMORPG. These games are *meant* to be time-consuming. They're meant to be played for at least a few thousand hours, and they're meant to be played over and over again. By playing an MMORPG, you're agreeing that the game will never end. So don't complain about gw2 being time-consuming. You make no sense.

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1 hour ago, Chapell.1346 said:

it is clear that time investment has not yet been addressed by rewarding hardcore(s?)

should there be an another approach from obtaining them? such as the proposition mention, which is already been written and has been quite a practice for a long time now (i.e BLTC gen One) that wont required you to be as clairvoyant to see.


Looks like the game that has been catered toward Casual cannot be a Casual friendly after all; mmorpg lately are very time Consuming would you disagree?

There's already gen1 you can buy from TP. Gen 2 can afford itself to be designed alongside different paths. Just as Gen3 might possibly follow a pattern different from both gen1 and gen2 ones (not saying they would, but they definitely might).

Not to mention, gen 2.5 already can pretty much be bought, because 99% of their requirements are material based. There's very few things that cannot be bought, and those are actually easily acquirable. Gen 2.0 (all 4 of them) require a little bit more, but they also aren't very hard to get. It's nowhere close to the the Raid Armor level - not even at the fractal backpack level.

The only thing that might be argued to make 2.0 and 2.5 weapons not casual is the cost of materials. Which would not change if they were outright buyable.

Hint: casual in gameplay, and casual in time investment are very different things. While GW2 indeed claims to be the former - and for the most part it is - the latter is something that practically no MMORPG does. All MMORPGs are made for players that want to spend a lot of time in them. Longterm time investment is something hard-baked into their basic design.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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11 hours ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

Seemed to me like they want a way to be a credit card warrior, especially with that "real life currency" part at the end. 

seems to be the only skippable method by not doing all the process required; i like it, save me alot of time that can be allocate elsewhere.

Any other possible method or idea that is casual and new player friendly?

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18 minutes ago, Chapell.1346 said:

seems to be the only skippable method by not doing all the process required; i like it, save me alot of time that can be allocate elsewhere.

Any other possible method or idea that is casual and new player friendly?

Legendaries are not "new player friendly" by design. They all are meant for veteran players, and they all are designed around longterm time investments. Gen1 weapons being buyable through gems to gold exchange is not a design goal, but an omission (basically, devs thought that making them buyable on TP was ok, since you'd still need to play for a long time to gather enough gold for them, but they forgot to consider the gem to gold exchange in this). And omission that devs never repeated.

Notice, though, that not being "new player friendly" does not mean many of them are not casual friendly. I was not joking when i mentioned that i got my Nevermore mostly by cutting trees. A lot of trees, for sure (requirements for elder wood alone was over 20k trees), but cutting trees can hardly be considered hardcore.

And i would even argue that the new legendary amulet (so far anyway, as we still don't know what the last step would be) seems to be both quite new player friendly and casual friendly. Which does not prevent it from being very effort-based, and requiring a lot of time investment.

But if you want something that would let you not play the game at all... how about no?

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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20 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Legendaries are not "new player friendly" by design.

looks like the odds is already in my favour; i mean, who doesn't want to support the game including the artist that put alot of time by pixelating them masterpiece?

i think, we can all agree such task aren't as joke as computing all the daily/monthly expenses required which include real life resources and bio energy needed while the game client is running on a standard electrical current then multiply it by the amount of time investment ingame for its worth.


I have 11,207 hours and 23mins game played across all characters and currently stuck at 123 Mastery Points which is not enough to process and goes thru all the requirement needed. somehow people forget how Heart of Thorns set the bar on highest standard than the base game and Path of Fire combine.

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49 minutes ago, Chapell.1346 said:

looks like the odds is already in my favour; i mean, who doesn't want to support the game including the artist that put alot of time by pixelating them masterpiece?

i think, we can all agree such task aren't as joke as computing all the daily/monthly expenses required which include real life resources and bio energy needed while the game client is running on a standard electrical current then multiply it by the amount of time investment ingame for its worth.


I have 11,207 hours and 23mins game played across all characters and currently stuck at 123 Mastery Points which is not enough to process and goes thru all the requirement needed. somehow people forget how Heart of Thorns set the bar on highest standard than the base game and Path of Fire combine.

Dude, if someone like me can manage to get almost maxed mastery points and two-going-on-three legendary weapons, than you should be able to pull off at least one legendary and some 200 plus mastery points..  IF you can motivate yourself.

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1 hour ago, Chapell.1346 said:

looks like the odds is already in my favour; i mean, who doesn't want to support the game including the artist that put alot of time by pixelating them masterpiece?

i think, we can all agree such task aren't as joke as computing all the daily/monthly expenses required which include real life resources and bio energy needed while the game client is running on a standard electrical current then multiply it by the amount of time investment ingame for its worth.


I have 11,207 hours and 23mins game played across all characters and currently stuck at 123 Mastery Points which is not enough to process and goes thru all the requirement needed. somehow people forget how Heart of Thorns set the bar on highest standard than the base game and Path of Fire combine.

I have Guildies who literally only play 2 hours a week (8pm-10pm every Monday) and have 200+ mastery points. The question is what you have been doing for 11K hours and how have you managed to avoid earning more MPs?

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3 hours ago, Chapell.1346 said:

seems to be the only skippable method by not doing all the process required; i like it, save me alot of time that can be allocate elsewhere.

Any other possible method or idea that is casual and new player friendly?

Yeah, don't rush. New players don't need the absolute end all, be all gear immediately. They are meant as very long term goals, not something you take care of in a few days. The gear functionality is already on the TP. The skins aren't necessary. No need to make gen 2 BoE.

