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Should Shadowstep/Blink up cliffs be removed?


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I've always believed this was a bug, something they never got around to fixing.  Playing around with shadowstep myself and finding it only works in certain spots makes me believe I was right.  Finding spots where I can teleport from upstairs to downstairs through the floor furthers that belief.


What do you guys think?  Is this working as intended, or is it time to take a look at this now that they're paying more attention to WvW

Edited by retconned.9358
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1 hour ago, Infusion.7149 said:

What do you mean teleporting up cliffs?

They're not going to address something like shadowsteps only in WVW, it would be game wide and affect PVP/PVE. That would delete many skips in fractals/dungeons as well as nerf thieves and mesmers.

Teleporting up cliffs. IE shadowstep/blink up them.

Many skills already have different PvE/PvP/WvW versions, they could apply the change only to the appropriate game mode if you're worrying about having to clear trash

Edited by retconned.9358
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  • retconned.9358 changed the title to Should Shadowstep/Blink up cliffs be removed?

Several professions have teleport skills, either utility or weapon that can either be applied to terrain teleportation or used to port to a player on that terrain.  Sure, not all are as basic as point and click (ie necro worm), and some may be dependant on exactly how close to the cliff edge the enemy is (ie guardian Judges Intervention), but they do exist pretty evely across specs, it's just a matter of learning them.


Why does this bother you?

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5 hours ago, retconned.9358 said:

I've always believed this was a bug, something they never got around to fixing.  Playing around with shadowstep myself and finding it only works in certain spots makes me believe I was right.  Finding spots where I can teleport from upstairs to downstairs through the floor furthers that belief.


What do you guys think?  Is this working as intended, or is it time to take a look at this now that they're paying more attention to WvW

No, it shouldn't,  UNLESS
they remove Ranger's snap to ground Barrage into tower first. 

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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It's not a bug. Shadow steps were always designed to work like this:

If there's a path you can walk to reach a location, you can shadow step there. Even if the walking path would be long and windy.

In fact in many places the terrain is still bugged, so a microscopic ledge tells the path finding algorythm that there is no walkable path and thus shadow step fails. ANet has fixed many of these micro ledges in the past, but many more remain.

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5 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

What do you mean teleporting up cliffs?

They're not going to address something like shadowsteps only in WVW, it would be game wide and affect PVP/PVE. That would delete many skips in fractals/dungeons as well as nerf thieves and mesmers.

Ironically they did just that. What works in WvW and sPvP was rendered almost completely impossible in PvE. Far as I understood, the competitive modes are balanced around this feature and shadowstep being more powerful there. 

The requests to fix this as done in PvE pops up every now and then. Less often than it used to be. Normally the thief mains engage into the topic, explaining that it is the intended way the skill works. Same as your terrain-exploits (= skips) in fractals. The developers want you to skip those well designed mechanics, they have spent so many hours in balancing. 

Again, the system was balanced around those skills functioning as they do, at least in sPvP and WvW. Removing the ability to teleport through floors and up cliffs would cause an imbalance nowadays. To fix that, they would have to empower Thief again. Thief is a pain to fight, a highly mobile and fast class. In return they are the most squishy. If that mobility was removed, they would need significantly higher sustain. Balancing that would be a real pain. So keeping this special feature appears to be the lesser evil. 


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1 hour ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Every non-Mesmer/Thief "yes please" every Thief/Mesmer "no" 

every player standing on cliff outside smc / Green keep "yes please" 


I am seeing a trend on the forum, anything you cannot win - cry in forum. nerf nerf, remove remove, remove downstate, remove invulnerable, remove perma-stealth, remove blink. 

BTW Sand Swell can go up cliffs too 😛 

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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10 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

What do you mean teleporting up cliffs?

They're not going to address something like shadowsteps only in WVW, it would be game wide and affect PVP/PVE. That would delete many skips in fractals/dungeons as well as nerf thieves and mesmers.

Apparently LF teleporting up the cliff was a bug...but now even necro can teleport up the cliff and it's no more a bug.....

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10 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

You still need a valid path.


Theres a spot at a certain tower that shall remain nameless where you can teleport from outside the tower completely to right by the lords room.  Mesmers drop ports and the zerg gets to bypass running through the choke into the tower (this isn't just hypothetical i've seen it done) .  You're right though, this only works if a wall or gate is down so the path is technically valid.

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2 hours ago, retconned.9358 said:


Theres a spot at a certain tower that shall remain nameless where you can teleport from outside the tower completely to right by the lords room.  Mesmers drop ports and the zerg gets to bypass running through the choke into the tower (this isn't just hypothetical i've seen it done) .  You're right though, this only works if a wall or gate is down so the path is technically valid.

You can also teleport through middle inner bay gate (teleport required target like Air 2 Sword on Weaver) if wall is down. So many features everywhere.

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