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4 hours ago, Chapell.1346 said:

I have 11,207 hours and 23mins game played across all characters and currently stuck at 123 Mastery Points

I have ~400 hours and:
- unlocked every mounts (including the Skyscale)
- 99 mastery points
- all available areas unlocked (not 100% tho because of hearts)
- 2 crafting at lvl400
- 4 characters at lvl80 (2 will be 80 soon)

And this is only with:
- Path of Fire
- Living World 4

I'm not even touched these yet:
- Living World 2
- Heart of Thorns
- Living World 3
- Raids
- Fractals
- Dungeons

You doing something very very wrong.

And I'm a casual player too.

Edited by Zentao.6314
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5 hours ago, Chapell.1346 said:

Looks like the game that has been catered toward Casual cannot be a Casual friendly after all; mmorpg lately are very time Consuming would you disagree?

Having long term goals or harder content has nothing to do with not being casual friendly. You can stick to ascended items and lose no power when compared to legendaries. You can take a break for a year or 3 and when you come back, you'll still be at max level and with top gear, because there's no treadmill. Here's you "casual friendliness". It doesn't mean you somehow deserve everything in the game by default.

And this is eaasly NOT more time consuming than mmos in the past, so no.

4 hours ago, Chapell.1346 said:

looks like the odds is already in my favour; i mean, who doesn't want to support the game including the artist that put alot of time by pixelating them masterpiece?

Looks like you're in luck -there's plenty of skins available through gemstore, so you can support the game including the artist by buying those skins.

4 hours ago, Chapell.1346 said:

I have 11,207 hours and 23mins game played across all characters and currently stuck at 123 Mastery Points which is not enough to process and goes thru all the requirement needed. somehow people forget how Heart of Thorns set the bar on highest standard than the base game and Path of Fire combine.

Isolated time ingame is meaningless as a statistic. To put it in perspective for anyone having hard time to understand: I can create an account, afk it 24/7 in a city and after "a while" claim I deserve all the rewards, because I have 10k hours on a character (...which is still level 2).

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2 hours ago, Dami.5046 said:

The big thing will be what you need to do to make a Gen3 in EoD. 

Let's see how much Anet has 'listened'.

from here on it will make things ugly, pay attention, my guess.

1 hour ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

They are meant as very long term goals, not something you take care of in a few days. 

well, see you in 2030? lets just hope that they wont regret it later on or something big decision that can possibly backfired to them;

seeing how others indie games are currently into that is.

1 hour ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

The gear functionality is already on the TP.

point made.

1 hour ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

 The skins aren't necessary.

this is where i am going to disagree and will put you again on the original message at page one.

37 minutes ago, Zentao.6314 said:

You doing something very very wrong.

And I'm a casual player too.

Cheers, its what keep separating the likes of us from the likes of them.

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10 minutes ago, Chapell.1346 said:

from here on it will make things ugly, pay attention, my guess.

well, see you in 2030? lets just hope that they wont regret it later on or something big decision that can possibly backfired to them;

seeing how others indie games are currently into that is.

point made.

this is where i am going to disagree and will put you again on the original message at page one.

Cheers, its what keep separating the likes of us from the likes of them.

The skins aren't neccessary at all. Want and need are very different things. You want the skins, but they have no bearing on gameplay at all. If you can't manage to create a legendary in 12-18 months, you're doing the wrong things to complete that goal, and that's on you. I can rest easy knowing that's the same mentality the devs have.

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1 hour ago, Chapell.1346 said:

Cheers, its what keep separating the likes of us from the likes of them.

You are using a very divisive terminology, as though this was some kind of "us versus them" issue. It is not and it both makes you sound bitter as well as confrontational, even if maybe not intended.

I am not going to get into you 11k hours comment to much, I am sure you've spent your time in a way as you see fit and fun. Know though that from any open metrics we as players have access to, you are at the very bottom end achievement wise with that amount spent (if we look at gw2efficiency) on the game. That actually makes you a niche group in this time spent on game segment and as such less likely to be a target for change. Simple reasoning: if for example 90% of players who have 11k+ hours spent on this game have different issues, those niche issues might not be that important, given others have manged to solve them too at this point in time spent on the game.

As to legendary items and specifically gen2/2.5 weapons: these items are meant as long-term rewards (even if most can be no-lifed in a few days if one has the resources, or even built near instantly if one has the items required aka the gold/materials). These items as such serve a specific function in this games reward/goal design. Generation 1 legendary weapons are available via the trading post from other players (not going to comment on how the developers feel on this, I don't have the quotes at hand, but I will point to the fact that ALL legendary items since then have been account bound and not trade-able).

There is a good chance that generation 3 legendary weapons will again see some variation in acquisition, very likely different to both gen1 and gen2/2.5. Even so, chances are high, given ALL legendary gear since gen 1 has been account bound, that the final items as such will NOT be trade-able.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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19 hours ago, Chapell.1346 said:

Looks like the game that has been catered toward Casual cannot be a Casual friendly after all; mmorpg lately are very time Consuming would you disagree?

No, it's hard to agree with this. You can't buy Gen2 Legendaries so the game isn't Casual Friendly after all? That makes no sense. If Gen2 Leg weapons were the only BiS for performance, then you would have a point. The fact they are equivalent BiS performance to Ascended AND the fact that you CAN purchase Gen 1 sink your statement hard. 

Your whole argument boils down a claim the game can't be casual friendly because you don't have access to  the Gen2 skins. The performance and functionality of Leg Weapons are quite within the grasp of anyone, even if you just want to buy it outright. So think about that for your thesis and portfolio.

Edited by Obtena.7952
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He couldn't argue with me, so he ignored my post.

This guy isn't looking for solutions or any form of disagreement. He just wants to feel validated despite being deeply in the wrong. Or he wants exactly what he asked for, without negotiation.

There is no reason to continue replying to this thread.

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